Full Body Contact (15 page)

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Authors: Carolyn McCray,Elena Gray

BOOK: Full Body Contact
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Dekker rose to his feet. “Now comes the hard part.”

* * *

Hard part?
Um, where had Dekker been the last few hours?

Dekker knelt in front of her. His hands rested on her knees. “We need to pop your shoulder back into place.”

Alexis shook her head back and forth. No way. No how. She wanted a hospital with all those good drugs they gave you. Vicodin had never sounded quite so appealing.

His eyes softened. She could tell he didn’t want to hurt her. “Lexie, we
to do it. It will hurt at first, but the pain will ease.”

Alexis hugged her arm to her chest. Knowing that the dislocation needed to be fixed and having Dekker actually do it were two very different things. She’d seen it done before back at the academy. One of the recruit’s shoulders could pop in and out. The guy must have slammed it back into place a dozen times during training. The memory of the sound it made did not help.

Dekker put his hand out, asking for hers. When he looked like that, how could she refuse him? Tenderly he took her hand.
“You are going to need to lie down.”
Lying down? That wasn’t hard at all.
Once on the floor, he gently brought her arm to her side.
“The key to this is to relax,” he said.

Was he kidding? Another one of his jokes? But by the frown on his face, Dekker wasn’t joking. Taking a deep breath, she forced her muscles to stand down. Slowly, he brought her hand above her head.

His hand gently caressed her hair.
“On three, I’m going to try to pop it back in, okay?”
“Mmhm,” she groaned.
Alexis sucked in a breath and held it, squeezing her eyes shut.

Her scream echoed off the lockers as Dekker rotated her arm into position. She felt the grind as the bone popped back into the socket. Sweat mixed with her tears dripped down her cheek.

on three!” she moaned through gritted teeth.

Dekker rolled her into his arms, cradling her. He swiped her cheek with his thumb.

“Some lies are for the greater good.”

Like the ones I’ve been telling you since I met you
, Alexis reflected. And what lies have
been telling me? she wondered.

Whether it was the pain, fatigue, or something else, Alexis felt her body melt into his. Her cheek rested against his chest as it rose and fell. His heart beat strong and slow. Somehow, her shoulder didn’t ache quite the way it had just a moment ago.

He tipped her chin up with his finger, stroking her cheek with his thumb. She closed her eyes, letting his aroma fill her nostrils. His sweat tasted sweet, with a sharp tang of blood. Alexis could feel him leaning closer and closer. Her lips parted.

“What’s that?”

Alexis’ eyes flew open. His response was not the response she had expected. Dekker lifted the side of her jacket. A large scrape extended under the leather. His fingers went to the zipper, but suddenly Alexis felt embarrassed. Callie and her damned lace camisole.

But Dekker grinned that wicked grin of his. “I’ve been waiting all night for this.”
She didn’t protest as he unzipped the jacket, inch by inch.
“Not bad, not bad at all,” Dekker commented as he brushed the edge of her jacket away with his hand. “The scrape, I mean.”
He met her eyes. “The rest, well, the rest is …”

Dekker’s palm hovered at the edge of the lace. Heat beat down on her skin. He looked ready to caress her, and then Dekker’s hand went to her shoulder.

“Does it still hurt?” he asked, the huskiness drained from his voice.
“Not anymore,” she said putting her hand over Dekker’s.
She leaned in and met his lips. At first the kiss was tender, tentative. Then Dekker’s

tongue slipped into her mouth. His soft caress then turned hungry as he delved deeper. Moaning, Alexis reached her hand up, her fingers digging in his hair. His hand slid down her back, cupping her ass, pressing his excitement against her.

She shifted in Dekker’s arms until her legs straddled his. Desperate to feel his skin on hers, Alexis tugged at the hem of his T-shirt, trying to lift it over his head, but with her weakened arm, she failed. Dekker broke the kiss and whipped the shirt off, tossing it aside as his other hand behind her head drew her mouth back to his.

There was nothing tentative about the way their bodies met, her nails digging into his skin as she rocked her hips against his. Dekker stood, lifting her with little effort. Legs wrapped around him, Dekker carried her to his office.

He set Alexis on the edge of his desk as his mouth traveled down her jaw to her neck. Alexis traced the scars on Dekker’s chest. Each one held its own story. Alexis hoped that one day he would tell her what each one stood for.

But all thoughts receded as her skin burned where his lips touched. The pain in her shoulder was a dull ache compared to the throbbing between her legs. She arched her back, giving him better access to the swell of her breasts.

Alexis’ legs flexed around Dekker’s hips as he ground his pelvis against her. His hands brushed the camisole straps down her arms and around her waist. The lace bra was the only thing standing between his lips and her nipples. But he didn’t remove the top, much to Alexis’ disappointment. Instead, his fingers unbuttoned her jeans, pushing them over the swell of her hips. He let them fall to the floor, revealing bruises that peppered her legs.

Dekker placed a soft kiss on each one. Her breath hitched in her chest. Alexis grasped his chin, pulling his mouth back to hers. She fumbled with the button on his jeans as Dekker kicked his shoes off. Still, her fingers refused to cooperate as his jeans stayed secured.

“Let me,” he said as he backed away a step.

Deftly he unbuttoned the jeans but then put her hands on either side of his hips. With a tug, she brought those pants down. She reached for his boxers, but he stilled her hand.

“My turn,” he said.

Dekker’s hand slid up her side, finally resting against the curve of her breast. His thumb stroked her nipple through the lace. It tightened to the point of pain, yet she couldn’t imagine him stopping. He kissed the tender flesh along the edge of the bra, making her wish he’d just rip the damn thing off. If he didn’t, she would.

Dekker’s other arm snaked around her waist, drawing their hips together. Her moisture met his excitement. The boxers and thong weren’t doing much to keep them apart. Finally, his hand made its way up to her bra strap, unclipping it on the first try. As the lace slipped away, revealing her dark, hard nipples, Dekker smiled.

Cupping her breast, he brought tender lips to the target. Alexis clutched his hair, driving the nipple all the way into his mouth, where his tongue licked faster and faster. Her legs urged his hips forward, nearly crushing herself against him. Her fingers fueled by desire tugged off her thong as Dekker sucked just the right amount. His hand squeezed her breast in rhythm to their hips.

She couldn’t wait any longer. Alexis snagged the edge of Dekker’s boxers and jerked them down. Now nothing stood in the way of consummating their passion.

Only Dekker pulled his lips away from her breast and met her eyes. His hand guided hers down to his excitement. He wrapped her fingers around it.

“Feel what is going into you.”

Oh God, she felt it. His cock throbbed in her hand, firm and thick. She tightened her grip, making Dekker moan. Brushing her thumb over the tip, getting it nice and wet, she stroked his cock, making Dekker nearly double over. He was so hard he couldn’t even stand.

He was so close, but he moved her hand away.
“Don’t you want to feel me come? Inside of you?”
“Yes,” she breathed.
“Lie back.”

She wanted to do anything but lie, but his strong hands guided her back, then a single finger of Dekker’s traced down her sternum, causing her breasts to perk, then down her belly, pausing above her pubis.

“Spread your legs.”
Naked, Alexis had never felt so exposed, yet safe.
She did as he asked.

“You are so beautiful,” Dekker’s tone husky as he leaned over her. Alexis’ legs wrapped around his waist, urging him inside of her, but he resisted. Dekker held himself back.

Alexis looked at Dekker, confused. Hadn’t she already surrendered herself?
“Surrender?” Dekker repeated as he lowered himself another fraction of an inch. The tip of his cock teased her slit.
She tried to pull him into her, but Dekker tightened his hold, preventing her from fulfilling them both.

“I want to hear you say it. Say you

Alexis bit her lip, tempted to tell Dekker no. To test him like he tested her. But she needed him. Now. Pride be damned.

“I surrender,” she whispered.

With one thrust Dekker entered her. Alexis cried out, but this time not from pain. She pulled him tight, meeting him thrust for thrust. He was above her. Over her. In her. His cock swelling to fill her up. Each thrust bringing them closer to ecstasy.

“Faster,” she moaned.
Dekker obliged, his strong thighs fueling his thrusts, making it hard to think, let alone speak.

But he stopped. Alexis dug her heels into his back, urging him in. His firm hands pinned her hips to his desk. She looked into his eyes, which were crackling with intensity.

“You don’t want to make love,” he said. She was about to object, but he hurried on. “You want me to

Would saying yes make her a slut? So wet, Alexis didn’t really care at the moment.
“Yes,” she answered.
Dekker pulled out of her, making her feel hollow, but she shouldn’t have worried.
“Turn over.”

When she didn’t immediately comply, Dekker pulled her up against him so tightly that Alexis’ breasts were crushed against his chest. “I said. Over.”

Hands on her hips, he turned her around, facing the desk. A hand coursed up her back to her neck, urging her to bend over. Excitement edged with fear coursed over her skin. He slid a hand from behind, between her thighs.

“Spread them.”

Something inside of her wanted to clamp her legs closed, to not let him have such control over her. However, with her nipples hardened to fine points and moisture dripping down her legs, she could do nothing else but invite him in.

Dekker’s fingers knotted themselves in her hair as his other hand steadied her hips. His thrust was as powerful as his side kick as he entered her. She gasped as he filled her again and again.

“All the way,” he urged, leaning over her, a whisper in her ear. “Let me
the way in.”

Balls slapping up against her clitoris, sending waves of pleasure, wasn’t he already all the way in?
Dekker’s arm wrapped around her waist as his finger twisted in her hair, turning her head to the side. “All the way.”
It wasn’t a request. It was a demand.
Bracing her hands on the desk, Alexis pushed herself onto him, letting go of all resistance.
“Yes, yes, yes,” Dekker groaned as he thrust even harder, taking him where Alexis had never let another man go.
Excitement built with each deep thrust. Alexis could feel her clitoris stiffen to an erection.

“I’m too close,” she whispered but that only fueled Dekker more as she tightened around him. Each stroke squeezing him tighter and tighter.

She tried to hold off, but nothing could stop the explosion from her groin that shot through her whole body, stiffening every muscle, catching her breath in her chest. Her toes curled as Dekker slammed into her one last time. She rode the waves as he gushed inside of her.

After what seemed like an eternity, Dekker fell onto her, panting, their breaths mingling cheek to cheek. He was still thick inside of her as their hearts pounded in unison. Fight wounds were long forgotten. Together, they relished the moment.

Then his hand wandered from the tight grip on her hip to her groin. His finger searched for her mound. Finding it, his finger stroked her clitoris in lazy circles, sending aftershocks through her body.

“Ready for Round two?”

Dear God, never had she been more ready.







Alexis ignored her cell phone’s incessant ringing. Nick.

Well, if he wanted to know so badly what happened last night, he should have been at the station for her debriefing. More like over an hour of torture.

Having to sit there in front of Beck and Grace and explain each and every visible cut and bruise? There wasn’t enough concealer in the drug store to mask her black eye. Thankfully, neither of them questioned the scarf tied around her neck. Beck would have blown a gasket if he saw the wire marks and yanked her off the case faster than Nick could have hit her father up on speed dial.

Luckily, she could also chalk up her stiff gait to the fight and not have to explain why she was walking bowlegged today.

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