Forever in Your Embrace (17 page)

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Authors: Kathleen E. Woodiwiss

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Love Stories, #Historical, #Nobility, #History, #Europe, #Russia & the Former Soviet Union, #Russia

BOOK: Forever in Your Embrace
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“If you so desire,” Synnovea replied, wondering if the woman’s decision to charge her rents sprang from greed or from a growing resentment of her presence in the manse.

“I’m pleased that you’re so agreeable, Countess.”

Declining comment to the converse, Synnovea begged, “I should like to go and dress for dinner now.”

Rigidly Anna inclined her head, granting permission, and watched as the younger woman crossed the hall. But when Synnovea passed the stairs and continued toward the back of the house, Anna hastened to follow her. “Where are you going?” she questioned with sudden suspicion and stated the obvious. “Your chambers are upstairs!”

Synnovea never paused in her stride, but tossed back an answer as she gained the doorway. “I’m going out to fetch Ali to help me dress. She’s in the carriage house with Stenka.”

Anna shot a worried glance toward the front door as Synnovea departed through the rear. She had no way of accounting for the time that had elapsed since she had sent the colonel on his way, but she refused to take any chances that he was still dawdling nearby.

Lips tightly set in an angry grimace, Anna stalked to the front portal and snatched it open, more than primed to chastise the man for his delay. Finding no one upon whom to vent her rage, she casually sauntered out onto the stoop and, from there, glanced up and down the thoroughfare. The horse was gone from the tethering post and the street was empty save for a lone carriage wending its way past the manse. Smiling smugly, Anna closed the door again, assured that the Englishman had taken his leave. Perhaps she
managed to impress him with the fact that he wouldn’t be received in her house. If not, then she’d find a more effective way of crushing his aspirations for winning the attentions of a rich Russian countess.

Synnovea dashed along the narrow pathway that led from the house to the stables and was in the process of rounding a hedge when she caught sight of the familiar black stallion tied to a hitching rail near the rear gate. She stumbled to a halt as her eyes flew in search of the indomitable colonel. He was standing near the coach with his leather helm tucked beneath one arm, his other hand casually resting on the hilt of the sword that hung at his side. He seemed quite affable as he conversed with Ali, whose eager giggles were mingled with sly looks and animated flourishes of her pale hands. Far-fetched as the idea seemed, the old woman gave every indication that she was flirting with the officer.

Colonel Rycroft was garbed more in the mode of a working soldier than he had been the previous day. Somewhat rough, worn but equally slender boots had been pulled up over tan canions. Trunk hose of a taupe leather, discolored from much use, covered his hips, while a thick leather cuirass swathed his chest. Beneath the armored vest, he wore a full-sleeved blouse absent of any adornment. Dark bruises were still visible around his eye and cheek, but the swelling, which had once distended his brow and lip, had dwindled in size, lending him more of a human, if not handsome, appearance. His hair had recently been clipped close against his nape and was now smoothly combed, allowing sun-bleached strands to show amid the tawny brown.

Ali glanced around and, espying her mistress, eagerly beckoned her forward. “Mistress! Here be the officer what saved ye from the highwaymen!”

Colonel Rycroft turned abruptly to face Synnovea, and though his eyes were shaded by the approaching dusk, they seemed to linger on everything they touched. Synnovea had no way of discerning the workings of the man’s mind, but perhaps that was just as well for her own peace of mind, for she had never felt so completely devoured in all of her life as when this Englishman looked at her.

Tyrone Rycroft was momentarily of the conviction that he admired the countess garbed in clothes almost as much as he had when he had seen her wearing nothing at all, but then he wasn’t being quite truthful with himself. Though they were strangers at best, vivid memories of her entrance and departure from the wooden tub swept with recurring frequency through his mind and had the ability to snatch him awake from the deepest sleep.

Synnovea wasn’t sure how to react when a suitor made no effort to disguise the intense hunger in his eyes. She felt the heat of a blush suffuse her cheeks as he considered every detail of her, from shapely ankles and the slender feet that brought her slowly forward to the wisps of hair that had escaped the kerchief and now curled softly against her face. “Colonel Rycroft, this is a surprise,” she stated, astonished by the slight tremor in her voice. “Princess Anna just now advised me of your visit, but she also told me that you had left.”

“I delayed my departure when I saw Ali arriving by coach, and I came back to chat with her.” Tyrone set aside his helmet and closed the remaining distance between them, giving Synnovea a grin that she was just beginning to suspect was naturally lopsided. “I’m greatly favored by your appearance and your apparent good health, Countess. I was afraid I’d again be forced to leave here bereft of an opportunity to see you. Now that I have, my heart has come alive again. The merest glimpse of you nourishes my very soul.”

His eyes glowed with such warmth beyond the thick length of his dark lashes Synnovea was of a mind to think that no other smile bestowed upon her by a man had ever turned so quickly into a leer. The burning heat in her cheeks refused to abate when he fed his senses upon every minute detail of her and plied her with such silken words. The sudden suspicion that he had practiced the same cajolery on other maids abruptly accomplished a cooling. “I regret that you’ve had to come all this distance to fetch the reward, Colonel. I should’ve sent Stenka to take it to you.”

Tyrone thrust a pair of fingers into a small purse hanging from his belt and drew forth a pouch of coins. Taking her slender hand, he turned it over and pressed the soft leather bag upon her palm before closing her fingers around it. For a moment he encompassed her small fist within the warmth of his hand. “I shall gladly pay the man myself as evidence of the delight that I glean from your company, my lady,” he avouched with warmly persuasive boldness. “I only used the reward as an excuse to see you again. If I hadn’t wanted to come, I could’ve sent my man to fetch it.”

Synnovea cautiously withdrew her hand from his, fearing he’d detect her frantically leaping pulse and mistake it for something more than a growing uneasiness. How could she not feel a restive disquiet at his touch when his mere presence set her at odds with herself? “I cannot allow you to suffer the payment of the reward, Colonel.” She earnestly sought to return the purse and was frustrated by his refusal to accept it. “I fear you can ill afford the loss of these coins.”

“The cost is of little consequence, my lady,” Tyrone replied chivalrously, his tone subtle as silk. “The prize I seek is of far greater worth to me.”

One glance at Ali was enough to convince Synnovea that the petite woman was secretly applauding the man as a challenger for her heart. As much as she disliked disillusioning the old servant, the Englishman was definitely not in her plans, in the near or the distant future. Even if she had thought him handsome, which didn’t seem quite so farfetched now, he was still a roaming adventurer who apparently called no country his home, not even England. She wanted something more, at the very least a husband who’d be close at hand for most of their marriage. “Your sacrifice is pointless, Colonel. Princess Anna would prefer that you not return at all.” Synnovea felt a prickling of her conscience as she laid the full weight of rejection upon Anna, but she ignored the prodding as she stated what was near to being the truth. “I’m under her guardianship and must respect her wishes. You must also.”

Raising a querying brow, Tyrone searched the variegated orbs until they fell in nervous confusion. After a long pause, he released a pensive sigh as he contemplated her blushing cheeks and downcast lashes. He peered briefly askance at Ali and saw the servant’s troubled frown and the disappointment clouding her eyes. Had he been of such a mind, he might have offered the tiny woman some hope to rally her spirits. He knew himself well enough to be confident of one important fact, and that was when he wanted something badly enough, he wasn’t inclined to give up until absolutely certain no chance remained for him. After their meeting in the bathhouse, he had come to the realization that Synnovea was a woman he could not easily forget. Princess Anna had made her aversion to him apparent, and he wanted to believe that Synnovea’s answer had been forced upon her by the dictates of the older woman, but even if she agreed with her guardian, her rebuff was but a small hindrance to his ultimate goal, and that was simply to win the maid for himself.

“I can only hope Princess Anna will change her mind about me in time,” Tyrone rejoined. Knowing he’d likely frighten the girl with what he was about to say, he kept his voice smooth and pliant, though the fires of his enthrallment were ignited anew by the nearness of her. “But I must confess, Countess, that I’m more concerned with your desires and wishes than I am with the feelings of others. You offer the brightest hope for companionship that I’ve seen here, and I’m reluctant to ignore the fact that you exist merely because I’ve been ordered not to return. The very sight of you kindles an unquenchable joy within my heart. In truth, Countess, I find myself hopelessly enamored.” He paused for a moment to allow her time to absorb his words, and then continued with a lazy shrug. “ ’Tis a fact I’ve learned in my life that when great toil and effort have gone into winning a prize, ’twill be esteemed far more than if it had been easily gained.” He managed a twisted grin without a wince of pain. “My lady, I can only avouch that I’ve not yet begun to do battle for the honor of your company.”

Synnovea was aghast at his unswerving persistence. If she had given him special leave to court her as he pleased, he could not have been more brazen or confident of himself. Still, there was something about his declaration that left her fairly breathless with excitement. Yet knowing the trouble that Anna could cause both of them, she made another effort to dissuade him. “Colonel, I beg you to consider the authority under which I now reside. I’m not free to do as I please. I must adhere to the wishes of those who now decide matters for me.”

“Would it help if I petitioned the tsar for his favor?” Tyrone queried with a hint of humor shining in his eyes. He closely observed her reaction. If truly cold and haughty, then he’d have his answer soon.

The lovely mouth dropped open in astonishment, and Synnovea stared at him, astounded that he could suggest such a thing. The initial shock of his question eased only slightly as she hurried to deny the possibility. “Indeed no, sir! Gracious, no! I mean, the whole of Moscow would be aflutter with the news! You mustn’t! I forbid it!”

Ali coughed behind her hand as she fought a private battle not to cackle in glee. She had been an eager witness to the colonel’s pleas and had found it hard to contain herself in her desire to give encouragement to her mistress. She was absolutely ecstatic with the Englishman’s determination to fight for what he wanted. As evidenced by his deeds and words, this was no weak-willed swain who could be tossed about with every conflicting wind. This man knew his own mind and zealously sought to gain what he desired to have. And with a name like Tyrone, he had to have a fair amount of Irish blood in him somewhere. It certainly would account for his unfaltering fortitude.

“No need to worry, my lady,” Tyrone assured Synnovea with a grin. Her response had not cooled his ardor in the least. “I’ll win his favor first, and then make my petition.”

Synnovea pressed a hand to her throat in horrified dread that he’d actually take his suit all the way to the throne. Surely he was jesting! Surely she had nothing to fear! Surely he would not!

“As much as I am loath to leave you, my lady, I must return to duty now,” Tyrone informed her in a warm murmur. “I have a late drill and, on the morrow, a full day on the training field. Even if Princess Anna hadn’t warned me away, I rather doubt that I’d be able to break away long enough to visit you, but never fear,” he added with a wink and a promise, “you’ll be seeing me again fairly soon.”

He gave her a brief bow and then, retrieving his leather helm and settling it on his head, strode back to the stallion. After swinging up into the saddle, he reined the steed about to face the two women and casually touched two fingers to the brim in a salute of farewell before turning from them and nudging the stallion with his heel.

“He’s a bold man,” Ali declared happily as she watched him ride away. A grin teased the corners of her wrinkled mouth, and in the silence that followed she cast a brief glance toward her dumbstruck mistress and smugly folded her arms across her chest. “Ye know, he reminds me o’ yer pa when he came courtin’ yer ma. He wouldn’t take no for an answer either. He persisted till he finally persuaded yer ma’s kin ta give her ta him in marriage. But then, me dearest Eleanora, God rest her soul, she thought the sun an’ moon rose an’ set especially for Count Zenkov!”

“Well, I don’t think the sun and moon rise and set for Colonel Sir Rycroft!” Synnovea declared in a huff, regaining a fair measure of her tenacity. “But I can imagine that he may try and tell them what to do!”

“What can ye expect, me dearie?” Ali tossed her head in rampant delight. “He’s a commander o’ His Majesty’s Hussars! An’ an Irishman ta boot, I’ll wager!”

Synnovea fixed the scrawny woman with an accusing glare. “Ali McCabe, you’re supposed to be on my side, not his. The way you were eyeing him, a body would think you were measuring him up for an appointment as my husband!”

“Now, now, me lamb, there’s no reason ta get yerself in such a snit,” Ali soothed. “I be likin’ the man, that’s all.”

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