French Twist (4 page)

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Authors: Glynis Astie

Tags: #Romance, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: French Twist
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I smiled up into his face.  I was about to tell him I had a wonderful time too when he pulled me in and kissed me in such a way which would make my face turn a startling shade of crimson if I were to describe it to you. Suffice it to say, it was the most sensual, enthralling, stomach-flipping kiss I’ve ever experienced. 

After what seemed like hours, Louis swept me into a tender hug and held me for a long moment.  He reluctantly opened my car door and helped me gently inside.  “Drive safely, Sydney.”

I nodded, closed the door and started the car.  I waved to him as I drove away.  When I reached the corner, I had to stop at a red light.  As I sat there waiting for the light to change, I watched Louis cross the street to his rental car.  I simply stared at this remarkable man and thought, “What is wrong with him?”









Chapter Six



My alarm clock woke me from the most enjoyable dream of Louis.  It was Monday morning and I had to get ready for work.  I had snoozed through my morning workout (exercise was necessary to maintain my figure now that I was a bit...older) since I had been up extremely late last night filling in Kate and Maya over the phone.  They wanted every, single detail.  So after going on the date and then reliving it
over the phone, my head was completely full of Louis.  How was I going to concentrate on work?

Thankfully, the day went by rather quickly.  Monday was the day I gave orientation for new employees and introduced them around the building.  By the time this was done and their paperwork had been completed, it was the end of the day.  I shut down my computer and called Kate.  She picked up on the first ring.

“Hey, Syd!”  I love caller ID.

“Hi!  I’m on my way.  Do you need me to pick up anything for dinner?”  I had decided I had to make last night’s statement to Louis true.  I felt terrible for lying to him.  Besides, it was always nice to see Kate and Nick.

“No, thanks.  Plan B.  We’re going out.”

I chuckled.  “What happened to ‘barbeque night’?”

She sighed.  “Nick had a little trouble putting the grill together.”

“Shut up!  Mr. Perfect had trouble with something?”  I couldn’t control my laughter.

“Be nice, Syd.  I keep telling you that Nick isn’t perfect.  DO NOT make fun of him when you get here.  He feels bad enough as it is.”

I suppressed another chuckle.  “Of course I won’t make fun of him.  You know I love Nick.  I would never do anything to diminish his masculinity.”

“You’d better not.  I’ll always be your big sister, Sydney!  I know how to get to you...”

“Yikes!  I’m petrified.”  Kate didn’t have a threatening bone in her body.  She tried, but she just couldn’t pull it off.  “I’ll see you in half an hour, my scary sister.”

“Wait, Syd!  Have you talked to Mom lately?”

I thought for a moment.  “Not since last week.  The store is
busy.  And even when it’s not open, she’s doing inventory or sales projections.”

My mom and dad had opened a pottery painting studio a couple of years ago and though it had taken time to get off the ground, it had become very popular.  Charlie, Kate and I were very happy for them, but because of the store’s success, my mom was harder and harder to get on the phone.

“I know it’s hard to catch her, but she really misses you.  Why don’t you try giving her a call tomorrow?  Maybe you could tell her about Louis.”

“Kate!  I’m not ready to tell her.  Let’s see how tomorrow night goes, OK?  I want to get know him a little better first.”

“She just wants to you to be happy, Syd.”

“I know.  I don’t want her to be disappointed if she doesn’t have to be.  She has enough to worry about with the store.  I don’t want her to worry about me too.”

Kate laughed.  “She’ll worry anyway, but I get what you’re saying.”

“Good.  I’m on my way, Kate.  See you soon!” 

I pulled up to Kate and Nick’s house exactly thirty minutes later to find Nick outside with the grill and a toolbox.

“Hey, Nick!”

He glanced up and grinned.  “Hi, Syd.  How’s it going with Louis?  Kate says you’re totally into this guy.”

I blushed.  “Nice, Nick.  You just set a new record.  I love that your favorite game is to see how quickly you can embarrass me.”

“You’re my little sister now, you know.  It’s my job to make you uncomfortable.”  He smirked.

“Gee. Thanks.  I feel so loved.”  I gave him a big hug.  “You’re a total pain in the ass, but I love you anyway.”

He messed up my hair, put his arm around my shoulder and walked me inside.

Kate beamed when we walked in.  “Hey, Syd!  Ready for some margaritas?”

“Definitely.”  I rubbed my hands together in anticipation. “Are you guys ready to go?”

“Let’s go!”  Nick and Kate spoke in unison.  Sometimes perfection is genuinely nauseating.

Dinner at Casa de Maria was delicious, as usual.  Carlos, the owner of the restaurant, loved Kate and was constantly sending over special dishes for us to try for free. Honestly, the way people adored Kate was astounding.  It was a great side benefit of being her sister.

After dinner, Kate and Nick walked me to my car.  “Thanks for dinner, you guys.  It was absolutely scrumptious.”

Nick pulled me into a hug.  “You’re welcome, Syd.  We’re always happy to see you.” 

When he released me, Kate took my hands.  “We love you very much, Syd.  Please give yourself a break and enjoy Louis.  Stop second guessing everything.  It must be exhausting!”

How right she was!  “Thanks, Kate.  You always know what to say.”  I gave her a huge hug and got into my car.  She and Nick waved as I drove down Main Street.

I was still enormously full when I got home.  I put on my pajamas and had just finished brushing my teeth, when I bumped into Jess in the hallway.

“Hey, Syd!  You have a message on the answering machine.  Louis sounds

I practically ran to the kitchen and pushed the play button on the answering machine.  “Hello, Sydney.  I am sorry to miss you,
mon coeur
.  I hope you are having a good time with Kate this evening.  Please know I am thinking of you and look forward to seeing you tomorrow.  I will pick you up at six o’clock.  Ciao.”

Wow.  I
to listen to the message again. That man is SEXY.  Simply hearing his voice made me weak in the knees.



Much to Kate’s great delight, I had agreed to let Louis pick me up for dinner this time.  Since he had chosen the restaurant for our last date, I chose tonight’s restaurant.  I opted for something more casual and fun.  We were going to a pub down the street from my apartment.  I was a regular there and hoped Louis would appreciate the food and crazy clientele as much as I did.  Our conversations certainly led me to believe he enjoyed the unexpected.

I raced home from work and took a quick shower.  Kate and I had already chosen my “casual” ensemble for this evening during our dinner last night.  It had only taken us thirty minutes and four outfit choices!  Nick was thrilled.  We settled on a pair of dark jeans, a green satin camisole with cream lace trim and low cream sling back heels (we would be walking a lot after all.)  I wrapped a soft cream sweater around my shoulders and added silver chandelier earrings for a little dazzle.  Kate advised me to wear my hair up in order to show off my shoulders and the beautiful earrings she had let me borrow. 

I twirled in front of the mirror.  I had to admit I looked good and hoped Louis would agree.  I smiled at the thought of him and then glanced at the clock.  Holy crap!  It was six-thirty.  How did that happen?  Wait, wasn’t Louis supposed to be here at six o’clock?  I went to the kitchen to check the answering machine.  No messages.  Hmmm.  Did I get the time wrong?  I don’t think so.  Wait!  I hadn’t deleted his message from yesterday.  I pushed the play button.  I listened to Louis’ message and was almost immediately distracted by the sound of his velvety voice.  Focus, Sydney.  I listened intently.  He did say six o’clock.  I wonder what happened?

The familiar panic started to set in.  Stop!  He isn’t a jerk.  He’s probably just running late.  Call him!  I dialed his cell phone number and it went straight to voicemail.  This was not good.  I peeked outside my window, but didn’t see his rental car in the parking lot.  Where could he be?  Was he stuck in a meeting at work?  Did he have an accident?  Or was he an asshole?  Had I been completely taken in?

The phone rang and I jumped.  I ran, almost upending a table, and grabbed the phone.  “Hello?”  I said breathlessly.

“Syd?  Are you OK?”  Maya sounded worried.

“I’m fine, Maya.  It’s just...Louis is thirty minutes late to pick me up and I’m worried.”

“Thirty minutes?  Have you tried calling him?”

Duh.  “Yes, I tried calling him.  It went straight to voicemail.  Damn it!  I’m falling into a doubt spiral.”

“Get a grip, Syd.  He probably got stuck at work.  I know it’s asking a lot, but why don’t you give him a few more minutes before you lose your shit?”

I rolled my eyes and exhaled.  “Thanks, Maya.  You’re great at talking me down from the crazy.”  Knowing Maya, she completely missed the sarcasm, but at least being annoyed with her was distracting me. “What are you up to?”

“I’m on my way to the gym.  I was planning on leaving a message to see if you were free for a drink tomorrow night.  You’ve been a bit busy lately…”

I sighed.  “Indeed, I have.  I’d love to.  Seven at Charlie’s?”

“You read my mind.  Call me later and tell me how your date went.  All the men I’ve met lately simply aren’t up to par.  I need to live vicariously through you.”

“If I’m not home too late!” I laughed.

“You realize you owe me
time since I dragged your ass out that night.”

“I know, I know.  Drinks are on me tomorrow night.”

“It’s a start, my friend.”

The doorbell rang.  “I have to run, Maya. Be good!”

“You too, Syd.”  Maya had the ability to make anything sound wicked.

I practically sprinted to the door.  Slow down, Syd.  You don’t need to seem desperate.

I opened the door to find a very worried Louis.  “Sydney!  I am sorry to be late.  I got stuck in a last minute meeting and could not get out to call you.  I was going to call you on the way, but my phone is out of battery.  I hope you can forgive me.”  He handed me another beautiful bouquet of flowers.

I threw my arms around him in relief.  “I understand, Louis.  Work comes first.  Thank you for the beautiful flowers.  This florist must love you!”

He pulled me close to him.  “I have missed you, Sydney.”  As he buried his nose in my hair, he sighed and said, “You smell wonderful.”

I smiled. I certainly knew the power his scent had over me.  “You’re making me blush, Louis.  By the way, what does ‘
mon coeur
’ mean?”

He laughed and pulled back from me.  “Ah yes, my pet name for you.  It means ‘my heart’ in French.”

My stomach flipped.  “What a beautiful name! You’re living up to your reputation as a romantic French man.”

He grinned.  “Are you ready to go?  I am famished.  I had to work through lunch today.”

I grabbed my purse.  “All set.  We can walk. The pub is only a few blocks down the street.”

He took my hand and kissed it softly as we walked out the door.  “My day has just gotten
better, Sydney.”

That was the beginning of another magical night with Louis.  We had a fantastic time at dinner.  We talked and laughed for hours without a break.  When he walked me home, I felt pure joy from finding this man. 
did he have to go back to France?  I had avoided this subject like the plague, but the more time I spent with him, the more it pushed to the forefront of my mind.  What was I going to do?  The other nagging question was right beside it...what was wrong with Louis?  He couldn’t actually be this perfect...









Chapter Seven



The phone woke me with a start.  I glanced at the clock.  Six-thirty in the morning??? Who the hell was calling me this early?  Granted, it was a work day, but still!

I inspected the caller ID.  “Kate!  Are you OK?”

“I should be asking you the same question, my dear.”  Irritation colored her tone.

“Why?  What’s the matter?”

“You were supposed to call me last night, remember?  I was worried when I didn’t hear from you.”  I could hear her pouting over the phone.

“I’m sorry!  I got home late and didn’t want to wake you.”

“You must’ve had an exceptionally good time.”  Was that sarcasm, Kate?

“I did, but not the good time you’re talking about.”  I giggled.

“Good girl!  You need to make him wait a little bit longer.”

“I didn’t say
happened, you know...”  I smiled to myself.  Louis and I had shared a very intimate and lengthy kiss in my apartment after he walked me home.  It took every ounce of restraint I had not to pull him into my bedroom right then and there.

“Really?  Do tell.”

“The man is the most amazing kisser
.  Never in my life have I experienced anything like it.”  I became breathless just from the memory of last night.

“Oooh! When are you going to see him again?”  She was pretty breathless herself. 

“Tomorrow night.  He’s making me dinner at his apartment.”

“Whoa.  Sounds like a big night.”  She couldn’t contain her chuckle.

“Hey, now.  There’s no need to be rude.”  I laughed.

“Of course not.  You’re always perfectly virtuous, Syd.”

“You’re a bit smug for someone who’s only slept with one man!”

We both started laughing.  “I love you, Kate.”

“I love you too, Syd.  Talk to you later!”             



To my great dismay, I found myself buried in benefit audit paperwork for most of the day.  In the late afternoon, my phone rang.  Please let it not be
employee with an issue.  I had already had more than I could handle.

“Sydney Bennett, how may I help you?”

“There is no help for me, Duck.  How’s your day going?”  My dad has been calling me “Duck” for as long as I can remember. He once told me that I looked like a duck when I was unhappy about something.  Unfortunately for me, the name stuck.

“Hey, Dad.  The day is going slowly.  I’m bogged down with paperwork.”

“Just shred it all.  No one will notice.”  He was completely serious.

I laughed. “That may have worked in your day, but now people would notice. AND I’d get fired.  I can’t imagine you would be happy about supporting me again.  I’m supposed to be financially independent, right?”

“You young people are so serious.  It isn’t a big deal.”

“Easy for you to say, Dad.  You were always your own boss.  You never had to explain to anyone why you messed up.  Although I can only imagine what you would have said if you did.”  The thought made me chuckle.  My dad had a way with words, especially the profane ones.

“I have to explain it to your mother often enough.  She seems to understand.”

I had made the mistake of taking a sip of tea while he was speaking and started to cough.  Once I had regained the power of speech, I spluttered, “You
admit doing anything wrong.”

“I didn’t say
admitted doing anything wrong.  I always have to explain to her what
people have done wrong.”

I couldn’t suppress a full blown cackle.  “Dad, you’re something else.”

“I know.  You’re a very lucky girl.” My dad could be quite smug, but it only make him more adorable.

A glance at the clock told me I had cut things too close. “Crap!  I have to go, Dad.  I’m meeting Maya for drinks in an hour and I have a stop to make on the way.”

“Have fun, sweetheart.  Say hi to Maya for us.”  My parents absolutely adored Maya.  Parents were her specialty.

“I will.  I love you, Dad.”

“I love you too, Duck.  Listen, don’t forget to call your mother.  She misses you.”

“I won’t forget. It’s hard to catch her these days since the store is so demanding.”

“She always has time for you, Syd.”

“I know, Dad.  I’ll call her very soon, I promise. Bye!”  I grinned as I hung up.  I was lucky to have parents who loved me as much as they did.  Now I just had to find a man to help with that job.  I wondered if Louis might finally be the one.



I ran down the sidewalk in a vain attempt to be a little less late for drinks with Maya.  Picking out a new outfit for dinner at Louis’ tomorrow night took a little longer than I expected.  I should have had Maya come with me.  Shopping is like second nature to her.  Because of this she had very little tolerance for those of us who were slightly challenged.  She wasn’t going to be happy about my lateness.

I pushed open the door to Charlie’s and spotted her right away.  She was at the end of the bar talking to a tall, dark and handsome man.  There was no way I was going to get in the way of this.  I nodded to Charlie at the bar and grabbed a table.  Twenty minutes later, Maya came over to the table with a very satisfied smile on her face.

“Hey, Syd!” She grinned at me.  “I’ve met the most wonderful man named Edmund.”  She sat down and continued to smile.

“Edmund!  You scored one of the kings of Narnia?”  I giggled and she gave me a blank look.  “Seriously, Maya?  You’ve never read the
Chronicles of Narnia

She shook her head at me.  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.  Honestly, Syd, you’re lucky you’re pretty.”

Over drinks, Maya approved my outfit choice for dinner tomorrow evening.  I had purchased a steel gray silk tank top and a pair of fitted black pants.  Maya told me my chunky black Mary Janes would top off the outfit along with the silver hoop earrings and bangles she had brought me.  She gave me a few hair and makeup tips and sent me on my way.

“Call me tomorrow night, Syd. There will be many details for you to share.” She winked wickedly.

“As long as I don’t get home too late!”  I sang as I walked away.



The next day flew by in a blur and before I knew it I was getting ready for my date with Louis.  When I finished primping, I gave myself a last look in the mirror before I left the apartment.  I had followed Maya’s instructions to a “T” in doing my hair (up in a bun with a few tendrils spilling out) and makeup (smoky eyes and plum colored lips) and was satisfied with the results.  The jewelry she had lent me perfectly complimented my clothing choice and I felt rather sophisticated as I strolled out to my car.  This night was going to be wonderful.

I arrived at Louis’ corporate apartment five minutes before our agreed meeting time of six-thirty.  I hoped he didn’t mind that I was early.  I rang the doorbell and nervously adjusted my bracelets.  A moment later, Louis opened the door wearing a loud Hawaiian shirt and jeans.

I burst out laughing.  “Nice shirt!”

He pretended to be offended. “I think so.  The saleswoman said it went perfectly with my complexion.” He chuckled.  “It was Hawaiian shirt day at work.  They are trying to create a more comfortable working environment.  The American workplace is rather odd.”  He shook his head.

I laughed and threw my arms around him, inhaling his intoxicating scent.  Except this time it was laced with...bacon?  “What have you been cooking?  It smells delicious.”  I grinned.

He pulled me into the apartment.  “Veal wrapped in prosciutto.”  He was suddenly horrified.  “You do not have any issues with veal, do you?  I did not realize Americans were offended by such a delicious meat.”

Oh, how this man made me laugh!  “No, Louis.  I love veal.  Dinner sounds wonderful.  Thank you for cooking for me.”

“You are well worth it, Sydney.”  He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders.  I peered up at him and completely lost my train of thought.  His eyes should be registered as a lethal weapon.  It really wasn’t fair.

“You look absolutely beautiful,
mon coeur
.”  There was that suggestive smile again.  I didn’t stand a chance.  He kissed me for the first time in two days and I was beyond ready.  My hands found his face and I pulled him even closer to me and deepened the kiss.  He responded and I’m pretty sure some very naughty things would have taken place on the kitchen floor had the smoke alarm not gone off.

“Shit!  I am sorry, Syd.  Just give me a minute.”  He turned off the burner and raced out of the kitchen.  He was back a minute later with a broom and hit the smoke alarm a few times.  Thankfully, it stopped ringing and he smiled sheepishly.  “You are far too distracting.”

“I’m sorry, Louis.  I couldn’t help myself.”  I could feel the blush covering my face.

“You look so lovely when you blush.  I am happy to cause this reaction in you.”

“I bet you are” I smacked his arm and put my purse down on the kitchen counter.  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

He came up behind me, put his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.  “No, thank you,
mon coeur
.  Everything is ready, though some of it may be a bit well done.”  He smirked.

He pulled out a chair for me at the dining room table and poured me a glass of wine.  He disappeared into the kitchen and returned with the most colorful and delicious looking salad I had ever seen.  It was filled to the brim with exotic fruits and vegetables and was topped with his family’s special salad dressing, which was absolutely delicious.  Despite a lot of prodding, he wouldn’t reveal the secret recipe to me. 

“I cannot spoil the mystery.”  He smirked.  “I have to keep you guessing.”

Next he brought out the slightly singed veal wrapped in prosciutto with rice and grilled vegetables.  After we had eaten this incredible dinner, he brought out dessert wine and a chocolate soufflé.

“Louis!  I’m not going to fit into any of my clothes if you keep feeding me like this.”  I laughed.

He narrowed his eyes at me.  “That is the idea.”

My face turned beet red.  Louis laughed.  “You are easily embarrassed.  It is adorable.” 

I covered my face with my hands.  He knelt in front of me and took my hands away from my face.  “I am only teasing you!  You do not have to be embarrassed.”  He stood up and brought me up with him.  “Sydney, you are an exceptionally beautiful and captivating woman.  It is perfectly natural for me to desire you.”

I blushed even deeper and he sighed.  “What will it take for you to relax?”

I gazed at him longingly.  “Maybe we could go somewhere a little more private?”  The last thing I wanted was for Louis’ roommate to interrupt us.

He led me into his bedroom and closed the door.  “Is this better?”

I wrapped my arms around him and nodded.  “Much.”  Unable to resist any longer, I pushed him down onto the bed and kissed him.

Louis tore away from me and held my face in his hands. “Sydney, are you sure you want to do this?”

“Why don’t we give it a try and see?”  With that, all conversation ceased.  I was so distracted, I didn’t even begin to wonder what was wrong with Louis.


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