Friends Upgrade

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Authors: Stephanie Williams

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Friends Upgrade

A novella of erotic romance by










Stephanie Williams

Published by Phaze Books

Also by Stephanie Williams


Model MisBehavior (with LaVerne Thompson)




















This is an explicit and erotic novel

intended for the enjoyment

of adult readers. Please keep

out of the hands of children.

Friends Upgrade

Copyright © 2011 by Stephanie Williams



Edited by Zena Gainer

Cover Art © 2011 by Amanda Kelsey



First Edition September 2011




Published by:

Phaze Books

An imprint of Mundania Press LLC

6457 Glenway Ave., #109

Cincinnati, OH 4521


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.


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Chapter One



Doug sat on the couch in the living room, waving goodbye randomly here and there as some of the women left the room, headed in single file toward the door. His eyes began watering due to the scent of foundation, lipsticks, lip-glosses, and perfume all rolled into one. How women put this stuff on their faces baffled the hell out of him.

As the ladies filed out, they glanced back at him and giggled. What man wouldn’t dig that? It boosted his ego and gave him the warm fuzzies. At least they didn’t look at him like a piece of raw meat being lowered into a pit bull cage.

One thing did puzzle him. Why didn’t his best friend Judith look at him that way? In their over ten years of friendship, why hadn’t he ever felt the burn of her stares on his back the way he did with every other woman on the planet. Now would have been a perfect time.

Instead, he watched her flit from room to room carrying various items in her arms, almost dropping some as she cleaned up from her makeup party.

Doug thought about last night. He should have taken a chance and spilled his guts on how he felt about her.

“What a busy day. I need a bath. You talk about detailing cars and getting the dirt off as soon as you come home. Let me tell you, some of the people I deal with make me feel grimy sometimes. And those are other insurance agents.” She chuckled and headed upstairs.

Doug quickly followed. He loved being in the same room with her, hearing her voice, watching her lips move, and having her touch him when she made a point.

“Are you going to join me?” Judith asked, opening the door to the bathroom.

“Nah, I’ll wait. I’ll just sit and watch television.”
And be bored out of my mind instead of scrubbing your back.

“Okay, see you in a few.” She went inside.

Seconds later, he heard the running of the water.

He sat on the bed and something clicked in his head. Did she just invite him in the tub to get freaky with her? Hell, he never knew with her. It could have been his imagination running away with him again. For that matter, they always played mind games with each other, making sexual innuendos every chance they got. But when it got heavy, she pulled back and played it safe.

Doug listened to her hum happily as the water filled the tub. When the water stopped running, he heard her getting in. The image of her nude body slipping into the tub of bubbles danced in his head, making his cock hard to the point of aching.

He tried watching television, but to no avail. He scooted up on the bed and tried concentrating again, all the while imagining her body sleek with oils from her bath.

After about thirty minutes, he heard her get out. What did she look like emerging from the tub? A bronze Venus emerging from the ocean? Her body covered in foam?

He’d branded her image so deep in his brain, he could almost reach out and touch —her tawny body slick with oils; her ample round breast glistening and water droplets beading around her nipples; her legs long, but not too thin, dripping wet; and her thighs, soft and cushy, leading a path to her opening. Her curls wet and....

Enough already! Doug got up and barged into the bathroom. Forget this Best Friend Forever crap. He knew she wanted him as much as he wanted her and trying to keep up appearances for the sake of others didn’t make sense.

friends didn’t buy the buddies story. Friends with benefits maybe. The term repulsed him and he hated what it represented. He had that once. Never again. Judith meant more than that to him. He wanted forever with her.

But Judith wanted to keep the relationship platonic, and it killed him.

He walked in and there she stood. Dripping wet just like he imagined.

“Doug. What are you...?

He marched over to her with a determination he never felt before. “Judith, I can’t stand it anymore. I want you.” He felt like a wild animal let loose to mate for the first time in years.

“Doug!” She began franticly looking for something to cover herself with.

“Shhh, no talking. I want to dry you off first.”


“Shh.” He put his fingers over her lips. “The only sounds I want to hear coming from your lips are cries of pleasure.”

He looked around, found a big fluffy towel hanging on the wall rack, snatched it and smoothed it over her body. “I’ve always fantasized about doing this.” He took a deep breath, trying to control himself. The act of touching her, even through the towel, proved too much for him. His cock needed release.

“You have?” She rested her hand on his head, almost massaging it.

“Uh-huh.” He toweled her off from her shoulders to her breasts. He went to the left breast and palmed it in his towel cover hand. He gently kneaded it, watching her face the whole time. Beautiful, simply beautiful. Her expression of ecstasy outdid any adult movie he’d seen.

“Oh, Doug.” She brought her hand up, placing it over his.

At her touch, he felt pre-cum seep from his shaft. It couldn’t be help. It felt like lightening striking a motor home. He took a chance and removed the towel from his hand. With her firm, yet silky smooth breast in his palm, he bent down and licked the very tip of her hardened nipple.

“Oooh, Doug.” Both hands were in his hair now, and he felt the grip of her hands and the tip of her nails on his scalp.



He switched to the right breast and gave it the same treatment.

Taking the towel, he dragged it over her belly, her pelvic area and quickly moved to her legs. He rubbed the towel up and down her tawny, soft, delicious looking legs. The same legs he dreamt about being wrapped around his waist as he plunged deep into her. Her soft wetness enfolded tightly around his steel rod while her juices coated every inch.

Doug stood and gripped the edge of the sink. He couldn’t take it any longer. He was making himself dizzy with his own thoughts.

He finished patting her legs dry, and threw the towel to the side. “There’s only one place you should still be wet.” He took his thumb and forefinger and parted her outer lips, exposing her clit.


“Quiet, hon.” He got down on his knees, leaned in, and with one smooth swipe of this tongue, Judith almost lost her footing, but grabbed onto the towel rack to steady herself. .


“Lean against the counter,” he barely breathed out.

Doug needed her in perfect pussy-eating position. He got more comfortable, taking her thighs in each hand, and spread her legs a little wider. Her scent drove him mad. He dove in again, taking her bud in between his lips. Swirling his tongue inside, making exaggerated sucking sounds, he held her steady, careful not to knock her over. He felt her thighs shake against the sides of his head, all the while her juices poured into his mouth.

She tasted sweet, musky and just damn delicious. Doug would bottle it if he could. He sucked harder, taking her clit deep between his lips.

“Oh, Doug! Oh! Yes! Deeper!” She was ripping out his hair at this point. But it was worth it, just to her his name on her lips.

God yes! This is what he fantasized about day and night. Her screaming in pleasure with his name on her tongue. He obliged to her pleas, ramming his tongue in so deep, he hit her “G” spot.

“Doug!” She gripped his hair down to his scalp, almost tearing it from the roots.

After that intense climax, she collapsed in his arms, her cream coating his tongue and fingers.

The image of her blurred as he rose to his feet to finish what he started. Then she faded away completely. He looked around the room and felt his face heat up. Oh God, he hoped no one noticed he was out of it.

Hearing the glasses clanging in the background had snapped him out of his wonderful daydream.


The voices of several women sobered him to his current position. “Huh?”

“Where were you? We’ve been calling you,” Judith said, taking several glasses into the kitchen. “The girls were saying goodbye.”

“Oh. Bye, ladies.”

“Bye,” they said in unison, giggling their way out the door.

“Boy, were you on another planet,” Judith said, coming back into the living room. “I’m sorry the party ran over. I thought they would be out of here before you arrived.” She looked at him as she held an arm full of bags of lipstick.

He looked down and saw the effect his daydream had on him. His cock tented his jeans. Damn it! He couldn’t believe he was there in the middle of her living room fantasizing about her. And with all those other women around! Suppose he blurted out something awkward.

He took a seat in a chair in the corner to hide his embarrassment. “That’s okay. But could you tell your friends to put their tongues back in their mouths. The drool is doing havoc to your rug.”

“You know how the girls are. They say when you walk into the room, women have an instant orgasm. I can’t contro—”

“Whoa, whoa! They say what?” He stood up quickly. This was interesting. More interesting than going to the mall and looking for this designer bag Judith had been raving about. He’d intended to buy it for her birthday next month anyway.

But now the conversation got a bit more fascinating. What he would give to know if she thought of him the way other women did. To know that when he entered a room, she would be creaming in her panties at just the sight of him. He wanted to know more, to find where she stood on this, ahem, issue.

But Judith held the title Queen of the Roadblocks. If they talked about sex too long or it got too heated, Judith would immediately put up a barrier and change the subject. She should have been in road construction.

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