Frat Boy and Toppy (18 page)

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Authors: Anne Tenino

BOOK: Frat Boy and Toppy
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“I spent most of the day thinking about your ‘punishment.’” Sebastian grinned. “I had to jerk off at lunchtime, it was making me so nuts.”

“Mmm.” The idea of Sebastian stroking himself was hot, but he was too tired to do anything about it. “I like that. I’d like to see that sometime.”

Sebastian kissed Brad’s temple. “Yeah? Maybe next time you need to be punished, I’ll tie you to the bed and make you watch while I come all over you.”

Brad’s eyes popped open as he jerked his head off the bed.

“You tired?” Sebastian asked him, the smile breaking out on his face. Brad’s heart started beating his ears.

“Not that tired,” Brad said.



Sebastian had to go to the State University library in the morning to do research, so he dropped Brad off a block or so from the frat. Brad hadn’t had to ask him to do that; he just stopped the car out of sight of the house.

Brad was grateful. Because, while he fully intended to come out? He wanted to be in control of how and when.

It didn’t stop him from leaning over to kiss Sebastian, though. They parked under a huge chestnut tree, and no one was around this early on a Saturday. The limbs of the tree came down like a big umbrella, practically touching the street in places. Kissing Sebastian was worth the risk.

“Mmm,” Sebastian said, palming Brad’s head. “You coming over tonight?”

“Oh, yeah.” Brad smiled, and Sebastian leaned in for one more kiss.

“I’ll miss you, honey,” Sebastian whispered against his lips.

Really, one more quick kiss wouldn’t hurt, right?

When Brad finally forced himself to scoot back and grab the door handle, his lips were tingling. Sebastian was looking over at him, smiling, but then turned his focus to something outside Brad’s window. “Oh, shit.” He looked back at Brad quickly, paling.

Brad closed his eyes. “Okay. Just tell me who it is and how many there are.”

“It’s Kyle.”

Brad slumped in relief. Kyle he could handle.

“I’m sorry, hon,” Sebastian said. “You want me to come with you to talk to him? He’s waiting for you.”

“No, it’s all right.” Brad leaned back over to kiss Sebastian quickly, just to show him how all right it was. Sebastian looked a little less troubled when Brad pulled away. “It’ll be fine. I’ll see you later.”



Brad got out, finally. Kyle was standing on the sidewalk under the chestnut tree less than five feet from the car, but Brad didn’t say anything until Sebastian had driven away.

He still didn’t say anything. Until, finally, Kyle nearly shouted, “
why you worked so hard on those history papers?”

Brad blinked. Not what he’d expected. “Uh, yeah. I guess.” Sebastian didn’t even grade his papers anymore. He’d said it was a conflict of interest.

“What, that didn’t work, so now you’re messing around with him for a good grade?”

That was more along the lines of what Brad had expected. He gritted his teeth. “He’s my boyfriend.”

Kyle blinked, mouth working for a few seconds, then said, “You don’t have to do this, man. I’d have helped you with the class if you wanted; you only had to ask—”

“Kyle. Shut the fuck up.” Sometimes the guy could be a little thick. “I’m gay. I like cock. I’m not with Sebastian for a grade, I’m with him because I
him. Really, really like him.”

Kyle’s mouth worked some more. “But . . . but those girls . . . all of ’em. I don’t . . . Did he
you gay?”

“Dude, I will kick your ass if you make one more comment like that about Sebastian. Just—” Brad sighed.
, he didn’t want to do it this way. “It’s like having a girlfriend, okay? You don’t talk shit about Tank’s girlfriend, right? Because Tank is very touchy about his girlfriend.”

Kyle nodded, mouth still hanging open.

“It’s like that. I am very touchy about my boyfriend. And before you say anything stupid, if you even
that Sebastian is like a girl, in any way, there will be blood. Okay?”

Brad stared at Kyle a few seconds before he finally started nodding. He looked like maybe the shock was getting to him. “Oh. Okay.”

“Okay. C’mon, let’s get you back to the frat before you faint.” Brad sighed and turned toward the house.

“Good idea,” Kyle said weakly, still nodding. Brad had to tug on his arm before he moved, though.

Brad got Kyle to the frat and up the front stairs. When he opened the door, Julian was standing in the entry again. Why was he always there?

Jules looked at them, then looked at Kyle more closely. His brow wrinkled. “What’s wrong with you?”

“Uh,” Kyle said.

“Got overheated,” Brad said.

Jules’ brow wrinkles grew. “It’s, like, fifty-five degrees out there.”

“He was in the sauna.”

“I thought he was just going to get some gum.”

“He decided to take a sauna while he chewed it.” Brad was steadily working his way around Jules, pushing Kyle toward the stairs.

“That’s just weird,” Jules muttered. Then he pulled a feather duster out of his back pocket and started knocking dust off the tops of the many framed pictures of past and present frat members.

was just weird. Brad prodded Kyle up the stairs and forgot all about Jules, thinking instead about the best way to get Kyle to snap out of the shock and make sure he kept his fucking mouth shut until Brad was prepared for his queerness to be general knowledge.

“Brad’s gay,” Kyle blurted as soon as they walked into their room and found Collin there, a pile of clean laundry on his bed in front of him.

“Kyle!” Brad yelled.

“You told him?” Collin asked at the same time.

“He saw me with Sebastian.”

“Collin knows?” Kyle asked. “You told him before you told me?”

Brad scowled at him. He might have had more sympathy if Kyle hadn’t just tried to tell Collin himself.

“I found out kinda like you did,” Collin told his laundry. “By accident.”

“I need to sit down.” Kyle stumbled over to his desk chair.

Brad followed and stood over him. “Dude, you
go around telling people. I’m going to tell the rest of the guys—”

“You are?” Collin asked sharply.

“I’m going to tell the rest of the guys about me.” Subtle emphasis on “me.” He turned back to Kyle. “But I’m doing it when I’m ready. I’m not fucking having you wandering around telling everyone.”

“Dude.” Kyle sounded even more hurt. “I wouldn’t do that to you, bud. I’d never tell.”

“You just walked in here and announced it to Collin!”

Kyle looked confused. “Oh, yeah. I think it was the shock,” he said slowly. “Won’t happen again, swear.”

Brad eyed him for a minute while Kyle looked up at him in earnest. “It can’t. If I don’t control how this comes out, it could get ugly.”

Some kind of understanding settled over Kyle. He nodded firmly and sat up straighter.

It still took Kyle forever to get his mind around it. At least, it seemed like forever. Brad sat in his desk chair and listened to Kyle’s random thoughts on his gayness. They bubbled up out of the guy like gas out of a tar pit.

Brad was annoyed and bored as shit within ten minutes.

Apparently, Collin was, too. “It’s not like he’s the only gay guy in the frat,” Collin told Kyle scornfully.

Kyle stared at him. “There are other gay guys in this frat?”

Collin shrugged and looked away, still folding laundry. Kyle stared at him a minute longer, then turned to Brad, eyes wide and face slack in surprise. “Are there? Other gay guys in this frat?”

Brad shrugged, managing a much less self-conscious one than Collin. “Statistically there have to be, man.”

“Yeah, but do you

Collin froze with a pair of holey briefs in his hand and whipped his head around. Kyle didn’t notice, focused solely on Brad. Brad finally dropped his hands from behind his head and gave Kyle his most forbidding look. “I don’t come and tell, dude.”

him? This other gay guy?” Kyle’s voice rose so high Brad thought it might crack.

. “Why are you hets all so intercourse-centric? There’s a lot more to sex than sticking it in and wiggling it around.”

Kyle’s mouth dropped open. Brad felt like he was forcefully broadening Kyle’s mind with, like, a can opener. But at least Collin had relaxed, sitting on his bed and looking at Brad with amused interest.

? Intercourse-centric? Who

“Same guy I’ve always been. This is just a part of me you’ve never seen before.” He crossed his arms over his chest and eyed Kyle steadily.

Kyle didn’t seem to notice; he was staring off into space. He shut his mouth with a snap and swallowed audibly. “Okay. Okay, so, there’s hand jobs and blowjobs and fucking, right?”

Brad snorted. “That’s a good start.”

“What else is there?”

Brad tilted his chair back. He never got to be the tutor, so he planned to make the most of it. “Well, there’s frottage. Or, as the French say it, ‘frot-AZH.’ A lot of guys start there.” He supposed. Based on his research.

Collin smirked. Kyle’s eyes widened. “Frottage?”

“Rubbing off on someone. It’s really great when one guy has his hand around both—”

“Dude!” Kyle shouted, palm to Brad and doing the closed-eyed cringe. “No details. Only the basics, man.” Collin started coughing hysterically into the pair of socks he’d just balled up. Kyle looked at him. “Got to you, too, huh dude?”

Collin coughed harder and turned away. Kyle‘s brow pulled together. “I think you made him inhale something, man. That was cruel.” He shook his head slowly.

Brad grinned. “He’ll be all right.”

Once Collin had recovered himself, Kyle broached the subject again. “So, uh. That’s it, right?”

Brad smiled even more broadly. “You know, your asshole—”

“Don’tusethatword!” Kyle was doing a whole-body cringe this time. Brad chanced a look at Collin, who was desperately trying not to laugh and refusing to meet Brad’s eyes.

Brad got his smile under control and cleared his throat. “Sorry. You know, your
. . .” he paused to see if Kyle had any objections. Kyle made a pained “go ahead” motion with his hand. “Your anus is one of the most sensitive parts of your body. It’s more sensitive than a lot of your dick. ’Course, if you’d never been circumcised and still had a frenulum, that wouldn’t be the case.”

“Dude! How do you know I’m circumcised? Have you been checking me out?” Brad raised an eyebrow and stared at Kyle until Kyle muttered, “Yeah, never mind.”

“There are lots of things you can do to your anus—or someone else can do—that are pretty fucking awesome. And that’s not even mentioning the prostate.”

“Oh, God,” Kyle whined. He planted his elbows on his knees and hid his face in his hands.

Some devil made him do it. Brad smiled big and winked at Collin before saying, “And of course, there’s getting fucked.”

Kyle’s hands fisted in his hair. “But you don’t do that, right?”

Brad just sat there, the chair creaking as he rocked it back and forth on its hind legs. Collin stared at him. Kyle froze.

Collin cleared his throat. “You

Brad nodded precisely. “All the time.” Enunciating. He didn’t know why he wanted these guys to know. Well, he did. It pissed him off for some reason that they would just figure, since he was the jock and Sebastian was the brain, that Brad must be fucking him.

Even fucking
thought so, Brad could tell by the way his eyes bugged out.

Kyle lifted his head and looked at Collin. “Did he say what I think he just said?” he asked faintly.

Collin stared at Brad, but answered Kyle. “Yeah. He did. Um . . . excuse me, I think I need to go take a shower.” He grabbed a clean pair of briefs and a T-shirt off the bed and scrambled out the door, holding his clothes in front of his groin.

Kyle looked at Brad reproachfully. “Dude. You can’t say shit like that to just
. You scared the hell out of Collin. I’m your best friend; I can come to terms with this shit—” Kyle cleared his throat “—given time. But Collin, man, and the other guys . . .” Kyle shook his head.

That was enough bullshit for one day. “Kyle, I don’t really give a fuck anymore. I’m not hiding it, and if the other guys want to kick me out of the frat, they can go right ahead. After
tell them.” He let the front legs of his chair hit the floor and stood up. “And just so we’re clear,
my best friend.”

Kyle just stared while Brad grabbed his cell and his keys off his desk and checked his backpack to make sure it had his books. He slung the strap over his shoulder, smiled perfunctorily at Kyle, clapped him on the shoulder, and walked out. “Going to the library. See ya.”


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