Forever - Book 3 (Star Crossed MC Lovers) (5 page)

BOOK: Forever - Book 3 (Star Crossed MC Lovers)
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Chapter 6



There had to be an amused look on my face as I pecked at the keys of my white MacBook Air. The thoughts racing through my mind were comical at best. Just thinking through how in the world Lucky would get himself out of the mess I’d caused was hilarious. My manicured nails clicked against the keys as the incredible feeling of rising victoriously to the top filled me up. I tapped my foot along to the beat of the radio as Third Eye Blind belted out “Semi-Charmed Life.”

That’s what this is, for sure. A semi-charmed, semi-fucked up life.

Continuing to type at my laptop, I was quite happy with the progress of my plan as it began to unfold. My father wasn’t the least bit wiser about my willingness to help Dane and Lucky in their plan to stop his nefarious reign. My online journal wasn’t the smartest thing in the world to have, but I wanted a record of everything to remind me of where I’d come from and where I was going.

I am the daughter of the king. Rafael “King Pin” Delgado is equal parts business man, Mafioso, and MC boss. He is handsome, charming and lethal. My father is not a man  you want to cross, but as I type this, I’m doing exactly that. I’m betraying his wishes. I’m walking away from the family that raised me. I’m walking away from the family that broke this town.

I’m supposed to be in a classroom thirty-five minutes away. Instead, I’m here at the garage connecting puzzle pieces to Pleasant Valley’s violence problem. The equation is simple. Remove the violent MC’s, remove the crime. Violent crime would plummet without the MC’s in town. It wasn’t so much the Stone Wolves. They acted solely to protect the town, and irritate the Black Hearts. Solving that problem wouldn’t be quiet so easy.

I have to keep my guard up. My father and cousins can’t find out what I’m doing. If they ever called the school to access my student records, I’d be screwed. I never so much as stepped foot onto East Stroudsburg University’s campus, let alone cracked a book. The money and my time went towards more important endeavors. They can’t find out. They wouldn’t understand. They would think I betrayed them. I guess in a way I am betraying them. I love my family. I hate the things they do, though. They are bad men and they do terrible things. People have gotten hurt. People have gotten killed. Families have fractured. The town has been broken. If I ever hope to have a family of my own, and raise my children in Pleasant Valley, I need to clean up after my family. I need to fix what the Delgados have done to this town.

My father has no idea of my plan. He thinks he has a strong grip on the President’s gavel. Truth be told, he only has a matter of a year or two before one of my greedy cousins overpower him. That would be breaking the chain of command, though. The President’s seat always goes to the next of kin. Hate to break it to you boys, but that would be me… And I have no plans of keeping up the family business of peddling drugs through this town.


The sweet purr of a motorcycle revved outside the garage causing my heart to race. It would be Lucky; it had to be. I smiled at the sound of the engine purring softly. It was my damn bike he had. I’d know the hum of my baby anywhere. I broke out in laughter as the garage door rolled up to see Lucky standing there on my Barbie pink Harley. Pursing my lips, I cooed at the sexy mother fucker.

“Mmmm…. Lookin’ good there, baby,” I said slyly and bit down on my well-glossed bottom lip.

With a broad smile on his handsome face, Lucky shook his head as he wheeled the bike inside. He parked it next to his vintage Harley, and gave me a piercing look.

“What am I gonna do with you?” Lucky asked with a mischievous expression.

“Something naughty I hope,” I said and awarded him a quick wink.

He approached me without saying another word, but the look in his dark gaze told me that I was in for a world of hurt. He bit down onto his bottom lip, and let his eyes move down the length of me slowly as he let out a low groan. “So bad…” he scolded me.

“That’s right. Baddest bitch in the land,” I said as I reached for him and pulled him in tightly. Wrapping my arms around him, I pressed my breasts to his chest and lifted up on my toes to press my lips against his. The kiss was sweet and soft, but quickly turned into something incredibly intimate as the hunger built between us.

“I’m going to get you back for this, baby. You know that, right?” Lucky’s strong hands slid down my back and cupped my ass through my jeans, squeezing tightly and nipping at my lips.

“It’s the only reason I do it.” I smiled and kissed him once more before moving back to the desk. I worked to save the file as he moved up behind me and playfully bumped into my rear a few times.

“How’s the research coming?” His tone was thick with lust, and it sent warmth straight to the center of my stomach.

“It’s coming…” I said happily.

“Your old man’s gonna snap when he finds out about this,” Lucky said, and wrapped his arms around me as he pressed a kiss to the side of my neck.

“By the time he finds out, it’ll be too late for him,” I responded, my mood darkening suddenly due to the thought of all my father had put people through. Someone had to shut him down. I hated like hell that it had to be me, but he’d left me little choice in the matter.

“Imagine that. Instead of going to community college for the last few years, King Pin Delgado’s little girl is working against him.” Lucky laughed and forced me to turn in his arms.

“You got that right.” I shrugged and let my eyes run across the strong features of his face. I loved his nose best, but he’d not understand why even if I tried to explain myself. He’d grunt and change the subject, which was normal. Lucky Morrison wasn’t the kind of man that focused on himself very often, if at all.

“Just don’t take me down too, baby,” Lucky said with a smirk on his face.

“Don’t do anything to where I have to,” I responded as a smirk played along my lips. “Besides… I thought you liked to go down.” I licked at my lips, quickly remembering how good it felt to have him between my thighs the night before. His tongue worked magic on me. I only prayed that mine did the same from him.

“Mmmm… watch it, or I’ll have my way with you in here.” He pressed his hips forward, rubbing his thick erection against my tummy and leaving me wanting to pant after him. He had too much power over me, and where I wished like hell it was something I could break away from, I knew that it would never happen. I was completely sold out for the man in front of me. If we ever decided to split ways, it would be because he forced us to. Not me. I was in it for the long haul and then some.

“I’m honestly not sure what’s going to happen going forward.” I sagged into his hold, enjoying the comfort he provided for a few minutes.

“Do you really think your father is going to be able to avoid the law much longer? They’re breathing down our backs as it is,” Lucky asked.

“Not if the DEA has anything to do with it,” I snapped. I hated the fact that my father was about to meet his end simply because he was my father. I was dead set on helping to make it happen, but that didn’t mean it left me with warm fuzzy feelings at the end of the day.

“So when are you going to tell your father about school, baby?” He moved back as I turned and worked to shut the laptop down. I was done for the day, and needed to get back home before too long. My father was suspicious of everyone by nature, and I was no exception to the rule.

I sighed. “I’m not. The less he knows, the better. I have a cover for eight hours a day while I try to figure out a way out from under his and my cousins’ control. Eventually, they are going to make a wrong move, and they’re all gonna get busted.”

“Stick to the plan…” Lucky urged. He had been a bit nervous lately that my dedication was wavering where the plan was concerned. I wasn’t, but trusting the cops wasn’t  something that came naturally to me. Much like MC’s… there were some good ones, and some really, really bad ones.

“There’s a problem with that plan,” I said, and gave Lucky a serious look.

“And that would be?” Lucky asked, as if he didn’t know the dilemma that we were both facing.

“Yeah, baby… You’re public enemy Number One where my father’s MC is concerned. There’s a plan to take you down too, you know?” I finished up and turned, pulling him back into my arms and pressing my lips to the strong muscles of his chest. To say that I was worried was a massive understatement. My father hated the Stone Wolves, but he fucking loathed Lucky Morrison. My handsome beau had been way too involved in shutting down the drug deals and saving lives to fly under the radar anymore. If my father had even an inkling of a clue that Lucky and I were together, he’d be lying dead in a puddle of his own blood. Nothing scared me more.

“This is nothing new, Lena…” Lucky said with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. It was as if Lucky was just asked if he wanted spaghetti or steak for supper. To him, the threat was a small thing. He dealt with things as they came, and he would deal with the Delgados when they came at him, guns blazing. Until then, he wouldn’t worry about his own safety. It was me  he was concerned about.

I pulled back and looked down at my hands as thoughts ran through my mind a mile a minute.

Lucky touched the side of my face, and I glanced up.

“What is it?” he asked softly.

“I’m scared, Luck. It’s more than just talk with my father’s guys. They aren’t playing about wanting your blood on their hands. It isn’t a silly joke like the shit we pull with each other. They’re horrible people. I swear I’ll kill them all if they take you out.”

“Baby… Ain’t no one going to get their hands on me. I know how to handle your father, and your cousins,” Lucky insisted, sticking out his stubborn jaw.

“How can you know that? How can you be so damn sure?!” I asked, letting worry get the best of me.

“Because I’m not some chicken shit who is going to take their crap. If the situation presents itself, you know what I have to do,” Lucky warned.

I sighed and pressed my fingers to my temples. A headache was forming, and I was trying to rub it away before it got worse.

“Baby…” Lucky said in the softest of voices.

“Yeah, hon?” I asked as I glanced toward the ground. He was making it all out to be so much simpler than it was.

“If the situation presents itself, and one of your cousins tries to take me down, or your Dad… You know what I have to do,” Lucky said, clearly not holding his tongue. “The same goes if they hurt you. I know they are your family and all, but they are dangerous men.”

Giving Lucky a somber glance, I couldn’t help but tear up. He was everything to me. If anything happened to us, I didn’t know what I would do. I rarely cried, and by the look on his face, he was a little lost as to what to do with me now that I was, but I just couldn’t help it.

Quickly, Lucky stroked the tear away and gave me an understanding look. “Baby. No tears, okay? It kills me when you cry.”

Talking through my tears, I replied, “Fine. Do what you need to do. No one is taking you away from me. Not even my father.”

“I know you love him but…” Lucky began but he was immediately cut off as I waved my hand to silence him.

“I love you more and you know it,” I said as I laced my arms around Lucky’s neck. “Besides, he’s a complete monster. I just wish he wasn’t. I think that hurts more than knowing that I have to help bring him down. He used to just be my daddy, you know?”

Lucky nodded and brushed his fingers across my cheek softly. “I know, baby.” Lifting my chin with one finger, Lucky brought my mouth to his in a long slow kiss. His tongue snaked out of his mouth and pressed into mine, the taste of him causing me to groan as desire blossomed in my tummy. He took his time with me, but moved back when I pressed against his chest.

“Then don’t you worry your pretty head over it. We’re gonna get through this,” Lucky assured me as his eyes drilled into mine. “Everything is going to be okay. You’ll see.”

“I hope you’re right,” I responded, letting the worry I still felt bleed into my tone.

“Am I ever wrong?” He pulled me in tighter and gave me a smile that had my body humming for attention.

“On occasion, but I’ll let you make that up to me.” I slid my hand into his hair and pulled him down for a long kiss. “Go shut the door and let me get a bit of my emotion out. Care to be my whipping boy?”

He pulled back and walked toward the garage door, commenting as he glanced over his shoulder. “Fuck, yes.”

I sat down in the chair nearest me and reveled in how quickly he could make my pulse speed up. He was beyond fine with his strong physique and rugged good looks. He moved to stand in front of me as a wickedly hot smirk lifted his lips.

“What you want, Selene? Want me to spread you out across this desk and work you until you can’t move, baby? That what you need?”

“No. I need to hear you come.” I reached for his waistband and grabbed on tightly. The low grunt that left him as I pulled him to me left chill bumps covering my exposed arms. I worked quickly to undo his pants, but took my time in pushing my nails into the soft skin of his ass as I shoved his jeans down.

“Damn it, girl. I’m going to come just watching you.” He slid his hands into my hair as his pants and undies hit the ground. Pulling my face toward him, he leaned down and kissed me hard, forcing his tongue deep into my mouth.

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