From the Elephant's Back (42 page)

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Authors: Lawrence Durrell

BOOK: From the Elephant's Back
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The last quiet days at Luxor were a sort of happy fulfillment, for the camera boys pronounced themselves content. In fact, of course, Adam's troubles were only just beginning; on him lay the responsibility for assembling and tailoring all the various elements into something coherent, true to its objective and also easy on the eye. I was glad that I did not share the weight of this responsibility—my part was done. But I had found myself a little Hassan Fathy mud brick from Gourna (the domain of Hatshepsut) and had slipped it into my suitcase. I could always wish him luck on that, I felt.

Cairo awaited us now, and the characteristic pandemonium I have already described, but at the heart of it there were now kindly officials we knew who greeted us warmly. One felt at home.

And so ended the great adventure. At Heathrow, they were curious about my mud brick. “Is it very old?” they asked. When I said no, indeed it was very new, they lost interest. At Orly, on my way home to Sommières, the lively eye of the French customs man gazed at it in a world-weary way. “Was it something to eat?” he asked. When I said no, he waved me through in a resigned sort of way. The little brick lies before me as I write these lines. A tourist souvenir? No, something more.

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