Forever Love (Fghter Club 1) (9 page)

Read Forever Love (Fghter Club 1) Online

Authors: Marie Dominique

Tags: #erotica, #tattoo, #ruth cardello, #melody anne, #fighter romance, #fighter erotic romance, #tattoo bad boy

BOOK: Forever Love (Fghter Club 1)
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Yes Mum,’ they said

Right, don’t you dare
start getting above your stations and start being show off’s about
what you have and going to school bragging about it because it’s
not fair on the others. You two are supposed to be Thomas’ friends,
he doesn’t need you two bullying him just like you two got bullied
for not having a lot, I raised you better than that and with
manners, but if you’re going to start being rude you will not live
here, do you understand me?’

Yes Mum.’

Right, I don’t want to
hear anymore of that “I’m so much better than you” talk and you
respect other people and their lifestyle, now go back and play.’
They ran off and James looked at her, ‘Don’t you start!’ she said
and sat on an outdoor chair so she could watch the kids. James sat
next to her and wrapped his arms around her. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t
know things were tough, I understand why you are wary about them
moving in here,’ he pulled back and looked at her, ‘but if I
promise that they won’t get spoilt and help and support you in
raising them to appreciate everything they get life and that they
can’t always get what they want, will you please move in with me? I
love you Alexia and I’ve just got my kids that I didn’t know I

She looked at him and thought
about it for a while. ‘Yeah things were really bad. Mum had several
loans which was why I was really shocked when I found out after she
had died she had left me three million pounds. Actually I was angry
at her as she knew I was unable to afford to send the kids on their
school trips, she watched me struggle. I will never understand why
she did that to us,’ she continued to watch the kids whilst she
though about moving in with him. James sat watching her for what
felt like the longest time of his life. She sighed, ‘Ok,’ she

He looked shocked at her,
‘Pardon? What did you say?’

You heard numb nuts, I
said OK.’

He smiled at her and kissed her
with everything he had. It left her breathless and tingling all
over her body.


3 months later.

The three months that followed
were a whirlwind for Alexia, with moving in with James, sorting her
house out to rent and the dance studios, time had really flown.
James had managed to get a quick divorce from Rachel without any
hiccups as he gave her a rather large amount of money as a
settlement. All of which made Alexia uneasy as she knew Rachel
pretty well years ago, she was part of their group at school
growing up so she knew she was no pushover. She had an awful
feeling that Rachel might not be so easy to please somehow and that
Rachel had taken the pre-nup trick a bit too easily. James and
Alexia had been working really well together with Ben and Amber and
after the initial giddiness of moving in they soon calmed down and
got back to the respectable children they once were, it helped that
they had a job list for them to do so they could earn pocket money.
James managed to get Alexia to agree that he could buy them nine
“main” presents for Christmas to make up for the last nine years.
They weren’t strict with the children and when they went shopping
they got a treat like all the other kids but Alexia didn’t want
them growing up been spoilt and did not want them to have an “I can
snap my fingers and the money’s going to come running” kind of
attitude. Which went totally out of the window when James’ parents
came round and Alexia knew to well there would be no arguing with
them either so she kept quite, remembering back to when Tim and
Mary, came round a few days after they had moved into James’

here,’ James said as he walked out of his office and to the front
door, reaching it as his mum knocked. Alexia stood in the hall
ready to greet them. His mum Mary waltzed through and screamed in
delight, pushing straight past James to run up to Alexia pulling
her into a hug making Alexia giggle.

James and his dad Tim stood
there at the door and watched them, then shook hands in greeting
and joined the women in the hallway.

Mary then held Alexia at arm’s
length and started talking to her and Alexia knew full well she
wasn’t going to get in a word in edge ways so she just nodded in
agreement to her and looking at James and Tim over Mary’s shoulder
who were grinning at her.

Oh Alexia, my
darling, it’s so lovely to see you. I’m so glad you’re back,’ she
said and started to cry. ‘I’ve missed you so much, James’ world was
shattered when you left as was yours. I’m so glad you have sorted
your difference’s and are back together where you belong,’ she
sniffed and grabbed a tissue, ‘And you’ve had his children, I’m so
pleased it was you and not that old hag of an ex of his,’ she
continued as she looked out the window for them. Whilst his mum had
stopped James quickly jumped in.

Ben and Amber
are outside mother, why don’t you let Alexia say hello to Dad and
we’ll go find them.’

Oh yes, of
course.’ she smiled at Alexia as she moved over to hug Tim before
going outside to the children.

James held Alexia’s hand as
they walked out to the garden where Amber was chasing Ben because
he’d taken her ball.

Hey guys,
Grandma and granddad are here.’ James shouted, ‘And Ben give Amber
her ball back.’

Ben dropped the ball and they
both ran up to their grandparents and gave them a big hug.

OH MY!’ Mary
cried out, ‘Look at you two, you’re both the double of your
parents.’ She had tears running down her face.’Oh Tim, look at
them, so precious. I never thought this day would come.’

James and Tim looked at each
other and rolled their eyes and Tim went and gave them a hug,
whilst Alexia smiled with tears in her eyes at Mary with the kids.
James put his arm around her and kissed her forehead.

They spent the rest of the
afternoon having lunch, catching up and laughing, having the best
time. Alexia and Mary sat talking and drinking wine whilst watching
the men play football with the children.

So James told
me about your mother dear, I’m so sorry you had to go through that
and bring up the twins on your own. I hope that witch gets what’s
coming to her.’ Mary said whilst topping up her glass.

Yeah it was
difficult, they were tough time’s.’ she smiled at Mary. ‘But I have
you all now.’

That you do
my dear, that you do.’ Mary smiled back.

Alexia looked up from her kindle
and looked round to see Ben and Amber in the garden so she got up
and walked in search of James. He looked up at her as she entered
his office and watched as she walked up over to him, he leant back
in his chair to allow her to straddle him. Her lips found his.

Ummmm what was that for?’
He asked as she pulled away.

Just because I love you,’
she smiled.

Well I’m glad about that
cause I love you too,’ he smiled back and pushed a bit of her hair
out of her face. ‘Mum is going to come and watch the kids on Friday
and dads going to come watch me fight.’

Alexia bit her lip and looked
nervous. ‘OK,’ she whispered.

Hey what’s up?’ He held
her face and looked at her.

I’m just nervous, I’m not
sure what expect.’

You expect me kicking
someone’s arse,’

Alexia rolled her eyes, ‘What if
something happens and you get hurt?’

Baby, there’s a reason
I’m undefeated, don’t worry.’

Cocky… much,’ she looked
at him with a smirk, but he didn’t answer he just kissed


Friday night came and Alexia
stood in the cage feeling so nervous she felt sick, but not from
performing, because she was going to watch James fight for the
first time. She looked to the side of her and there was James’s dad
and his friend sat at their table, he waved to her and she waved
back as the music started. After half an hour of performing and
making sure all her under-aged performers had gone home, Alexia
joined everyone at the table and waited for the fight to start. She
nervously played with a leaflet on the table and gazed at it:

The rules of cage fighting

* Anything goes. Except
butting, eye-gouging, hair-pulling, fish-hooking, groin attacks,
putting a finger into any orifice or into any cut or laceration,
joint manipulation.

* For safety reasons, no
striking to the spine or the back of the head, no striking downward
using the point of the elbow, no throat strikes, including without
limit, grabbing the trachea.

* When on the ground, no
clawing, pinching or twisting the flesh, no grabbing the clavicles,
no kicking, kneeing or stomping the head of a grounded opponent,
and no kicking the kidney with a heel.

* Throwing is permitted, except
spiking an opponent to the canvas on his head or neck, throwing an
opponent out of he ring or fenced area, holding an opponents shorts
or gloves.

* No spitting, no holding ropes
or fence, no abusive language, no attacking during the break, after
the bell has sounded, or while the opponent is under the care of
the referee.

Timidity and the corner
throwing in the towel during the contest are forbidden.

Alexia was absorbing the
information when she heard Tim shout, ‘Here he comes.’ She looked
up and watched James walk up to the entrance to get to his
position. His eyes never left Alexia’s, he winked at her as he
turned to face the middle and watched his opponent get checked and
stand in his place. Butterflies flew through Alexia’s’ stomach,
mixed emotions swept over her…fear, pride, she was aroused at the
sight of him pumped up and sweaty.

Don’t worry my love,
he’ll be fine.’ Alexia jumped at the sound of Tim’s voice, she’d
been so focused on James she hadn’t seen him move to sit next to
her. She looked up at him and smiled.

Ladies and Gentlemen...’
Alexia jumped out of her skin again, ‘...It’s the moment you’ve all
been waiting for!’

No really
it’s not.”
Alexia thought to herself as
the crowd went wild. She looked around and then stared at the floor
to pull herself together,
“stop being so silly, he’s going to be fine you stupid
she told to herself and the next
thing she heard was: ‘fighting from the red corner….Jay Taylor,’
she flicked her eyes up to look at James who was staring right at
her, she smiled at him and he winked at her again as he turned to
face his opponent. Again she drifted off trying to calm her down
and looked around the table at everyone getting pumped by the
atmosphere. Sarah was sat on Sam’s knee and Tracy was sat next to
Matt who was holding her hand. The next thing she knew the bell was
ringing. She looked though her fingers and watched as James headed
straight for the other guy, punching and kicking him, forcing him
back against the cage where he kneed him in the ribs a couple of
times. But his opponent managed to get a punch in right on his
James’ eye forcing his head back. Taking the punch, James then put
the guy in a headlock and punched him in the ribs. They fall to the
floor and James wrapped his legs round him and his opponent tried
his hardest to get out of it. Eventually he did and managed to
stand up whilst holding on to James’ legs. James struggled and got
them free whilst knocking his opponent down, he made the mistake of
leaning over him to punch him and his opponent grabbed him and
wrapped his legs round him and put him in a head lock. Sam, Sarah,
Matt, Tracy and Tim all stand up and start shouting at James,
supporting him and Alexia covers her eyes. Just then the crowd went
wild and Alexia looked up to see James had not only managed to get
up but he’s slammed his opponent into the cage. Breathing a sigh of
relief she continued to watch with her hands on her face ready to
cover her eyes.

James’ opponent again managed to
push James off him and he stumbled back into the middle of the
ring, He started walking up to James ready to punch him but James
dodged and caught him off guard as he punched him right on the
nose, knocking him to the floor. Everyone jumped up and down and
the ref got hold of James’ hand and lifts it in the air to show the
fight was his. Alexia jumped up and celebrated with everyone.

James and Alexia, Sam and Sarah
and Matt and Tracy all go out afterwards to celebrate yet another
victory. As they entered the club James got bombarded by fans
congratulating him and he grabbed hold of Alexia and held onto her
tightly. She wasn’t sure if it was for her sake or his own. The
club security came up and helped them get safely to the private
room. Alexia, Sarah and Tracy walked in first and just as James was
about to follow someone from the crowd shouted: ‘Next time Taylor!
I’ll get you next time!!’ James, Matt and Sam turn round to see the
guy James had just beaten. James walked towards him when he felt
Alexia’s hand on him, he stopped and turned to look at her.

Baby please don’t, he’s
just being a knob head. Leave it.’

James battled with himself for a
moment. Normally he wouldn’t let anyone get away with talking to
him like that, especially somebody who he’d just set on his back.
But Alexia’s look was enough to make him realise he wasn’t worth
it, she was. He nodded his head and started to make his way back

AAWWW look at that,
Taylor is under the thumb. Why don’t you come over here to me
sweetheart and I’ll show you what’s it’s like to be with a real
man! I’ll show you a good time in the bedroom as well, chuck one up
you several times a day darling.’ He snarled. It made Alexia’s
blood run cold.

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