Forsaken (35 page)

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Authors: Leanna Ellis

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Horror, #Vampires

BOOK: Forsaken
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A novel is one part inspiration and the rest is all perspiration, never simply an individual project but requiring the help of many, and I am grateful for all the help I had with this project. This book was particularly difficult because of the subject matter and maybe even seen as controversial because I utilized the Amish way of life to showcase this story. I did not want to bring harm to or disparage the Amish in anyway. I greatly admire the Amish for their convictions and staunch beliefs. They make daily sacrifices for God and for the sake of their families. Any discrepancy about the way the Amish live and make decisions is my error, but please note that sometimes I tinted things slightly in order for the story to work.

For those who didn't laugh when I mentioned the idea for this book: Dorothy, Julie, Shelley, Cathy, Rachel, Beth, and countless others who not only didn't laugh but encouraged me (or was it pushing me off a cliff?), offered help with research, and pointed me in the right direction. Thank you so much!

For my agent, Natasha Kern, who laughed
when I told her about this project. Thank you for embracing my ideas, even my crazy ones, and for working overtime and way beyond the call of duty to find this project the right home. I am so grateful for your help and expertise! You are simply fabulous!

For my editor, Peter Lynch, thank you for loving this project, pushing for it, and loving the book even more! I am grateful for your insights in making this the best book it could be. I am also grateful to Sourcebooks for giving this story a chance.

For Julie Whitby, my valiant critique partner, thank you for reading and reading and reading again and offering advice and encouragement. Thanks to you and Alex for touring Amish country with me. What fun we had in Intercourse, PA! We must do that again!

For the countless folks who helped me with research or brainstorming: Shelley, Beth, B (you know who you are!), Rachel Hauck (with my pitch!), Betty Seaman, and my sweet cousin John Wilson (who wants to be a vampire in my novel—watch for book two!), thank you so much for your help! Thanks also to those amazing Amish writers who encouraged and welcomed me even though my story wasn't as traditional. I am grateful for your support. Also, to some amazing prayer warriors: Rachel Hauck, Lisa Buffalo, Jerri Phillips, Margo Carmichael, Maria Jerke, Leslie Morris, and so many Facebook friends who so willingly pray; I can do nothing without your prayers and God's help.

For Dorothy Love, can you believe we've been writing this long? I would not have missed the journey or your friendship. Writing would be half as much fun without our brainstorming sessions! Love you!

For my sweet family, my husband and my children, who never complain about doing laundry or eating pizza (again) when I am on deadline. I am so grateful for each of you, for your enthusiasm and delight when I start a new book. I love you.

About the Author

Leanna Ellis is the winner of the National Readers' Choice Award and Romance Writers of America's Golden Heart Award. She has written numerous books in the romance genre as well as the inspirational market. With her husband, two children, and wide assortment of pets, she makes her home in Texas.

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