Friction (The Frenzy Series Book 4) (3 page)

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Authors: Casey L. Bond

Tags: #fantasy

BOOK: Friction (The Frenzy Series Book 4)
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I straightened my shoulders. “He did.”

“Why would Ford help Saul?” She was asking one question, as well as another unspoken one about why I was helping him. The answers were different and yet the same.

“Saul wants to leave Blackwater behind. He is going to follow us to Mountainside, where he plans to start a new life.”

My sister’s jaw tightened. “So Ford only helped so he could be rid of him?”

Mine tightened, too. “More than likely.”

“And you? What’s your excuse for visiting him so often? For bringing him food and helping him follow our trail?”

“Are you jealous or angry, Porschia?” She stared intently at me, and if her eyes could have burst into flames or lit me on fire, it wouldn’t have surprised me at all. But I told her how I felt and for once she listened instead of getting angry and walking away. “I made him the monster he became, and I feel responsible for how everything happened.”

“You feel responsible? Guilty? Good. You deserve it, Mercedes. You made many monsters and several enemies along the way.”

“Porschia, I
that. I’ve said I’m sorry a thousand times, but I can’t apologize forever.”

“Then don’t bother,” she said as she sped away.

Porschia was right. I bit her, bit our mother, and bit Saul. Mother was gone, and although Saul was human again, he was an outcast because of me. And Porschia… she was damned because of my actions. I could say it was because of Pierce and how he frightened me, but the fact of the matter was that I had a choice and I chose to avoid his wrath by infecting others. I took the easy path and made the wrong choice. Porschia couldn’t be helped, but Saul still could – and I was going to help him. Everyone else, including my sister, could just learn to deal with it.

When I caught up with her at her house, she and Tage were walking over to get Roman from his. “We need you to get the horse from the stable, Mercedes,” Tage said.

“You want
to get it?” I didn’t mind; I was just surprised they trusted me to do anything.

“Unfortunately,” he smiled, exposing his long fangs, “I tend to spook them. My bet is that your sister would too, so that’s why we need
to get the horse and come back for Roman as soon as possible.”

Porschia narrowed her eyes at me in response.

“Hurry, we’re going to bring him down.”

I took off running as fast as my legs could carry me. They were infinitely better now that the Infection was gone, but weaker than I’d been before the illness took hold. Sometimes I envied Porschia. Once she fed she was so strong, even stronger than Tage and twice as strong as Roman had been as a night-walker.

Ford was already waiting at the stable, saddling a beautiful dark brown mare. He smiled as he saw me approaching. “Cedes, you’re just in time. This girl is ready.” He patted her back and stroked her mane.

“What’s her name?” I looked at her, her eyes as dark as freshly turned soil.

“Her name’s Lady. Take care of her, and –” He approached to whisper, looking around to make sure no one was listening to our conversation. Satisfied that no one was around, he continued, “Don’t let Porschia get too close to her. Tage, either.”

“They frighten you, Lady?” I said, stroking her mane. I wasn’t scared of horses. I’d ridden before, although not nearly enough to be considered good at it, and a spooked horse might be more than I could handle.

“That…but also, Porschia likes meat and I like Lady—alive.”

I swallowed. She wouldn’t eat the horse. At least, I didn’t think she would. I saw Porschia eat raw meat once, and it was enough to make me never want to see it again. Nodding to Ford, I took her reins and he eased a stool over to help me climb on. “There are apples and oats in the bags behind you. Feed her well and stop for water as often as you can.”

“We will. I’ll see to it that she returns to you in the same shape she’s in now.”

He looked away. “Take care of Porschia, too. I know no one thinks she needs help, but I think she needs it now more than she ever has.”

My brows touched one another. Why would Porschia need anything from me or anyone else? She was the most powerful thing around here. She had nothing to fear because everyone feared her. That included me. Most days I didn’t know if she wanted to hug me or strangle my neck. I wouldn’t have blamed her for either one. Once the dust settled and after the cure was found, things between the pair of us had changed irrevocably.

I thanked Ford again before Lady trotted out of the stable and I guided her toward Roman’s house. When I approached, Tage was supporting Roman’s weight, Roman’s arm draped around his shoulder, but he was still standing in the sunlight, draped in a thick, woolen coat.

Porschia flanked his other side, her dress also hidden by dark wool, wearing the coat that used to be mine. Lady whinnied when we got too close to the pair of predators, but I kept her calm as Tage helped Roman onto the saddle behind me. It wasn’t the most comfortable situation.

“I need to hold on to you,” he said, wincing. He squinted his eyes against the bright sunlight.

“That’s fine.”

He groaned and held on tightly to my stomach as Porschia spoke up. “We’ll meet you at the crossing downstream.”

They sped away, setting Lady at ease once more. The thing about prey? They knew what to be frightened of. Perhaps we should
be wary of the night-walkers. Even Porschia could be dangerous if provoked, and provocation seemed to be my strong suit lately.




“What’s wrong, kitten?” I strained to keep up with her.

Porschia growled as she ran harder and faster alongside the twisting, angry river. I was losing ground as she yelled, “My sister is an idiot.”

“We know that already, but why are you so upset right now?” I knew she was glad Mercedes was healed, but their relationship might never be if Mercedes kept pushing Porschia away. Most people thought Porschia was the instigator, but Mercedes had picked fights lately to purposely distance herself from her sister.

“She’s going to leave a trail so that Saul can follow us.” That statement stopped me in my tracks. This might be the most brazen thing Mercedes has tried yet. Porschia slowed and then stopped ahead of me, hands on her hips.

“Why is she helping him?” I asked. The woman might be Porschia’s sister, but sometimes she acted like their mother. And despite what Mercedes said, she didn’t do anything purely out of the goodness of her heart. What was in it for her?

“Guilt.” Porschia accepted the excuse her sister gave. Me? Not so much. I wasn’t sure guilt was an emotion Mercedes was capable of feeling. As far as Saul, I had smelled his scent for the last few days but assumed Porschia was the one with the charitable heart. It should come as no surprise that a sense of relief washed over me. “She’s been helping him lately?”

Porschia nodded. “She said he wants to start a new life somewhere else, maybe in Mountainside.”

It made sense. He wasn’t welcome here, and living like a hermit in the woods didn’t seem to be Saul’s cup of tea. Porschia was all he wanted, Blackwater be damned, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he was using this as an excuse to get into her good graces again. If he got close enough to her along the journey... “You can’t blame the guy.”

want to help him?” she asked, one brow quirked.

“No, but if getting him to Mountainside gets him out of my hair, I’m good with that.” Not to mention that it would get him away from Porschia. I’d just have to withstand him for this leg of the journey. If puppy stayed behind like a good dog and just followed along after us, it might not be so aggravating.

“She could have asked first,” Porschia fumed, pacing back and forth.

“She could have,” I agreed with her, smiling. Watching her get all worked up was hot.

“She shouldn’t have been sneaking around behind our backs.”

“Or behind yours. You’re her sister,” I said, grinning wider.

“Why are you... You’re enjoying this!” She tackled me to the ground before I knew she’d even moved. Porsch was that fast
that strong.

I chuckled as she straddled me and then realized she was straddling me. Her body was warm and perfect and... “Kitten, if you wanted me for breakfast, all you had to do was ask.” I made my voice gravelly, the way she liked it.

Her long, dark hair cascaded from either side of her face, tickling my neck and driving me up the wall. She pursed her lips, not in a pout, but in aggravation. “Kitten needs a kiss.”

“What?” she scoffed, easing away from me.

“Don’t play with me. You do. You need a kiss to erase all of this bullshit from your mind. Let me help for a minute. We’ve got plenty of time before they catch up, thanks to your super speedy self.”

She wasted no time, melding her mouth with mine. Warm and wet and soft. She used her fangs to bite my bottom lip, making it bleed ever so slightly. The scent of iron filled my nose as she continued her assault. And I loved when she assaulted me. Pulling her waist closer, I couldn’t get enough.

In the distance, the sound of hooves beating against the earth could be heard. She pulled away with a frustrated groan and believe me… I felt the same frustration. Everywhere.




Mercedes guided the horse along the opposite bank. Roman clung to her as best he could, but his posture was slack and I wasn’t sure he’d be able to hold on the entire way. “Is he okay?” I shouted over the roaring water.

“I’m okay,” he slurred. “Just tired.”

Mercedes nodded and yelled, “I gave him peppermint and catnip. I saw Maggie before we left and she said they’d take the fever down.”

Groaning, I felt bad for the guy. Herbs in general were horribly bitter. Willow bark and I had an unfortunate history, one I wouldn’t soon forget. The river crossing, which wouldn’t be easy for the mare because the water never dropped too low, was only another mile ahead. “We’ll meet you at the crossing,” she yelled, kicking the horse gently to spur her on.

Tage’s hand found my waist. “Ready?” he asked.

“Want to race?” I said with a grin.

“You’re on.” And with that, he ran ahead. I laughed and chased after him, easily overtaking him and smacking his butt as I passed by him.

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