Frontier Highlander Vow of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 4) (34 page)

BOOK: Frontier Highlander Vow of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 4)
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If Bear had been even a minute later, she would be dead now.

But she had not yet told him that before she ran she had tried to kill the man. She sat up and turned to face him. “I need to tell ye somethin’.”

He lifted his head and leaned it back against his bent arm.

“Bear, I tried three times to persuade Miller not to ambush ye, but he seemed determined to kill ye and William too. So, I decided I had to do somethin’. I’d hid my dirk in my boot before we left.”

Bear nodded approvingly.

“I tried to stab Miller in the back when he was watchin’ for ye. I was terrified and my hands were shakin’, nonetheless I was determined to do it. But when I raised the blade, he heard me make a little squeal and he shoved me backwards. I scrambled up and ran into the cave, despite my terror. He shot at me. That was the first shot ye heard.”

“And thank the Lord it missed and that I heard it,” he said. “With the torrential rain erasin’ yer trail, I would never have found the cave.”

“I guess it was all meant to happen the way it did, but I’m disappointed in myself that I wasn’t able to defend ye.”

“Nay, do na think harshly of yourself. Killin’ a man is never an easy thing to do, even for seasoned warriors. If yer help is ever really needed, I’m confident ye would find the courage.”

“Do ye think so, truly?”

“Aye, Artis MacKay, ye would find yer
Manu Forti
, yer strong hand.”

“I do hope so because here in the wilderness I intend to be strong—to defend my family when needed. Without hesitatin’ like I did in the cave with Miller.”

“Artis, why did ye take the clan badge along?”

“I knew I would carry a part of ye with me if I had it. It made me feel safer just bein’ able to reach into my pocket and clutch it. I just imagined I was holdin’ on to you.”

“And ye were lass.”

“I know, Bear. I was holdin’ on to yer heart. Holdin’ on tight enough for ye to find me.”

“All things happen for a reason for them that love the good Lord. Let it be and think na more about it,” he said, drawing her up against his chest. “What say ye? Are ye ready to start workin’ on that family ye want or do we need to talk some more?”

She giggled. “Let’s talk a wee bit longer,” she teased.

He moaned loudly and leaned his broad shoulders back against his pillow. The light of the hearth fire glimmered over his dark copper hair and bronzed skin. He looked so appealing she could hardly keep her hands off him, but she was enjoying making him wait.

“How many wee bairns do ye want? A few or a lot?” she asked, and nestled herself against him, enjoying his warmth against her bare skin. Breathing in his scent, she caught whiffs of leather, sweet tobacco, horse, and hearth fires.

“A lot—at least a dozen. And maybe a wee bit more,” he answered happily. Studying her eyes, he ran his fingertip across her lower lip and then down her jaw to the hollow at the base of her neck.

She marveled at the amazing power of just his fingertip to awaken desire within her.

“Then we had better get to work, my Highland lover,” she said, gazing into the blue-green loch of his eyes. She would never see her beloved Highland Loch Naver again, but even its stunning beauty could not compare to what she saw in her husband’s eyes. She would never grow tired of seeing the love Bear shared every time he gazed at her.

He stroked her back and shivers of delight followed his gentle touch. He rested a hand in the swell of her hips and moved his fingers in small circles, his touch light and teasing. Then he grabbed her bottom, filling his hand, and tugged her closer. When his hand roved intimately over her breast and then cupped her bosom, she moaned aloud with pleasure.

As her body responded to his tantalizing seduction, touch by touch,
kiss by kiss, she ached to caress him as well.

His form exuded a virile masculine power that was entirely captivating, enticing, and tempting. Using both her fingers and her lips, she traced her own paths over his bare body. Each path became more enchanting than the last. Each part of him, precious and treasured. And loved.

Her fingertips could feel the strength beneath his firm chest and arm muscles and it caused her to gasp with sweet pleasure. Just touching him made desire surge through her. She ran her fingers across the soft flesh of his back and let her nails slide softly across his skin.

He groaned with pleasure and then palmed her cheeks between his hands. “You are puttin’ a magical spell on me, wife,” he breathed. “I am utterly at your mercy.” He pushed away stray tendrils from her moist face and wove his hands through her hair.

She nuzzled her head in the hollow of his neck and let him cuddle her. She felt so loved, so treasured. And when his palm gently held her belly, where she might someday carry their child, she wanted to weep with joy.

As if he sensed what she was thinking, he kissed her, movingly, tenderly, letting the kiss be more about love than passion. “I love ye,” he said, “and I vow if we make a babe this night, I will love our child with all my heart too.”

“I love ye,” she said, as tears of joy filled her eyes. She found the thought of him begetting a child in her womb extraordinarily arousing and incomparable to anything else. It was as if their love took on a higher purpose and had even more meaning.

He kissed her again, hungrily and forcefully, this time making it more about passion.

She sensed a possessiveness, an earnestness, in his kiss that she hadn’t felt before. As though the whole experience of chasing after her, not knowing her fate, made his love deeper and all the more intense.

In response, she felt a primal awakening rise from deep within her. Intense desire spread out from the core of her body and radiated up and
down her entire length making even her fingers and toes tighten with need. She kissed him with a hunger made desperate by their forced separation and brush with death.

He released her lips and Artis drew in deep breaths of air to feed her rapidly beating heart. She returned the kiss with her own urgency, letting him feel her own desperate need. She craved his reassurance, yet again, that they were both safe at Highland—in their home, their bed, and beneath their warm furs.

She was so grateful to him and thankful for her new life. And for the safety she would always have in the haven of his arms.

She wanted him to hold her and never let go. Because in his arms she’d found happiness. The happiness her uncle, so long ago, sent her to find. But she’d found more than happiness—she’d found contentment, bliss, and ecstasy—in a wilderness paradise.

He seemed to recognize her compelling need and gathered her protectively against his warm body.

Instinctively, her own body ached toward his, needing him, wanting him, and craving his love.

His hands held her tighter and they molded—heart to heart as one—into the safe sanctuary of forever love.

And a wee bit longer

We hope you enjoyed reading

American Wilderness Series Romances
Book Four


The story of Bear and Artis

Other Titles by Dorothy Wiley

Book One


The story of Stephen and Jane

Book Two


The story of Sam and Catherine

Book Three


The story of William and Kelly

Coming soon…

Book Five

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About the Author

Compassionately written, richly authentic, powerfully dramatic, Dorothy Wiley's books will make you weep, laugh, cringe in fear, fall in love, and remember. Wiley's American Wilderness Series Romances are epic love stories of the frontier. Her Amazon best-selling and award-winning novels are set in 1797 Kentucky and are heart-wrenching, unforgettable, fast-paced action adventures. Wiley skillfully breaches the walls of time, bringing readers to a young America, where romance and danger are as powerful as the wilderness. Spellbound by horrific events and villains, action readers fear for her valiant characters. And charmed by the beauty of Wiley's love stories, romance lovers cheer for her endearing heroes and heroines. Like Wiley's compelling heroes, who from the outset make it clear they will not fail despite the adversities they face, this author is likewise destined for success. Her books continue to earn five-star reviews from readers and recognition in literary contests.


• Historical Novel Society (HNS) Editor’s Choice and long listed for the prestigious 2015 HNS Indie Award

• Readers’ Favorite Five-Star Award 2015

• Finalist in the CFRWA Touch of Magic Contest 2014


• Amazon's Breakthrough Novel Award Quarter-Finalist 2014


• Prize Writer Finalist – Romance 2015

Wiley received a Bachelor of Journalism degree, with Honors, from The University of Texas. After a distinguished 35-year corporate career in marketing and public relations, she is living her dream—writing historical romances about the heroic settlers of the Ameican wilderness. Follow Dorothy Wiley on Amazon
. To see trailers for each of her books, enter Dorothy Wiley in YouTube’s search box. She would enjoy connecting with you through her website

Dora May Wiley
: Dorothy Wiley
Dorothy M. Wiley


Although the characters and account of the Highland clearances described in the Prologue in this book are fictionalized and not a real version of events, sadly, in reality these clearances did happen. Bliadhna nan Caorach, ‘The Year of the Sheep,’ actually occurred in 1792. Many violent and merciless clearances took place and the MacKays suffered severely in the Strathnaver clearances between 1815 and 1818. Artis’ story could have been real and, like her, many expelled Scots fled to the colonies in search of a better life. I have to admire their unwavering courage and I am so grateful for the many contributions they made to our country.

I should also mention that Black bear attacks, as described in this book are rare, but they do occur. Black bears have killed more than 60 people across North America since 1990. Many of these attacks were extremely aggressive and predatory.

As I did in the first three books of my American Wilderness series, I would also like to thank America’s daring and brave first-wave pioneers, many of whom, like my own ancestors, were Scots. Their hard fought struggles for a place in the vast wilderness gave us the majestic country we enjoy today. Their stories must be remembered! If you agree, or would like to comment on the books, please send me a note through the “Contact” tab on my website.

I would also like to thank my patient husband (also my muse) and my dear talented sister for their help in polishing this manuscript. Thanks for your continued faith in me. And my thanks to my fellow author and friend Deborah Gafford, a wonderful writer, for her suggestions and support.

Also, my thanks to my designer Erin Dameron-Hill, at
, who created stunning covers for all four of my books. And, I’d like to recognize models Jimmy Thomas and Jax Turyna who romantically portray Bear and Artis for this cover.

The source of the Clan MacKay crest badge on the cover is:
. For more information on Clan MacKay visit:

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