Freak Show (8 page)

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Authors: J Richards

BOOK: Freak Show
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“Looking for a good time, honey?” One lady asks me as I brush past her without making eye contact.

“No, thank you.” I whisper and keep going. Unless she is talking about that yummy mixed drink I had when I first got here. I could go for like, five of that kind of good time right about now. She doesn’t continue the conversation and I know I have to find somewhere to hide. I’d prefer it to not be with a hooker.

I can no longer hear the howls of the wild dogs chasing me, but I know they are still far too close for me to stop now. I walk faster and my legs begin to ache. I look down at my poor body and wonder what happened to the clean woman who laid across the lap of her lover moments ago. Instead, my legs are dirty and sticky with other people’s pee and my own blood. I want so badly to wash them off, but I hope that the nastiness covering me is just another thing hiding my smell from my pursuers.

Thank God for that protection pill, otherwise I would be freaking out about what kind of diseases my body is welcoming through my open wounds. I hesitantly look at my watch after thinking of the magic lifesaving pill. I close my eyes firmly and scrunch my face up so hard my forehead hurts. I must be seeing the numbers wrong. There is no way we have been here for twelve hours already. I peek again, but the numbers haven’t changed.

The street dead ends at a large building that looks like a dance club from first glance. Women dance in the windows, but it’s only their shadows visible with the bright lights behind them. Out of options and running out of time, I know I need to make a choice. Go in, or go back. I enter the club and hope the crowd will swallow me up until Chaos or Pandora come to find me.

I weave through the thick crowd of dancing bodies. Crazy laser beams of light bounce around the room, making it hard to examine the depth of the space. Hard core metal music blasts through hidden speakers and I reach up to cover my ears. I have no idea how these people can dance to all the screaming, but it doesn’t seem to faze them as they tangle together. The group of people is massive and my sore legs are getting weaker, as I try to find somewhere to sit down or maybe even a bar.

The air in here is hot and sweat drips off everyone. Moist droplets fly off body parts and splat against me as I walk by. I wipe at my arms quickly and try to pull my shoulders in to make myself as small as possible. In search of the bar, I find a large stage instead. I expected to see the band making so much noise up here, but there is none.

On the stand is a single shirtless man and he’s swishing a whip across a naked rear. The abused ass is red under the stage lights and its owner is dancing in his bonds. I’m assuming it’s a man, his long arms are tied above his head and his left ankle is chained to the stage by a short set of links and a metal cuff. No matter how he struggles or tries to escape the licks of the whip, the tail always finds its mark.

I become hypnotized by the whip. My body begins to relax as I watch it slash through the air and leave thin red lines on the perfect ass and thighs of the chained man. He is dancing as well. But not to the screaming music. My feet stop moving and I let the crowd push me around while I get lost in the show on the stage.

I wonder what it would be like to be up there. To be such an erotic show for the masses. Would it heighten my arousal or make it impossible? Something in the way the man in charge moves feels familiar to me. Not like when I saw Chaos, but something in his domineering manner calls to my indecisive soul. My frozen skin is now hot with wondering need.

Between blinks of my eyes, I see Chaos standing over me while I kneel at his feet. I’m offering him my submission and begging him to take my choices from me and to own all of my control, my decisions, and my body. He does so willingly with a prideful smile on his face. Tight ropes get wound around and around my limbs until I’m an artwork of bondage for Chaos to take advantage of as he sees fit.

“My slave is in need of a distraction.” The man yells to the crowd as he coils the whip up and attaches it to his hip. “Who will lend me a hand?” As quickly as they appeared, my visions are pulled from me. I feel a small pout pull at my lips, I wasn’t ready to give up the daydreams of Chaos using my body for our mutual pleasure.

“She looks willing!” Someone near me yells back and I turn to see who the poor victim is. The guy smiles at me and lifts me up. In shock my body tenses and I kick wildly but the man holding me is too strong for my tired body.

“No, no! Not me!” I cry but the crowd accepts me from his hands and I’m lifted above the people. I’m carried like a crowd surfer until I’m dropped harshly on the stage. The man running the show steps up to me with a knowing grin and fists my hair.

“You’ll do just fine. He has a weakness for redheads.”

“Please, no. I need to go.” I reach up and try to peel his hand from my hair but he is much stronger and drags me before his slave.

“On your knees. If you perform well, I will help you hide from whoever you are running from.”

His offer is more than I could ask for, but his demands scare me. What will I have to do and can I even do it? I dig my nails into his wrist and struggle again but he shakes his head as he looks down at me. I stop the useless fighting and get to my knees. “How do you know I’m running from someone?”

“Everyone is running from something here, Kitten.” He releases my hair to grip my chin. He lifts my head so our eyes meet and I stare up at him unblinking, as if to challenge his pinching fingers on my jaw. “Call me Sir David and do as I say.”

I don’t want to. I don’t want to be here with this man and his slave on this stage but I don’t know how else to find help in this evil side of the park. “Yes, Sir David.” I swallow back a sob and he grins.

“Good girl. Suck my slave, don’t let him cum.” My eyes feel as big as dinner plates as he instructs me.

“I can’t do that!” I put one foot flat on the floor to stand up but he pins me with his black gaze.

“Suck him or take his place under my whip, Kitten.” Sir David runs his fingers down my neck while he waits for me to agree to his terms.

“Please, take pity on me. I’m lost and being hunted.” I beg him softly. The dancing crowd is cheering for me to join the fun but their watching eyes make my skin itch.

“Oh, but I am taking pity on you.” His gaze softens slightly as he bends down to speak into my ear. “I don’t have to give you a choice, Kitten. Humans are just toys here. I don’t know who you belong to or how he let you get away, but if I am to keep you safe until he arrives you’ll do as I say. Willingly or unwillingly, the choice is simply up to you.” He takes a step back and I turn to look at the erect cock before me. It’s long, but thin, and flexes up and down as I watch it.  “How much pain do you want to feel before your knight in shining armor appears?”

My choices are clear to me now. I nod my head and scoot my knees closer to the tied man. This slave who may or may not be willing himself. His jaw is clenched tightly closed and he thrusts his hips forward, bumping his cock against my closed lips. My eyes flick back to Sir and he waves his hand toward the strange penis as if to say “get on with it.”

I lick my lips and open my mouth wide. The cock slides along my tongue as it enters my mouth. Already I taste his precum. The slave hisses his pleasure through his gritted teeth and jerks his hips again. I almost don’t have to do anything but kneel here. The slave is desperately seeking his release and fucks my mouth eagerly. I keep my mouth open as wide as possible so that my lips only graze his cock as I move back and forth to counter his efforts.

“Awh, you pick a little cock tease! Good selection.” Sir David informs the crowd in a happy yell and uncoils his whip again. He waves it maliciously through the air before cracking it on the floor of the stage. The sound makes me jump and my lips close tightly. The slave groans and his head falls forward. “Stay in front of the slave or risk being struck by my whip.” I nod my head with the cock still stuffed between my lips and let my tongue swirl around teasingly.

I watch from around the slave’s thin hip as Sir David draws back and releases the whip with a soft whooshing before it smacks against the slave’s ass. He jerks from the sting and the motion makes his cock slip farther into my throat than I expected. I gag over it and drool that had been pooling behind my lips, floods forward and down my chest. I pull my head back quickly and suck in deep gulps of air while wiping my hands to try and remove the slippery drool from my cleavage.

“Don’t stop, Kitten. I have half a mind to make you exchange places with my horny slave.” The crowd goes insane when Sir David speaks. It’s as if they want to see me in the slave position instead of hidden by his body.

I close my eyes and pretend the man before me is Chaos. Fighting with Sir David isn’t a smart idea and I know it. I don’t know how or why but I feel safe here. Not here as in on this stage with a unknown dick in my mouth but here in this weird dance club for kinksters, something in my bones tells me I’ll be safe if I stay here. As safe as I can be while being away from my Spiritbond, that is.

I lock my hands around the slave’s cock and tug up while turning my hands to stimulate every inch of his long cock. He twitches in my hand and I bring my lips to him again. Thoughts of Chaos’s voice and hands fill my mind. I remember the intense pleasure he gave me just an hour or so ago and I want to repay him. I kiss at the cock before me, pretending it’s his and this blow job will be his reward for fingering me so beautifully.

I suck softly and bob my head quickly. The precum floods over my tongue and I swallow it down as it continues to seep out freely. I hear the whip and feel the slave’s hips buck in response, but this time I don’t stop using my mouth on the poor man. I sink deeper into my thoughts of Chaos and tighten my suction around the hard flesh.

“Master, may I come?” the slave screams in panicked need. “Please, Master. I need. I want to. Fuck, Sir may I come?”

“Is the Kitten that good?” Sir David asks teasingly while I continue, constricting my lips to increase my mouth’s pressure on the pulsing cock.

“So, so good. I can’t- can’t,” He fumbles his words and tries to pull away from my mouth.

“You have my permission.” Sir David announces and instantly my mouth is full of the first rope of cum shot from the slaves aching penis. He hollers out his pleasure and I pull my mouth from him. I keep my hand around his cock, not wanting to ruin his orgasm but I also don’t want to drink him down any more than I have already.

His cock pumps out two more quick shots of cum which splatters on my corset and the tops of my breasts. The slave’s tense body relaxes and he sags against his chains. I smile up at him and he returns the gesture.

“Thank you, Kitten.” He moans so quietly I’m not sure I heard him correctly.

I hate to admit it to myself but that was rather fun. I peek around the slave at the crowd and feel butterflies take flight in my stomach. My pussy has rewet itself and I shift my knees together to hopefully conceal this fact.

“It was my pleasure.” I grin and then turn to Sir David.

“Speaking of your pleasure, my dear.” He says and curls his finger in the well-known “come here” gesture. I swallow hard, the taste of cum coating my taste buds makes me wish for mouthwash, but I crawl to his feet anyway. “I think it’s time we give you some.”



“I just want to wait for my Spiritbond. Can you just hide me until he can find me? I really don’t want to play any games or receive any pleasure.” I use the word Chaos taught me hoping it will make Sir understand who I belong to and where I am supposed to be. A dim light shines in his eyes and I think for a second it had the intended effect.

“Who’s your mate, Kitten?” His head cocks to the side with his interest.

“Chaos.” I say his first name loud and proud. It’s all I know, do spirit wolves even have last names? I bite my lip hating that I know so little.

“Awh, the good white wolf.” He nods his head and squats down so that we are eye to eye. “Is the big bad wolf after his brother’s sweet treat?”

“I think so. I don’t know. I was with Chaos and got hit by a Bullseye. It brought me to a gross bar and I escaped then ran in here hoping to get lost in the crowd but ended up on your stage instead.”

“And a good thing you did Kitten. Let’s go to a private room and chat a bit.” He reaches around my neck and clips a collar in place. The clasp rests at the hollow of my throat and I reach up to touch the closure.

“What’s this?” I snap at him and he chuckles while clipping a leash to the collar.

“In my place you will act as what you truly are. A kitten to a wolf. Crawl for me slut.” Sir David says as he stands and jerks my leash. I pull back and refuse to move.

“I’m so not a slut and you can’t treat me this way.” I reach up to undo the clip and he slaps at my hand so hard I feel the sting in my bones.

“Sluts suck off slaves when they are told and they leak pussy juice down their thighs.” His eyes lower and I follow their path to between my thighs where indeed I have leaked my arousal. “Do not be ashamed of who you are. A good slut is something to cherish and I believe you to be the best of the best. Chaos and I are friends, you know.” This pulls my attention and I squint at him. “Yes, Kitten. We are very good friends. I could teach you a thing or two about your Spiritbond while we wait for the white knight.”

“If you are really friends with him, I can’t imagine that Chaos will be happy with how you are treating me.” I perk an eyebrow feeling justified in my statement. Sir David’s head is thrown back when he laughs deeply.

“I bet he loves to punish that smart mouth of yours. Kitten, you don’t even know him in this lifetime yet do you? He’s told me about you and how your relationship works on many occasions, but it’s clear to me that even though your body may be one hundred percent on board with everything going on, that little human brain of yours is reaching far and wide to understand and process everything you are being forced to believe. Stop being a brat and crawl behind me.” I scowl at him but lower to my hands and crawl behind him as he walks. He moves slowly so I can keep up, but my knees are really feeling the abuse they have been through today and I feel as though I’m dragging backward instead of him leading me forward. My slow progress doesn’t seem to bother him and we meander further to the back of the stage.

I really don’t know anything about Chaos and what Sir David said makes my brain spin around. I wish I could recall my past lives with him. That would make this so much easier. “What has he told you? You know, about us?”

“Stop stalling.” He snaps over his shoulder as we descend the stages stairs. He pulls me along and the hard floor turns to soft carpet. I sink into its depths and brush my fingers through the shag of it. I watch the backs of his shoes as he leads me into another crowded room. I can hear noises of sex and force my eyes to stay where they are.

He stops quickly and my head bumps into his calves. I look up and Sir drops his tall body in a chair before me. His eyes are pitch black and he has no hair on his head. A perfect round globe makes up his skull. His full lips are smiling at me as I look him over. “Are you hungry, Kitten?”

“No.” I sit back on my heels and fold my arms over my chest. “I appreciate your…Kindness.” I drag out the word, exaggerating the audacity of it. “But I really want to get a message to Chaos telling him where to find me or I just want to leave and figure it out myself.”

“Leave?” He laughs and a naked female with one large blue eyes brings him a drink on a silver platter. She blinks at me and my mouth drops open. A cyclops? “I’ll send word to your white knight, but it will be a while before he arrives.” Sir pats the cyclops’ ass and instructs her to call Chaos and let him know his mate is at the bondage club.

Bondage club, perfect. Of course I would walk in to some kinky den for refuge. “Thank you.” I try to force sincerity into my words, but I know Sir hears them as they are.

“Did you enjoy sucking off my slave while the crowd watched you? Be honest with me. I’ll know if you aren’t.” He brings his glass to his lips and drinks the dark red liquid. I think I see a hint of fangs peek from under his gums as he slurps down the drink. My tummy ties in a knot as I realize my savior must be a vampire.

“I didn’t want to like it, but I think I did.” I answer honestly and look down at my hands in my lap.

“That’s good. That’s very good. Chaos and I are a lot alike, you know?” I shake my head waiting for him to continue. “We both like a lot of control. Bringing out the most pleasure possible in our playmates. I like to do that with pain, Chaos likes to do it with sensation, but we are still a lot alike.”

“Are you trying to tell me he likes bondage and whips and this weird kinky stuff, too?” I ask frankly and Sir David smirks. This time his fangs are obvious to see.

“Yes Kitten, very much.” He lowers his glass and moves his wrist in small circles to stir the liquid inside his glass. “I imagine he will be delighted to find that you ran to me for escape. He does enjoy what I have to offer.” He free hand motions to the things around the room and for the first time I glance around.

I thought I had heard sex and now I’m sure of it as I watch an orgy of countless bodies fucking only yards away from where we sit. Sex toys and tools of all kinds hang from hooks on the walls and people grab at them freely to use on the multi limbed sex fest before us.

My stomach turns sour at the thought of Chaos here in this place of sex and pain. I can’t blame him for who or what he did before I came back into his life, but still jealousy eats at me. “Oh, he doesn’t fuck any of the pretty little things who beg him for it.” Sir tells me as if he can read my thoughts. “He just likes to rile them up and set them free on others to reap the rewards.”

“Since you claim that I am safe here until he comes for me, may I take a shower and change?” I touch the gross trash jacket I picked up to cover my scent and look down at the cum and drool drying on my chest.

“You may. I wanted to play with you a little, but I can see now that you won’t allow such a thing. At least not without a great fight, and my arms are sore from swinging my whip.” He places his glass on the small table near his chair and reaches forward to unbuckle the collar around my neck.

“I appreciate it.” I mumble as I stand up on shaky legs. My toes tingle from sitting on the floor so long. “Can you take me to the shower now or give me directions so I can find it on my own?”

“Right this way.” Sir David chuckles. “Chaos may think his bride was sweet and innocent in other lives, but I see he has his work cut out for him this go ‘round.”

“I wouldn’t know.” I snark, and Sir David again laughs at me.

We don’t talk anymore as he brings me to a locker room. There are a few females in here, more cyclops and one that looks like a dark shadow. My brain tells me she is a succubus, but I have no idea where that thought came from. I follow Sir David deeper into the locker room where we reach a wall of showers.

“Everything you need is inside. When you’re finished, ask one of the slave girls to bring you to me. I’ll be in the sitting room.” I thank him again and wait for him to leave before entering the small stall. It’s broken into two parts.

First, is a small area with a bench for undressing and folded fluffy towels waiting for me to wrap up in it when I finish. Then past that is a small step up into the shower. There is a small bag for my dirty clothes and a new outfit hanging on a hook across from the bench. I don’t bother looking at the outfit, no matter what it is, I have no choice but to wear it. The clothes I have on now are far beyond disgusting.

I lock the door behind me and begin to strip. I stuff the nasty jacket into the bottom of the bag and reach behind me for the corsets laces. Thankfully it comes undone easily and I pull it from my body. My lungs expand and suck in fresh air that rushes to my brain and already I feel better than I have since I was sucked through the Bullseye.

My nipples are hard, whether from my time with Chaos or from the energy in the air of the club, I have no idea. I palm my breasts and am slammed with visions of Chaos.

His big hands cup my tits and lift them up to his mouth. He draws one hard peak between his lips and sucks softly until it elongates further then sinks his teeth in to my tender skin and I moan. His tongue sooths away the sting and he repeats the action until I’m weak in the knees.

I reach between us to find his cock. It’s so much bigger than I first thought it to be and so heavy in my hand. I stroke him as he nibbles on my chest and guide his cock between my thighs.

“That’s enough!” A woman yells pulling me from my fantasy or memory and pounds her fist to the shower’s locked door. I freeze and blink hard. “Some of us can read your filthy mind. Unless you plan on getting us all off you better switch that train of thought, girly.”

“Sorry.” I offer weakly and pull my skirt down my legs. I try to think of nothing. I imagine white walls and white sky. White birds flying through white clouds. Anything to clear my mind for the people who can so easily slip inside of it.

My boots are knotted tight and I have to sit on the bench to work them loose. Finally, able to kick out of them, I add them to the bag of filth and step over the tiny divider to get into the shower.

The water turns on automatically, which startles me, until its steam envelops me and pulls me in. I turn in slow circles to rinse every inch of my skin. The water swirling around my feet is a mix of yellow and black. I close my eyes and turn my face up to the spray to keep from puking at the evidence of what I had been covered in.

I take my time in the shower. I don’t want to go back out into the club unless Chaos is there, too. There is a rich smelling body wash on the shelf and a loofa still wrapped in plastic. I peel off the protective covering and pour a lush amount of the thick creamy soap and rub it in until it’s a bundle of suds in my hands. I lather it over my skin and cover every inch of me while still thinking about white spaces. My body is alive under my touch but I try to block out the sensations and save them for later.

              “Your mate is here.” Another female voice informs me from the other side of the shower door. I don’t know how long I’ve spent in here but I’m glad my time is almost over and soon I’ll be back in Chaos’ arms.

              “Thank you, I’m just about finished.” I lie as I spin around to rinse myself. I lean over to grab the towel and the water magically shuts off like it knows I’m finished. I dry my body quickly and step out to see what I’ll be wearing next.

              I bend over and wrap the towel around my head like a tight turban and lift the clothing from the hook. It’s a long black dress with thin straps. Not too bad for clothing I couldn’t pick out myself. I slip the silk over my head and shimmy it down my body. The hem falls across the tops of my feet but I notice a slit that comes clear up to hip.

              There are no panties, bra or shoes in here and I don’t have many other options. I tip my head to shake the towel loose and rub it against my locks trying to get most of the moisture from my hair. Once it’s as dry as it’ll get, I drop the towel in to the hamper bag provided and open the door to find a woman with orange skin waiting on me.

              She’s leaning against the side of the stall and twirling gum around her finger. Her hair is hot pink and covers her naked breasts. “All set?” She asks while pushing off the stall.

              “I think so.” I smile at her and she scoffs.

              “Follow me.” She instructs and begins to walk back through the locker room. There isn’t anyone else in here now and our bare feet echo as we pad across the tile. Outside the locker room she doesn’t slow as she turns down a hallway I hadn’t seen before.

              Instead of scones for lighting, naked bodies line the wall. They are tied by their wrist and ankles with a pad making their backs arch deeply. Candles held in their mouths flicker their flames to light our path.

              Melted wax covers their lips and drips down their chins. I cover my mouth as I walk past. It looks like a painful position even before you add the molten wax pooling down their stretched out bodies. There has to be at least twenty people, ten on each side of the long hall way. All of them silenced by their jobs of holding the candles. Some of the candles are burned down so far that the wick is close to the holder’s wax covered lips.

              “In through here.” The orange lady tells me as she pushes a door open wide. I pull my gaze from the candle holders and thank her. I start through the door and pause when she doesn’t follow me.

              “Are you coming in as well?” I wonder aloud.

              “No.” She doesn’t say any more and leaves me by myself. The room is dark as well, I think this entire side of the park is covered in a layer of darkness. I silently beg my feet to keep moving and peer into the room. The door slams behind me making me jump. I hold my hand to my heart and try to calm its racing beat.

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