Fortitude (Heart of Stone) (19 page)

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Authors: D H Sidebottom

BOOK: Fortitude (Heart of Stone)
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“I know, I know, I shouldn’t have lied but it seemed
important to you, that you were the only one that I didn’t use them with.”


“Ava, I’m a bloke, I say things that I know will get me

My mouth fell open and he laughed nervously. “Go on,
before I hurt you” I urged.

He nodded quickly, “Well, she never got pregnant and we
were together a long time. It didn’t seem right so I had an idea already.”

“So you got checked out?”

He nodded and shivered, “Worst moment of my life, wanking
in a cup whilst the cheesiest fucking porno played out on an old black and
white TV.” He turned to me with a furious frown, “Have you ever watched a black
and white porn film?”

I shook my head slowly as I contemplated that question.
Never mind!

“Well let me tell you, it is not fun or even bloody real.
Took me ages to come and when I did it was this little fucking blob that hit
the bottom of the cup with a chilling slap.” He turned to me with pain in his
eyes, “I’m sure it damaged me Ava. That moment has haunted my nightmares.
Especially the nurses face when she peered into the bottom of the cup and
squinted… she fucking squinted.”

I nodded slowly, really unsure of what to say. “Why are
you nodding?” he asked with a look of shock. I shook my head slowly which
seemed to pacify him.

“Anyway,” he continued, unaware of my astonishment. “The
results came back and they said my sperm was hunky-dory, proper little
toughies.” He smiled proudly and I wanted to post a status on Facebook telling
everyone that my husband had tough little swimmers. He was so proud and I
couldn’t have been happier. “However they were still concerned so they called
me back in.”

His face dropped and he shuddered deeply. He leaned
towards me, his eyes searching the room for spies as he brought his lips to my
ear. “I had a blockage, Ava.”

“A blockage?” I whispered back.

He nodded firmly as his eyes widened. “They had to…” he
closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “They had to operate.”


?” he scoffed. “Do you have any idea
how humiliating it is to have your dick operated on?”

“I guess not, Mason. I don’t have one.”

He rolled his eyes and pursed his lips, “Mortifying,
that’s what it is. Bloody horrific!”


He nodded seriously, “Not nice.”

I exhaled heavily, “So why did Rebecca not know about
this… operation.”

He stared at me as though I’d lost my mind, “She knew I’d
been tested but there was no way I was telling her they shoved pipes up my…
fuck Ava, have you no consideration.”

“Apparently not.” I shook my head, exasperated over his embarrassment.
It was just a bloody operation. Fair enough on the most nicest part of him, but

I huffed and nodded, “Right, well the poor love thought I
knew you couldn’t have kids and she was mortified when she let it slip. She
thought she’d ruined my life.”

“Well at first she didn’t have a clue, the same as me. I
thought I was infertile, I
infertile. But she found out I’d been to
the hospital and… done the thing.”

“So she just presumed. You should have told her.” I
finished for him.

He nodded sadly and let his gaze drop to the bed. “I was
really cruel to her the last time I saw her.”

I nodded, “I had gathered that when she came to the
cottage loaded and ready for tearing me to bits.” He was quiet for a while as
his grief tumbled from him. “She meant a lot to you.” I said for him, sensing
his need to talk.

He sighed and looked at me. “It’s strange. We were strange,
our whole relationship was bloody strange. But she was always there, you know,
always on her knees when my cruel side merged. She would always take my hatred
and…” he paused and blew out a breath. “I’m not proud of how I treated her,
Ava. I
cruel but it was almost like the worse I got with her, the
harder she tried. She just took it, and that is…
quite the ultimate
feeling of power. To hold that much influence over someone…” He swallowed as
shame held him, his fingernails digging into the palm of his hand. “She loved
me and I hurt her. That’s all I can say really.”

“I tried to save her Mason, I tried…”

“Hey,” he shook his head and pulled me onto his lap. “I

“If one thing has come from this, it’s that we made our

He nodded and smiled, “She wasn’t a bad person, Ava. I
just made her into one.”

“You have a habit of doing that.”

He snapped his head towards me and frowned, “I do?”

“You do.” I nodded seriously. “I was never bad before I
met you.”

His eyebrow quirked as his lips twitched. “Really?” he

“Yes!” I slapped at him. “I was angelic, your wicked ways
just made me bad.”

“Wicked, hmmm? You seem to have forgotten that
Halloween...” My eyes widened and I blushed furiously. “Nope, you haven’t
forgotten,” he laughed loudly.




Marcy opened the door, her grin huge and her eyes
already wonky. She was plastered. This should be fun. “Come in,” she urged as
she opened the door wider. “You two don’t have to knock.”

I glowered at her. “You can tell who we are?”

He eyes roamed over us. “Your hair, Ava.” I grumbled a
reply. Damn red curls. “And Mason, you are fucking awesome.”

I turned to smile at him. I saw the hatred in his eyes
through the little eye holes. “What I don’t understand,” he moaned with a
muffled tone through the little mouth hole as he pushed past Marcy. “Is how Ava
gets to be Catwoman and I’m… Well, what the fuck does Sully from Monsters Inc.
have to do with bloody Catwoman? I see you didn’t come as Mike.”

“Mason,” I sighed as I once more had to explain the
situation to him. “I’m the kind of person who can’t wear bright green. I told
you this, not with my red hair!”

“Ava! No one would see your damn hair under the Mike

I curled my lip at him, adjusted my eye mask and went
in search of alcohol.




Two hours later, I was as drunk as Marcy and horny. Very
horny. I spotted Mason across the room, his bum perched on a table as he spoke
with someone I didn’t know. I sidled up to him, his eyes narrowed in suspicion
as my grin forewarned him.

“I’m horny, Mason.” I whispered in his ear but
grimaced when I whispered too loud and the music track stopped to move onto the
next. I grinned nervously at the people around me that had heard my declaration.

“What? Now?”

“Now,” I hissed back. “Your bloody costume is turning
me on.”

His head moved under his head piece to look over his
Sully costume then back to me, his eyes narrow and questioning. “Have you been
at Marcy’s coffee liqueur again, Ava?”

I lowered my eyes from him and tapped my foot on the
table leg. He sighed heavily, “I told you to never touch that stuff again.”

“But, it’s nice,” I defended as I tugged on his hand.

“Ava, we can’t here,” he hissed under his costume.

“There’s bedrooms, Mason. Come on, please.”

“What the hell?” he mumbled as I pulled him quickly
across the room and up the stairs.


I opened the first door I came to, darkness greeting
me as I pulled him in quickly and shut the door behind him. “Oooh, so much
fun,” I murmured as I felt my way over the thick fur of his costume.

“Let me find a light switch Ava…”

“No! It’s fun in the dark.”

“Ava…. Shit, baby...” He groaned when I cupped his
cock through the material and smirked when I got an instant rise out of him.

“See, Sully likes me too.” I told him as I tugged the
bottom part of the costume down to his thighs and trailed my finger over his
erection through his shorts.

“Sully likes you very much.” He replied as he tugged
at his shorts and pulled them down to sit with his furry trousers. “Very much.”

“Mmm-hmm,” I smirked at his hiss as I tickled the head
of his cock with the tip of my tongue, lapping at the pre-cum that had already
collected. His flavour burst into my mouth, heightening my drunken lust even
further as I cupped his balls in my hand and scraped the underside with my

“Oh Christ,” he moaned when I took him in my mouth and
sucked hard, my tongue still tickling the underside.

“You like Catwoman giving you a blow job, baby?”

“Fuck yes!” he rasped as I felt him fall back against
the door for support, his fingers sliding into my hair, until my curls were
wrapped securely in his grip. “Suck Sully’s dick, Catwoman.”

I grinned at him, his voice incoherent with pleasure
and booze, and although he couldn’t see me, he felt it around his cock. “You
kinky bastard.”

He laughed but thrust his hips, sinking his cock
further into my throat as his fingers tightened and his moans intensified.
“Shut up and do what you do best.”

“Now is not the time to bake muffins Mason,” I scolded
as I shook my head.

“Eh?” he murmured then tutted. “Not baking you daft
sod, sucking.”

“Oh right,” I mumbled and giggled. “Sorry.”

He started to chuckle, then laugh and before long we
were both hysterical, our stomachs hurting and our sides cramping. “Fuck, Ava.
I fucking love you,” he boomed loudly.

“Shush,” I slapped at his leg and giggled with him.
“It’s not my fault. It’s that damn coffee liqueur of Marcy’s. The bloody stuff
is toxic to brain cells.”

“Uh-huh,” he scoffed. “Blame the liqueur, Ava.” His
hands slid under my arms and he lifted me up. “Pull down those leggings,
Catwoman. Sully needs into the pussy.”

I grinned to myself as I fiddled with my clothes,
grumbling at how tight the damn trousers were to this costume, it was like
trying to free a grape from its skin. Mason helped me when he realised I was
struggling, his fingers curling into the waistband as he started to yank at
them. “Oooh, someone’s eager” I laughed.

“Well, I would like to fuck you before Monsters Inc. 6
comes to the cinema.”

I laughed loudly, “Well Batman 12 is out in July and
they need me, hurry up.”

He chuckled with me as he managed to roll them down to
my hips then twirled me round so I was facing the door. “That’ll do,” he
muttered as he grabbed my hands in the darkness and placed them on the door.
“Now prepare to be invaded, Catwoman.”

I snorted loudly but sucked in a breath as his
delicious cock slid inside me effortlessly. “Christ, you were horny. You’re
bloody drenched.”

I nodded, unable to form words as pleasure curled
around me, ending the need and bringing on the want. My fingers clawed at the
door, the paint scraping under my fingernails and I cringed, Marcy would kill

I turned my head and peered into the darkness over my
shoulder, “Fuck me Sully, bring out your inner monster.”

“I’m gonna make you purr, Catwoman.”

I frowned then smirked as I tried to hold in the
giggle. “Purr? Fucking purr?”

“Well what the fuck else am I supposed to say? You’re
a bloody cat, so yeah, purr.”

“Why the hell not,” I shrugged. “Okay, make me purr.”

And he did. I fucking purred like a kitten, his
strokes in me hard and fucking glorious, and each one driving pleasure into
every fibre of me. His furry costume tickled my back as his hands cupped my
breasts beneath the silk of my top until he tugged at the strapless black Basque
and yanked it below my boobs so he could caress the actual flesh, his fingers
teasing my nipples as he continued to pound me into oblivion. My head was
bouncing off the door with his merciless fucking, his growls as monstrous as
his suit. His hands gripped my shoulders to pull me back onto him as he
exploded inside me, his fingers digging into my neck deeply to bring on my own


We both puffed and panted, trying to calm the rage
flowing through our veins. “Fuck me,” Mason wheezed. “I’m bloody roasting.”

“Have you still got the hood on?” I asked in

“Well. Yeah, you wanted to fuck Sully didn’t you?”

I closed my eyes and sighed, “Bloody hell, Mason. I’m
surprised you haven’t passed out!”

“Well, I do feel a bit light headed.”

I laughed at him as I fumbled around and pulled my
leggings back up, sucking in my stomach to get them back into their original
position. “You daft sod!”


We were still laughing as we sauntered down the
stairs. I frowned as Mason said something and silence greeted us. Where was the
music? The laughter and peoples chit chat?

I froze as everyone stood smirking at us, each pair of
eyes in the room trained on me and Mason. “Umm.”

“What’s going on?” Mason asked me under his breath.

“I have no idea,” I whispered back.

Marcy walked towards us with a huge grin, her eyes
laughing. My knees buckled when she lifted up a baby monitor, her tongue in her
cheek as she waggled it at me. My eyes widened on her as Mason stiffened beside
me. “Good job the kids are at my mothers, although I forgot to turn off the
monitors.” She sucked on her lips then chuckled, “Now is not the time to bake
muffins, Mason.” She mimicked.

My gaze shot around the room as murmurs of snorts and
giggles echoed around us. “By the way,” Courtney shouted to me from the back of
the room. “Batman 12 is out in June and I already secured us tickets.”


I groaned at the memory, Mason chuckling loudly beside
me. “So funny,” he smirked as he tapped my nose.

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