Fragile Destiny (The Aether Chronicles) (30 page)

Read Fragile Destiny (The Aether Chronicles) Online

Authors: Suzanne Lazear

Tags: #young adult, #ya, #steampunk, #fiction, #fantasy, #fairy

BOOK: Fragile Destiny (The Aether Chronicles)
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“Eady.” Papa crossed the porch, gathered his wife in his arms, and spun her around while she squealed like a little girl. He pulled her to him and buried his face in her dark hair. “Oh, Eady, I missed you so much. You’re as beautiful as ever.”

“Henry.” Mama cupped his face with her hand. “You …
you look just as I remember.”

“What’s going on? Why are you all outside?” Jeff walked through the still-open front door out onto the porch and stopped short. “Father?” His voice shook a little.

“I told you he’d come back to us.” Noli grinned at her brother. Even though she should be beyond such things, it felt good to say
I told you so

Jeff patted her on the shoulder. “Yes, you did. Father, I’m so glad to see you.”

They embraced, and their father gave him a hearty clap on the back. “My, what a fine gentleman you’ve become, Jeff. I hear you have yourself a fiancée? I can’t wait to meet her.”

“I’d love for you to meet her,” Jeff replied.

“Steven, it’s nice to see you again, please, pardon my manners. I … I’m a bit in shock here.” Mrs. Braddock’s eyes glistened, her smile wide. She looked around the porch. “Where’s Elise and James? Is your father away on business?”

“It’s understandable.” V smiled back. “Elise and James are on their way, as for my father.” His expression went grim. “My … my father passed right after Thanksgiving.”

“He did?” Her hand went to her mouth in ladylike horror. “Oh dear, I’m so sorry to hear that. I respected Mr. Darrow immensely. Dear sweet Elise must be devastated.”

“We all are,” V said softly, shoulders slumping a little.

“But what will become of you three, you’re so young.” Her mother shook her head.

“Mother, why don’t we all go
,” Jeff prompted. As usual he needed a shave.

“Oh, yes, yes,” Mama blustered. “I … ” Her gaze fell to Papa and she blushed.

Papa took Mama’s hand and kissed it. “Yes, let’s go inside.”

Mama gave a girlish giggle and the two of them went inside.

Jeff rolled his eyes, then glanced at the doorway and lowered his voice. “How did you find him? Where was he?”

“The official story is that he and his team were stuck in the aether—but they were in the Otherworld. Kevighn found him, actually,” Noli whispered, trying not to shiver from the cold. Yes, she was ready to go inside.

“Silver?” Jeff made a face. “That must be quite the story.”

Noli nodded. “We have quite a lot to tell you and Vix. Is she here?”

“Yes, she is.”

Her mother reappeared in the doorway. “Noli, come inside before you catch your death. Ellen’s bringing tea to the parlor. Jameson will get your bags.”

“Yes, Mama.” Noli looked at V and her brother, who were still standing on the porch.

“We’ll be right there.” V smiled, but it was strained.

Noli gave Jeff a pointed look. “Don’t hurt him. Papa already said

She went inside and shut the door, gazing at the grand entryway. A kissing ball hung in the archway. Christmas greenery decorated every available surface, from the banister to the doorways. How long had it been since she’d been to Grandfather Montgomery’s? Although she’d been here at Thanksgiving, she’d been ill because of Brogan and didn’t actually remember it.

Voices came from the parlor. Noli peeked inside and saw her mother and father sitting close together on the settee, speaking softly and holding hands. Her heart pattered happily. They were back together. A fire roared in the fireplace, a giant Christmas tree stood in the corner near the piano.

“Noli, why are you hovering in the doorway?” Grandfather Montgomery’s voice dripped with disapproval from behind her.

“Hello, Grandfather. I … I brought Mama a present, and, well, it feels like intruding.” She moved so her grandfather could see.

His hand went to his heart. “Is that … .”

“They found him. Isn’t that grand?” Noli grinned so hard her face hurt. He was back!

“I … I should tell your grandmamma, and send word to Winston Braddock. He’ll find the news that his son is alive to be a wonderful present.” Her grandfather squeezed her shoulder.

“Oh yes, he would.” Sometimes she forgot about Grandpa Braddock, her father’s father, who also lived in Boston.

“Noli, come warm yourself by the fire. I don’t want you to catch cold,” Mama called.

“Yes, Mama.” She went into the parlor and warmed herself, stealing glances at her parents as they held hands, giddiness bubbling inside her.

Ellen brought tea and set it on the tea table. Grandfather Montgomery and Grandmamma joined them. So did Jeff, Vix, and V.

“Father.” Jeff took Vix’s hand and squeezed it. “This is Vix … Victoria Adler, my fiancée.”

It’s nice to meet you, sir.” Vix’s Southern drawl sounded more pronounced than usual. Today she wore a simple but elegant day dress. Noli had never seen the captain in a dress before. Probably her mother’s work.

“Welcome to the family.” Papa smiled at Vix. “Where did you two meet?”

“I’m a pilot on an airship, like I’d always wanted,” Jeff said slowly. “Vix is the captain.”

“Oh, what kind of ship?” His eyes lit up.

“Oh, Henry,” Mama clucked. “You can talk about airships later.”

“I … I … have something I’d like to say.” V stood, looking paler than usual. “Noli and I have been accepted at a university in France, starting next semester. It’s a very rigorous program and will keep us quite busy. We’ll be leaving right after Christmas.”

“That’s an unusual program—have you even finished your schooling?” Grandfather frowned.

“It’s … it’s very special.” V gulped. “It’s no secret that we wanted to attend university together and well … before we leave … there’s something I wanted to ask. I … I think this is something that should happen before we go to France. Um … ” Shaking, he got down on one knee, pulling a box out of his pocket.

He opened the box, which held a beautiful ring. There were seven stones: a ruby, an emerald, a garnet, an amethyst, another ruby, a diamond, and a sapphire—which spelled
These rings were all the rage for engagements, but this one was like none that Noli had ever seen—the stones formed a flower.

Both her mother and Grandmamma gasped.

Noli’s heart raced. She’d known this was coming, but it did nothing to lessen the excitement.

Magnolia Montgomery Braddock? Will you … will you be my wife?” V’s voice trembled as his eyes met hers.

Everyone watched them expectantly. Mama dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief.

Noli held out her hand as V slid the ring onto her finger. “Yes,” she whispered. “The answer is



Steven knocked softly on the door to the room Noli was staying in. He’d gotten used to sharing a room with her, but he could hardly expect that here.

“Come in,” Noli called.

He entered. This wasn’t the nursery where he’d found her so ill and pale from Uncle Brogan’s magic. No, this was a cheery room, with a four-poster bed and a window seat.

Noli sat curled in the window seat, reading a novel. She looked over and smiled. “Hello.”

“What are you reading?” He joined her.

She flashed him the cover. “Dickens.”

Always with the fiction. Noli did love her novels, while he preferred practical things like history and philosophy.

“I think you should read Machiavelli. I read it while on my quest. It would be quite enlightening, all things considered,” he told her.

Noli stuck out her tongue at him in a very un-queenlike gesture. “I’m on vacation.”

He was about to retort that monarchs didn’t get vacations, but he closed his mouth. Instead he squeezed into the window seat with her.

“Haven’t you read
Great Expectations
a million times?” he teased. That was her favorite, next to
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

She shrugged. “What of it?”

He laughed, then caught hold of her left hand. “Do you like the ring?”

“It’s wonderful. When did you have time to get it?” She reached out and ran her fingers along his jaw.

He liked it when she did that. It felt like love.

“I had James send Jeff an aethergraph asking for his permission, and wiring him money so that he could get it for you, since I wasn’t sure I’d have time.” Even though Steven had now secured Mr. Braddock’s permission, he was grateful to have Jeff’s blessing as well.

“It’s perfect.” Noli grinned. “I’m so glad I have my father back.”

He pulled her onto his lap and they got comfortable. “I’m happy for you, though I’m a little jealous. There’s so much I wish I could ask my father.”

About ruling. About Quinn. About the staff. About Elise.

She gave a little sigh. “There’s so much to do. I feel guilty being here.”

He tightened his arms around her. “Me too. But let’s enjoy the time we have.”

There was a knock on the half-open door.

“Noli?” Jeff walked in, Vix behind him. “Good, you’re both here.” He closed the door behind them. “Darrow, are you marrying my sister because you’ve gotten her with child?”

Noli snorted. “What makes you think that?”

Steven was glad Noli replied, because he had no words.

“A couple of weeks ago, you mentioned nothing about moving to
, and the idea of a marriage between you two was a bit of a joke.” Jeff’s face flushed red.

Steven would hardly have called it a joke; it had been more of a far-off thing.

“Jeff, there’s nothing wrong with rushing things a bit because you’re with child,” Vix said quietly, eyes downcast. “Not if you’d intended on being with him anyway.”

Jeff turned to Vix. “Is
why you told my mother you didn’t mind if there was a surprise wedding at Christmas?”

Vix nodded. “I … I didn’t want to say anything until I was certain, and I’m still not completely sure. I’d marry you anyway, but I … ”

“I love you.” Jeff picked up Vix and swung her around, then planted a kiss on her still-flat belly. “We’ll raise our own little crew.”

It was everything Steven could do to not avert his eyes; it seemed to be such a personal moment.

“It can be the Braddock Finishing School for Air Pirates,” Noli said with a laugh. “I’m so happy for you both. So, there
a surprise wedding?”

“It’s not exactly a surprise anymore, but yes. Tomorrow, Christmas Eve. We’ve already been subjected to engagement dinners, meeting the family, and such. It’s rather overwhelming.” Vix looked a bit pale. “I think, since you’re going to France, they intend to have you two married as well … is that all right? Your mother, grandmother, and aunties tend to take over, so if you don’t want this, you should tell them immediately.”

“It’s fine, as long as Papa walks me down the aisle.” Noli beamed.

Steven was glad Noli would get her mortal wedding with her family.

“I don’t object,” he said when he noticed Jeff staring at him.

“Good.” Jeff stood there, arms crossed, a stoic look on his face. “And France? What is this about

Noli sighed. “Sit. We’ll tell you the truth about everything … including Papa. But you can’t tell anyone.”

They told Jeff and Vix everything that had happened since they’d left Los Angeles.

“Let me get this straight, Noli.” Jeff frowned. “You killed Brogan. And by killing him, you became queen and you married Darrow? And now the two of you are king and queen of the faeries?” His face contorted in disbelief.

“Just the earth court,” Steven assured him. “But we’ll be spending a majority of our time there, so we were trying to explain why we won’t be in close contact. France may not be the best explanation, but it was all I could think of.”

“Especially since Mama hates airships and won’t want to visit,” Noli added. “But we’ll visit as much as we can. After all … ” She grinned. “I want to meet my niece.”

“Niece?” Jeff’s eyebrows rose.

“Why not?” Noli’s grin widened. “Girls are just as good as boys, don’t you think, Vix?”

Vix nodded. “Better. Maybe this one will be an engineer like Auntie Noli.”

Jeff looked to Steven for support.

“I’m not getting involved, especially since Noli and I are now raising Elise,” Steven said. An airship full of little Vixes and Nolies. Jeff was in for it.

“What about university?” Jeff prodded. “I thought your dream was to be a botanist?”

“We’ll go to university there,” Noli replied. “I’ll still get to be a botanist and invent things. I have a tree house and a workshop. Sometimes dreams change—I’m all right with all this. It’s a lot all at once, but I can do it. No.” She tipped up her head and looked at Steven. “
can do it. Truly, Jeff, it’ll be fine. Vix, do you have any idea how I might be able to get a hoverboard to work in the Otherworld?”

“I won’t hold Noli back from her dreams,” Steven told them. “And
queen. I’m just her king.” He didn’t mind one bit.

“Just?” Noli laughed.

Jeff shook his head. “It’s a lot. My baby sister, queen of the faeries.”

“I’m going to need your help to make everything work, Jeff. Please?” she pleaded.

“Anything for you.” Jeff smiled. His eyes narrowed. “I’m still watching you, Darrow.”

Of course he was. At least they weren’t aiming pistols at him. Right now.

“Are they in here?” Elise called. The door burst open and she ran in. She stopped short and looked around. “Oh, how do you do? I’m Elise.”

James came in behind her. “Jeff, Vix, hello.”

“Oooh, a window seat.” Elise climbed into the window seat with them, making it quite crowded.

Noli did the introductions. “Elise, this is my big brother, Jeff—do you remember him?—and Vix, his fiancée.”

“It’s nice to meet you. Noli, this house is very grand. Have you seen the giant Christmas tree? Will there be presents for me under it?” Elise beamed with excitement.

Presents. Oops. He should get Elise and Noli presents.

“I’m sure there will be.” Noli tickled her, making her laugh.

Vix turned to James. “James, Hattie says hello. She also says to tell you they’re still in need of a gunner.”

“They are?” James flashed a smile of true happiness, one they hadn’t seen since Charlotte died. “I might need to find them. I’m getting a little tired of playing prince.”

Was he now? Steven needed him. But now wasn’t the time to pick a fight.

“Can I go on an adventure, too?” Elise’s eyes pleaded.

“Not with Hittie and Hattie, but I’ll take you for a ride in my airship,” Vix told her. “She’s called the Vixen’s Revenge. Should we go in a little while?”

“Can we?” Elise looked at Steven.

He squeezed her. “Of course we can. I’ve actually never been aboard, though Noli has.”

“Ah, this is where everyone is hiding,” a female voice said. Noli’s mother and father filled the doorway, hands clasped.

Steven looked at Noli. Her eyes were on their hands, and her lips twitched with a silly grin.

“We’re just talking, Mama,” Noli said, leaning against Steven’s shoulder. It was quite crowded in the window seat, but he wasn’t about to eject either girl.

“We’re going for a ride on Vix’s airship. Would you like to come?” Elise bounced up and down in excitement.

Mrs. Braddock shook her head. “I’ll pass. However, I need all ladies to come with me, please. Hello, Elise. For some reason I thought you were bigger.”

Steven had forgotten that the spell that made Elise look older in the mortal realm would have worn off. Hopefully people wouldn’t notice too much.

“Is it a surprise?” Elise tumbled off his lap and tugged at Noli’s hand. “Come on.”

“It’s probably dress fittings,” Noli whispered to Steven. “I’m sure I’ll be back eventually.”

Vix gave a little sigh and stood. “I suppose ‘ladies’ refers to me as well?” She shook her head. “Here I always considered myself a woman, not a lady,” she muttered, giving Jeff a long look as Mrs. Braddock herded them off.

Mr. Braddock remained and gave them a sheepish look. “I … I don’t suppose anyone needs to go Christmas shopping?”

“I do.” Steven sat up. “Do you think the shops are still open?”

“A few are,” Jeff replied. “I’ve finished my shopping, but I’ll go with you. James?”

James shrugged. “Sure. Elise is expecting presents.”

Steven joined them. “I’m sure she is. Shall we be off? If it is a dress-fitting, they’ll be busy for some time.”

“It is; I heard Mother talk about it.” Jeff grimaced. “Let’s get far away before we’re asked for our opinions. They say they want them, but they really don’t.”

James made a face as they walked down the hall. “Then why

“Women are different,” Mr. Braddock replied.

“Oh.” James’ face lit up. “Tomorrow Jeff and V are to be married. That means tonight I get to take you two out for your last night of freedom. Jeff, do you think Vix will lend you the airship? There’s this great place in New York City—”

Steven groaned. “We’re
going to Mathias’ Place.” That was a recipe for disaster.

“I know a place.” Mr. Braddock’s look grew sly as they walked down the stairs. “It’s a bit of a Braddock tradition. But we can’t tell the women.”

His belly dropped.
Uh oh.
Perhaps Mathias would be the better option.

Jeff nodded, then shot Steven a long glance. “That sounds great, Father. Especially since the women are throwing some sort of ladies only party tonight. Though I’m not sure Darrow can handle what you have in mind.”

“I can handle it, Braddock,” Steven retorted. If he could be king of the earth court, he could handle an evening out with Noli’s father and brother. Perhaps.

Elise couldn’t sleep. Voices drifted up from downstairs, many voices, like they were having a party without her. Why did she have to go to bed so early? It wasn’t fair. At least she got her airship ride.

As nice as Noli’s family was, she missed her own father and Quinn. Most of all she missed Aodhan. If only Miri were here to tell her a story.

The door cracked open. “Are you asleep, Elise?”

“Will you tell me a story, Noli?” Elise sat up.

“Certainly.” Noli sat down on the bed. “Can’t sleep? I’m nervous about tomorrow, too.”

Nervous? Elise was

“The dresses are so pretty. Your mother is nearly as good a dressmaker as Miri,” Elise told her. Now she’d get to be flower girl for two weddings at the same time.

“Don’t tell my mother that,” Noli laughed. “Here, let me read you a story.”

She went over to the bookshelves and took down a book.

Noli read her a story. Closing the book, she said, “Now go to sleep. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.”

Elise sat up with a start. “I didn’t get Aodhan a present.”

“Tomorrow will be busy, but perhaps on Christmas Day my mother will help you make a present for him. The best presents come from the heart.” Noli smiled and squeezed her hand. “We’ll bring it to Aodhan when we return.”

“Promise?” Elise settled back down in the bed. She hoped he wasn’t disappointed that there wouldn’t be one under the tree waiting for him.

“Promise. Oh, look, Elise.” Noli flew to the window. “It’s starting to snow!”

“Snow?” She’d never seen snow. Elise joined Noli at the window, faces pressed against the glass, breath forming little clouds on the cold panes. White snowflakes fluttered from the sky.

“Noli, dearest, where did you go?” Mrs. Braddock called. “You need to greet everyone.”

Noli sighed and gave her a hug. “Good night, Elise. Coming, Mama.”

Elise stood in the window, watching the snow and the moon. Was Aodhan watching the moon, too? She missed her friend. Never before had she had someone to have adventures with, someone who really understood her—what it was like to have no parents, to have strange magic, to feel lonely and misunderstood.

Putting her hand on the window, she gazed up at the moon. In her mind she could see him, standing in his room at the restaurant. She pictured him putting his hand on the window and saying
Good night, Elise.

“Good night, Aodhan,” Elise whispered. With a little sigh, she crawled into bed and went to sleep, dreaming of all the adventures they’d have together.

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