Freedom's Land (21 page)

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Authors: Anna Jacobs

BOOK: Freedom's Land
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Without turning, Norah said loudly, ‘Get to bed this minute!’
‘But Mummy, Jack—’
‘Did you hear me?’
Janie began to cry loudly.
‘That’s enough.’ Norah marched across, took her daughter by the arm, and frog-marched her to bed. ‘One more word from you, miss, and you’ll feel my hand on your backside.’ She didn’t like hitting the child, but she was at her wits’ end as to how to deal with her daughter, who seemed to get naughtier by the day. Janie hadn’t shamed them in public again, but she was contrary and unco-operative in private.
Norah was fairly certain Jack hadn’t laid a finger on Janie. It seemed as if that child sensed each time her mother and stepfather were getting close and did anything she could to stop it. She went back to stand next to Andrew in the doorway, but the spell was broken and after a minute or two, he yawned and said, ‘We might as well get a bit of sleep.’
Norah looked up at the first sunbeams breaking through the nearby trees. ‘I’d better go and see to the cow. People will be coming to collect their milk.
He turned back as if to help her.
‘You snatch some sleep. I can manage on my own. I’ll have a nap this afternoon.’
‘You’re sure?’
She nodded.
He reached out to grasp her hand for a minute, then went inside.
She could feel the warmth of his touch for a long time afterwards, kept looking at her hand and smiling wryly.
It seemed as if fate was always stepping in to prevent them consummating their marriage.
Gil and Pete got ready to drive into Northcliffe with a sullen Reggie, who had his hands bound behind his back. A snivelling Lil had Dinny clinging to her skirts, but was ignoring her daughter.
Pam came across and looked at the child, then at Gil. ‘Let me take her and feed her properly.’
‘She’s wet herself.’ He could smell it from here.
‘So would you if you were as scared as she is,’ Pam said. She looked at Lil. ‘Is it all right if I clean her up and give her some food?’
Lil shrugged.
Pam held out her hand to Dinny. ‘Would you like a jam butty, dear?’
The child looked at her solemnly for a moment, then nodded.
Pam took her away, talking gently, and came back fifteen minutes later. ‘Let me look after her till we know what’s going to happen to those two.’
Gil frowned. ‘They might not be coming back.’
Lil looked from one to the other, seemed to see something in Pam’s face, and said suddenly, ‘Take her.’
‘You’re sure?’
‘I’m a lousy mother. Keep her.’
‘I will, then.’
Gil took Pam aside. ‘She means to leave the child with you permanently.’
‘I know. And I think it’d be the best thing that could happen to the poor little thing. We’ve all seen how neglected Dinny is.’
‘But – don’t you mind taking on another? You’ve got four of your own already.’
Pam shook her head, smiling but with a deep sadness in her eyes. ‘And didn’t give birth to any of them. I love children, Gil, but I can’t seem to make any of my own, so I’ve gathered up the ones other people haven’t wanted. No one’s complained about it so far and I don’t think the authorities will here – especially if we don’t tell them.’
He turned to Lil. ‘You’re sure you want Pam to look after Dinny?’
She looked at him in irritation. ‘I said so, didn’t I?’
‘What about you?’ Gil asked Reggie.
‘I don’t care what happens to the damned brat. I’m not even sure if she’s mine.’
Pam shook her head and walked back to take Dinny’s hand.
Gil felt disgusted with the Cheevers and wondered what’d happen to the baby Lil was carrying. Well, that was none of his business.
When he got to Northcliffe, he had only to explain what had happened to be offered the loan of one of the builders’ trucks to get him to and from Pemberton quickly.
Reggie said nothing as they drove along. Gil had tied him securely to the truck frame. Lil curled up on the floor in the back and went to sleep.
Gil felt bitterness etch his stomach with acid at the way they’d handed their child to Pam without a backward glance. He’d have given all he owned for a child of his own, or even an unwanted child to raise.
Perhaps later, he might find a young lad in an orphanage and take him in. Such places were always glad to get rid of their inmates.
He blinked in surprise at his own thoughts. Was he going mad? Or was he coming to his senses?
A few days later they heard that Reggie Cheever had escaped from custody on the way to Perth, jumping from the moving train while using the lavatories. He’d vanished, so he must have survived the jump.
Lil was now locked away, awaiting the birth of her child and her trial. It wasn’t clear which would happen first.
No one came to make enquiries about little Dinny.
‘That Cheever fellow probably got on a ship to the eastern states,’ Gil said after the policeman had left. ‘And good riddance to him.’
‘What about poor Lil?’ Irene asked. ‘I never did believe she took the money.’
‘She’ll be taken care of by the authorities.’ He grinned. ‘They’ll make her work for her keep, though.’
‘I’m glad Dinny’s stayed with Pam,’ Irene said. ‘Children should be loved.’ She was hoping that she too was going to become a mother and unconsciously laid one hand on her own stomach. She caught Norah’s eye and blushed but didn’t say anything. She was waiting for the right time to tell Freddie and it was proving more difficult than she’d expected. He’d changed so much since coming here that she wasn’t as sure of him as she had been. Not even sure that he still loved her in the same way.
Surely he’d gradually come to terms with their new life and she’d get the old Freddie back?
t the end of the week, during which it rained twice, two trucks arrived with a pile of corrugated iron and timber. They bumped slowly along the muddy track but luckily didn’t get bogged down, which Gil said often happened in winter on such tracks.
Each vehicle carried two men, who consulted the foreman and then set to work to build humpies on every single block, helped by the groupies he sent with them.
Andrew was among the latter because he seemed to have a feel for working with wood. Structures he built, like his cowshed, were square and strong, while anything Freddie Dawson helped build seemed to sag and look weary even before it was finished. As did Freddie.
Andrew came home triumphantly when the first humpy was finished. This time they’d been more fortunate, or perhaps Gil had favoured them, because there hadn’t been a draw. This new humpy had been built on the block owned by the young couple who’d moved in to share with the Boyds after the Cheevers left.
‘We’ll go tonight,’ the young man said and his wife blushed. ‘Can we borrow your cart to carry our stuff, Gil?’
‘If you can get packed quickly. Daisy’s wanting her food and a rest after a hard day’s work.’ Gil found he was talking to thin air as they’d both rushed into the humpy to pack, so he smiled and turned to Norah. ‘Any chance of a cup of tea? It’s thirsty work moving folk.’
‘Of course.’
The young couple had their things packed and had left within the half-hour. They’d brought so little with them and were so cheerful about having no money that you could only marvel at their bravery and optimism.
‘Thank goodness for that,’ Norah said to Andrew as they stood waving goodbye. Although their new neighbours had been pleasant enough, she desperately wanted a house of their own again, even if it only had two rooms, a rough lean-to kitchen and a bare earth floor. Most of all, she wanted the privacy of her own bedroom, where she and Andrew could live as man and wife. She was surprised how much she wanted that, had never felt as strongly about sharing her first husband’s bed.
‘The children can sleep in the other half tonight.’ Andrew lowered his voice. ‘A married couple should have their own bedroom, don’t you think?’
She looked at him and her breath caught in her throat because there was a message in his eyes, a very welcome message, and with it a question that needed answering. ‘Yes, I agree.’
His smile was brilliant. She felt its warmth for a long time afterwards.
That night they sent the children to bed early, and as the boys were tired, there was very little grumbling from them.
Janie, however, was upset about the move and scowled at the bedroom she’d be sharing with the boys again. ‘I don’t like it here. I want to sleep near you, Mum.’
‘Don’t be such a baby,’ Norah said crisply. ‘Here, let me tuck you in.’
Andrew winked at her as they closed the door of their half of the humpy. He picked up a piece of canvas tarpaulin and gestured towards the floor, waiting for her nod of agreement before spreading it out carefully. A thrill ran through her as he picked up one bluey from his stretcher bed and spread that equally carefully on top of the canvas.
She took a bluey off her own narrow bed and laid it on top of his for a covering.
He stood up and smiled, then took a step backwards. ‘I think I’ll just get a breath of fresh air before I turn in.’
‘Ten minutes?’ she whispered.
He nodded and strolled outside. She caught a glimpse of the star-studded sky through the open door, then it closed. Normally she enjoyed watching the stars twinkle down on them. Tonight she cared only about loving Andrew.
She was grateful for his tact, because she’d never seen her first husband fully naked or he her. It was something decent women simply didn’t do – in fact, her mother always said, ‘I’d as soon walk around the house naked’ when expressing the strongest possible disgust for the idea of doing something.
But tonight as she got undressed, Norah found herself wondering if the rest of Andrew’s body was as firm and well-muscled as his chest, looking forward to feeling his hands on her skin. She sucked in a quick breath as this thought sent warmth running through her body, wondering if he’d find her body attractive? She hoped so, but she knew she was tall and more muscular than most women. Her waist wasn’t tiny and her hips and breasts were full. Childbearing hips, the midwife had said approvingly and she’d borne Janie easily enough. But did such hips appeal to a man?
After washing herself quickly all over, she put on a clean nightdress, her prettiest one, which she’d been saving for this moment. It had lace at neck and wrists, tucking down the front and rows of lace and more tucks round the hem. She’d made it herself for when Cyril came back from the war – only he hadn’t, poor fellow, so it had never been used.
Andrew came back in and smiled at her by the light of the lamp. ‘Pretty nightdress.’ He touched the lace at her neck with one fingertip. The finger didn’t even graze her skin, but still a thrill ran through her and she lifted her face for a kiss.
Janie chose that moment to start making a fuss, calling out that she was frightened of the dark, wanted her mother.
Andrew froze and muttered, ‘Not again!’ as the crying continued next door. He looked at Norah. ‘Shall I deal with her? It’s about time I became a proper father, don’t you think?’
‘Yes, please.’
He went to the door of the other half of the humpy and she heard him speaking sternly in the same tone he used to chastise his sons. ‘Settle down
this minute
, Janie!’
‘Go ’way. I want my mummy.’
‘Your mummy’s in bed and she’s tired. And look, you’ve woken Ned now. If you don’t settle down, I shall be really angry with you. You’re nearly nine years old, a big girl now.’
‘Go to sleep, stupid!’ Ned said in a thick, sleepy voice. ‘Stop waking me up all the time.’
As Andrew shut the door and came back into their half of the humpy, Norah listened to her daughter’s sobbing. It wasn’t real weeping, she could tell that, but forced sobs, a way of trying to wear them down.
‘Can you ignore her?’ Andrew asked in a low voice, kneeling by the bed.
‘Yes.’ She raised her voice, knowing how clearly you could hear people in the other room. ‘I’ve run out of patience with Janie. If she doesn’t calm down soon, I’ll go next door myself and give her a good smacking.’
It wasn’t something she usually did. In fact, a couple of the other women had seen the trouble she was having with her daughter and had told Norah she was too lax. One had said she should get a strap and use it regularly.
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
But Norah didn’t believe in straps or sticks, had only rarely needed to smack Janie until now. She hated it when people beat their children severely.
Andrew had the same attitude towards the boys, but they were far better behaved than their stepsister, so didn’t usually need more than a quick word from their father to pull them back into line. And besides, like the other older lads, they enjoyed working with the men, doing real jobs, coming home dirty and tired, free from lessons and school. They had little energy left to be naughty after a day’s work.
Norah realised that while she had been lost in thought, Andrew had started washing himself. Unlike her, he showed no signs of being bashful about his body. That probably came from being in the Army. The experience had changed a lot of attitudes and many women had said their men came home different and they had to get to know one another all over again. She stole a few glances when he wasn’t looking at her and could feel her cheeks growing warmer as she saw the effect she’d had on him.
Janie’s crying had gone quieter and then it ceased altogether, thank goodness.
When Andrew turned out the lamp and slid in beside her, he was still naked, which shocked her. Cyril would never have done such a thing. But then Cyril’s body hadn’t been as strong and manly as Andrew’s.
‘Do you really need that nightdress?’ he whispered.
Her heart began to beat faster and she swallowed back a sudden surge of nervousness. ‘No. No, I don’t.’

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