Fulfillment (Book 3 in The Temptation Series) (3 page)

Read Fulfillment (Book 3 in The Temptation Series) Online

Authors: K.M. Golland

Tags: #romance, #sex, #true love, #humour, #love triangle, #australian, #alpha male

BOOK: Fulfillment (Book 3 in The Temptation Series)
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I was already unbuttoning my
shirt as we pulled into his garage.

He didn’t
bother parking the Lexus in its normal spot, instead, driving it to
a stop just short of the elevator doors. I wrenched off my seat
belt as he slid his seat back, clearly knowing I was about to climb
on top of his lap—so I did. I was desperate for the feel of him
inside of me, caressing me and stretching me. It had been almost
two weeks since I had felt that.
Two freakin’ weeks!

Obviously, we
had indulged in other forms of sexual release, and I had enjoyed
all of them immensely, but the feeling I got when his rock hard
cock was sliding in and out of me could never be outdone. It was
not just the physical pleasure and sensation I felt when I
completely surrounded him. No, it was far more in depth than that.
Bryce and I shared an unbreakable and undeniable connection that
started at the very spot we both became one, and it travelled deep
within me until it reached my heart and controlled it entirely.


I placed my
hands on either side of his face and kissed him with passionate
force as he unclipped my not-so-sexy wireless maternity bra,
releasing my swollen and fuller-than-usual breasts into his waiting
hands. He groaned at their plumper feel.

They had been
tender of late, but what they were experiencing right at that
moment when he tongued my nipples was pure relief. I swear to God,
when you’re pregnant every single sense in your body is heightened,
and my sense of touch and feel were no exception.

The tip of his
tongue traced small circles around my nipple, then he gently tugged
at it with his teeth.
Holy fuck.
As his tongue continued its
delicious assault, his hand firmly squeezed and massaged my other

He swapped his
actions between both my breasts, giving them equal attention from
his hands and mouth. I loved it, and in response, I began to rock
my pelvis on top of his cock, which from its position underneath me
had become more prominent. He groaned at my movement while
continuing to worship my chest with his mouth, forcing me to drop
my head back and let out the moan I know he liked.

“Mmm, I
fucking love you,” he mumbled.

“Good.” I
arrogantly replied. “You should.” I brought my head back up,
smiling cheekily at him.

He growled,
then grabbed a hold of the back of my neck and pulled me forward to
meet his mouth, while I lifted my hips just enough for him to pull
down his jeans and free his mouth-watering erection.

“Mmm,” I
groaned as I wrapped my fingers around his warm, hard length.

Alexis,” he slurred in response, as he pushed my skirt up around my
stomach, revealing my underwear. Before I could say anything, he
tightly gripped the top and swiftly ripped them apart with

The sheer
erotic look on his face as he released me from them nearly tipped
me over the edge.
I will never get tired of watching him do
I moaned again and lifted higher, waiting for his
touch—which didn’t take long.

He slowly
trailed his finger over my clitoris, making my breasts even firmer
than what they already were and my head drop forward to meet his.
The feel of his finger as he dragged it back and forth was
sensational, making me pant and breathe heavily, causing the
windows in the car to fog over from my fierce exhalation.

“Put your cock
inside of me now!” I demanded, having now come to my absolute brink
after two weeks without it. “I’m not waiting a second longer,

He smirked
salaciously and took hold of his erection, positioning the tip so
that I could lower myself onto it. I placed both my hands on his
shoulders and didn’t hesitate, dropping down, and instantly forcing
a groan to escape us both. My hips sprung to life, immediately
moving up and down his incredible length, the motion divinely
plaguing my body with a sensation so heavenly delightful. In that
moment I reaffirmed that yes, my heightened sense of touch was
definitely my favourite perk of pregnancy.

I gripped the
back of his seat for balance and placed one hand against the roof,
allowing me more control over my movements.

“You have no
fucking idea how much I have missed the feel of you, Alexis. I
belong inside of you.”

“Oh trust me.
I know,” I moaned.

Bryce’s head
fell back against the seat, revealing the sexy veins in his neck. I
leaned forward and dragged my tongue from his collarbone, over the
veins and up to his mouth where I savoured the taste of him. Then,
grabbing the back of my head, he pressed me into him and prolonged
our hungry kiss.

I broke away
gasping, my eyes now widened with the urge to bring us both undone,
so I replaced my hand against the roof and quickened my pace,
pumping as hard and as quickly as I could—facilitating my rising

I felt his
fingers grip my hips tightly, indicating he was right there with
me. “Are you ready?” I asked breathlessly. “I can’t hold off any

“Yes, Hunny.

hesitation, I moved my hand from the roof and grabbed his head,
pressing him to my mouth as he stiffened and released.
Fuck, I
have missed that.

screaming the relief of finally having a fuck-induced-orgasm, I
massaged his tongue with my own and slowed down my movements.

He released
his grip on my hips and placed his hands on my arse. “Mmm, I love
your arse,” he mumbled while gripping it tightly.

“You won’t for
long,” I mumbled back, as our tongues continued to caress one

He pulled away
with a confused expression on his face. “Why?” he chuckled. “What
are you talking about?”

“You won’t
love it much longer because it is more than likely going to double
in size.”

My heart
started to pound at the realisation of what I had just explained
and from the knowledge of past experience that my body was soon
going to balloon.
Oh shit. I am going to resemble a beached
whale. He is going to find me hideous

Look, I know
they say you possess a radiant glow when you are pregnant and that
you are the essence of beauty when carrying a child. Well, excuse
me for bursting that incredibly bogus bubble, because when I was
last pregnant, I felt nothing but frumpy, moody, sore and highly
undesirable. Don’t get me wrong, I am not the type of person to
degrade myself or put myself down, but in the past during my
pregnancies, all self-esteem went out the window.

He noticed my
sudden dread and pulled my head in closer, kissing my neck as he
spoke. “You are the most beautiful and exquisite creature I have
ever laid eyes on. That is
going to change.
Yes, you are going to grow in size, but that just means there will
be more of you to worship and enjoy. And trust me, my love, I am
going to worship and enjoy every single bit of you.”


Bryce made
good on my request that he make up for refusing to have sex with me
for the past two weeks. Let’s just say the man has stamina and he
was eager to exploit that talent many times throughout the day and
night—my sexual deprivation being temporarily fulfilled.


Both of us had
made the decision not to inform anyone of my pregnancy, having no
plan to do so for at least another month. With so much happening in
our lives in recent times, announcing another addition to our
family at that point would probably be just a bit too much for my
children to have to comprehend. Deep down I knew they would be
excited, especially Charli. I just didn’t want to overwhelm them
any further for the time being, due to both of them having already
had to dissect and cope with more than enough change in such a
short space of time. My baby-bump was not yet visible, and the
vomit-express only visited me once a day. So there were no obvious
signs that I was harbouring a teeny-tiny human inside of me,
therefore spilling the beans that I was expecting was not yet a

Keeping our
pregnancy quiet was terribly difficult though, because Bryce had
obviously wanted the whole world to know our exciting news. He
literally wanted to shout it from the roof top, and in fact, had
done just that the night after he found out I was pregnant. Bryce
had stood out on the balcony and shouted to the city skyline ‘I’m
going to be a fucking dad’. He was over-the-moon happy, making me
laugh as he repeated it over and over. But as excited as he was, he
also knew that keeping it a secret for the time being was the right
thing to do, which initially, had not been an easy task to
accomplish. We would get comfortable mentioning it to each other
when the kids were not around and then when they were in our
company, minor slips of the tongue were irrepressibly spoken.


Nate and
Charli had been spending Saturday afternoon till Tuesday morning
with Rick, their father, and Tuesday after school till Saturday
afternoon with me and Bryce. I had found this arrangement terribly
difficult at first, because I was not used to being away from my
children for such a considerable amount of time. But this
particular agreement wasn’t a strict schedule, and we could change
it up whenever we wanted. This suited me just fine, as the nights I
couldn’t tuck them into bed were absolutely dreadful, and I hated

Being away
from my children for consecutive days on a regular basis had been
challenging, possibly even the most challenging thing I have ever
had to endure. But I continued to face life’s challenges, jumping
over the hurdles that were put in place before me and, because of
that, my hurdling skills were becoming world-class ranked. I also
had to allow Rick to have his quality time with the kids. As hard
as it had been for me—after finding out his sordid secret past—I
had made the executive decision to bury my feelings of anger toward
him for the sake of our children. The kids were innocent in this
entire life changing situation, and keeping the peace so that they
could adapt a little more easily was what I as their mother had to
do—whether I wanted to or not. At the end of the day, Rick adored
his children and they adored him back.

Nate, however,
still refused to meet his half-brother, RJ—Rick’s five-year-old
love-child. He had been so hurt and upset after finding out his
father had another son that he chose not to speak to Rick for days,
having refused outright to have anything to do with either of them.
During the past week though, Nate had relented just a little of his
anger toward his dad, but was still adamant he wanted nothing to do
with RJ. Charli, on the other hand, had met her half-brother very
briefly during a trip to a cafe for a milkshake. She had mentioned
to me afterwards that ‘he sort of looks like Daddy’, except RJ was
not as tall, and ‘he doesn’t have little bits of hair on his face
like Daddy does’. She had also said ‘he’s quiet’ and ‘he likes
caramel’. I stopped asking questions after that.


The kids no
longer had to go to before and after school care when they were
staying with us. Bryce had arranged for Danny to drive them to
school and pick them up whenever I couldn’t. At first this bothered
me a little, because Danny never signed up to chauffer my children
to and from school. But he never complained, and both he and the
kids seemed to get along really well, high fives being a regular
thing between them all now.

Nate, the
typical nine-year-old boy that he was, had requested they be driven
to school in the limousine—my response having been, ‘in your
dreams, bucko’. Yes, having a limousine at our disposal was
convenient and...well...let’s be honest, really cool. However, I
didn’t want that particular privilege adding any more unwanted
attention to my children’s lives. Rumours of my relationship with
the illustrious Mr. Bryce Clark were circulating our small
community thanks to the bitchiness that were the ‘Mummy Mafia’ at
school. And because of this, Nate and Charli had been the target of
some negative and truly horrid taunting from kids in the
playground. I hated to admit it, but apparently the troll-gene—that
some parents seem to possess—was passed down a generation to their

When Nate had
requested being chauffer driven, I’d noticed Bryce give him a wink
shortly after I had said ‘no’, which made me think that he and my
son were in cahoots about the whole thing behind my back. Being
undermined where my children were concerned was definitely a big
no-no in my books. But, as Nate and Bryce had been getting along
really well, I was willing to let some things slide. It was just
such a relief seeing my son interact in a positive way with Bryce,
as I could have sworn Nate would have hated the idea of another man
being in my life—being a massive Mummy’s boy and all. Surprisingly,
Nate had acted quite the opposite and had really taken a liking to
him. Maybe it was because he could see just how much Bryce loved
me, but at the same time, I was not forgetting about that thing
Bryce had plenty of—money. I’d really like to think it had nothing
to do with the money, but in saying that, kids would be kids and I
honestly couldn’t rule it out.

had adapted to our entire situation a lot slower than Nate. But
again, she was accepting it really well and had even asked me if
one day she would refer to Bryce as her second Dad. My answer to
that was, ‘one day, if you would like to, but for now just call him
Bryce.’ Second dads, step children, new babies, long lost
half-brothers—it was all just happening a bit too fast.


I had woken up
early this particular morning and had made my way out of bed before
Bryce—which never happened. It must’ve had something to do with my
body preparing for when I would be required to be awake for
feeding, and the times I would then be recouping those lost hours
of sleep. It was either that, or I was just simply excited that in
a few hours I would be seeing Nate and Charli again.

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