Freaky by Nature

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Authors: Mia Dymond

Tags: #Mystery, #tattoo, #color, #psychic, #Contemporary, #Romance, #soldier, #snake, #seal, #Navy

BOOK: Freaky by Nature
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Freaky By Nature

By Mia Dymond

Copy right 201 1 Mia Dy m ond

Published on Sm ashwords

Cov er photo: Nickolay Klim enko|Dream stim

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“Awwww, baby , don’t be so m ean!”

Brett tossed the final swallow of his root beer down the back of

his throat before he turned his attention to the drunken fool on the

next bar stool. What the hell was his problem ? No hot blooded m ale






com plain



entertainm ent. Brett glanced at the blonde goddess who shim m ied

around the m etal pole in front of them to the hard core, raunchy

tones of a heav y m etal band while she accented each beat with the

shake of a hip. Madam e X. He owed Jack. Big tim e.

Brett chuckled to him self. When Jack Cam pbell, his Nav y

buddy and owner of The Cathouse, called in a fav or, Brett didn’t

hesitate to agree. No norm al guy in his right m ind would pass up

an opportunity to watch beautiful wom en dance while he

protected their bodies in the process. Madam e X, howev er, had

captured his attention ten-fold. And not just because his cock

worshipped her, she just seem ed … fam iliar.

Madam e’s ey es and nose hid behind a sparkly m ask, but the

sm ooth, porcelain skin left exposed rev ealed high cheekbones and

pouty , full lips. Two, glossy , v ery tem pting pieces of flesh,

proportionately sized to fit perfectly between his own. Or around

other pleasure points on his body . The eager soldier between his

legs stretched.

Wav es of silky , platinum curls fell around her shoulders and

bounced with ev ery sway of her body . Now in ov erdriv e, his

raging libido fed his wild im agination. His hands itched to tangle

his fingers into the depths, to giv e a tight y ank while he buried

him self so deep inside her that she scream ed in satisfaction.

He knew only one other wom an with hair like that.

He cursed and shifted to accom m odate his persistent hard-on,

still not able to look away .

A m etallic m idnight blue bra barely restrained her breasts

and thrust the full globes up and out until he swore they begged

for his personal touch. Som ething short of gauze m anaged to cov er

a portion of her skin, and he wondered if she knew her nipples

hardened under his gaze. Brett swallowed hard. Voy eurism had its

place, just not while he concentrated on protecting her.

Despite his intent not to stare like a sex-crazed teenager, Brett

found him self m ore appreciativ e when Madam e X strutted a sem i

circle then turned her back to him . Scraps of blue lace stretched

across her hips and rounded, cream y skin of her ass. Sweat

droplets danced on his forehead at the thought of how sm ooth and

pliable it would feel squeezed in his palm .

Fire whipped through his v eins as he let his gaze m eander

along the length of her legs. They went on for day s, the m uscles

finely toned and shaped to hold him in place as she rode. Then she

gav e her head a sexy roll, turned to peer ov er her shoulder, and bit

her bottom lip.

His heated blood turned to ice water.
Hell no

An obnoxious wolf whistle pierced his eardrum s. “Com e on,

sweetheart, giv e m e som ething to work with here.”

Distracted and annoy ed by the crude com m ent, Brett gav e the

guy a hard glance. While Brett had been lost in lustful

appreciation, the sap had draped him self ov er the edge of the bar

and eased him self onto the catwalk with a twenty dollar bill in

hand. He wav ed it like a flag, obv iously expecting her to take the

bait. She gav e him a sexy wink, took two steps backwards, and

steered clear.

Brett squinted so hard his ey es crossed, alm ost as if she’d

m orph into another person if he stared hard enough.
No fucking


Now angry bey ond words, Brett pushed his glass to the side,

and stood. Masterful self discipline kept him from m urder when he

rested a hand to the back of lov erboy ’s neck. “That’s enough,

buddy . Let’s say y ou call it a night.”

Madam e’s pursuer gav e him a go-to-hell look and snarled. “It’s

early . She’s dancing and I’m pay ing.”

With a quick lunge, he slipped free of Brett’s hold and crawled

onto the catwalk.

Brett only had seconds to warn her. “Holly ! Mov e!”

Madam e’s ey es m et his in sheer panic as the drunk wrapped

both hands around her legs. Unable to m ov e, she lost her balance

and fell to the stage.

In the next heated heartbeat, her adm irer cov ered her with

his body . Within seconds, he forced his lips to hers and fondled her

perfectly -rounded breasts with one hand. As Madam e rolled her

head from side to side and struggled to free herself, he y anked the

strings of her costum e free from their knots with the other hand.

“Sonuv abitch.”

Brett flung him self onto the stage, rolled the attacker off, and

crushed him against the catwalk with the force of his rage. “Don’t.

Mov e.”

Brett paused a m om ent only to cast a glance at Madam e.

Although she appeared unharm ed, the slight whim per he heard

boiled his blood. In one m ore fluid m ov em ent, he squeezed the lust-

driv en sop into a head lock.

“Didn’t y ou read the no-touching policy , jerk-off?”

With a sickening crack, Brett’s left fist connected with his

prisoner’s jaw. He felt his skin split and looked to see blood spatter

his knuckles while the guy lay in a drunken heap on the floor.

Still seeing red, Brett wiped the back of his hand on his t-shirt

and turned his attention back to the dam sel in distress. In all of the

chaos, her m ask lay beside her.

There, before him with her ey es wide and her arm s crossed

ov er her now bare chest, stood Madam e X a/k/a Holly London. The

star of his m ost recent wet dream .


Oh, God … Oh, God … Oh, God

Holly peeled off her stilettos and sprinted down the priv ate

hallway to the dressing area, the straps of her bikini top flowed

behind. With her heart in her throat, she slam m ed the door and

braced herself against a row of cool, m etal lockers.

She should’v e known better than to try and pull this off. The

atm osphere had tried to warn her. Colors had assaulted her from

the m om ent she stepped onto the stage. Colors no one except

could see. And, she had felt som eone, or som ething, watching.


Dam n him . She’d been close to discov ering
until she

spotted Brett. At first sight of his dom inant, powerful being, cool

colors of blue and green env eloped her brain and chased away her

fear. Yet, the longer she danced under his heated stare, clear tones

of red and pink bathed the distance that separated her from him .

Holly found herself drawn by the connection, aroused by his

attention. It was though ev ery one else disappeared and she danced

solely for him .

Why was Brett here?

Holly swallowed hard and took sev eral deep breaths to attem pt

to regulate her heartbeat. When Jack m entioned he’d hired a new

bouncer, she nev er expected to see Brett Steele. The instant the

hard-bodied SEAL attached his ey es to her, she knew she wouldn’t

be able to hide her identity for long. He was too potent to ignore,

too intelligent to fool, and m uch too good a priv ate inv estigator not

to expose her. She released a slight groan. What now?

Brett wouldn’t let it go. No way . She probably had about three

m inutes tops to pull herself together. First things first. She reached

behind her back and re-tied the way ward strings. A naked

confrontation with him wouldn’t help her explanation.

There had to be a way to get out of this. She really didn’t owe

him an explanation. Not really . Her ey es darted around the room

in desperation until they finally focused on the window in the

corner. May be she could squeeze through and av oid seeing him


“Don’t ev en think about it.”

Startled, Holly swung her head back around at the creak of

the door and then the sound of a fam iliar, deep v oice. Brett stood

braced in the doorway , both his bulky arm s folded ov er his bare

m assiv e chest.

Her tongue thickened as her ey es began their intim ate perusal

at the tip of his sm ooth, slick, expertly -carv ed pectorals. Muscles so

toned and shaped that no prisoner could escape his hold and no

wom an in her right m ind would ev en try . From there, she let her

gaze trav el downward to his slim , trim obliques, m olded to create a

sexy v -cut that led beneath his jeans. Moisture pooled between her

legs as she observ ed the package nestled there. Ev en as he stood

perfectly still, power undulated from ev ery pore of his body .

Holly drew her gaze back up his body and into his hardened,

brooding ey es. She forced words from her m outh, but m anaged

only a whisper. “Brett.”

Fully expecting a reprim and, she was surprised when he

uncrossed his arm s and closed the door without a word. He m ov ed

towards her and laid a hand on one bare shoulder. Despite the heat

generated between them , goose bum ps danced on her skin and her

nerv es shook.

He nodded at the bench in front of the lockers. “Sit.”

Both reliev ed and still wary of his reaction, Holly sat on the

bench and crossed her legs. “Where is y our shirt?”

He turned his hand ov er to expose the torn skin. “Bloody .” He

dism issed her concern and reached to m ov e a way ward curl from

her forehead. “Are y ou hurt?”

She m anaged a half sm ile. “No.”

He nudged her bare foot with his heav y com bat boot. “You’re

Madam e X.”

She couldn’t stop the pull of a grin at the corner of her m outh.

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