From the Embers (The Born in Flames Trilogy) (32 page)

BOOK: From the Embers (The Born in Flames Trilogy)
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“Don’t you know that we mothers just know these things?”

He chuckled. “Another cute, feisty little brat to deal with.”

“And you will love every minute of it,” I said as I threw my arms over his shoulders and rested my head against his chest. The sound of his heart thumped along with our lullaby that Fenn had instructed the orchestra to play.

He leaned into my ear. “Every second of every minute.” He was serious now, his eyes brimming with adoration.

WHEN MY FEET ACHED AND my stomach rumbled, dinner was set out. The Imperials arrived, escorting my grandparents who were more than enthused to find out about the pregnancy. Unfortunately, they had missed the wedding ceremony because Dagan had needed their assistance. It seemed a group of Minotaurs had found their way onto his island and raided his village. The Imperials were the only beings strong enough to stop them.

The minute Naveena and Darian finished congratulating Fenn and me, my mother appeared from behind the waterfall, hesitating. She had chosen to come back as a human.

I was pleasantly surprised when Naveena cried out in happiness, dropping to all fours so Eralise could hug her properly. “I’m so sorry, Mother,” Eralise started to say.

“It doesn’t matter what you are, just that you have returned.” Naveena rubbed her snout along Eralise, her eyes tightly squeezed as a tear slid down her scales.

“We want nothing more than your happiness,” Darian said next to her. Eralise ran over and embraced him. “You are still the heir no matter what form you come in.”

“Thank you for loving our daughter,” Naveena said to Myrdinn who stayed behind Fenn and me. We moved so he could approach them.

“You must return together after the wedding, and we will commence a ceremony to induct you both as the new leaders of the Draconta,” Darian said at once.

Myrdinn looked taken aback as Eralise turned and threw her arms around her parents. It was a good kind of weird seeing them like this. I was just happy that everything worked out the way I wanted it to.

We made our way to the table where Naveena asked me, “Do you think the baby will be a hybrid?”

We all had various opinions, but most stuck with a big fat yes. I hoped that the baby would be like me. But even if she wasn’t, I knew she would be more wonderful than anything in the world.

“You know that dragons can speak to their little ones in the womb?” Darian said as he tore into a deer that had been freshly caught for him. He was seated a little ways behind us so we didn’t have to watch.

A jolt of excitement rushed through me as I turned in my chair to face them. “Is that so?”

“Oh, yes,” Naveena confirmed. She chose not to eat because she felt uncomfortable in front of everyone.

Fenn continued picking at his chicken as the loud sounds of chatter drifted up and down the long table set in the middle of the dance floor.

My mother leaned across the table, grabbing my hand. “I could speak to you, though you may not remember because you are part human. I remember speaking to my mother when I was still in the egg.”

I brushed my stomach again. “That would be so awesome.”

Fenn smiled at me, grabbing my hand. “How long do you think it will be?” he asked.

“My pregnancy was the same timeframe as a human—nine months,” my mother explained as she tore off a piece of bread and nibbled on it. “I was able to speak to you after four months in.”

That was only one week away.

“That would truly be a gift,” Astral said from behind me. His hands rested on my shoulders as he leaned down to whisper, “I must be going now. I am behind in my writing.”

I pushed the chair back and stood, hugging his giant form as a knot formed in my throat. “It was so good to see you. Thank you for everything. Hopefully, they will let you out in time for the birth.”

His smile widened at the word birth. “Now that is something I wouldn’t miss for the world. I was there when you were born, you know.”

“He caught you,” my mother explained.

“You were, and still are, the greatest blessing.” He hugged me again and then shook Fenn’s hand. “Take good care of these two.”

“I always will.”

Astral chuckled. “The protector.” He waved goodbye to everyone and then disappeared into a portal back to the Hall.

“This night has been the most perfect night of my life,” I professed as Fenn walked me to the edge of the island where our portal waited. Our guests readied their showers of enchantments and magic that shot over us as we neared them.

We hugged our parents, promising to return from our honeymoon before the baby was due.

Lexi stopped me. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes. “I love you, Rory. Thank you for loving my brother and for everything that you have sacrificed. Please be careful.” She held me, her arms trembling.

I pulled back. “I love you too, Sister.” I winked at her and stepped up to the portal, gripping Fenn’s hand tightly. Zane waved us off by Masami’s side, who watched him intently. I winked at him, hoping he would find the happiness that I had found.

As we jumped, I saw everything through new eyes. The end had come for Zordon and for my days as the Progeny, but looking into the eyes of the man I loved, I knew that it wasn’t the end for me. It was the beginning.

We would forever be each other’s strength inside of our weakness. 

The end.


16 Years Later

“I TOLD YOU THAT FIRE doesn’t work like that, Dad,” Skylar said, giggling at Fenn who rested on his knees in front of her.

He tapped a finger to his chin covered in a five o’clock shadow. “Oh, that’s right. You did, didn’t you? I guess I will never fully understand how your element works.” He chuckled as she jumped on him, her broad red wings lifting her in the air to give her the strength she needed to push him into the grass. She was just as playful as her father.

Her eyes widened as he turned on her, shifting into a fighting stance as they both landed on their feet. He was bound and determined to make her the best warrior there ever was.

“Dad! What are you doing?” She laughed as they circled each other.

“I’m going to show you teach you how to be strong like your dad.” He threw a playful wink at her.

“What are you talking about?” She flipped her auburn hair over her shoulder, looking over him at me for help.

I shrugged innocently, which made her laugh a little more.

Without warning, he ran and lifted her by her belly, throwing her into the air. He loved to watch her catch air and soar.

“All right, you two,” I said as I walked over to them, catching her hovering form by the foot and tugging her back down to the grass next to Fenn. “She’s too old for these tricks.” He didn’t hear a word I said. He planted a kiss on my lips and then turned back to Skylar who was pretend gagging at us.

“She knows her old man is too strong for her.” He reached out to ruffle her hair, but she ducked and swatted his hand. He was impressed. “Getting quicker, Mini Flame.”

She snorted. “You wish.” I leveled my eyes on her, trying to hide my smile. “What?” she asked defensively. “He asked for it.” She looked at him squarely. “And would you stop calling me Mini Flame? I’m not a little girl anymore, Dad. I’m almost sixteen.”

He mock-rolled his eyes. “Yes, so we’ve heard a thousand times now.” A mischievous glance crossed his face. “But you aren’t too old for this!” He yanked her down and started tickling her. Her giggles carried out into the wind as I smiled down at them both, my heart overwhelmed with love.

“You can’t tickle my scales,” she cried out through a fit of giggles. “Mom, get him!” Fire raced along her scales as she lost control of her power. Fenn laughed even harder at this because our bond left him unaffected by the element.

Skylar’s scales were a lighter shade of red and were mirrored just like mine. I had been told by everyone that she was the spitting image of me, but I saw so much of Fenn in her blue eyes.

“We need to get back in time for the ceremony,” I said, lifting Skylar up to stand. She tucked her wings under and then shifted back into her human form, already wearing clothes. Her auburn hair fell in ringlets to her shoulders, surrounding her heart-shaped face and oval blue eyes. She was the same height as me with a slender frame.

Her pouty lips turned into a slight frown. “Do we have to?” She had been dreading this day since she had learned of it from Soothe. He took any chance he could to stop by our home and continued to see not only my future but now Skylar’s as well.

It was time for her to go before the Counsel to get her ranking as a Mage.

Fenn brushed himself off and put his arm over her shoulder as we walked back into our house. “You’ve studied day and night for this. You are ready.” He stopped in our living room, looking down at her with love.

She crossed her arms, reminding me so much of Lexi that I had to hide my smile.

“Yeah, but Aiden said—”

Fenn cut her off. “Your cousin Aiden was only trying to work you up. Now go get ready.” He ruffled her hair, which she hated, and then laughed when she turned and glared at him before slumping her way down the hall. 

Fenn sighed as he watched her go. He was just as nervous as she was so I did my best to send him calming vibes. “I swear I’m going to kill that boy,” he said to me when she was far enough away. He plopped down into the chair by the fire, opening his arms for me to sit.

I gladly fell into them. “I told Lexi about it, but you know how she is. I swear Skylar acts just like her and Aiden like you.” He rested his chin on my head. “He was rightfully named.”

“Hey now,” he said, poking me in the side. “Just ‘cause he has my middle name doesn’t mean that he can pick on her.”

“What are you two talking about?” Lexi asked as she stepped through a portal in front of us. She immediately plopped down on the couch across from us, pulling Brohm right along with her. She had grown her hair all the way down to her waist. His hair had thinned a little and had specks of silver strewn throughout it, but he was just as chiseled as ever.

“We were talking about that boy right there.” Fenn pointed as Aiden strolled through the portal without a care in the world. He wore his dark hair disheveled, reminding me so much of his uncle Zane. His thin lips were pursed as he tried to walk past us in search of Skylar.

Fenn stopped him before he had a chance. “Stop giving her such a hard time.” He glared up at Aiden from the chair. Aiden rolled his eyes, but there was a small smile hidden underneath his fronted attitude.

“Aiden,” Lexi started in her motherly tone as she leaned forward. It always tickled me to hear her bark at him. “What have you done now?”

He shrugged and walked past us towards Skylar’s room, his smile vanishing completely.

I turned to Lexi, offering her some of Masami’s famous tea. She waved a hand at the cup. “Nothing that we never did,” I explained as I poured one for myself and took a hearty sip. “She is just worried about the Counsel. She’s heard too many stories from the other kids in school.”

“I meant to talk to Lev about that,” Brohm said from beside her. He rarely ever spoke, but when he did, we were all sure to listen. He had become Lev’s right hand man and had set Lexi up with a fortunate future.

Fenn put his arm around me. “Nah, it’ll toughen her up. She’ll be fine. She just needs to learn how to shrug stuff off. She gets that from her mother.”

I lightly elbowed him and smiled when he grunted.

“I just like messing with Aiden,” he finished through a tight breath.

“Have you talked to Mom or Gabe?” Lexi asked him.

He shook his head. “The last I heard they were planning on staying on Nymph Island.”

“Oh well,” she said. “At least they are happy.”

We never understood why they stayed so distant from us. They were there for both births and visited every birthday, but other than that, they remained floaters throughout the realm. Fenn thought it had something to do with when they were infected by Na’shir’s death touch. Like it changed something in their brain.

He looked over at me and rested his head on mine as he read my thoughts and tried to quiet them with thoughts of our steamy night before.

“Astral will be there,” I threw in, trying to cover my blush. We hadn’t seen him since Skylar’s fifth birthday. I missed him too much.

My parents appeared through another portal, causing me to violently jump in Fenn’s lap. He laughed at me as I tried to steady my heart with my hand on my chest.

“Sheesh,” I said. My mother said she was sorry and patted my shoulder before disappearing down the hall to Skylar’s room.

I could see my grandparents through the inside of the portal. “Tell Skylar we said good luck,” Naveena shouted through, looking as regal as ever.

Fenn waved. “Will do, Naveena. You look great.” She batted her lashes at him.

Darian stepped around her, trying to get in his speaking time. “Will you be coming after for the celebration?”

“Of course, Grandfather,” I said as my father pulled me into a hug. “Where else would we celebrate Skylar’s success?” He grunted like an old man as he sat back on his throne, watching the portal seal shut between us.

“Today is going to be a great day,” my father announced proudly to us all. “Skylar will pass with flying colors.” He held the corners of his robe, his chest puffed out. He had put on a little weight through the years, but his lavender eyes still held the secrets of his younger years.

“I sure hope so,” Skylar said as she came around the corner wearing leather pants and a leather breastplate used in training. She perched up on a stool at the kitchen counter, her head falling into her hands. Aiden took the seat next to her.

“I was only kidding, cuz,” he whispered into her ear as he nudged her.

She grinned over at him. “Like I don’t know that.” My mother had pulled her hair back into a high braided ponytail. She was playing with the end now as they whispered something else to each other. I refused to use my dragon sense to listen in. She deserved her privacy. She was a good kid.

Fenn walked up behind her and kissed her cheek. “You will do great, love. Just believe in yourself and remember how kickass your parents are.” He turned back and grinned at me like a fool. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Are we all ready then?” Myrdinn asked with his hands on his hips.

I stopped and looked at all of my family, taking in the many years of happiness that I had lived under the warmth of love, and then walked over to my beautiful daughter who sat tentatively watching me.

She was the real reason I was born.

She smiled at me, and I hugged her, whispering to her what Soothe had told me about the outcome of today. Her eyes grew as wide as her smile.

“We’re ready,” she shouted.

Astral appeared a moment later with a portal opened to the Hall. He winked at me as he took Skylar’s hand and kissed it, telling her how beautiful she was and remarking on how much she had grown since he had last seen her.

She was just as taken with him as I had been all these years. I only wished that she could have trained with him. At that thought, he looked over at me and smiled, sending love and memories through my mind.

I felt Fenn’s hand in mine as we watched everyone port to the Hall, leaving us alone in the living room. My heart was beginning to beat a little quicker now that the moment had arrived. Our daughter was becoming a woman today—one step closer to embracing the world on her own.

And it scared the living crap out of me.

He brushed a strand of hair away from my face, smiling down at me through his slightly wrinkled eyes as the portal waited for us to jump through. The kiss he planted on my lips was soft as his hands wove through my hair and cupped my cheeks.

“Forever and always,” he said.

“Always and forever.”

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