Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Forget Me Not (Phased Moonlight Series Book 2)
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              “What are we gonna do now?” Koda asked with a growl.

              “I am going to take you all deep into the mountains, away from Council reach but still within mine. I have a cabin there. Then we will formulate a plan to rescue my niece.”

              Nodin snarled from his cell, thrashing against the bars.

              “Please let them out,” Faith cried. “I can’t stand to see them like this.”

              Thaddeus nodded, and Faith heard the locks on the doors
. No more than a second later, she felt large arms around her waist. She spun in Nodin’s arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his hair, which had fallen out of his ponytail. For once, she didn’t care that she was letting someone into her heart. All she cared about was the that he was okay.

              “Um, Faith,” Trisha said gently, “don’t look down. Nodin is naked.”

              “I can fix that.”

Faith’s body tensed when she heard Mistress Shego’s voice. When Nodin set her down, she turned.

              “What are you doing here?”


              “How dare you even think about showing your face to me? You have already broken your promise to me! You swore you would never use your magic on me.”

              Nodin wrapped his arms around her from behind and let out a growl. When he did, Faith felt the soft cloth that the mistress had clothed him in. “What did she do to you?”

              “I put her to sleep before she could say anything that might have offended the Council so much that they demanded her head. I saved her life, wolf.”

              “You still lied to me!”

              “To save your life.”

              “Enough!” Koda said, snarling. “This isn’t the time or place for this.”

              Thaddeus nodded. “Koda’s right. Follow me.”

              “Thaddeus, it will take three days to travel to your cabin on foot. Allow me to transport you,” Shego said. “Please? I want to help. Sera sounds like my little sister, someone I loved deeply and could not save. Please allow me to aid you.”

              Thaddeus looked to Faith, who was still staring at Shego. “Are you all right with this?”

              “If it will help us find Sera sooner, I would sell my soul to the devil.”














CHAPTER T              WELVE

What Are the Answers We Seek?


I’m not human. That can’t be possible. I was born to a human man and woman. Richard and I are both normal as normal can be, but somewhere deep down inside me, when the mistress spoke those fateful words, I knew they were the truth.
~ Faith Sharp


oda stared at Thaddeus, his fists clenched. “Are you saying we just stay here until something comes up?”

              “You need to understand. I am doing this against Council approval. I could be killed for it. We need to take careful, calculated steps.”

              “Why can’t we help? I refuse to just sit here while you do all the work for my mate.”

              “We understand why you want to be at the head of the action, Koda,” Shego said. “However, Thaddeus is correct. If the Council discovers that we are helping you, we could both lose our lives. We will give you weekly updates on the progress.”

              “Koda,” Jackson said, laying his hand on his shoulder, “please try to stay calm. This is how we will get Sera back.”

              Koda took a deep breath and nodded. “What do you require of us?”

              “I will need a sample of each of your blood, especially yours, Koda. Since you are her mate, you have the strongest link to her.”

              “We have blood bonded. Will that be any help?”

              Shego smiled eagerly. “Brilliant! It will increases of finding her tenfold.”

              “Then by all means,” Koda said, holding out his palm, “take as much as you need.”

              Shego stepped forward and cut a gash in his palm. She collected the blood in a vial and repeated the process for each member of the pack. “Before I depart, I wish to speak to Faith alone,” she said.

              Nodin growled, keeping his hold tight on her waist.

              “It’s all right, Nodin,” Faith assured him.

              Shego walked into a room in the cottage, and Faith followed. Once inside, Shego closed the door and whispered something Faith didn’t understand. The door glowed gold for a second, then disappeared.

              “What was that?” Faith asked.

              “It is just to make sure they cannot hear our conversation.”

              “What’s with the big secret?” she asked, her body tense.

              Shego’s eyes looked sad. “I assumed you would not want the others to know of your true identity. Please don’t look at me like that. I will never hurt you, Faith.”

              “Well, you lied to me before. Who’s to say you won’t do it again?”

              “I am sorry. I wouldn’t have done it if I had any faith that you could control your temper, but if my hunch is correct, there is a justifiable reason as to why you are so fiery.”

              “You think you know what I am?”

              Shego shook her head. “It is merely a guess. I will test your blood so I know for sure, but you will by tomorrow.”

              “No,” Faith said. “Focus on finding Sera. I don’t care what I am. All that matters is that we get Sera back.”

              “Your loyalty to your friend is commendable. I shall do as you ask and put your blood test away for now. I will take my leave with Thaddeus now, and we will return soon.”

* * *

              Sera sighed as she walked back into the villa. The ride on Angelo helped calm her emotions, allowing her to better see reason. She knew Ceo didn’t mean to snap at her, that he just had a lot on his plate, and she was determined to make the marriage work. She walked through the halls of the villa, making sure to plaster a smile on her face. She walked into their suite and froze.

A deep musk filled the room, and she heard loud commotion coming from the bedroom. She ran into the room, gasping. On the bed, Ceo and a very slim woman with long brown hair were caught in the throes of a very inappropriate act.

              “You’ve gotta be kidding me!” Sera yelled.

              Both of them froze.

Ceo shot up and threw the woman aside. “Sera, I can explain.”

              “Screw you!” she yelled, jerking the ring off her finger and throwing it at them. “I want nothing to do with you.”

              She ran from the bedroom into the living room, but before she could reach the door, the woman appeared in front of her. Unable to stop herself, Sera swung and caught the woman in the jaw. The woman hissed something before blackness consumed her.

              Ceo caught Sera before she hit the ground. “Damn it! That is why I didn’t want to do this now. She would see.”

              “It doesn’t matter. Lay her on the couch. I need to erase her memories.”

              Ceo did as she instructed, petting her white hair. “My poor Neve. She didn’t deserve that.”

              “Move, you oaf.” The woman sneered in disgust. “I don’t understand what it is about this female that has you drooling over her.”

              “Watch your tongue. I love her,” Ceo said, snarling.

              The woman laughed and walked to the side of the couch, where Sera’s head lay on a pillow. She pressed two fingers on each of Sera’s temples. “You are a fool. You don’t love her. You lust for her. Learn the difference.”

              “You know nothing of my feelings, witch.”

              The woman looked up at him through her hair. “Don’t I? I’ve seen you touch her when she sleeps. You crave her in a way you fear she will never allow. You stroke her skin only when you know she won’t rise. You don’t love her, for if you did, you would want her to be happy. She will never be happy without Koda. You condemn her to forcibly loving you. That, you fool, is not love.”

              Ceolus growled.

              The witch snickered before digging her sharp nails into Sera’s skin. Sera’s body jerked upward, and she screamed, though she remained unconscious. A black glow formed around Sera’s head, and her eyes began to bleed.

              “What are you doing?!” Ceolus bellowed as a roaring wind began to swirl around them.

              “I am sending a message to Koda. It will soon be time to move forward.”


Two Months Later


How much more perfect can life be? I have the man of my dreams, a family who loves me, and a perfect household.  I know my rightful place now. There is no need for me to continue searching. I am home.
~ Sera Kalihan


era looked at the woman before her, her mouth agape. She was tall, with long legs that seemed to go on for miles. Her hair was long and looked like warm honey. Her eyes were such a light blue that they almost looked like ice. Her plump lips were painted a deep brown, and her eyes were lined like a cat’s. Sera tugged at her sports bra, feeling self-conscious.

              Ceo wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her temple. “Your beauty easily surpasses hers. Keep your head up, my beautiful wife.”

              She smiled up at him and kissed his lips.

              “Come now,” the woman snapped, her Italian accent thick. “I am to turn this shrimp into a brilliant Amazon by nightfall. I must work quickly.”

              “Ceo, I don’t know if I can do this,” Sera said, clinging to his arm.

              “Nonsense! You have been striving to be the noble, majestic Stella Luna ever since we moved here. That accident will not stop you! Dig deep and find your inner vixen! I have faith in you!”

              She gave him a determined nod and faced her teacher, with her head held high.

              “Leave us! She must be comfortable alone with me. She will see you at the festival.”

              Ceo gave her a wink before leaving the room.

              “My name is Madam Maria. I was known as the most graceful and perfect Stella Luna Goddess of the century! My goal, young child, is to turn you into me. You have promise. You are such natural beauty. First, though, you must know why we worship this goddess. Please take a seat.”

              Sera sat on the floor in the puff of pillows, trying to make herself comfortable.

              “It is said that a young woman in a village on the outskirts of Italy won the hearts of both the moon and sun gods. At a banquet in her honor, both gave her their blood, in the hope of converting her to an immortal. However, the combination of both light and dark blood changed the woman. She was immortal, yes, but her heart was full of hatred. She did not wish for immortality, because the one she truly loved was mortal. Because she hated the gods, she cast herself down into the depths of the underworld.

              “She only arose when a member of her lover’s blood was born. When she surfaced, her light shone so bright that the crops would grew to tremendous sizes, and gold rained from the skies. When a member died, she rose as the moon and created monstrous waves that destroyed fleets. To pacify her anguish, the people created a shrine for her, and they celebrate her. Thus, the legend of Lady Stella Luna was born.”

              “That is an amazing story! Ceo honestly believes I can play her?”

              “No. Rather, I believe you can
her. It is really quite simple. Just sit on a bed carried by handsome men, look noble and sexy, then do a simple dance in the town square. There will be a party, and you will pose for pictures, dance, eat, and drink.”

              “If it’s that simple, why will my training take all day?” 

              “You must learn the dance, and we must dress you in costume. I must warn you that once night falls, you will be cold.”

              “I can handle a little chill.”

              “Good. In that case, let us get started.”

              Sera’s legs and core ached as she sat in a chair in front of a foot bath. She dipped her feet in the water and sighed. 

              “To be Lady Stella Luna, you must be perfect! Your toes will be painted white, and your fingernails shall be shaved into claws that will be painted black.”

              Sera’s eyebrow raised in question.

              “To represent Stella Luna’s malice and anger.”


              “Your hair is already white, but we must curl it. Though you have a lot of it, we must add more. We must create the illusion of a lion’s mane. I shall do your makeup, for I am the best at it. Understood?”

              “Yes, Madam.”

              Hair and makeup was saved for last. Sera was waxed, rinsed, and massaged, and she was utterly relaxed when the madam led her down a hall and into a large closet.

              “Lady Stella Luna was said to be able to seduce any man who laid eyes on her. To see her was the ultimate pleasure. Since you already have wonderful attributes,” she said, eyeing Sera’s chest, “we needn’t worry. Here.” She handed Sera black satin garment that looked like something Princess Jasmine would wear as a top.

Sera slipped it on, grimacing at how much of her body was revealed. A tiny knot sat between her breasts, and two straps sat low on her arms. “No wonder I’ll be chilly.”

              “Don’t fret, child. It is only for a night.”

              Luckily, the skirt was much fuller, and the black satin sat low on her hips, with a tight golden band to hold it up. Two slits drew attention to her legs, ending at the tips of her thighs. Her neck was dressed with a jeweled choker, and the bangles placed on her wrists jingled.

              “Perfect! Now come and sit,” she said, motioning Sera to a chair. “My brother will do your hair. I must get started on your makeup.”

              While Sera’s face was expertly painted, the woman’s brother began to add long extensions to the top of her head to add volume. He began waved it under in thick cascades, surrounding her entire head. She could feel its weight, but it wasn’t horrible.

“And now her crown,” the woman said, stepping away.

              Sera bowed her head as she set a small crown on top of her hair. She looked up and smiled. 

              “Welcome home, Lady Stella Luna.

              Sera stared at herself in awe. Her makeup was dark and smoky, and her lips were lined with a deep ruby color. Her body looked delectable, and her skin shimmered like diamonds.

              “Now, let us see if you can dance in your costume.”

              Sera nodded and followed her into a mirrored dance room. She took her position and, as the music began, started to twist and roll. The style of the dance was a mixture that reminded her of Polynesian belly-dancing at first, then was a little hip-hop as the tempo sped up. Her partners rolled onto the floor behind her and began dancing around her, touching her in swift, smooth movements. The dance ended as her two partners lifted her up into the sky; she appeared to be dead. Had she not known the two dancers, she would have been very uncomfortable with the move, but the two men she danced with lived at the villa.

              As the two dancers set her down, she looked at Madam Maria, who had her hands over her mouth and tears in her eyes. She walked over to Sera and cupped her neck, her hands shaking. She spoke something in soft Italian.

              “What?” Sera asked.

              “She said you have champion blood,” her brother said, “and I must say that I agree.”

              “I have trained hundreds of women for Lady Stella Luna, and none have even come close. You, child, have set a new standard. It is as if a goddess’s soul resides deep within you. You
Lady Stella Luna.”

              Sera smiled and bowed her head. “Thank you, Madam.”

              “Goodness,” Madam said as she wiped her tears. “No time to weep. We must prepare your chariot.”

              Madam Maria then led her to the back of the building, into an alleyway where twenty other performers stretched out their bodies.

              “These are your background dancers. They will be dancing around you as you are carried in the parade. The journey to the square from here will take about one hour. You are to sit on your knees, with your hands in your lap, and keep your head down. Don’t address anyone, and don’t wave until you have finished your dance. This represents her anger. Understand?”

              “Yes, Madam.”

              “Good. Up you go.”

              Sera climbed up onto a small chariot that would be carried by four men on either side. She felt like an Egyptian queen, and she was sure it would be fun.

              She could hear the crowd cheering for her as they walked down the streets of Italy. She fought the urge to look up at them, but Madam’s words stuck in her mind.

              She felt the men lower her the ground, and she heard the faint sound of the music begin.
Now or never,
she thought.

              As the music died down, Sera’s chest heaved from exertion, and she finished her dance. The crowd was silent for a second, then exploded into applause. She smiled at them as her partners lowered her to the ground.

              Ceo ran to her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he spun her around. You did wonderful!” he said.

She ignored the cameras and hugged him tight. “I’m glad you think so, because I thought I was gonna throw up,” she admitted.

              “You moved perfectly. I am so proud of you!”

              He kissed her deeply, and she smiled against his lips. The crowd cheered louder, and she pulled away, hiding her face in his chest.

              “Oh, Sera! You did so well,” Madam Maria said as she ran up to her. “I could not be more proud.”

              “It was my pleasure, Madam. I truly enjoyed myself.”

              She felt a tug on her skirt and looked down to find a dark-haired girl staring up at her. “Up! Up!” she demanded, extending her hands toward Sera.

              Sera smiled and reached down to hoist the little girl into her arms.

She squealed happily and wrapped her little arms around Sera’s neck.

A young couple walked up to her, bowing their heads. “Lady Stella Luna, you dance beautifully.”

(Thank you). Is this one yours?”


              Sera pulled the girl away from her neck and looked into her soft brown eyes.

              “You be good for your mama and papa.”

              The little one nodded eagerly, patting Sera’s cheek. Sera leaned forward and kissed her little forehead, then handed her back to her mother.

              “Lady,” the director of the parade said, “come. Picture time.”

              Before she could respond, he pulled her off to a large setup, where she was to stand and pose with the people. Men, women, and children alike all lined up to have their picture taken with her. She was terrified at first, but as the flash of the camera continued, she wasn’t afraid anymore.

              Finally, Sera smiled at the last person in the line. “
Ciao. Qual e il tuo desiderio
(Hello. What is your wish)?” Sera asked, as she had been told to do.

              Ceo stepped up on the platform and smiled at her. He leaned forward, his lips brushing hers. “My wish is to marry you.” He dropped to one knee and held up a large, sparkling ring.

She gasped, and her hands flew to her mouth. “But Ceo,” she whispered, “we’re already married.”

              “But I want you to fully remember our special day. Sera, will you please be my wife?”

              She nodded eagerly. “Yes.”

              He slipped the ring on her finger and stood to wrap her in his arms.

              “Mrs. Acconci! Mrs. Acconci!” the crowd screamed over and over.

              A woman with a microphone and camera walked up to her, smiling. “Mrs. Acconci, may we have a word?” the woman asked in broken Italian.

              “I am American. I can speak English,” Sera said with a smile.

The woman sighed, and the look of nervousness eased a little. “Thank you for your time.”

              “Please. The pleasure is mine.”

              “Mrs. Acconci—”

              “Sera,” she gently corrected with a smile.

              “Right! Sera, how are you feeling right now?”

              “I’m on cloud nine. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy!”

              “Well, congratulations on your vow renewals.”

              “Thank you.”

              “Sera, I am sure everyone is dying to know how and when you learned to dance like that.” 

              “About twelve hours ago.”

              The reporter laughed.

              “I’m serious. If it wasn’t for Madam Maria, I would have been an awful Lady Stella Luna.”

              “The former Stella Luna?”

              “That’s right. She taught me all I know!”

              “Nonsense,” Ceo chimed in. “Madam taught her the moves, but the talent is all her! We all agree that Lady Stella Luna’s beauty and seductive ambiance cannot be taught.”

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