Forgotten Secrets (29 page)

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Authors: Robin Perini

Tags: #BluA

BOOK: Forgotten Secrets
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Riley’s heart hurt for the woman. She’d been cut off from her family for so long, she wasn’t the little girl they remembered. The thought of reconnecting must be terrifying.

“You are exactly who you’ve always been,” Thayne said. “You’re a survivor. A hero to those kids. I think your family would want to know that.”

For the longest time Bethany remained silent. Would she tell them? Riley began to doubt, but then the woman swallowed hard and lifted her gaze.

“Madison,” she whispered. “My name is Madison Lambert.”

A loud gasp sounded from across the room. “Maddy?”

A nickname Bethany—no, Madison—hadn’t heard spoken in forever. She forced her eyes to look beyond the glare of the light burning her eyes. In the shadows, a woman hesitantly moved toward her. Her face resembled the memory of a young girl Madison used to know.

“It’s me.” The woman took Madison’s hand and held it to her chest, shock making her breath ragged.

“I-I don’t understand . . .”

Thayne tugged the woman forward. “Madison, let me introduce you to the woman responsible for finding you. This is Riley Lambert. Your sister and the gifted FBI behavior analyst who saw through Adelaide’s facade.”

Tears streamed down the woman’s cheeks. It was hard to believe the one person Madison had wanted to see was standing in front of her. It had to be a dream. “Riley? My little sister, Riley?”

She nodded, and the most beautiful smile Madison had ever seen greeted her.

With a shaking finger, Madison swept a tear off her sister’s face. “Oh my God. You’re so grown up. So pretty. Is it really you? What are you doing here?”

“I never stopped looking for you,” Riley said through the tears and that amazing smile. “And when I got old enough, I promised myself I’d work at the best place to find you. Easy answer. The FBI.”

“She didn’t give them a choice,” Thayne said. “From what I hear, she aced all her tests and dazzled them with her skills. They’re lucky to have her.”

Madison laughed. “You were always clever. But somehow I thought you’d end up an artist.”

“In a way, I did.”

Madison cupped her sister’s cheek. “I thought about you every day.”

Riley closed her fingers over her sister’s. “So did I.” Fresh tears started to fall. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I let him take you.”

“What? Why would you say that? It wasn’t your fault. Look at me,” Madison said and forced Riley’s eyes to meet hers. “Not for one moment did I
blame you for what he did. I’m glad he took me and not you. Do you hear me? You were the sweetest, most joyous part of my life, and I would have done anything to protect you. Even when I was a pain those last few months, I would have done anything for you. I
needed a sister like you. I hope you know that.”

She pulled Riley to her and felt the sobs shake her body. “Don’t cry,” Madison said through her own tears. “I love you so much. Thank you for finding me.” She tightened her arms around her sister. “Thank you.”

She kissed Riley’s temple and held her until the sobs subsided. When they separated, the room was empty of everyone but them. Thayne stood guard at the open door, his big body blocking anyone from disturbing them.

“Are Mom and Dad—”

“They’re okay. They’ll be so happy to see you.”

Madison’s gaze moved between her sister and the very protective, and now scowling, deputy. There was a story there.

“I get the feeling he’s more than just a local cop you work with.”

Riley blushed, and her gaze slid to him. “He’s my best friend.”

“And then some?”

“And then some.”

The nurse stuck her head in, clearing her throat. “Time’s up.”

As if the words signaled her, Madison’s body began to feel heavy, and she could barely keep her eyes open. “I’m so tired.” Yet she couldn’t seem to let go of her sister’s hand.

“I’ll be here as soon as you wake up. I promise.”

She squeezed Riley’s fingers and smiled. “We have all the time in the world, Riley. I’m not going anywhere. Not without you.”

Madison raised their hands. A half-heart bracelet on Riley’s wrist swung against her skin. She stared at it and grinned, reaching beneath her hospital gown. She pulled out a necklace. A small bracelet swung on the chain.

“I thought it was lost,” Riley said. “You’d taken it off.”

“I put it back on that night,” Madison said. “You were with me the whole time. You helped me remember who I was, deep inside.”

Madison fit the two hearts together. Tears ran down her sister’s face.

Riley placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. “And I’m going to make it my life’s mission to be that annoying little sister you remember.”

Madison’s lips twitched, and her heart felt like it would explode with happiness. “I look forward to it. We have a lot of catching up to do.”


Darkness had fallen over Singing River, the stars twinkling rays of light in a sea of velvet, when Thayne pulled his vehicle in front of Fannie’s B&B. He turned in his seat and faced Riley. She still appeared to be in shock.

“I should’ve stayed,” she said before he could speak. “Maddy needs me.”

“They weren’t going to let us see her again until morning,” he said. “I had Ironcloud call your parents, and they’re on their way. There’s nothing more to do for her. Or anyone. Not tonight.” He rounded the SUV, opening the door for her. He reached out a hand. “Come on. After the last seventy-two hours, you need some rest, then you and your sister can spend all day getting to know each other again.”

Riley nodded, her expression pensive, but took his hand anyway. “I can’t believe she’s alive. I never thought . . .”

Her voice broke, and Thayne wrapped his arm around her. What could he say?

“Somehow we found a miracle.”

“Your sister saved Maddy’s life,” Riley said, gripping Thayne’s hand. “When she discovered the poisoning, she gave Maddy time to gain strength so she could escape.”

“Cheyenne was thrilled to know Madison got away. I think they’ll end up being good friends after all of this.”

Thayne led Riley across the porch and into the deserted lobby.

“Thank God Fannie’s not around,” he said under his breath.

“I heard that.” Fannie popped from behind the reservation desk and rushed across the carpet. She grabbed Thayne in a fierce hug, then gave one to Riley. “I knew you’d do it.” Her face broke out in a smile.

“Kade broke the case wide open,” Riley said to Fannie.

The woman beamed, but her eyes dimmed a bit. “He’s still in the hospital, but he’ll be fine. That young boy Sam won’t leave his side.” She cleared her throat. “Get upstairs, you two. I left you a surprise.” And, with a flourish, she disappeared through the door to her quarters.

Riley stared up at Thayne. “What do you think she did?”

“I’m afraid to guess, but there’s one way to find out.”

They walked up the stairs, and Riley slipped the key into the lock. She opened the door. On the table, a bottle of champagne sat nested in a bucket of ice, and two covered plates waited for them.

Riley looked around. “Where’s the crime board?”

Thayne cleared his throat. “I asked Pendergrass to take it away.” He pulled out a chair for her. “Shall we?”

Riley sat down, and they dug in to the hot gourmet meal Fannie had left. As Thayne chewed his last bite, his throat had closed off. He had so much to say to Riley, he didn’t know where to start.


“I quit my job tonight,” she interrupted in a rush.

Whatever Thayne had been going to say swept out of his mind. “When? Why?”

“While you were saying good-bye to your family and Cheyenne, I called Tom. I’m good at my job, but I need some time. To find out what I want.” She twisted the napkin in her hands. “To get to know my sister again. To get to know Riley Lambert again.”

He rose and pulled her to her feet, clasping her hands in his. “Are you sure that’s what you want? You’ve worked for your career a long time.”

“So did you. Now that Cheyenne’s home, you could rejoin your SEAL team before they ship out.”

He could see the vulnerability in her eyes, and the fear.

Thayne lifted his hand to Riley’s face and cupped her cheek. He looked deep into her eyes. “I quit for two reasons. One, because I couldn’t leave while Cheyenne was missing.” He dragged his thumb over her skin.

“And the second?” Her voice had turned husky.

“Because I’m tired of a long-distance Friday night phone fling. I want more, Riley. I want you. Every day, every night. I’ll do whatever it takes. I’ll finalize my separation paperwork; I’ll move to DC with you. You name it, and I’m there. I’m in one hundred percent if you’ll let me.”

Her eyes widened. “You’d follow me?”

“To the ends of the earth. You’ll never doubt I love you. I’d give my life for you, do anything to make you happy.”

She gripped his hand hard. He could see the hope brightening in her eyes.

He needed to seal this deal.

Ever so slowly, he pulled her against him. With each breath, he could smell the sweet scent that was only Riley. They fit together, the top of her head reaching his cheek. But more than physically, they simply fit, heart and soul. She understood him the way no one else did. He admired her strength, her determination, everything about her.

Her hand sneaked up his chest. His heart thudded against her palm, speeding up a bit.

She took a shuddering breath. “If we do this, we can never go back to the way it used to be.”

“We crossed that threshold the moment you disembarked from the plane. There’s no going back. Only forward.” Thayne closed his eyes, memorizing the warmth of her against his body. “I want forever, Riley. I want the love my parents had, the love my grandparents have. I want what they’ve had for the last fifty years. With you.”

He pulled back enough so he could see her eyes. “Accept my love for you, Riley. No conditions. No caveats. Nothing but all the love I can give you. Now until I breathe my last breath.”

His words shattered the final wall around her soul, the last bit of frozen tundra that had begun one night fifteen years ago when a madman had stolen everything Riley loved.

Now she had it back.

But she wasn’t a child any longer. She was a woman.

“Let me show you how it could be between us.” He bent down, his lips hovering just above hers.

A shuddering breath escaped her lungs. She couldn’t resist. She didn’t want to. She’d been searching to belong to someone her entire life. Someone who would never leave, who would always love her, who wouldn’t give up on her, no matter what.

Thayne was that man.

So why did she hesitate?

“I see.” Thayne lifted his head and pulled away from her.

Her entire body went cold. What was she doing? Her sister had shown true courage for years when her life had been stolen. Taking this leap of faith wasn’t scary. This was Thayne. Her best friend. The man she trusted with her life. The man who had saved her heart and healed her soul. She clutched his arms, her grip so tight her hands hurt. “No. You don’t see. I love you, Thayne. I’ve loved you for a very long time. I was just afraid to admit it. Even to myself.”

Thayne smiled, one that lit his eyes. He didn’t speak, he simply picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. She held her breath while he nuzzled her cheek, tempting her with his nearness but not his lips or his touch. Her nerve endings tingled; her body thrummed with anticipation.

She clutched his shoulders.

“This is forever,” he whispered. With very little pressure, he parted her lips, just a bit. “No going back.”

She instinctively tasted his finger with a small swipe. The taste of salt, the touch of him made her tongue tingle. She clasped the back of his head and pulled his lips down to hers. “Not ever.”

The passion between them erupted, and the walls of protection melted away. Thayne pressed her lips apart and explored her mouth.

She wanted to be closer to him. She worked the buttons of his shirt and shoved the offending garment aside so she could feel his skin.

With a groan, Thayne took over. He stripped out of his clothes, then set to work on hers. Finally, bare skin to bare skin, he wrapped her close, letting his hands caress her.

Shivering under his touch, Riley lowered her lips to his chest, exploring his body, nipping at the sensitive skin until she flicked her tongue along his nipple.

Thayne let out a long, low groan. She fell back against the bed and pulled him down to her.

He willingly followed, inserting his leg between hers. She closed her eyes. His hands and mouth touched her everywhere, exploring every inch. He knew exactly how to touch her, evoking a whimper. He slipped on a condom and raised above her, his eyes growing dark with desire.

“I love you, Riley. Always and forever.” With one thrust, he sank inside of her.

His hands moved down her arms to her hands. He folded her fingers into his and stilled, staring at her.

“I love you, too.”

He shifted his hips, and she gasped, wrapping her legs around him, holding him close. They were one, and she’d never felt more complete, more whole, more wanted, more loved.

He rocked against her. Her body thrummed with each movement, her belly tightening. She never wanted this to end. She closed her eyes, unable to stop the groan from escaping.

Her entire being focused on Thayne and his love. He cherished her.

Her body clenched, rising taut with him until she exploded in absolute joy, clinging to Thayne.

As awareness rushed back, he laid his head on her breast. She clasped him to her, out of breath, heart racing and sheer contentment settling over her like a cashmere blanket.

“That was—”

“Incredible,” he said, out of breath himself.

They lay still for a moment, wrapped in each other’s arms until Thayne shifted off her, spooning her against his body. He threaded his fingers through hers and kissed the nape of her neck.

“My father offered me a permanent deputy’s position. How would you feel about staying in Wyoming? With me? As my wife?”

Riley turned over and faced him. His mouth was tense, nervous. She smiled. “Wherever, whenever you want, I’ll be there,” she said. “Always.”

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