Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series) (39 page)

BOOK: Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series)
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I repeat his words quietly, staring into Jack’s stormy grey eyes. As I slip his ring on, he entwines our fingers tightly.

“Jackson, please place the ring on Leila’s finger and repeat after me. I, Jackson Henry, give you this ring as an eternal symbol of my commitment and love.”

Jack repeats the minister’s words and slides my ring onto my finger. He pulls me closer and whispers, “I love you.”

“I love you.”

“By the powers vested in me by the state of New Jersey, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You many now kiss the bride.”

Jack instantly wraps his arms around my waist,
eliminating the space between us. My hands find his hair. Our lips collide and we forget our guests, our wedding party, and the minister. His lips move over mine in a heated dance, and I willingly respond, enthusiastically respond, to the point of indecency.

The minister clearing
his throat and random chuckling filtering through the air is what brings me back to earth. Remembering where we are, I am the first to pull away. Our guests applaud while we remain locked in each other’s arms, nose to nose. As I gaze into my husband’s eyes, I know this man will completely own me every day for the rest of my life. I wonder how I will be able to spend any time away from him. I’ve become so spoiled, being with him as much as I have been. It’s almost unhealthy.

are going to kill me.” I murmur against his lips.

“No way. I need at least seventy
five more years.”

“Let’s go, party time. Save it for later.” Hunter interrupts rudely.

We pull away long enough for me to take my bouquet from Lori. Jack then tucks my arm in his and leads us down the aisle, beaming like he just won the lottery. My dad steps out as we near his row.

“I love you…both of you.”

“Love you too, Dad.”

He grips me tightly as Jack watches on. As he looks over my shoulder, he smirks,
“Go, we’re holding up your impatient best man.”

No sooner do we step onto the patio than Hunter, Trey and Scott surround Jack with shots. “First one you have to do with us.” Jack and I are still arm in arm when they all tip back their tequila shots effortlessly.

Lori hooks her arm into mine. “Our turn.” She pulls me out of Jack’s hold, dragging me away to the opposite side of the patio.

“Where are you going, wife?”

“She’ll be back.” Lori says over her shoulder.

“Don’t get her too plastered
, please. I need her coherent later.”

“Like that would stop you.” I say as we walk away.

“Let’s go, Lei Lei. No ginger ale for you tonight.”

She ushers me to join the girls at the bar for our own round of celebration. “First L
ei, then Lis, who’s the next to find their bliss?”


“Just go with it.” She says, as she drinks her shot.

“Ooh, yum. What is this?”

“Yay, I found a shot you like. Lemon shooters.”

“Yes, I’ll have another.”

Strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. “I need you, my wife.” He whispers into my ear.

“Jeez, she just got here. One more.” Lori hands me another as I tip it back.

Jack turns and kisses me. “Yum, what is that?”

“Lemon shooters, aren’t they good?”

He kisses me again, this time driving his tongue into my mouth. “Delicious. Come, our parents want to talk to us.”

Jack drags me over to where his parents and my dad are standing.

“Welcome to the family.” Peter Lair pulls me into his arms. He passes me off to his wife next.

“Ok, so what did you guys want to tell us?” Jack asks
, as they stand smiling at us like they have a mad secret.

a hands us a key. “Our wedding gift.”

Jack and I exchange a glance. “What is this?”

“It’s to your new apartment.” She shrugs while smiling. “We wanted to give you your honeymoon, but Jack beat us to it.”

I search my dad’s eyes for any signs that this could be a joke.

“No way.”

He smiles warmly. “It true. It’s perfect for you guys. It’s near the studio. It’s nice and roomy. It’ll make a great home
, until you wake up and decide you need to leave the city because it’s no place to raise a family and should really be back in Jersey where you belong.”



“Guys, this is unbelievable. Thank you. I was worried we would be stuck in Hoboken forever.”


“Sorry, babe.”

“It comes with a condition,” Renata says, while smiling.

“Two conditions,” m
y dad threatens.

“I’m afraid to ask.”

“One, you need to visit us on the Island and Anthony in Jersey frequently.”

“And two?” Jack responds suspiciously.

“We want grandkids…soon.”

, this is more a bribe than a gift?”

None of the three have the decency to deny it.

“Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. How are we tonight?” The D.J. interrupts our moment. “Can we get the bride and groom on the dance floor for their first dance?”

“The D.J. j
ust saved your asses,” Jack smirks.

I quickly hug our parents, kissing them and thanking them again. Jack follows suit and leads me to the dance floor.

As everyone applauds, the opening to my song begins to play. Jack pulls me close as his voice resonates around us clear as a bell. He sings the lyrics into my ear, making me love him more with every line.

It just took one kiss, to claim me as yours.

I see no one else, you’ve closed all my doors.

The D.J. announces for the rest of our bridal party to join in on the first dance. Seeing our band dressed in tuxes is so endearing. They all look so handsome. I scan the patio, taking in all the smiling faces as they watch us. Soon af
ter, all are invited to join us in our dance. Dad dances with Barb, with his hand possessively holding her back. She whispers close to his lips. Our friends are all dancing intimately with their partners, lost in each other’s eyes. Even Trey and Trini are having a moment while dancing to our first song. I was both pleased and surprised when he announced they were coming together. Hunter and Scott are secretly plotting how long before they would be getting their bets paid off.

Dylan is here with Krista. They just started dating. Of course Jen is here with Malcolm. She is now engaged. Her ring as big as her attitude. Although she has softened considerably towa
rds me, I still don’t care for her.

Today doesn’t only signify the joining of Jack and Leila…it signifies the joining of Devil’s Lair and Cliffhangers forever.
Our two worlds have meshed perfectly. I picture us all involved with each other’s lives, more weddings to come, and many children to be born.

“I can’t believe we are married,” h
e says, staring into my eyes.

“You mean you didn’t foresee this when I literally stumbled into the studio?”

He chuckles at the memory. “No. I saw a gorgeous girl who literally gave me a hard-on when I heard her sing.”

“Shut up.”

“It’s true. Can I confess something?”

“Oh, yes
, please.”

“After I met you, I kept envisioning you when I was with other women.”

“Ugh. Jack, really?”

“What, it’s a compliment.”

“I’m supposed to see the flattery in hearing my husband pictured my face when screwing dozens of random women?”

“Hey, hold on. It was three women. I told you, as soon as I got to know you and once I tasted your lips, I went on a dry spell.”

“For some reason, I find that endearing.”

“You should. You totally fucked with my head.”

“Are you sorry?”

“Lei, I thank God every day for finding you. I love you so much.”

I lean up to kiss his lips.

He groans against my mouth. “Is this over yet?”

“Ten minutes into our reception and you are ready to ditch?”

“Yes, baby. I’m ready to celebrate you becoming Mrs. Lair.” He kisses me deeply, not caring
who’s watching us.

“Can you feel me?”
He presses himself into me and I nod wide eyed. “I’m literally aching for you. Your plan of not having sex for a week was one of the hardest things I’ve had to endure. Sleeping next to you each night and not being able to fuck you was torture. So yes, I want this to end. I can’t wait to peel this dress off of you. I can’t wait to touch and lick every inch of your body. I can’t wait to drag my tongue over your tattoo. I can’t wait to sink into you. I can’t wait to make slow, passionate love to my wife. I can’t wait to wake with you in my arms as my wife for the first time. I can’t wait to make love to you again, before taking you on our honeymoon. I can’t wait to get you to our private beach, swim naked in the warm waters, kiss every part of your body while you lay on a chaise lounge in the sun, and make love to you over and over and over again.”

gape at him, unable to process any words. The only thing I can muster is, “Grrr.”

He smiles wide. “What

During the r
est of our reception, while dancing with my dad, celebrating with our friends, mingling with our guests, taking our portraits, while tossing my bouquet, feeding him cake…all I can think about are Jack’s plans for me. The vision of Jack’s lips on my body is what keeps popping into my head. I thought I was hot shit cutting him off, hoping to make our wedding night special. He just effectively put me in my place, the bastard.

By the time he carries me through the door of our honeymoon night suite, I’m horny as all hell.

The room is prepped with candles, flowers, and a roaring fire.

I turn towards my husband to see him watching my every move. “I know you want to peel this off of me
, but I need to freshen up.”

He nods, continuing to watch me hungrily. “Hurry.”

I move closer to kiss him. “I will.”

Lori was with me when I chose the pink scraps of silk I’m wearing under my wedding dress. I gingerly remove my dress and headpiece while keeping on the lingerie, silk stocking thigh highs and my wedding pumps. I brush out my hair, brush my teeth and check my face.

Not being able to stand another minute away from him, I quietly open the door.

Jack is lounging on the bed, wearing black silk boxers…and he looks edible.

He widens his eyes, scrolling from my head down to my toes. “Holy shit.”

“You like?”

“I love. Turn around.”

He meets me half way and slowly wraps his hands around me, pressing his silk covered arousal into my backside. “Part of me doesn’t want to take this off.”

“That would make things difficult.”

“You’re right.” He slowly slips the thin straps down over my shoulders, letting them hang limply. He kisses my neck and pulls my earlobe
in between his lips.

I lean against him, mainly to feel more of him, but also so he can help support my weight. The simple kisses he is placing on my neck are making me weak in the knees.

I slowly turn and wrap my fingers into his hair. “You are driving me insane.”

“By merely standing here, I can say the same for you.” He runs his nose along my jawline and places a kiss in the hollow of my neck, my exposed shoulder, and the swell of my breast.

He skims his hands up my back and starts to slowly untie each of the satin ribbons that hold it all together.

A few seconds later, I’m standing before him in a tiny G-string, stockings and heels.

“You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.” His voice is husky and raw. His eyes devour me.

He lifts my left hand, placing a kiss over my wedding rings. “You’ve made me the happiest man on earth today. I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.”

I lift his hand as well. “The sight of this ring on your finger does things to my insides. It’s sexy as hell knowing you are my husband.”

Jack lifts me and carries me to the bed. He places me dead center and lies beside me. I pull him towards me to kiss him passionately, running my tongue inside his mouth while taking hold and stroking his erection. Uncharacteristically, he pulls away before I do
, panting heavily.

I move down his body, tasting every inch of him. I completely become unhinged from the act of pleasuring my husband. His hands gripping the duvet as my
hands remove his boxers and my lips move over his entire length, causes my own insides to pulse and constrict. I bring him to the brink and slowly release him, moving back towards his lips. I end, where I began, swirling my tongue in an erotic dance with his.

He looks into my eyes and declares, “Tease.”

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