Fragile Destiny (The Aether Chronicles) (18 page)

Read Fragile Destiny (The Aether Chronicles) Online

Authors: Suzanne Lazear

Tags: #young adult, #ya, #steampunk, #fiction, #fantasy, #fairy

BOOK: Fragile Destiny (The Aether Chronicles)
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Elise’s Return

Steven put his arm around Noli as they walked up the stairs in the private wing of the earth court palace, their audience with the nobles finished.

Noli rubbed her temples. “That didn’t go too badly. Did it?”

“It was fine. We have to expect a little chaos, all things considered.” Like Noli not being from a great house. Like only his presence keeping some of the lords from taking her down right there. Like not looking as if he were taking over while simultaneously not revealing Noli’s ignorance of their ways, which proved to be beyond difficult. He had a newfound appreciation for statesmanship.

If only his father were there to talk to. As Machiavelli would say, “
The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.”

His father would have been
that Noli had managed to take the kingdom, but perhaps the act would have shown him that she was worthy of his respect.

Two guards stood in front of a double set of doors. One opened the door when they approached.

Steven led her inside, giving her a kiss. “Welcome home, Your Grace.”

“Where are we?” Noli looked around the large front parlor.

“The royal suite. This will be our home when we’re at the palace. For now we’re going to be spending a lot of time here. There’s a lot to do.” The doors closed silently behind them.

Noli sunk down into a settee. “What did I do, V?” Her voice choked a little as she put her head in her hands, elbows on her knees. “The nobles hate me. I think that big guy is going to murder me in my sleep.”

“Lord Adair always secretly wanted the throne. It’s going to be difficult. But we can do this together.” Steven sat, putting an arm around her shoulders, trying to comfort her. He didn’t like to see her upset, but at the same time, this was something they’d have to deal with—and succeed at. No matter what.

“You can have it. I … I don’t know if I can do this.” She closed her eyes.

He bundled her into his arms. “Noli, I want nothing more than to do all this for you. These are my people; I know them. I understand statecraft. I can do a lot, but I can’t do everything for you.”

“Why?” Her face was buried in his chest.

“Because this is your kingdom now. If you relinquish it to me, it makes you look weak, which makes you a target. However, at the same time, using my knowledge and expertise makes you look wise. We’ll have to balance everything carefully.”

Already, he’d been approached by three houses besides his own who’d sought assurance that he was the real power behind the throne. Part of him wanted to say
. He wanted to be the true king, and he knew that Noli would allow it.

But he also knew that wouldn’t be right.

In the end, he’d assured the nobles that everything would be fine. This was going to be difficult. However, failing wasn’t an option.

She sat up. “Can we eat supper now? I’ve barely eaten all day.”

“I can get you something. What do you want, cake?” Miri, the sprite, emerged from another part of the suite.

Noli jumped, surprise crossing her face. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m your handmaiden; I was getting everything set up for you.” She smiled. “I’ll get you some food.”

“Miri, find a maid and
get the food,” he said gently. Two of them to teach. “Why don’t you have someone send up supper and see if James has returned?”

She nodded and left.

“Handmaiden? I now have
three sprites
as handmaidens?” Noli’s eyebrows rose.

“We’ll give them plenty to do,” he assured her, sensing her panic. “After supper we need to meet with Bran, Elric, and Padraig.”

“I don’t want to meet with anyone. I’m hungry, tired, and I want a bath. Oh, all my things are still at the big house. I don’t suppose you sent James to get them? And the piece of the artifact, that should be here with the others. Are you certain the things are safe?” She pulled her knees to her chest and rested her head on them, her back leaning against him.

“Yes, James retrieved it, and yes, they’re safe. I don’t think he got any of our personal things. Not yet. We’re still in survival mode.” His arm wrapped around her. “We’ve met with the houses, but we have the audience tomorrow for the general subjects, not to mention you need to be prepared to meet with the different court leaders, we have to go over the coronation procedures, and you must be briefed on what’s happening in the earth court and the Otherworld. Tomorrow, in addition to the public audience with your general subjects, you’re meeting with the seneschal to go over protocol—”

“So many meetings.” Unhappiness dripped from her voice.

“Yes. There are a lot of meetings. We’ll meet regularly with Bran, Elric, and Padraig—daily in the beginning, perhaps even more. We’ll often meet with the houses, as a group and individually. There will be regular audiences to hear grievances from your subjects. Sometimes you’ll meet with other leaders, other groups, we’ll also throw parties. There’s a bit of a season here, too. Though we have a little time before that starts.”

“There is?” Her head popped up and she made a face. “I suppose people have to get married somehow.”

“At least we don’t have to go through it.” He planted a kiss on her temple. “It will be
.” How would they manage? It had been less than a day and already she was falling apart. There was no time for weakness.

“Yes, we will, and soon we’ll go to university. I suppose we’ll return every other weekend to take care of things?” She brightened.

“Noli … ”

Her face fell at his words. “What?”

“Never mind.” He didn’t have the heart to tell her that she’d dashed their dreams of going to a mortal university. She’d bound herself to the land. Never again would she return to the mortal realm for more than a visit. Noli belonged to the Otherworld now.

The door flew open and James walked in—and he wasn’t alone.

Happiness overwhelmed him.

“Steven.” Dirt smudged Elise’s face and dress as she flung herself at him.

Standing, he picked her up and swung her around. “Elise, you’re safe.”

“Why did you leave me?” Elise looked at Noli with hurt-filled eyes.

Noli stood and hugged her. “They wouldn’t let me take you, but never mind, you’re here now.”

Steven looked at James. This was beyond unexpected, but welcome. “How?”

“They were at the big house. But this one’s hurt.” James set the blond boy on his back in one of the chairs. “This is Aodhan.”

“He’s my friend,” Elise explained.

“I’m fine.” Aodhan gazed at them with wide yellow eyes.

“Except for the fact you can’t walk.” James shook his head. “Steven, will you help me? Oh, I guess you’re just Stio, now?”

Noli shook her head. “I’m not calling you Stiofán.”

“Why?” Not that Steven minded, but James had a point. It was time to put their mortal names aside, at least while in this realm.

“Someone has to keep you honest.” She grinned.

“Stiofán.” Elise frowned at him. “You only get called that when you’re bad.”

Ah, yes, this would be difficult.

“It’s my real name. Just like James is Séamus and you are Ailís.”

Her eyebrows rose as if she didn’t quite believe him. “What’s Noli’s real name?”

“Magnolia.” Another thing against her in the eyes of the royals. It was such an obviously mortal name.

Elise rolled her eyes in a way that reminded him of James. “I
Her other real name.”

“That’s all the name she has.” Maybe they should give her one so she’d fit in better.

Steven turned to Aodhan. “Let’s take a look, shall we?”

Who was he and where did she find him?

He watched as James scanned the boy’s leg. As much as James said he wasn’t, he truly was better at this. His time with Charlotte had made him very good at things like scans, minor healing, and taking away pain.

“I think it’s just a bad sprain,” James told him. “Second opinion?”

“Show me how.” Noli crouched down next to him.

Noli’s lack of magical knowledge was something else he’d have to work on.

“Not now.” Steven brushed it off. The less people knew about her ignorance, the better. How quickly could he turn her into the ideal queen? If she were perfect then people would realize that they should be as honored to have her as a queen as he was to have her for his wife.

“Oh.” Her face fell.

“What are you doing?” Elise peered at them, forehead furrowing.

“Why don’t the two of you go do something,” Steven replied, anxious for Elise to be off. “But don’t go far, Noli, we still have to meet with everyone.”

“Fine.” Noli took Elise’s hand and marched out of the room without a backward glance.

“Are you hungry?” Noli led Elise into the next room. It reminded her a little of the queen’s tearoom at the high palace. Oh yes—this would have been Tiana’s sitting room, back when high queen was merely the queen of the earth court.

Did she get to redecorate?

Elise nodded. “Yes, and thirsty. So is Aodhan.” She looked around the room. “I don’t remember this place.”

“Ask your brothers about it.” Noli didn’t know what else to say. She plopped down at the small, round table. “When Miri returns we’ll have her bring supper for everyone. Maybe we can find you a new dress.”

Elise also sat down at the table. “All my things are at the restaurant. The one Aodhan’s father runs.”

“Aodhan’s father?” Noli recalled their encounter at the Thirsty Pooka.

She nodded. “Your friend Kevighn is his uncle.”

“Kevighn is his uncle, but his father runs a restaurant … ” Noli was trying to make sense off all this. Yes, that was why he looked familiar. This was Ciarán’s son, the one who’d saved her with his bow that night at the Thirsty Pooka.

“That’s not his real father. Aodhan’s parents are gone,” she added.

Noli sucked in a breath. Aodhan had Quinn’s coloring and Kevighn’s eyes
… w
as he perhaps Creideamh’s child, who for some reason had been hidden away in the dark court?

The idea boggled the mind. But most importantly, she had possession of a boy who Ciarán called “son” and Kevighn called “nephew.” How many pieces of the staff did the dark king have? Surely the boy would be worth all of them. This had possibilities.

Elise looked around the sitting room. “Where do I sleep here?”

Noli’s head, heavy with fatigue, rested in her hand, elbow on the table. “I’m not even sure where
sleep. We’ll ask Miri. Are you all right? Did anyone hurt you?”

“Of course not. Aodhan’s father is quite nice, and Uncle Kevighn is teaching me to use a bow and arrow.” Elise’s chest puffed with pride.

Uncle Kevighn?
Oh, V would love that.

“I think I’d like to learn to shoot a bow,” Noli told her.

The door opened and part of her deflated when Miri walked in, not V.

“Supper’s on the way.” Miri looked at Elise. “Hello, I’m Miri.”

“I’m Elise. It’s nice to meet you.” Elise yawned. “Supper sounds splendid.”

“Miri, can you please tell the kitchens or whomever you asked about supper to send it for five, not two? We found James and Elise.” Noli suppressed a yawn of her own.

Miri’s honey-colored head bobbed. “Good, perhaps we can play tea party later.”

“Oh, I’d like that.” Elise stifled a yawn. “Perhaps tomorrow. I’m quite tired.”

“She’ll need a place to sleep. Also, her friend Aodhan is staying with us a few days. He’ll need a place to sleep as well.” Her belly rumbled. Couldn’t Miri have brought her a snack? Also, she wanted to be far, far away when they played tea party, but the two of them occupying each other would be a good thing, indeed.

“Her room is the girl’s room, isn’t it?” Miri’s head cocked to one side. “And James’ room is one of the boy rooms? Aodhan can stay in the other boy room since you and V will be staying together in the big room.” She gave a satisfied nod. “Yes, I’ll make sure all the rooms are clean since I think they only fixed up one boy room for James.”

It took a moment for Miri’s rapid-fire chatter to permeate her brain, which currently had the consistency of cold treacle. Right—this was their family apartment, and James, V, and Elise all had rooms here, just like at the big house.

“There’s a bathing tub.” Miri’s eyes went wide. “It’s sooo big.” Her hands stretched out to indicate it, nearly smacking Noli in the head in the process. “After supper, would you like a bath?”

“That sounds heavenly. Oh.” Noli drooped. “I have a meeting after supper.”

“After that, but before you sleep. I’m finding you clothes and things.” Miri stayed chipper and upbeat, and it was a little difficult to not smile.

“I think I’ll need that bath after the meeting.” Possibly cake.

“What about my things?” Elise asked. “Also, may I have a bath before bed? And a story?”

Miri looked her up and down, then tapped her finger to her chin. “I think I can do that. All of that. Noli, I … I mean, Your Grace, would you like me to help Miss Elise get ready for bed while you’re in the meeting?”

Elise’s head bobbed as if she
Miri to help her.

Gah. Hunger was making her grumpy. Miri was a kind, gentle, helpful person. Actually, this would be a good task for her.

“Please? It would be helpful to me if you would see to Elise as part of your duties.”

Miri beamed. “I like to be helpful. Oh, should I have our friends help? I’m so happy you brought them to visit. Perhaps tomorrow we can all play Mintonette. Elise can play with us.” She clapped as she said that, eyes dancing with joy.

Friends? Oh. “Breena and Nissa? Yes, they can help you as long as everything I need gets done. But you’re in charge, so you can decide who does what.”

“I can do that?” Miri’s giant honey eyes blinked once, then twice.

Noli put a hand on Miri’s shoulder. It was so strange to see her instead of just hearing her. “Of course you can, you’re capable of more than you think.”

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