Fulfillment (Book 3 in The Temptation Series) (11 page)

Read Fulfillment (Book 3 in The Temptation Series) Online

Authors: K.M. Golland

Tags: #romance, #sex, #true love, #humour, #love triangle, #australian, #alpha male

BOOK: Fulfillment (Book 3 in The Temptation Series)
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He pulled away
and lifted my top, showing signs of frustration with it being

I noticed him
grip it tightly in his hands. “Don’t Bryce, don’t you dare rip my
top. I can’t fucking explain that to my family when we get

He growled
again, aggressively yanked down my bra, and sucked my nipple into
his mouth, tugging it delightfully with his lips.
Holy Fuck!
I gripped his head and dug my nails into his scalp.

Moving his
hands down to my shorts, he quickly unzipped them, forcefully
pushing them to the ground. Then, teasing me with not only his
hovering digit but his wanting eyes, he slid his finger along the
seam of my underwear. My mouth fell open and my head dropped back
at the anticipation of his touch.

“Open your
eyes, Hunny.”
Oh fuck, not this again, I barely managed it last

“No,” I said
firmly, but with a smile at bay.

He moved his
mouth to the side of my head and breathed hot into my ear. “If you
want me inside of you, you
open your
gorgeous fucking eyes.”

I flung them
open instantly and was rewarded when his finger slid deliciously
into my wet pussy. “Oh God!” I moaned.

“God isn’t
finger-fucking you, my love. I am.”

“Oh Bryce,” I
corrected myself with a giggle.

He chuckled
ever so slightly as well, but ceased the amusement when he grasped
my leg and wrapped it around his waist. I leaned in and kissed him
forcefully as he slid himself inside me.

For some
stupid reason, I suddenly had the tune of “Home among the Gumtrees”
in my head.
What the fuck, Alexis. Shut up!
I smiled with
smugness, thinking I was sort of sexually patriotic. I must’ve
started humming in between moans of pleasure while he was sliding
his cock in and out of me.

“Are you
humming?” he asked incredulously, in between thrusts.

“No.” I
answered quickly, delightfully lapping up his rhythm.

“You were.
What were you humming?” he asked as his breath spiked.

“Nothing. I
wasn’t humming anything. Either shut up, or talk dirty to me.”

He laughed. “I
know you were humming, and until you tell me what it was, I’m not
going to let you come.”

I looked at
him coldly. “You wouldn’t dare,” I sighed as he slowed right down,
unbearably dragging his length out to the tip. A bike engine came
to life in the distance, and my eyes widened at the prospect of it
being either Nate or Charli coming to look for us.

Bryce must
have been thinking the same thing as he begged the question again.
“So, what were you humming? You better hurry and tell me, it sounds
like we might get some company.”

I tried to
lean over and peek around the tree but he held me tight. “Please,
Bryce,” I moaned.

“Are you gonna
tell me, Hunny?” He pushed back in and slowly pulled out again
while groaning and making me gasp. His pace increased along with my

The bike
engine noise slowly got louder, indicating someone was definitely
heading in our direction. I was so close, my body heating and my
fingers clenching, when he stopped—just freakin’ stopped.

“Tell me,” his
gaze was intense, and the smallest sign of a smirk crept across his
face. He twitched his dick, persuading me further.

Alright!” I shouted. “It was fucking ‘Home among the

He practically
mashed his mouth to mine and thrust into me hard, deep and fast
until I was shouting again, only this time it had absolutely
nothing to do with a stupid song. Bryce, too, groaned with his
release as the bike approached only a minute or so away. He pulled
out of me and zipped up his jeans while I reached down and pulled
up my shorts, fastening them in no time at all.

He began to

“What? It’s
not funny, you’re not funny. Don’t ever threaten me with not coming

“Home among
the Gumtrees’? Really? That’s fucking awesome.”

I couldn’t
help but laugh. “Shut up.”

Just as I
smoothed my hair down, Nate rounded the corner on his bike with
Charli on the back.
Fuck, that was close...too close.
He cut
the engine and they both climbed off.

“Hey, ratbags.
What you doin’?”

“Nanny said
that dinner will be ready soon.”

“Okay.” I
suddenly got an idea. “Hey, you two come here.” I motioned them
over to the tree. “Find yourself a stick like this,” I said,
holding up a pointy branch. “You too,” I instructed Bryce. He
frowned a little in question, but did what he was told.

I started
scratching my name into the tree trunk.

“What are you
doing Mum?” asked Charli.

“I’m adding a
new entry to my tree diary,” I answered. “Scratch your name here.”
I pointed to a spot close to where I had finished writing my name.
“You too,” I said to Nate and Bryce. All three of them stood there
and tattooed their name to my tree. I finished off by writing ‘were
here 2013’.

I smiled.


Nate said,
“That’s kind of dumb.”

And Bryce
hummed “Home among the Gumtrees” as he kissed my head and subtly
placed his hand on my belly.


Family dinner
at the Blaxlo house was always eventful, this particular night
being no exception. Every time Jen or Steve placed food in their
mouth, the twins would cry, having some kind of baby radar that
said ‘Mummy and Daddy are having me-time, quick intervene’.

Livy sent all
things that were a shade of green from her plate onto the floor,
and Nate unsuccessfully tried to roll his Brussels sprout onto
Charli’s plate unnoticed. Charli then vocally expressed that it
wasn’t hers and not so subtly tossed it back onto his plate. I had
to laugh when Dad performed the same manoeuvrer as Nate, rolling
his onto Mum’s plate. But unlike Nate, Dad succeeded then basked in
his victory—Mum was none the wiser. I honestly didn’t know why she
persisted in cooking the things, because Steve had passed his to
Jen—who grudgingly ate them—and Jake had also pushed his aside. Mum
and I were the only ones who actually liked them, together with
Bryce who happily ate three.

full and all—voiced his appreciation of Mum’s new style of roast
chicken. “Good chook Mum. What’d ya do, buy it from the shop
already cooked?” He gave her a teasing smile.

“No,” she
defensively snapped. “It’s Bryce’s recipe thank you very much. He
showed me how to do it.”

Jake stopped
his fork midway to his open mouth. “You cook?” he addressed Bryce,
a hint of a mocking smile creeping across his face.

“Yes, he
does,” I interjected before Bryce could answer, “and he’s very good
at it. Maybe you should get a lesson. You might actually succeed in
keeping a girlfriend if you too, possessed such a skill.”

Steve, Jen and
Dad burst into laughter.

Mum gave Jake
the ‘your sister has a point’ look.

Livy threw
another piece of broccoli on the floor; thinking we were laughing
at her.

“Olivia. No,
naughty girl.” Jen scolded.

And, the twins
began to cry again.


Not too long
after dinner, Jen and Steve took the kids to bed, clearly wanting
to get all three of their children safely to the land of nod.

“See you in
the morning,” she called from the bedroom door. “Don’t forget to
set an alarm.”

“I don’t need
to,” I answered. Then, registering her baffled look, I pointed to
my tummy, indicating that Baby Clark and my frequent toilet visits
were the reason why.

“Ah yes, baby
bladder,” she smiled.

“Jen!” I

“Sorry,” she
whispered back, then happy-danced and quickly closed the door.

I shook my
head and headed to my room.

Our family
home had three spare bedrooms, all of which belonged to us kids
when we had lived here. So Jen, Steve, and their kids slept in the
room that was once Jen’s, Jake slept in his old bedroom, and Nate,
Charli, Bryce and I accommodated mine. Bryce and I had been sharing
a room for quite some time now, so it was no longer awkward for
Nate and Charli to see us share a bed.

While the kids
brushed their teeth, Bryce and I got changed into our sleepwear, me
in my usual long satin nightie and Bryce in a pair of boxer

“So, this was
your bedroom when you were young?”

“Yes,” I
replied, smiling after registering his adorably sneaky grin.

He looked
around, scanning the area and seemingly taking in every surface. “I
wish I’d known you when you were young. I would’ve snuck into your
room and had my fucking way with you.”

I heated at
that thought of it. “I’m not sure my dad would’ve liked that.”

wouldn’t have.” Bryce winked at me just as Nate and Charli entered
the room.

“This is just
so cool,” Charli squealed, while jumping onto her makeshift bed on
the floor. “We are having a slumber party. I know, I know! Let’s
play truth or dare!”

“No. That’s
for you and your friends to play,” I answered while smiling at her

“No it’s not,”
Bryce said with a smirk. “I’ll play.” He had an elated smile on his
face which was infectious.

“It’s your
funeral then,” I warned him.

happy-clapped and sat crossed-legged. Nate, who was now lying in
his bed, propped his head on his hand with an amused look on his

“Well?” I
gestured to Bryce, “What will it be, truth or dare?”

“Dare,” he
said confidently, standing beside the bed in all his boxer short

Nate scoffed
and put his hand over his eyes. “You’re nuts, Bryce.”

happy-clapped again.

“Slap yourself
across the face,” I commanded, smiling with the knowledge that he
would do it.

He smiled back
and obliged, giving himself a decent whack. I burst into laughter
and fell back on the bed as he raised his eyebrow satisfactorily
then pulled back the bed covers, climbing in beside me.

“It’s your
turn, Mum.” Nate said, sitting up and crossing his legs like his
Crap! How did I get roped into this again?

“Fine,” I
contemplated my choice for a split second then decided I would
follow Bryce, not wanting to be outdone, of course. “I choose
dare,” I huffed.

“Fart,” Nate
blurted out, my typical nine-year-old son seeming quite pleased
with his suggestion.

“No. I can’t,”
I shrieked, embarrassed and honestly telling the truth. Suddenly a
bottom rumble sounded within the room. Nate and Bryce looked at me,
their eyes widening. “That wasn’t me,” I exclaimed, hands in the
air in surrender. Bryce chuckled so loudly that I had to playfully
punch him in the arm. “It wasn’t me, I promise.”

“No, it was
me,” Charli chimed in. “I took Mum’s dare.”

“What?” I
asked astounded and now laughing as hard as Bryce. “This game is

“No it’s not.
If you can’t do a dare or tell a truth, someone else can do it for
you. So, I did it for you, Mum, us girls have to stick together.”
Charli was the only one deadly serious and not laughing.

Sweetheart,” I choked out, trying to be as serious as she.
“So...what happens next?”

Quite proudly,
she answered. “You get another turn.”

“Oh, okay.” I
breathed in and looked at her purposely. “Fire away.”
And I mean
from your mouth, not your rear-end.

“You have to
pick truth or dare, Mum.”

“Oh, sorry.
Truth then.”

Charli smiled.
“Are you going to marry Bryce?”

Charli-Bear, we’ve been over this.
I looked at Bryce who had
placed both his hands behind his head, a smug smile protruding from
his face. “He has to ask me to marry him first.”

“Bryce, are
you going to ask—”

“Hey, hey,” I
interrupted. “That’s cheating. It’s not his turn yet, it’s yours.
Truth or dare, which one?” I successfully diverted her pending

“Dare,” she
answered excitedly.

Nate quickly
jumped in again. “Fart.”

“Nate!” I
exclaimed. Charli let off another one. “Geezus, Charli!”
does she freakin’ do that?

Bryce was
laughing hysterically while looking between me and the kids. I
placed my head in my hands, amazed at Charli’s now apparent talent
for breaking wind on cue.

“My turn.”
Nate shuffled on the spot.
I had the urge to demand he fart, but
that would only detriment us all in the long run.

truth or dare?” I asked him.

“Truth,” he
replied confidently.

I may just like this game yet.
“Did you eat that Brussels
sprout, or did you give it to Bryce when I wasn’t looking?”

He quickly
glanced at Bryce and answered “Noooooo,” in a very drawn out, slow
voice. I turned in Bryce’s direction, catching him frantically
moving his head from side to side and telling Nate to say ‘no.’

“Liar!” Charli
shouted and pointed to Nate. “You have to do it again.”


“Okay.” I
looked at Bryce and squinted my eyes with a silent message that he
was about to get found out, then I looked back at Nate, opening my
eyes wide with warning that he better not lie. “Did Bryce say that
Danny could drive you to school in the limo?”

Nate’s open
eyes broadened then he screwed up his face.

“Nate?” I

He closed his
eyes then nodded twice.

I pointed to
Bryce. “Ha, I knew it. I knew it.”

He tried to
grab my finger in an attempt to bite it then winked at Nate. “My
turn and I choose truth this time.” He looked directly at Charli
with a knowing smile.

She didn’t
hesitate and quickly jumped in, asking the question she attempted
moments ago. “Are you going to ask Mummy to marry you?”

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