Forgotten Witness (11 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Forster

Tags: #Crime, #Legal, #Thriller

BOOK: Forgotten Witness
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It wasn’t like him to feel this way: a little depressed, a little dissatisfied, a little powerless. He just couldn’t put his finger on why. Was it that Ambrose was the chosen one and he was destined for the number two spot? Could it be as simple as jealousy? Or was it that the game had become too predictable? Perhaps what was on that television screen bothered him. That lady scientist was so delighted that she had invented something that could make a man’s mind more powerful than any weapon in the world. That scared him? Why didn’t that scare her?

“Matthew?” Woodrow said from the dark.

“Yes, Senator?”

“Two soldiers were killed today. We were testing a new weapons system. It was supposed to just make them incapable of moving but it killed them.”

“That’s a pity, Senator.” Matthew said and then without changing his tone he asked: “Would you like to go home?”

“Yes, Matthew. I would like to go home.”

Woodrow Calister turned his face to the window and wished he had someone to talk to.






“This is a surprise. We don’t get much eye-candy here.” –
Linda Rayburn

“Prison’s a bitch.” –

“Yeah, well, much as I appreciate you driving all the way out here, the invite was for Josie.” –
Linda Rayburn

“She’s a little tied up looking for Hannah.” –

“I know about those hearings. Lot of good they did.” –
Linda Rayburn

“I didn’t know politics were your thing.” –

“Hannah’s still my kid. It’s not like I could just forget her.” –
Linda Rayburn

“I doubt she’ll ever forget you, either. So what’s with the visitor request?

I didn’t think Josie was your favorite person. “ –

“I have an idea where Hannah might have gone.” –
Linda Rayburn

“You could have put that in the letter.”-

“That’s it? How about thank you. Or, really? Where?” –
Linda Rayburn

“Where?” –

“Oregon. There was a guy who took us in a few years ago. She might go to him if she’s looking to lay low.” –
Linda Rayburn

“Why would he help her?” –

“I was very good to him.” –
Linda Rayburn

“What’s his name?” –

“First, a little business. I’ve been doing some reading.” –
Linda Rayburn

“How to Live a Purposeful Life?” –

“Funny. Penal Code. I may have grounds for an appeal.” –
Linda Rayburn

“You think Josie should handle it?” –

“I could sign off on the parent thing with Hannah.” –
Linda Rayburn

“You already signed off.” –

“Maybe I’m rethinking. It’s not a done deal.” –
Linda Rayburn

“Just so I’m straight, you’re bargaining with Hannah?” –

“Just an exchange of information. You talk to Josie about an appeal, and I’ll tell you all about Sam in Oregon.” –
Linda Rayburn

“You give mothers a bad name. I’m outta here.” –

“Sam Idle. He called himself Damn Idle, you prick.” –
Linda Rayburn



Because Stephen Kyle sang badly, he sang loudly. He also spoke loudly, laughed loudly, loved loudly, and basically lived large. He had lived this way in many a place and his current place was Maui, Hawaii, which for a fair skinned, well-fed, and bald Brit seemed an odd place to end up, indeed. He had also done many a thing before taking to Hawaiian life, all of which had brought him something he craved: money, women, adventure, and notoriety. At that very moment, he was craving a pulled pork sandwich with a healthy serving of slaw on the side and a cold beer. He would, of course, settle for a nice bit of Mahi-Mahi caught fresh for Mama’s Fish House and a martini. The day was coming upon the time when it was perfectly acceptable to have a cocktail; perhaps even share a cocktail with interesting company of the female persuasion.

Sadly, interesting company was not to be had at the moment save for his own, of course. Nor did it seem that there would be a beer or a martini in his future anytime soon since the rain had begun to fall in earnest. England had its share of the wet stuff so he was no stranger to it, but in Hawaii one must pay attention when it fell like this. Fickle as a mistress, it was. Sweet and gentle one moment, raging with fury the next. And, like a mistress, it was always beautiful but could be dangerous if one didn’t give it one’s full attention. In fact, no one in their right mind would keep driving on the road to Hana in this weather. Stephen Kyle was often accused of not being in his right mind, so he kept driving.

“Damn bloody stuff,” he muttered as a particularly dense curtain fell from the sky.

“Bloody idiot.” Stephen cursed the weatherman who had predicted rain but not torrents, not tempests.

When he was done with that, he began to sing Royal Blood’s
Out of the Black
with gusto, loving that his voice sounded quite good in the cab of his truck. His singing was so excellent that he forgot the rain, drummed his beefy hands on the big steering wheel, and gave the old trolley of his a little wiggle just as he hit a perfectly acceptable high note.

Unfortunately, in the next minute he hit something else.




It was all over in seconds: the crunch, the spin. The frantic attempt to keep the rental on the road failed. The car bumped down the incline just under the bridge and landed sideways in a tangle of ferns, hibiscus, and banyan tree roots. Josie’s hands were still clenched tightly on the wheel minutes after the crash. That was the first thing she was aware of, the second was the sound of the rain, and the third was her ragged breathing.

She let her head fall back, closed her eyes, and did a quick inventory. Her head was spinning, but she hadn’t hit it. Her stomach was clutching, but only because her seatbelt had done what it was supposed to do: grab and restrain. She had gone cheap on the rental so no airbag deployed. Her arms would hurt in a few hours because she’d braced against the fall by pushing out on the steering wheel even though she knew better. Go with it. Roll with it. Finally, she relaxed her fingers, extended them, and let go of the wheel as she opened her eyes. Her purse was dumped on the passenger side floor and that window was cracked. So was the back window on the passenger side. To her left there didn’t seem to be anything different than the right: forest and more forest. Above her the rain went from sounding like a machine gun to a car wash. Water slid off the windshield in sheets. Though she wasn’t hurt, she was darn ticked. Josie couldn’t imagine what she’d hit but whatever it was it felt like a brick wall.

She turned off the engine, unsnapped her belt and nearly tumbled to the other side of the car. Stabilizing herself with her feet, Josie leaned over and gathered her things. Reaching behind her, she grabbed the steering wheel and pulled herself upright and then tried the driver side door. The angle made it nearly impossible to push it open with her hands so she leaned back and put both feet against it. With a great heave she shoved until the hinges caught. At exactly that moment, the wind whipped through the mountains and drove the rain horizontally, drenching her in the process.

“Damn! Damn!”

Josie turned her head as she slid off the seat and took the short drop to the ground. One foot hit a bush and the other slid in a river of mud. Muttering, cursing, wet to the skin, she slung her purse across her body, took one last look at the car, and started to hike. The incline wasn’t much but she was shaken and the terrain was sodden so it was slow going. She slipped, grabbed onto a tree, and pulled herself up a few feet toward the bridge before slipping again and sliding all the way back to the beginning. She set to it once more with a grunt, choosing her footholds, pushing the rain out of her eyes, spitting it out of her mouth, and clutching at any plant that seemed to have deep roots. Josie almost reached the top before she felt herself going backward again but this time she was ready. She grabbed for a root that wove in and out of the ground like the hump of a sea serpent. It held strong. Hanging there, her feet buried in mud, her arms stretched taut, and her grip weakening, she heard:

“Hello! Hello there!”

Just as Josie looked up, the rain stopped, the sun broke through and the short, wide man standing on the narrow bridge above her threw his arms out and splayed his hands on the railing. He was grinning at her, his face nearly hidden by a hat that was half beanie, half mini-umbrella.

“Good God, I’ve found me an Amazon!”

“I don’t believe it,” Josie muttered and then called back, “Can you give a hand?”

“Delighted.” He came around the edge of the bridge railing and positioned himself solidly with one hand on the rail and his other out to Josie. “You’re going to have to step up a bit more. No sense both of us getting muddied.”

Josie looked down, saw a rock that would give her a boost, and planted her foot on it. She looked back up to see his fingers wiggling. She put out her hand and grasped his. A second later Stephen Kyle hauled her up to the road.

“There you go. There you go. I fear your sandals will never be the same. No worries. We have plenty where those came from. Don’t you know enough to honk before you go ’round these twists and turns?”

“Maybe you could have honked. That thing’s a monster,” Josie complained as she eyed Stephen’s truck and then the man himself. He had swiped the silly hat off and was rubbing the top of his head like it was the belly of a Buddha, unfazed by her pique.

“Ah, but I have the right of way. That’s what you didn’t count on. I dare you to say otherwise. It’s in the rule book.”

When he laughed Josie wanted to deck him. This had not been her best day for a lot of reasons, not the least of which was that she had to admit that Archer was right. She was on a fool’s errand looking for Hannah in Hawaii.

“There’s no rule book.”

Josie sat down on the side of the road and put her head in her hands. She took one deep breath then treated herself to another, dropped her hands, rested her forearms on her knees, and gazed at the car. Stephen Kyle sat beside her.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to be flip. You just looked so magnificent hiking up that hill I thought you were uninjured. Any blood? Anything broken?” He poked at her arm and then brushed at her hair.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.” Josie brushed right back, swatting his hand away.

“Well, someone needs to worry a bit. You’re far from everything and that car of yours is going nowhere.” Stephen looked skyward. This time he patted an ample middle that was covered with a lime green Hawaiian shirt. The man’s hands were like his mouth, unable to stay still. “Ah, I love it when it stops raining. Breathe in, my girl. Nothing like the scent of paradise to make you feel better. Would that we could package the stuff. That’s why God made rain, you know, so that you can appreciate the glory of his other creations when it’s cleaned them all up.”

“How far are we from a tow?” Josie peered down the road, first one way and then the other.

“A good distance. Never fear, I’ll get you where you’re going. Come on then. Be a good girl. Can’t leave you out here by yourself.” He stood up and dusted off his board shorts.

“I’ll call for a truck.” Josie started to dig in her purse for her phone.

“You can do what you like, but there’s no reception out here. Nothing but highway. Six-hundred and twenty curves. Fifty-nine bridges. Half of them are that way.” He pointed north. “And the other half are that way.” He pointed south. “You’re right in the middle. It’s going to rain again and, much as it would be a pleasure to continue seeing you wet as a guppy, I think it better that we get you dried off just to make sure that you’re not mistaken about the state of your impressive body. Best hurry.”

He offered his hand. She took it. She knew enough about Hawaii to know that rain and sun came and went. Today rain was winning.

“Josie Bates,” she said.

“Keoloko,” he answered.

“Right. All Hawaiians talk like they went to Oxford.”

“Oh, you want to be formal. Stephen Kyle. I go by Stephen to those who love me.”

“Got it.”

Josie pulled at the t-shirt suctioned to her midsection as they walked to the big truck Stephen had pulled to the side of the one lane bridge. She reached for the passenger door handle but he stopped her before she opened it.

“Not there, my darling. You’ll get a face full of pineapples. Come on around back.”

Josie did as she was told, checking out the artwork on the side of the paneled truck. It was a veritable explosion of Hawaiian art: flowers, surfers, waves and
in rainbow colored grass skirts. In curlicue fonts painted in pink, the truck screamed
Shave Ice! Pineapple by the Slice! Mango Cola!
In the center of it all, was a huge picture of Stephen Kyle dressed in the plaid shorts and a Hawaiian shirt and hoisting a pineapple in each hand. A wreath of flowers encircled his head and emblazoned like a manic psychedelic halo over that head was the word Keoloko.

“Nice,” she said as she joined him behind the truck.

“Pays the bills.” Stephen Kyle cranked the handles down simultaneously and pulled open the huge double doors in the back of the truck. He threw out his arms like a ringmaster.

“There you are.”

Josie looked inside. The cavernous space was packed with things: boogie boards, boxes of umbrella beanies, a hanging rack of clothes, and a bed. Everything, including the spread on the mattress was emblazoned with the Keoloko logo.

“You live here?”

“Hardly. Come on. Up you go. I’m not a masher.”

She was barely inside when he slammed the door. The truck went dark except for the light coming through a small window that looked into the cab and through the front windshield. A moment later, the engine came to life smoothly and the truck lumbered back on to the road just as the rain began to fall again. For the next two hours Josie laid on the mattress drying out, counting the twists and turns on the Hana Highway, and listening to the man up front channel Don Ho and the Beatles at the top of his lungs.

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