Four of Hearts (7 page)

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Authors: Roz Lee

BOOK: Four of Hearts
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He’d never really been into spanking, but he’d done it on occasion. He swallowed hard and moved closer. Fallon wiggled her firm ass, and for a moment he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Then he remembered who she was, and he glanced at Richard. His best friend smiled, crossed his arms over his chest, and said, “Well? What are you waiting for?”

Ryan couldn’t believe Richard actually wanted him to spank Fallon, but his words, along with the amused look on Richard’s face, confirmed it. He eyed Fallon’s flanks again, and then Candace craned her head to watch. His eyes locked with hers, and he knew she too was eager to see what he would do. Damn. Candace wanted this. He’d deny Richard in a heartbeat. He’d deny himself without another thought, but he’d never deny Candace. Her lips puckered and she made a little kissing noise. He made one back at her, and closed his hand over Fallon’s ass cheek.

Fallon’s skin was like silk. Her ass cheeks were firm, but formed two perfect round globes. He slid his hand over first one, then the other. Then he drew back his hand and brought it down hard on her right cheek. She jolted at the contact, and let out a sound that could only be described as a squeal. Ryan stared at the perfect red imprint of his hand on her backside.

“One,” Richard said.

Ryan landed another one on her other butt cheek. This time her squeal sounded more like a moan, and instead of moving away from him, her ass seemed to inch closer.


He didn’t dare look at his friend as he landed two more quick slaps on Fallon’s reddened ass. “What about that one?” Ryan nodded in the direction of Candace’s bare ass. “Are you going to take care of her, or do I have to spank her too?” He caught Candace’s gaze. Desire flared in her eyes. If he had any doubt about his wife’s whole-hearted participation, the look in her eyes dispelled it.

Ryan watched as Richard took up his position. Richard laid his hand on Candace’s ass and stroked her. For a moment, Ryan froze, mesmerized by the sight of another man’s hands on his wife, but then Richard spanked her. Candace gasped. Richard’s handprint shown like a new brand on virgin skin. Ryan couldn’t look away as Richard landed three more in quick succession. Candace squirmed and moaned, signs of arousal he knew well.

“How about one more, and then we let them convince us not to finish?” Richard asked.

“I think that’s an excellent idea, Professor Wolfe.”

They each landed one more blow. Ryan placed a kiss on the two bright red marks on Fallon’s ass, and pulled her skirt down to cover his handy work. Richard did the same for Candace.

The men sat in the two easy chairs facing each other on opposite ends of the sofa. “Ms. Wolfe, convince me not to spank you anymore,” Ryan said.

“How, Professor?” she asked as she straightened. Her blouse gaped and her face was flushed from the corporal punishment.

“Have you ever sucked a man’s cock, Ms. Wolfe?”

“No, sir.” If Ryan didn’t know better, he’d almost believe the minx. The way she blushed and clenched the hem of her skirt in her fist as if she was a nervous virgin was very convincing, and more erotic than Ryan would have ever dreamed.

“Come sit between my legs. I’ll show you what to do.”

Fallon glanced nervously at Candace. Ryan caught the silent communication between the two women and knew Candace had given her approval. Fallon stepped around the coffee table, and Ryan spread his legs, allowing her room to kneel between them.

“Ms. Callahan?” Richard said. “Do you want me to spank you more, or are you going to convince me not to?”

Candace glanced first to Fallon, then to Ryan before she moved to the spot Richard indicated on the floor between his knees.

Ryan freed himself, and showed Fallon how to take him in her mouth. She was an excellent actress, but once she had his cock in her mouth, her mastery of the skill was evident. It was all he could do to keep from coming immediately. He heard a groan and looked across at Richard. Candace was bent over, eagerly applying all she knew of fellatio to Richard’s cock. His friend had hiked Candace’s skirt up so Ryan could easily see the handprints on his wife’s ass.

It took some effort, but Ryan managed to get a fistful of Fallon’s skirt and pulled it to her waist. Two could play at this game. He wondered how his friend would like seeing his own wife’s ass with someone else’s handprints on it, as she sucked another man’s cock.

Richard’s eyes lingered on Fallon’s ass, locked on Ryan’s for a heated moment before returning to watch Fallon. Both men grasped the arms of their chairs with white knuckles. Ryan watched his own wife tease his best friend to orgasm. Richard’s head fell back against his chair, and Ryan knew by the way Richard held Candace’s head between his hands and bucked his hips, that he was coming down her throat.

Ryan clenched his jaw and fisted his hands in Fallon’s hair. She hummed her satisfaction, and the low vibration sent him over the edge. His cock erupted, spewing hot cum down her throat. Fallon swallowed it easily and swirled her tongue around the head for good measure. When his brain was functioning again, he’d have to have her show Candace a few of her moves.

* * * * *

Richard stood aside while his wife hugged first Candace, then Ryan. Ryan looked like a little boy trying to avoid the inevitable kiss on the cheek from Great Aunt Gertrude. His best friend might have been okay with the role-playing, but now that it was over, second thoughts and recriminations were written all over his face. Candace approached. She wasn’t stupid. She felt the shift in the wind too, and now she looked up at him with eyes that begged him to make it right. He hoped to hell he could.

She rose to her tiptoes to kiss him goodbye. Richard cradled her jaw in his palm and stroked her cheek with his thumb, halting her before her lips got any closer. She was lovely, still flushed from their little game. “It’s okay.” He offered reassurances he had no basis for. “He’ll come around. He just needs to work it through in his mind.”

“I know.” Her voice was still husky with arousal. If Ryan hadn’t put an end to the game, Richard might, this minute, be making love to this beautiful creature. “Talk to him?”

“I will, just not tonight.” Richard grazed his lips across her forehead and let her step back. Christ, he could smell her arousal too. This was way too fucked up. He shouldn’t be horny for his best friend’s wife, any more than Ryan should be horny for Fallon. But there wasn’t any way around the truth. It just was, and they were going to have to find a way to deal with it, hopefully without bloodshed.

Fallon wrapped her arm around his waist as their friends left the suite for their own across the hall. All the starch went out of his spine, and he let his shoulders fall.

“I think that went well, don’t you?”

“Fallon, I should have chained you to the bed tonight. I knew you were up to something, but I never dreamed it would end like this. What were you thinking?”

His wife headed for the bedroom, and he followed.

“I was thinking, it was about time we stopped acting like there isn’t anything else going on between the four of us.” Fallon slipped off her shoes and tossed them in the direction of the closet. Richard followed her with his eyes as she turned down the bed.

“Don’t you think we should have discussed this first? Ryan isn’t the kind of guy to share his wife, and damn it, neither am I. I wanted to throttle Ryan for touching you.”

She stopped in her perusal of their toy box and looked at him. “But you didn’t. You were shocked at first, but you enjoyed watching me suck his cock, didn’t you?”

Goddamn it
. His wife knew his every thought. It was fucking annoying sometimes. “It doesn’t matter what I did, or did not, enjoy. We’re talking about our best friends, Fallon, not to mention the business relationship. Other than my relationship with you, I can’t think of another relationship I want to preserve more than those two.”

Fallon slid her panties off and tossed them. Richard caught them by the damp crotch and blood drained from his brain to his cock faster than matter through a black hole.
. Her ass was still pink where Ryan had spanked her, and when she bent and placed her hands on the edge of the bed, he almost forgot his own name. He fucking loved that little schoolgirl outfit. He freed his cock and buried it deep inside her. She gasped and pushed her hips against him, taking him even deeper.

“Take me, Professor Wolfe.”

Richard held her hips and slid out and back in. “Didn’t you want to watch Professor Callahan fuck me?”

Images flashed through his brain like a sadistic movie reel. Goddamn. Yes, he saw it in his mind, but that was a long way from witnessing it in person. He pounded into Fallon as the images continued to form.
Fallon was his. No one else’s. Her pussy was his. He pulled out, turned her around and pushed her onto her back on the bed. He flipped the little plaid skirt to her waist and came over her, sheathing himself in her heat.

“You’re mine. Only mine,” he growled. He leaned on one forearm and tore her blouse open with his other hand. “These are mine.” He bent and sucked one perfect breast into his mouth. Images of Ryan’s mouth on her burned across his mind, and he sucked harder. Fallon gasped and arched her back, offering him more. He took it. He took her. He knew he wasn’t gentle. He wasn’t even civilized. Fallon was his, and more than anything, he wanted to make sure she never forgot it or maybe he was trying to convince himself nothing had changed. He didn’t know which.

“Say it,” he commanded.

“I’m yours,” she breathed against his ear. “Always yours.”

Chapter Six

Candace put the last plate in the dishwasher and wiped down the counter. Usually, Ryan helped with the cleanup, then he’d take her to their bedroom or the lean-to on the beach and make love to her, but since they’d returned from Miami the day before, he’d been moody and distant. That had to stop. They hadn’t done anything wrong, and the sooner Ryan got over it, the sooner they could move forward.

She took a couple of wine glasses from the cabinet, and the rest of the bottle they’d opened with their dinner, and headed to the beach. The night air blew warm off the tropical water, and even after sundown, clothes were an option. She made her way along the well-traveled trail, grateful for the low lighting Ryan installed shortly after they made their move to the island permanent. He was right where she thought he would be, sitting on a blanket as close to the surf line as he dared. With his arms wrapped around his upturned knees, he couldn’t have been more closed off if he’d tried.

Candace dropped down beside him and offered him one of the wine glasses. He took it without relaxing his pose, or looking in her direction. She filled the glasses and twisted the bottom of the bottle into the sand beside her. “Are we going to talk about it? Or are you going to brood about it for the rest of our lives?”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

“Are you mad at me?”

“No, I’m not mad at you.”

“Then who are you mad at? Richard?”

Ryan drained his glass in one long gulp and tossed it toward the surf. It landed in the foam of the outgoing tide, swirled a time or two, and filled with sand before coming to a stop. “It’s wrong, Candace.”

“Do you want to explain that to me?”

“I shouldn’t have to explain it. We’re married. Fallon and Richard are our best friends. They’re married. Richard is my business partner. Or, he was. Who knows now?”

“Do you love me?”

She’d finally found something that got his attention. He dropped his legs and turned to her. His eyes blazed with desire, and beneath that, Candace saw the simmer of his ever-present love. “You know I do. I’ll do anything for you. Anything. I let Richard restrain you. I let him touch you. I even—.”

“You let me give him a blowjob? Is that what you were going to say?” He turned back to the surf and his rejection cut her to the core. “You let Fallon do the same for you. How is that any different?”

“It’s not. I’m sorry, Candace.” He deflated like a popped balloon. His head dropped to his knees and Candace had to lean in closer to hear his next words. “I don’t know what to do about any of this. Richard will probably kill me the next time he sees me, and I won’t blame him a bit. I deserve it.”

She let her fingers rest on his arm, hoping the physical contact would convey her feelings. “He isn’t going to kill you. Richard loves you like a brother.”

“Christ,” Ryan jerked his head up. “You don’t think I know that? He’s as much my brother as Sean. Hell, I’ve spent more time with Richard than I have with Sean. Brothers or not, I touched his wife! For Christ’s sake, Candace, I wanted to do a whole hell of a lot more to Fallon too. I betrayed Richard’s friendship, and I betrayed everything I promised you on our wedding day.”

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