Forever Blessed (Women of Prayer) (41 page)

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Authors: Darlene Shortridge

BOOK: Forever Blessed (Women of Prayer)
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Laney looked around for her family, hoping to see them before they left. Joy must have already taken off for the teashop to help Sheila get everything ready. She had her younger brother and sister with her, as well as her grandmother. Laney smiled. She’d see them soon enough. They were having a small celebration in Laney’s honor. She was glad she was able to spend so much time with her mother. Her father’s death the year before had been hard on them all. She was thankful they had a few good years together before he passed. His heart finally gave out on him.

After congratulating some of her peers, Laney climbed in her Equinox and started the trip to the teahouse.

She arrived to a packed house. So many people she looked up to, people who prayed her through the hard times, were there to wish her well. She took just a moment to mention each person by name, telling him or her how much they meant to her.

“Pastor Mark and Jessi, thank you. Thank you for being a Godly example. You have taught me how to love and how to forgive. Your selfless dedication to the calling God has placed on your lives has touched so many people, some you won’t know about until heaven.

“Aunt Merry, you taught me to pray. Your lack of inhibition, I’ll admit, intimidated me at first. At least until I understood what your expressions of praise meant. Then I embraced them fully, trying to emulate the love you have for your Savior.

“Ella, you have been my second mother. I do not know if I would have survived without your love and prayers. You have done everything you possibly could for me. My kids call you Grandma Ella. You are part of our family.

“Sheila and Austin, my best friends, I thank you for giving me a place to call home. Sheila, when you opened your home to me over five years ago, I was lost, homeless, penniless, I didn’t even have clothes to put on my back. I came with three children who needed love and attention and healing. You never once faltered. Your dedication to helping women in need has been my inspiration. Your constant faith in God through every trial led me to Christ. I wanted what you had. Thank you for being Christ for me.

“Mom, we went through the tough times but God saw us through. Your willingness to keep growing, to accept and acknowledge the mistakes you have made has caused me to live a deeper, fuller life. You made it easier for me to say, 'I’m sorry' and admit the times I have been wrong. My children thank you as much as I do.

“Joy, you are almost ready to go off to college yourself. My challenge to you is, be strong. Do not settle for anything less than everything. God has something spectacular for you and someone spectacular to stand with you. Don’t settle, honey. Let God lead you.

“Matt, as you enter high school, continue to be the fun-loving guy that you are. Be a shining example of Christ in your school. Remember, God made you who you are for a reason. He has special plans for you. Keep looking to him and never, ever give up on him. He loves you.

“Melanie, my baby. You are growing up. You gave up princesses long ago for a baseball glove and a bat. You went from dancing around the house to throwing a baseball. Keep growing in him and never be afraid to be who you are. God made you unique and it’s okay to change your mind. Keep growing and loving Jesus, okay?”

Laney said her goodbyes, hugging everyone and thanking them for coming. Her mom followed Joy back to their house. Laney arrived shortly after the rest of her family did.

She pulled up in front of their ranch house. She sat for a moment in the driveway, thinking about all she had endured. Every trial she had experienced brought her closer to the God she now exclusively served. She flipped the sun visor and looked in the mirror. The scar was still visible. She had never gotten the plastic surgery to cover it up. She doubted she ever would. It would always be a reminder to her of what she had gone through to get to where she was.

On the other hand, she had started wearing a little bit of makeup. Not to cover up or hide her scars, but because it made her feel good about herself.

She saw her mom peek through the front room curtains. She got out and pushed the automatic locks on her key chain, then let herself in the front door.

Matt was playing video games. Melanie was watching a major league baseball game and Joy was talking on the phone. Her mother, who now lived with her, was reading her Bible pretending like she hadn’t just looked out the window. “Mom, I’m home.”

Her mother looked up and smiled. “Yes honey, I see that.” She returned her attention to the Word.

Some things never change.

Reading Discussion Guide





The following questions may be used as part of a book club, Bible study or group discussion.


1) How has your relationship with your earthly father affected your relationship with your heavenly Father?


2) Throughout Scripture we are told it is not our place to judge the world, God will do that. Does this also hold true for the judgment of Christian brothers and sisters? Laney had no time for a God that would not only allow but also supposedly condone the abuse of a wife by her husband. Can you think of any Biblical examples where a Christian was called on the carpet by another Christian for his or her sinful practices? What does 1 Timothy 5:20 have to say about this subject?


3) Sheila falls into a trap that many of us have fallen into. She finds herself getting worked up and defending God to Laney. The idea of defending God reminds me of Uzzah reaching out to keep the ark from touching the ground. Do you see a parallel?  Do you find yourself defending God? Does God need to be defended? Why? Why not?


4) Ella plays an important role in Laney’s story. She is the woman who has been through it all and came out the other side and lived to tell about it. Ella is more mature, she’s feisty and she is searching for her purpose in God’s grand plan. She feels as if her time of being useful has passed. Have you ever wondered what you are here for? If God has a purpose for your life? Maybe you are at a turning point in your life. Possibly your kids are grown, or you suddenly find yourself widowed and alone. If this is you, or you know someone who is at this point in her life, how has it affected you/her emotionally? Spiritually? If someone you know is going through a time like this, how can you help her grow through this period of change?


5) While with Paul, Laney would never have befriended Keisha. Too many differences would have stood in the way. Race, social status, economic status, faith, and educational background…pretty much everything about the two women was at opposite ends of the spectrum. Because domestic abuse isn’t based on any of those factors, these two women forge a sisterly friendship based off their mutual need for understanding and acceptance. How is it that one common denominator can close miles of distance between two people? Have you found this to be true with your relationships with other Christian women?


6) Sometimes those of us who are married have no clue what a single mom must go through. In most cases she is the mom and dad to her children. She must work to provide their food, clothing and shelter and she must cook, clean and be the nurturer to them as well. Are you a single mom? What challenges do you face that you could use a little help with? If you are married, does your church have a single mom’s ministry? Are you involved in helping women who are walking in two different sets of shoes? I challenge you to reach out to a single mom in your church and give her a hand now and then. Volunteer to keep her kids for an afternoon and give her a gift certificate to have her nails done. Do something to encourage her, make her feel loved and appreciated. We all know that most of the time, our kids take us for granted. She needs encouragement. Isn’t that what fellowshipping with the Saints is all about? If you do not have a ministry dedicated to helping single moms in your church, in what ways can you still reach out on your own?


7) Austin finds himself in a terrible predicament. Being a new Christian, he does not yet recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit leading him. He takes a job that makes him feel uneasy. As Christians, the Holy Spirit, if we allow Him, will lead us. Tell us about a time the Holy Spirit led you and you followed His instructions. How about a time when you ignored the leading of the Holy Spirit? What kind of results did you see? I can almost always look back and say “ah-ha”, if I had only listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit and heeded his instruction. Things would have ended differently. When will we ever learn that God knows what is best for us?


8) What is your definition of submission? Does the word make your skin crawl? What is Godly submission? Does it mean a woman must be a doormat for her husband? Does it mean she is not intelligent, or is unable to think for herself? What constitutes a healthy relationship between a man and a wife?


9) I for one could not imagine having one of my children taken from me. The thought makes me sick to my stomach. The excruciating pain associated with abduction must be enormous. The worry, the constant reminders, and the endless pulls from life would almost be too much to bear. Have you found yourself in a situation where you literally have to hand it over to God to protect your sanity? How did you cope? Regardless of the outcome, were you at peace with God or did you find yourself accusing Him?


10) Pastor Mark identifies with the sins of Paul. If you have read the first book in the series, you know why. Have you found yourself identifying with and having more compassion for others because of the experiences you have gone through?


11) Forgiveness is the key to our salvation. I love the fact that Barbara and Laney both find the strength to forgive. Being able to forgive someone indicates strength of character. It is emulating the attributes of our own forgiving Father who sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins. Is there someone in your life that you have refused to forgive? Remember, forgiving someone does not mean you allow abuse. It means you let go of the bitterness and hurt that is keeping you from accomplishing God’s will for your life by releasing that person into God’s hands. Forgiveness does not nor will it ever condone sin.


If you, the reader, have never accepted Christ as your savior and you wish to do so, please pray this prayer. 


Lord God,


I come before you, a sinner. I believe in you and I believe your word is true. I believe Jesus Christ is your son and that he died on a cross so that I might be forgiven my sins and spend eternity with you. Without you, I am nothing. 


I believe in my heart, that you, Lord God, raised him from the dead. Please Jesus forgive me for every sin I have committed or dwelt upon in my heart. Please Lord Jesus forgive me and come into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior today.


I give you my life and I ask that you take full control from this moment on. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
















Enjoy this excerpt from

Forever Loved

Book Three of the

Women of Prayer Series


Darlene Shortridge



Chapter One







Rachel spoke louder into the receiver, as if that would somehow get her point across. “I told you, this charge is erroneous. We have never been to this hotel.”

She was silent a moment then her face started turning red. “No, my husband could not have come by himself or with someone else. He’s a pastor for heaven’s sake. He doesn’t frequent hotels with other people.” She tried to tame her temper. “Look, I don’t want to argue with you. I just want this charge taken off my account. It is obviously a mistake. If you can’t do it, then I will contact my credit card company and have them look into this matter.”

She listened, nodding her head. “Good idea, why don’t you talk with your manager? Maybe they have the power to do something.” She didn’t mean to sound sarcastic. At least that had not been her intention when she’d made the phone call.

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