Fulfilled (13 page)

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Authors: Allyson Young

BOOK: Fulfilled
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“I am.” No prevarication, just an affirmative. He was so proud of her for voicing her needs. Sharing had never been a problem for him. He’d never been possessive before, however, and while the thought of another man being with his sub absolutely wasn’t his top choice, she needed it. And he was going to give her everything she needed with the exception of the one thing he couldn’t. A fleeting idea drifted across his frontal lobe, but Trevor’s response pushed it aside.

“As I said, I’d be honored. And it’s something I’m good at, honey.” The endearment did nothing to mitigate the bitter note in Trevor’s voice. Jon felt Lois take a quick, short breath, and he experienced a bite of jealousy. She was a natural caregiver, empathetic. No wonder she was such a responsive sub. She read people and gave them what they needed. She’d been doing it all her life. He wasn’t going to let her do that anymore, not at her expense.

“We’ll work out the details, Braun. I had wondered about it taking place tonight but our public disagreement took the edge off. And little sub here needs correction.”

“She does. She could have been hurt. Patrick looked furious. I take it she was in his care?”

“She was. But he’ll leave her correction up to me.”

Lois was breathing heavily now, her anxiety palpable. She clearly hadn’t considered Patrick’s sensibilities in all of this, and he wasn’t going to reassure her that Pat would have let it go. He didn’t interfere in a sub’s discipline if she had a regular Dom. Otherwise she’d be on the cross right fucking now. Pat didn’t tolerate women putting themselves at risk. He was downright rabid about it. Jon counted himself lucky he and Trevor weren’t on the cross, and they had yet to pay the piper.

“Over the bench.” Jon decided to deny Lois the comfort of his proximity. She immediately rose to her feet in one lithe, graceful motion and crossed to the spanking bench at the foot of the bed. Trevor tracked her every movement, and she wasn’t unaware of him. He’d chosen wisely.

He stood and stretched, rubbing his elbow where it was swelling from the impact with Trevor’s chin. Trevor featured a split lip, but Jon knew he’d have bruises tomorrow from the other man’s blows. The guy had a mean right hook. He crossed to Lois and secured her hands in the restraints, then fastened her ankles, running his hands from her ankles, up over her calves to her thighs, pulling the little skirt up to her waist. She wore no panties as per his instruction, hell, he’d dressed her, and her pert little ass was perfectly presented.

“Twenty from my hand.” He palmed a buttock before swatting it. He was careful not to let his annoyance over his bad behavior spill over, focusing instead on the risk she took. He’d pushed it down in front of the other members, but his gut was still twisted to think of the damage she’d sustain from just one of his punches. Trevor no doubt thought the same thing. Trevor. He glanced up to see the other Dom oblivious to anything other than Lois’s sweet ass turning rosy beneath his hand. She was muffling her cries, biting off the whimpers and pleading. He knew her well and recognized she’d registered the reason for the correction. She was crying because she’d upset him. Maurice’s words came back to him.
A sub in my care would serve me because it would meet her needs to make me happy.

Maurice would punish her beyond anything Jon would do—hell, Maurice would do no such thing. Because Lois would never be in that situation if she was with Maurice. She kept him off balance, this thing they had between them. Once again he wondered if he was enough for her. She trusted him to do what was right, and that’s what he was going to do from here on in.

He stepped back and admired her red bottom. It hadn’t escaped his notice how she lifted into the blows toward the end. So she liked her punishment, too. How conflicted she must be.


Trevor looked at him hard and narrowed his eyes for an instant. He got off the bed and approached Lois who tensed. “I prefer a crop, Jon. Hand me that one nearest you.”

Jon plucked the short length of leather from where it hung on the wall and slapped it onto Trevor’s outstretched palm. It was a measure of his respect for the other Dom and his skill that he didn’t hesitate to hand over the implement.

“Honey?” Trevor edged close to Lois and laid his other hand on the small of her back. “I won’t sleep tonight thinking about how your sweet little face would look if I’d missed asshole here and hit you instead. So I think maybe you can lie on your belly tonight.”

With no further ado Trevor laid the business end of the crop across the middle of Lois’s buttocks. She shrieked and struggled against her binds, and Jon went to stand beside her head. He knelt and turned her face toward him. She stared into his eyes and calmed.

“Cause and effect, sweetheart.”

Trevor gave her nine more strokes, never overlapping a one, the pink welts contrasting nicely with the overall warming he’d given her. Jon admired the man’s technique. When the other Dom looked to him, Jon nodded. Trevor whispered his hand over Lois’s hot ass and down between her legs.

“Soaking.” The satisfaction in Trevor’s voice was mirrored in Jon’s head. He smiled but shook his head at Trevor’s unspoken query. Nothing for Lois tonight. She had lots to reflect on, and so did he.

“Come to my quarters. I’ll put Lois to bed and we’ll have a beer. I didn’t get to finish mine earlier. We’ll work on the details of little sub’s next night out.”

Chapter Thirteen


Being carried like a sack of potatoes over Jonathon’s shoulder, her abused bottom clearly visible to anyone looking, and there were lots of people still hanging around the club, wasn’t high on Lois’s wish list. She liked to watch, but she still wasn’t so sure about being on display. However, she was supposed to be naked tonight, so maybe this was a way of easing into it. At least her pussy was hairless, personal grooming apparently high on the list of this Lifestyle, or so Jonathon intimated when he made the request. Or the suggestion. Hell, he’d insisted, and while waxing was something she was never going to do again, it did make oral sex much sweeter. And shaving to maintain the smoothness took hardly any time, considering Jonathon assumed that particular responsibility.

The astounding and instant violence of the two big men going at one another like feral beasts still resonated in her head. She hadn’t given a thought to her own safety, merely scrambled to her feet, eluding Patrick’s hand and interposing herself to make it stop. It wasn’t quite like breaking up a squabble between toddlers, but their actions weren’t that dissimilar. She was relieved when they both showed some common sense right away. The idea of Patrick’s censure cut her to the quick. She totally respected that Master and suspected his retribution would have been swift had she not belonged to Jonathon. As it was, Jonathon and Trevor would be in trouble, and rightfully so. Sore bottom aside, she was convinced they acted like jerks. And Trevor nearly compounded it when he mangled his interpretation of Jonathon’s approach and suggested he wasn’t interested in her. Lois wasn’t an old hand at this whole attraction thing, but she knew how it worked. She’d been living the dream for nearly two weeks. If Trevor hadn’t retrieved the situation, Jonathon would have cleaned his clock. But Master Trevor put her in her place, and she allowed it, and got her own way. Mediator. Manipulator. In a good way. She hadn’t lost her touch, and now there were actual rewards.

The spanking she’d expected. Jonathon had been terrified for her safety. She felt it pouring off of him in waves. The crop, not so much, although Trevor, too, had been really concerned. His fist hadn’t missed her left cheek by more than an inch as he swung at Jonathon. She vividly remembered the feeling of his fingers in her sex and wished the experience hadn’t been so fleeting. It shouldn’t have felt so right, but Jonathon was there and allowed it, so it was okay.

And she was going to be put to bed like a child while they discussed the grown-up plans. That was okay, too. They’d take care of her now they’d ironed out their differences. She would look forward to it. The fantasy might take her mind off her sore ass.

The men chatted during the trip back to Jonathon’s quarters, mostly about the other members. The club was rife with gossip, no different than any other organization she belonged to, although book club paled alongside. She smiled against Jonathon’s shoulder. He told Trevor to make himself comfortable and toted her through the bedroom and into the bathroom where he stood her on her feet.

“Use the facilities, Lois.”

She tried to pull the skirt up and bit back a whimper when the material rubbed her tender flesh.

“Sorry, sweetheart.” Jonathon’s deceptively big hands eased the skirt off. She used her hands to support herself while she peed, managing not to put any undue pressure on her ass. He rummaged in the medicine cabinet and turned with a tube in his hand. She expected liniment, but it looked suspiciously like lube. He made room for her at the sink, and she washed her hands and face, then brushed her teeth. She leaned into the vanity for support, suddenly drained of strength.

He instantly caught her and plucked the toothbrush from her hand. The bra went the way of the skirt, and he carried her to the bed. He laid her on her belly, just as Trevor predicted and pulled her boots off. She loved those boots, but they’d be a reminder of tonight. Good and bad. A glob of cold gel anointed one buttock and then the other. Jonathon gently rubbed the substance in ever-increasing circles until her entire bottom was covered and the heat less evident.

He kissed the small of her back, right where Trevor had placed his hand to alert her to his intent and soothe her with his presence. “You’ll have a couple marks here to remember Trevor by in the morning, Lois.”

Not much to say to that so she made a noncommittal murmur. The drizzle of lube made her flinch.

“No point in wasting the opportunity, little one. A threesome means ass fucking, and seeing as you’re sleeping belly down tonight, you might as well wear this.”

The plug felt enormous. It
enormous. He added more lube and was gentle but pushed it in without hesitation. She obeyed his instructions to breathe and relax and felt it seat itself in her throat.
Oh my god.
What was she thinking? The sub being doubly penetrated tonight probably hadn’t been screaming in ecstasy. She’d been in agony. The stretching became more interesting as the nerve endings adjusted to the invasion and calmed. She breathed deeply and didn’t scream for Jonathon to take it out.

He pressed another kiss on her temple. “Sleep well, sweetheart. I’ll be back in a little while.”

She drifted on the brew of congealing emotions and endorphins, the plug both an anchor and a rite of passage. She could hear the sonorous flow of deep male voices in the background planning her debut in ménage. Whatever. She had a lot of wasted years to make up for.

Chapter Fourteen


Jon bit the bullet. He tended to approach problems and women the same way. He assessed the situation and decided on the best plan of attack, cool headed and practical. He solved the issues and brought out the sensual best in subs. His reward was pride in a job well done in either case. Well, the subs came with fringe benefits.

“You okay with a threesome?”

“I told you I was, Spence. What’s this about? You changed your mind?”

He could hear the edge in Trevor’s voice, a hint of desperation. How was it that
been so lucky?

“Not changing my mind at all, Trevor. We complemented one another tonight once we got our shit together. And Lois is good with you.”

Trevor went to get another beer, passing Jon one in an easy, underhanded motion. He cracked open his own before answering. “This isn’t about me wanting a sub and picking Lois because she was there that night. She picked me. If that makes any goddamn sense. She walked in with Alexander and sat her sweet ass down, looking so innocent and demure-like. I had no idea she was close to my age until Olivia told me! Not that it matters.”

Olivia was Cameron Fraser’s sub, Trevor’s best friend. Cameron shared with Trevor, until Olivia, because she didn’t need another man in their relationship, not even on occasion. And Olivia must meet Cameron’s needs totally for him to refuse his best friend. Jon suddenly wanted to drop-kick somebody. How had his life become so complicated he was negotiating with a man who believed he was in love with Jon’s sub? Because
loved her, too, and she wasn’t complete.

“She knocked me on my ass, too, Trevor. Maurice, too.” At the other man’s instant negative reaction he hurried to finish. “Don’t worry about Maurice. She’s scared of him. But she’s not afraid of you at all. I just got to her first.”

They sat in silence for a while, slugging back their beers. Doms dealt in communication and honesty, sharing and expression of feelings, just not with one another. Finally, he said it. “If it’s really what she needs then you’d be a part of things on a regular basis.”


Well, he’d tried. He swallowed the bitter bile of his possessiveness and raised an eyebrow at Trevor.

“I’ll be a regular partner all the time. I’m proposing a ménage.”

Fuck. How long had Trevor been thinking about this? Jon guessed it didn’t matter. “Too soon, buddy. She’s attracted to you, damn your eyes, but she’ll worry about me and how I’ll take it.”

you taking it?”

“Two weeks ago I’d have killed you before you laid a hand on her. Now I know her and what she needs, I’ll make it work. I won’t say I’m thrilled though.”

“Well, I think she’s okay with trying a threesome. She didn’t object at all to me being there tonight. In fact she let me know she was good with it.”

“She’s more than okay with it, but it has to play out, Trevor. She was an innocent until a month or so ago when she discovered the Lifestyle. I won’t overwhelm her, and I won’t allow her to please you only. She needs to please herself, too.”

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