Fugitive (23 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Brooks

BOOK: Fugitive
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   "I've always wanted someone to do that."

   Manx paused for a moment to smile at her. "I know."

   Dipping back down to suck on her hard clit, Manx drank in her scent and felt his cock stiffen in response. He waited for her rapturous scream, and then plunged into her once more.

   As she gazed up at his face, Manx could almost feel her eyes caressing him. "I wish you could see what you look like right now," she whispered. "The stars are shining all around you; the moon is beginning to rise, casting shadows on your face… your hair glistening in the star light… your glowing eyes… absolutely beautiful."

   Manx smiled but shook his head in denial. "You're the beautiful one."

   "Guess we could argue about that all night."

   "There are much better things to do than argue," Manx purred. "Boat rides, moonlight swims—there are all kinds of things we could do."

   "Mmmm, those both sound wonderful," she said dreamily. He could have suggested almost anything and she would have agreed—being with him would have made any activity special.

   Getting to his feet, Manx took her hand and led her to the water's edge. "Just stay there for a second," he said before quickly wading out to the deeper water.

   The water swirled around him like shining silk as he pushed off the bottom to propel himself away from the shore. "Now it's my turn to look at you," he said. "You look like some magical lake sprite standing there spar kling in the moonlight. I've never seen anyone before who could actually

   "And I've never met anyone whose eyes could actu ally
Drusilla countered. "Maybe that's why I seem to shine."

   "Never happened with anyone else," Manx declared. "It must just be you." Beckoning to her, he said, "Come on, let's go for that swim."

   As she waded into the still water, Manx pulled her into his arms and kissed her. As his kiss deepened, Drusilla wound her arms around his neck, pressing the full length of her body against his before wrapping her legs around his hips. He moved off then, and she let him swim for both of them, not wanting to let go, his shoulders solid and strong beneath her hands, his lips warm and inviting.

   "Hold on," he said, turning in her embrace.

   Grasping his shoulders, Drusilla circled his waist with her legs as Manx cut through the water with powerful strokes. After a few moments, she stretched her arms up toward the sky, riding him like a dolphin as he swam. Never had she felt so free, so joyous, so

   Swimming toward the dock, Manx grasped the ladder and then gestured for her to climb up ahead of him. She did so, and was reaching for a towel when Manx seized her from behind and spun her in his arms to capture her lips for another fiery kiss. Gripping her hips, he pulled her up against him, parting her thighs and settling her down on his cock. As his slick cockhead penetrated her heat, Drusilla groaned, a groan that was drowned by Manx's deep, rumbling purr.

   "The last time I saw you climbing a ladder, your clothes were clinging to you like a second skin, but this time, watching the water dripping down on me from your naked body... " He paused, taking a deep, ragged breath. "I knew I had to mate with you again or die."

   "I certainly wouldn't want you to die," Drusilla said with a smile. "What exactly would it take to save you?"

   "I want to see you," he said as he eased himself down on the dock, stretching out beneath her. "The way your wet skin shines in the moonlight, the way you move… I can't take my eyes off of you."

   With her arms above her head, Drusilla danced on him, flexing her spine, plunging him in deeply and enjoying him to the fullest. As she moved, he moved, tightening his butt to offer his cock up for her enjoyment. Having Manx laid out before her in the moonlight was a feast for the eyes and a treat for the soul. Drusilla could feel his cock moving inside her with a steady drumbeat; his purring she could both hear and feel in the depths of her core; his eyes glowed, his black curls spread out on the dock, his pearly fangs gleaming as he smiled up at her.

I've got to paint that,
Drusilla told herself—hi
s tanned, muscular chest, spectacular hair, and that incredible face… just like this… Closing her eyes, sh
e tried to imprint his image on her mind, never wanting to forget it, whether the distance between them was nonexistent or vast.

   Drusilla came again and again, her body constricting around his cock as it became even more engorged. Then his nuts tightened and the dam burst, flooding her with his creamy snard. The slickness oozing out over his balls drove Drusilla onward; Manx was going crazy beneath her, and yet she couldn't seem to stop, couldn't get enough of him until the euphoria took her in hand, washing through her being like a soothing balm and filling her with joy.

   "I've always wanted to do it by a lake in the moon light," Drusilla said, settling down on him with a sigh. "How did you know?"

   "I didn't," Manx replied. "But it's something I've always wanted to do too."

   "Was it all you thought it would be?" Drusilla asked coyly.

   "Not even close," Manx replied. "Being with you makes it so much better than anything I've ever dreamed of—you have no idea."

   "I might," she said, laughing at the thought that his pleasure might be greater than hers. In her mind, it couldn't possibly compare. "Though I must admit, I never imagined that I'd be doing it with someone quite like you. This goes way beyond fantasy." Gazing down at him in wonder, she added, "Somewhere along the line, I must have done something
good to deserve you."

   Manx shook his head. "I still think it's destiny… of the very best kind."

   It had a nice ring to it, so Drusilla didn't argue. If destiny was responsible, then so be it; she would take all that destiny had to give.


Drusilla reveled in the feel of the wind in her hair as she sat on Manx's lap while he steered the boat across the still lake beneath a starry sky. Moonlight flowed across the water like a river of pearls and she breathed in the cool night air, closing her eyes, trying to memorize yet another cherished moment with Manx. There were so many already, things she never wanted to forget. Someday, she told herself, I may want to revisit this memory as one of the very best of my life.

   But didn't everyone feel that way when they first fell in love? Drusilla tried to remember how she'd felt with other men in her life and knew that nothing could compare with the way she felt now. Manx truly was the man of her dreams—dreams she couldn't even remember having, but they had come true, nonetheless. She felt excited but content at the same time, and even ordinary activities seemed extraordinary just because Manx was there to share them with her.

   Drusilla could have stayed out on the boat with Manx all night, until she suddenly remembered her canvas still sitting on its easel at the water's edge. Her masterpiece had been left on the beach like a forgotten sandal.

   "We need to go back and put my paints away," she said. "Then we can come back if you like."

   "Actually, going back wouldn't be a problem," Manx said. He'd been thinking about turning back anyway. Her warm bottom on his lap was making him think of other things besides boat rides. "I'm thinking I'd like a nice, hot shower with a beautiful woman and then maybe curl up in bed with her."

   Drusilla didn't have to see his dick to know it was raring to go again; she was sitting on it. "Mmm, a shower sounds wonderful," she said dreamily. "That master bath is big enough for two."

   Manx grinned delightedly. "I know."

   Looking into his eyes in the moonlight sent shivers up and down Drusilla's spine. Manx was like a sweet, intoxicating drink, one she knew she would never tire of. "You will come with me when I leave here, won't you?"

   "Just try to stop me," he replied. "I know you come from Earth, and if you leave me behind, I'll get there and find you if it's the last thing I do."

   Drusilla had no difficulty believing that he would somehow manage to do just that, but she saw no need. "I won't leave you behind, though it may be tricky. We'll figure something out."

   "How do you mean?"

   "A way to get you there alive," she said solemnly. "You might have to wear a cloak with a hood. Maybe a veil over your face. I could say you were my brother and you had an accident and don't like to show your face."

   "Might work," he conceded. "But I don't think anyone will believe I'm your brother."

   "Okay, then," she said agreeably. "You'll just have to be my slave."

   Manx's glowing eyes brightened suddenly. "I think I would enjoy being your slave," he said. "You could make me do all kinds of interesting things."

   "Like washing my clothes or combing my hair?" she teased.

   "More like taking off your clothes and running my fingers
your hair," Manx countered. Then he paused for a moment before adding, "All of your hair."

   "And then you'll wash me?" she suggested with a mischievous smile.

   "Only if I can do it with my tongue," he said silkily. "I'd like to lick you all over."

   Drusilla's mouth went dry and she felt all the moisture in her body settle right where his cock was, bathing it in her own sweet nectar. "I—if you like," she stuttered.

   "I would like that very much," he said. His eyebrows lifted suggestively. "You could do it to me too."

   "Lick my slave?" Drusilla drew back in mock dismay. "I don't think most masters do that."

   "Ah, but if I'm your
slave it would be expected of you," he said. "Of course, if you would sit just a little further this way," he added, shifting her weight slightly, "I could be a live chair for you to enjoy."

   "A very erotic chair," she corrected him. "A nice, warm chair complete with a cock to sit on. Mmm, sounds fabulous. You wouldn't mind being used as a chair?"

   "To tell you the truth, I wouldn't mind if that was the
thing you used me for," Manx admitted. "I mean, being used like that could grow on a guy."

   "Not boring?" Drusilla asked and then gasped as his hard, slick meat penetrated her heat.

   "Never that," he assured her. "I could sit here twirling my cock inside you for a
long time."

   "Um, shouldn't you be watching where you're going?" she suggested. "We don't want to run aground."

   "No danger of that," he assured her. "I could cruise this lake blindfolded."

   Taking her chin in his hand, he raised her face to his and kissed her deeply as his dick began its sinuous dance. When his tongue slipped past her lips, Drusilla captured it, sucking it the way she would suck his dick, and the feel of it in her mouth sent another wave of sexual heat crashing through her, pooling in her center to wash down over his thick rod.

   Manx must have felt it too, because he began purring softly. "You're so hot," he whispered. "You could keep me warm even on the coldest world."

   "Ever been anywhere like that?" Drusilla murmured. "It's cold where I come from, but only part of the time." Then she thought what a pity it would be for Manx to ever have to put on even a stitch of clothing. "Maybe we could live in South America. The Amazon jungle is hot all year round, and they have some fabulous birds there. The natives don't wear very much, even now that the jungle plants have made them quite wealthy, so you'd fit right in."

   "You like me naked, don't you?" Manx purred.

   "To be quite honest, I can't even begin to imagine you with clothes on," Drusilla replied. "Don't think I want to, either," she added reflectively. "I like you this way. Always ready for love."

   "I'll always be ready to love you, whether I'm dressed or not," Manx declared. As he let go of the controls, the boat slowed to a stop, gently rocking on its own wake, and Manx ran his hands down the sides of her body, cupping her hips on his palms. "I'm already thinking about what I'll do to you the next time."

   "Something kinky?" Drusilla suggested with a sultry giggle.

   "Kinky?" Manx echoed. "You mean something… unusual?"

   "Yeah," she replied, grinding her slick pussy on his cock.

   "You mean like bending you over the side of the boat and fucking your ass?"

   An involuntary shout of laughter escaped her lips. "Where did you hear that one?"

   "From Zef," he replied. "Those Arconian sailors were a wild bunch—and they had women with them."

   "Did you watch?"

   Manx nodded. "They did some things out there on the beach I'd never even
of! Even the men were fucking each other." Pausing to focus on the silky feel of Drusilla on his cock, he added, "Don't believe I'd care for that."

   "I hope not!" Drusilla said gratefully. "If I have to fight off women and men to keep you, I'll never have any peace!"

   "You won't have to fight," Manx said solemnly. "I am yours to keep for as long as you want me."

   "Forever, then," Drusilla sighed.

   "Even if I do something kinky?" he said with a smile.

"Especially if you do something kinky," she assured him.

   "Let's do kinky then," he said, getting to his feet with Drusilla still impaled on his prick. "I want to make love to your beautiful ass."

   "It'll probably kill me," Drusilla giggled. "You're huge!"

   "I'll take it slow," Manx promised as lowered her to her feet.

   Drusilla felt like a siren, the kind of woman who summoned men to their deaths with their beauty as she danced to the side of the boat. She'd never let anyone do that to her before, and now, here she was, beckoning a man with a dick big enough to rip her in two. She didn't care. She wanted him in every possible way. She wished her tits were big enough for him to bury his meat in and then have him come all over her chest, neck, and face. She wanted to lie on her back with him straddling her while he jacked off and covered her with cum. With thoughts like those in mind, wiggling her tush at him caused her no embarrassment whatsoever. Bending at the hips, she reached out and grasped the safety rail with both hands as she placed one knee on the padded bench seat that ran the full length of the boat. Then, arching her back, she offered herself to him.

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