Forgotten Love: A BWWM Pregnancy Billionaire Love Story (17 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Love: A BWWM Pregnancy Billionaire Love Story
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my! Oooohh my,” Kareem shouted in his MC voice staring around
with wide eyes. “We have a stripper situation happening. The
groom is stripping; I repeat, the groom is stripping!”

was a lot of screaming and not all of it was from the bride. There
was also a lot of laughing and envious booing from the guys. It was
all in good fun and a good time was had by all.


are gathered here today to join these two people in holy matrimony,”
Pastor Jim announced. Frances was radiant in her A line sweetheart
floor length Organza gown and her one inch heel sparkly wedding
shoes. She felt like the princess she looked like and Allen was her
worthy prince in a white tuxedo with gray bow tie.

may say your wedding vows,” the Pastor said and Allen and
Frances turned to each other.

promise to be your lover, companion and friend,
Your partner in
Your ally in conflict,
Your greatest fan and your
toughest adversary.
Your comrade in adventure,
Your student and
your teacher,
Your consolation in disappointment,
accomplice in mischief.
This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in
all things. All things." Allen said looking into her eyes as
Frances grinned back. The small crowd applauded when he was done.
Then it was Frances’ turn.

take you to be my partner for life.
I promise above all else to
live in truth with you,
And to communicate fully and fearlessly,
give you my hand and my heart,
As a sanctuary of warmth and
And pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor,
As I join
my life to yours." She said, looking him straight in the eye as
he smiled at her.

Jim nodded, “You have the rings?” he asked.

stepped forward with the matching platinum wedding bands. The pastor
blessed them and then it was time to exchange rings. Pastor Jim said
the prayer of blessing and then declared them married.

may now kiss the bride,” he said spreading his hands out.

looked at Frances and smiled. He leaned forward and she waited for
him to meet her, placing his lips gently over hers, he tasted her
lips. She opened for him so he could insert his tongue and she sucked
it like she was being paid to do so. His whole body surged forward
and he enveloped her in a tight hug as he got down to the serious
business of kissing her thoroughly. The congregation screamed in
appreciation as she opened for him, putting her arms around his neck
and holding on fast. She fingered her hands through his hair, playing
with it as he explored her mouth thoroughly. The cat calls became
louder and ruder but Allen ignored them as he showed Frances exactly
how happy he was to be married to her. He only stopped when it was
that or sport a painful boner for the rest of the afternoon. They
split apart and their small audience burst into raucous applause with
slaps on the back of congratulation for Allen and kisses on the cheek
for Frances.

after party was held on the beach, with the hotel catering the
affair. Since they weren’t that many, everyone sat at a long
table as the catering staff brought various courses for their
enjoyment. In the middle of lunch, Kareem stood up clicking his fork
on a wine glass.

hush. It's time for the best person speech,” he said. The table
quieted down to listen to him.

I’ve known these two since like the second year of college and
everybody knows that Frances and I went out and we totally love each
other and we would totally be together if she was a lesbian,”
he said to laughter from the table and Allen throwing a bun at him.

when I first met Allen, I knew he was in love with my then girlfriend
because he looked like he wanted to kill me,” he said and
people laughed some more as Allen shouted, “I did!”

the two of us would not be parted because like I said we totally love
each other-

Allen cried.

we’re the best friends each other have ever had,” Kareem
finished, sticking out his tongue to Allen.

said? I totally wasn’t surprised when they hooked up about a
minute after we broke up; because Frances and I might be best friends
but these two? These two are soul mates. They’re better
together and that is just the truth,” he said with a smile
turning to face them. Frances blew him a kiss. Kareem picked up his
glass and raised it.

let’s all have a toast to Allen and Frances; may they have a
long and happy life together filled with rainbows and unicorns and
the crystal droppings of angels,” he said as he lifted his
glass and drank. The table drank along with him amid bursts of
laughter. Then he began to sing.

in the middle of a dry spell
Jimmy Rogers on the Victrola up
Mama's dancin' with baby on her shoulder
The sun is
settin' like molasses in the sky
The boy could sing, knew how to
move, everything
Always wanting more, he'd leave you longing for”

and Allen got up to dance on the sand, singing along with Kareem who
had a pleasingly falsetto singing voice. The rest of the table swayed
and Patrick, another of Allen’s college friends, began to drum
out a beat on the table.
velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow
southern style
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
velvet if you please”

petered off to general applause.

Let’s have music,” he declared signaling to the DJ who
was set up under a palm tree. He continued the song where Kareem left
off before going on to other songs.

Up in
Memphis the music's like a heatwave
White lightning, bound to
drive you wild
Mama's baby's in the heart of every school
"Love me tender" leaves 'em cryin' in the aisle
way he moved, it was a sin, so sweet and true
Always wanting more,
he'd leave you longing for
Black velvet and that little boy's
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion
that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please
word of every song that he sang was for you
In a flash he was
gone, it happened so soon, what could
You do?

and Frances held each other close and enjoyed the song.

haven’t heard this song in ages,” Frances whispered.

used to hum it sometimes in the bunker,” Allen said.

pulled back from his embrace to look him in the eye, “You
planned this?”

shrugged and smiled, “I thought you might enjoy it.”

did. I do…God the things you remember…you really do
love me don’t you?” she said in wonder.

been trying to tell you that for years,” Allen said pulling her
back into his arms.

danced in silence for a while, enjoying the song and each other.
Their friends gradually joined them, filling the beach with joy,
laughter and happiness.

you really think we can do this?” Frances whispered in his ear.

what?” he asked.

married responsible adults with a kid,” she said.

pulled back to smile at her. “Hell Fran, you’ve been an
adult since you were ten. I think you can ace it. And as long as I
have you as an example I don’t see how I can go wrong.”

do say the most flattering things,” she said patting him on the
shoulder in mock annoyance.

me it's not flattery, just good old fashioned fact,” he replied
before leaning in for a kiss.

belief in me will be the death o’ you, you know that?”
she said.

you’ve been saying that since like ’04; still hasn’t

it time,” Frances said.

thing Sherlock. Now shut up and listen to your song,” he said
pulling her into him. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed
her eyes.

word of every song that he sang was for you
In a flash he was
gone, it happened so soon, what could
You do?
Black velvet
and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
velvet if you please
Black velvet and that little boy's
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion
that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please
you please, if you please, if you please.

The end.

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Books By Cher Etan

you liked this book, you'll love my other book
Of Convenience
(You can see a preview of that below). You may also like
Billionaire's Surrogate

all Cher Etan's books here

Marriage Of
Convenience Preview

a preview of my other book
Of Convenience


complete story with no cliff hanger, brought to you by best selling
author Cher Etan.

is facing losing it all.

grandfather has given him an ultimatum:

and be in a stable relationship by the time you're 30, or lose out on
your inheritance.

just one problem; the women Jonathon has so far associated himself
with are less than marriage material, and would probably cause more
issues in the long run than they're worth.

when he 'bumps into' Leila on the way to a benefit she's organizing,
he soon decides she's the perfect woman for the deal.

caring and attractive, and not the kind of woman who would get greedy
and take him for all he's worth.

how will Leila, a woman who's been heartbroken in the past, feel
about marrying for convenience?

when Jonathon's granddad realizes his grandson's marrying a woman of
color on an average salary, how will he react?

out in this touching romance story by best selling romance author
Cher Etan.

for over 18s only due to sexual scenes so hot you'll need an ice

Of The Story:

Leila followed the
wheelchair, in which her mother sat, down to radiology preoccupied
with the details of how they were going to get through this. There
was some sort of problem with insurance and the term ‘pre-existing
condition’ was being bandied about with disconcerting
frequency. The cost of this test alone, if not covered was going to
wipe out at least a quarter of her savings. She tried to school her
delicate features when she saw her mother glance back at her. No
doubt she realized the seriousness of their situation but still Leila
didn’t want her to worry. They’d get through this
somehow, the money would be found or insurance would pay. What they
would not do was despair.

BOOK: Forgotten Love: A BWWM Pregnancy Billionaire Love Story
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