Frankenstein's Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech's Brave New Beasts (32 page)

BOOK: Frankenstein's Cat: Cuddling Up to Biotech's Brave New Beasts
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more than five hundred of them
: As of April 14, 2012.

6. Pin the Tail on the Dolphin

In December 2005
: Information on Winter’s accident and rescue comes from several sources, including multiple interviews with Kevin Carroll, exhibits and presentations at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, and a documentary about Winter produced by the aquarium (
Winter … The Dolphin That Could
, produced and directed by David Yates and Steve Brown [Clearwater, FL: Clearwater Marine Aquarium, 2010], DVD).

She’s adapted to her … curve unnaturally
: Kevin Carroll, in discussion with author via telephone, June 8, 2010, and March 30, 2012.

In September 2006, an aquarium
: Dana Zucker, interview by Melissa Block,
All Things Considered
, NPR, September 26, 2006, transcript available at

A prosthetist named Kevin … lifetime of disability
: Carroll, discussions, June 2010 and March 2012.

Carroll grew up near
: Information on Kevin Carroll’s background and experience comes from numerous conversations with him between 2010 and 2012.

“whatever comes our way”
: Carroll, discussion, June 2010.

“I’ve sort of become the Dr. Doolittle…”
: Carroll, discussion, March 2012.

Strzempka, who has worn … as a patient
: Kevin Carroll and Dan Strzempka, in discussion with author, Clearwater, Florida, March 25, 2011.

“At first, I thought he was…”
: Dan Strzempka, in discussion with author, Clearwater, Florida, March 25, 2011.

Carroll and Strzempka began a crash course
: Carroll and Strzempka, discussion, March 2011.

In Winter’s case, the basic plan … to the ground
: Ibid.

“It was a small warehouse”
: Strzempka, discussion, March 2011.

the engineer nailed it
: ALPS, the company that manufactures the new gel, would not reveal the exact composition of the material, saying that the formula is proprietary. But Strzempka says that possible tweaks include changing the ratio of plastics used or selecting new binding agents—compounds used to bulk up the mixture and hold it together. Materials scientists can also change the properties of a thermoplastic by playing with specifics of the curing process, during which heat and pressure are used to turn the liquid concoction into a durable solid, he said.

“It’s incredible material”
: Carroll, discussion, March 2011.

Technically, the material
: Strzempka, discussion, March 2011.

To make sure that Winter … heavier devices
: Carroll, discussion, June 2010.

To put the device on … apparatus on
: Carroll and Strzempka, discussion, March 2011; Carroll, discussion, June 2010.

Winter has to be supervised
: Strzempka, discussion, March 2011.

Instead, it’s reserved … from side to side
: Carroll and Strzempka, discussion, March 2011.

“It’s just beautiful…”
: Carroll, discussion, June 2010.

Winter’s scoliosis has improved
: Carroll and Strzempka, discussion, March 2011; Carroll, discussion, March 2012.

Carroll and Strzempka are still
: Carroll, discussion, June 2010; Carroll and Strzempka, discussion, March 2011.

For instance, Strzempka says
: Strzempka, discussion, March 2011.

“mad scientist character”
: Kevin Carroll, in discussion with author, Stratford, Connecticut, October 5, 2010.

Children with artificial arms
: Carroll, discussion, June 2010.

The psychological aspect…”
: Ibid.

as word spread
: Carroll, discussion, October 2010; Strzempka, discussion, March 2011.

“The stickiness is…”
: Strzempka, discussion, March 2011.

It didn’t take long
: “The Never Ending Tale of WintersGel,” Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics, accessed March 17, 2012,

seasoned triathletes
: Dan Strzempka, in discussion with author via telephone, June 14, 2011.

eleven-year-old girls
: “Megan McKeon,” Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics, accessed March 17, 2012,

“Animals give back…”
: Carroll, discussion, March 2012.

some neuroscience research has
: Massimo Filippi et al., “The Brain Functional Networks Associated to Human and Animal Suffering Differ Among Omnivores, Vegetarians and Vegans,”
PLoS One
5, no. 5 (2010). Another study revealed that we have the most empathy for species that are most closely related to humans: H. Rae Westbury and David L. Neumann, “Empathy-Related Responses to Moving Film Stimuli Depicting Human and Non-human Animal Targets in Negative Circumstances,”
Biological Psychology
78, no. 1 (2008): 66–74.

Animals have all sorts … roll their eyes
: Committee on Recognition and Alleviation of Pain in Laboratory Animals, National Research Council,
Recognition and Alleviation of Pain in Laboratory Animals
(Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2009), 50.

Mice make grimaces
: Dale J. Langford et al., “Coding of Facial Expressions of Pain in the Laboratory Mouse,”
Nature Methods
7 (May 9, 2010): 447–49.

Carroll ultimately decided to pass
: Kevin Carroll, in discussion with author via telephone, February 8, 2011.

Take the dog owner Gregg Miller
: Information about Buck’s neutering, and the origins of Neuticles, are from Gregg Miller, in discussion with author via telephone, June 30, 2010.

“Good God, it was … losing a body part?”
: Ibid.

“People thought I was nuts”
: Ibid.

Working with veterinarians
: “Neuticles Inventor Gregg A. Miller,” CTI Neuticles, accessed November 2, 2011,

“texture and firmness”
: “Interesting Facts About Neuticles,” CTI Neuticles, accessed March 20, 2012,

The first dog received
: “Neuticles Inventor Gregg A. Miller,” CTI Neuticles.

The Neuticles were popped in … surgical procedure
: “Frequently Asked Questions,” CTI Neuticles, accessed November 2, 2011,

prices range from
: Neuticles Brochure, CTI Neuticles, downloaded March 19, 2012, from

The company also sells
: Neuticles Brochure, CTI Neuticles.

“Even though he never got Neuticles…”
: Miller, discussion.

250,000 pets in forty-nine countries
: “Interesting Facts About Neuticles,” CTI Neuticles.

“It will not help … inadequate to the task”
: T. Nagel, “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?”
The Philosophical Review
83, no. 4 (1974): 435–50.

Gregory Berns, a neuroscientist
: Gregory S. Berns et al., “Functional MRI in Awake Unrestrained Dogs,”
PLoS One
7, no. 5 (2012): e38027.

can cause behavioral changes
: M. V. Kustritz, “Determining the Optimal Age for Gonadectomy of Dogs and Cats,”
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
231, no. 11 (2007): 1665–75.

“Pets don’t have…”
: “Myths and Facts About Spaying and Neutering,” Humane Society of the United States, accessed March 12, 2012,

“a creepy, creepy thing…”
: Miller, discussion.

Scientists studying the effects
: A. Brent Richards et al., “Gonadectomy Negatively Impacts Social Behavior of Adolescent Male Primates,”
Hormones and Behavior
56, no. 1 (2009): 140–48.

“freaking out over…”
: Miller, discussion.

some animal welfare groups
: These groups include the ASPCA, Canadian Humane Society, and New York Humane Society, as per

In fact, when Miller heard
: “‘Buddy Needs Neuticles’ Proposal Reviewed by Clinton,” CTI Neuticles, accessed November 2, 2011,

According to a survey of nearly sixteen thousand
: J. K. Blackshaw and C. Day, “Attitudes of Dog Owners to Neutering Pets: Demographic Data and Effects of Owner Attitudes,”
Australian Veterinary Journal
71, no. 4 (1994): 113–16.

one male customer reported
: Bonnie Berry, “Interactionism and Animal Aesthetics: A Theory of Reflected Social Power,”
Society and Animals
16 (2008): 75–89.

“many men continue to view…”
: Julie Urbanik, “‘Hooters for Neuters’: Sexist or Transgressive Animal Advocacy Campaign?”
1, no. 1 (2009): 40–62.

Take tail docking
: Tom L. Beauchamp et al., “Cosmetic Surgery for Dogs,” in
The Human Use of Animals: Case Studies in Ethical Choice
, 2nd ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), 135–46.

The American Kennel Club (AKC), which develops
: The standards for each breed, including those listed in the text, are available at the AKC’s website: “Breeds,” American Kennel Club, accessed March 19, 2012,

For women, however
: “Merchandise Mart,” CTI Neuticles, Novemeber 2, 2011,

Pet plastic surgey can have … crooked teeth
: Bonnie Berry, “Interactionism and Animal Aesthetics: A Theory of Reflected Social Power,”
Society and Animals
16 (2008): 75–89; Sandy Robins, “More Pets Getting Nipped and Tucked,”
April 27, 2005,<#>.T2e__syJnZR
; James Hall, “Surge in Plastic Surgery for Pets,”
, August 16, 2011,

But one veterinary surgeon
: Steve Kingstone, “Brazilian Dogs Go Under the Knife,” BBC News, August 16, 2004,

The United Kingdom has banned
: “Mutilations and Tail Docking of Dogs,” Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, accessed March 12, 2012,

“We try to work…”
: Carroll, discussion, June 2010.

Sandhill cranes commonly come
: Information about sandhill cranes, and the prostheses that Fox and Carroll built for them, are from Lee Fox, in discussion with author, Sarasota, Florida, March 26, 2011.

“truly, physically sick…”
: Ibid.

“Chrisie walked in hers…”
: Ibid.

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