Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (20 page)

BOOK: Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Before she could look inside, Ryan informed her that they found it in their mail slot at the clinic this morning when they got to work. She opened the folder and pulled out a stack of pictures. Oh, fuck. The color drained from her face as she flipped through photo after photo of her and her men in the playroom. The scene from last night was playing out before her eyes in vivid detail.

The pictures documented every expression, every act of the most important and intimate moment of her life. She started shaking when she realized the angle of the photos suggested they were taken from an area by the door. “How the fuck where these taken? They’re from
the house!” She felt a sense of hysteria well up. They would have noticed someone in the room, but someone had obviously been in the house. There was a camera somewhere by that door. She knew who did this. How had Suzy gotten past the security system? God, how crazy was this woman?

James got up to walk over to her. “Calm down, Kat. Mac called the police, and they’re going to figure out where that camera is.”

“And then what, James? How did she get in the fucking house? Do you honestly think the police can do anything about it? Even if they find the camera, do you believe they’re going to be able to prove she put it there? Delivered these? She’s going to get away with it again, isn’t she?” God, was she going to have to wonder if she was being watched all the time? What else was this woman going to do to them? Oh, Jesus, what if James and Ryan weren’t the only ones to get these photos? She could ruin Mac and Jay’s careers if it got out that they were in a triad and BDSM relationship. She could only imagine what these photos could do to Jay. What if his coworkers thought she was being forced or beaten? She was going to be sick. They could lose everything because of her.

Kat got up and ran to the bathroom. She slammed the door in Ryan’s face, barely hearing him shout her name as she lost it in the toilet. When she calmed down, she heard Mac storm into the office. “Where’s kitten?”

She got to her feet and went to him. He picked her up and sat with her on the couch. “Are you okay, baby?” He was smoothing her hair back and studying her face.

“Yes, I just couldn’t handle knowing she saw everything from last night. I feel so violated, Mac. She took the most special night of my life and turned it into a collection of pornography. I hate her for that.”

“No, baby. Nothing changes how beautiful last night was. She is a vile human being. That does not touch what we shared…no matter what. Understand?”

Kat nodded, snuggling into him. “What are we going to do, Mac? What if she sent those photos out to other people? How do we stop this?” she whispered.

“I don’t know, kitten. For now, we go home. The police are on their way to take prints and look for the camera. I called Jay’s friend in the Denver PD. He’s planning on coming over this afternoon to talk with Jay about the case they’re working on. I’m hoping he has some ideas about what to do here.

“Jay was on the phone with a private investigator when I left the house, and his next call is going to be to the security company to upgrade our system. We’ll get all the information we can from the cops today and listen to what Davis and the PI suggest. Then we’ll figure out our next move, kitten. Let’s go.” Mac put her on her feet.

“Mac, I have work to do here. I can’t just leave. I think it’s better I stay, anyway. I can’t sit around all day thinking about this. I’m safe here.” He looked like he was going to argue with her when James stood up.

“Mac, we’ll take care of her. You get this shit straightened out with the cops. She doesn’t need to be there when they’re at the house.”

Mac still didn’t look happy, but he agreed. She assured him she’d call if she felt a panic attack coming on, and James promised she’d be sent home well before Suzy’s shift for the day. With a resigned sigh, he gave her a kiss and went home to meet the police.


* * * *


One look at Detective Ross’s face when he entered the playroom, and Mac knew they were on their own in this. That judgmental prick wasn’t going to lift a finger to help them. He could feel the anger vibrating off Jay. After Ross looked over the room, he told them he’d do what he could and get back to them when the lab had gone over any evidence they collected.

“How much you wanna bet that asshole just loses the file,” Jay fumed as he stalked out of the room. Davis or that PI had better have some ideas because it was looking like there was nothing they could do. Again. That was unacceptable to him. Suzy had been in their home. He would find a way to put a stop to this. He just didn’t have a clue what it would be.

Confronting Suzy posed two problems for him. One, it didn’t look like they would have any legal recourse. Two, he was concerned about Suzy’s mental state. What kind of a person thought to do this shit? And if he approached her about staying the fuck away from their woman, would she strike out at kitten? That worried him more than anything. Sane people did not do this kind of shit. Insane people were dangerous. Therefore, he was pretty sure Suzy fell into the dangerous category. Fuck.


* * * *


Jay was pacing the office like a tiger in a cage. Davis was explaining to Mac that they likely wouldn’t be able to tie Suzy to any of this. He knew the odds were terrible. Tracing the camera to a manufacturer, possibly even a store, was about as far as the investigation would go. All Suzy needed to do was know enough to buy the damn thing with cash and use gloves when she broke in and installed it. There wasn’t any postage on the envelope the pictures came in, so prints there were unlikely as well. They had nothing. No legal way to even get in her house and search for evidence. She never personally threatened any of them. They were screwed. Davis only confirmed his belief that this was a stalking situation and could turn violent.

“You’re in a shit situation here, guys. With stalkers, you can only hope they lose interest. You never know if your reaction to their efforts is going to spark a more aggressive attack or cause them to back off. I can only say that the behavior has escalated. I don’t think it’s a good idea to corner her. Unfortunately, all you can do is take measures to protect your home and Kat. Hopefully she’ll fuck up and leave us something to nail her with.

“I know that’s not what you wanted to hear. Sadly, the laws protect the stalker more than the victim in cases like this. We’re trying to make them better, but it’s real hard when you don’t have proof. Fucking civil rights can be a real bitch sometimes.” Jay knew Davis wished there was more he could do. He wasn’t just a damn dedicated homicide detective. He was a friend and Dom at their club.

Jay had never felt as useless as he did now. He couldn’t stop the attacks against Kat, or predict if they would get worse. And the murder case he was mired in was a complete clusterfuck.

The lead prosecutor and detectives believed that the victim’s ex-boyfriend snapped over their failed reunion and killed her. He could not get on that bandwagon. There was nothing in the man’s profile to suggest he had a violent nature. Then there was the attack itself. Their theory suggested the suspect was in a rage. That was the whole problem. This killer was not in a rage.

He took the time to take her to an abandoned warehouse, bind her, and repeatedly torture and rape her. The majority of the cuts on her body were precise, meant to cause pain, not death. The time the encounter would have taken boggled his mind. This was a very organized killer. The only evidence left on the victim was her ex-boyfriend’s semen, and he admitted that they had sex earlier in the day in the hopes of reconciliation.

If he had killed her in a frenzy, that scene would have been in her fucking apartment, and it would have been a chaotic mess. The profilers and Davis were in agreement with Jay, but the others could not get past the semen evidence. They had nothing else. Nobody could handle the thought that they would be left without a suspect if they discarded their current theory. It was going to give him an ulcer.

When Mac left the room, Davis slumped in his chair. “I’m sorry, man. You might want to hire a bodyguard. Maybe that will get this Suzy bitch to back down.” Yeah, Jay had already considered that. Kitten wouldn’t like it, but he was going to tell Mac to do just that.

“I have someone in mind. We’ll handle it. Something has to shake loose. She cannot possibly be smart enough to keep this up, but I won’t leave kitten unprotected while we wait for her to make a mistake.” He tried to clear his head to work on the case. “Do you have anything new on the Conner case?” He would remember the picture of Cynthia Conner frozen in death forever. Nothing could change that. All they could do was give her justice.

“Nothing. That kid is going to go down for this if something doesn’t come up soon. They won’t back off the trial date. All the jurors are going to see is the DNA evidence. They’ll put him away.” Yeah, clusterfuck.


* * * *


By the time kitten had come home and they had all gotten ready to go to the club, Mac was more than ready for the scene he had planned. The air of tension surrounding them was thick enough to cut with a knife. They all needed this. It was at least one goddamn thing he could
His hands were tied with Suzy, and Jay’s were tied with his case. Kitten was worried about everyone. He needed to feel a measure of control over something. He would help Jay, and he would talk to Kent about guarding kitten.

Mac walked up to the third floor of the club with a single-minded purpose. Now was not a time for socialization. He was already in Domspace. Once they reached the station he had reserved for their scene, he stopped and pointed to the floor. Kitten gracefully sank to her knees in her slip of a dress. She would remain there while he worked over Jay. He took his play bag from Jay and patiently waited as his slave stripped naked.

Mac checked the suspension bar and cables hanging from the ceiling to ensure that they would hold. Then he began to lay out the tools he would use tonight. This would be a heavy scene for Jay. After he warmed him up with his hand, he’d step him up with his flogger. The rattan cane would break him. Hopefully, he wouldn’t need many lashes. Mac really preferred to use the flogger, he could give him a great sting with it, but it wouldn’t be enough tonight.

He motioned Jay over to the bar and placed the suspension cuffs on his wrists. After he clipped him to the bar, he pulled the cable to raise Jay until he was stretched but balanced. “Are you ready, slave?” he murmured in Jay’s ear.

He could see that Jay was already sinking. Breathing deeply and relaxing his muscles, he nodded his assent. Mac stepped back and began to lightly slap at his ass and thighs. With vigorous rubbing at intervals, Mac brought the blood to the surface. He wanted to minimize the bruises Jay would have, though he would leave here with some anyway.

Once he was satisfied with Jay’s skin tone, he began the flogging. He had to step it up with Jay pretty quickly because he’d barely responded to any pain yet. He could see kitten’s eyes widen with the first set of stinging lashes. She would never be able to handle a flogging as intense as this one. But she understood what Mac was doing and would not interfere.

Jay started moaning in time to the slapping sounds of leather on flesh. He was rocking back into the strokes as much as his position would allow. After a particularly hard strike across his ass, he cried out, and Mac dropped the flogger for the cane. He was finally deep enough to let go.


* * * *


Kitten could not believe her eyes. Jay was crying and screaming. God, he looked like he was in hell. And yet the longer it went on, the more replete and serene he seemed. It was almost like she could see the stress pouring from his body. Mac looked like he was battling demons as well. She had never seen him so ferociously determined. He was watching Jay with razor-sharp focus. And Jay was hard as a rock. She had no idea how on earth he could have an erection at a time like this, but he definitely did. Pre-cum was oozing from his slit, and his balls were drawn tight.

She was counting cane strokes and staring at that pearly drop, afraid it would fall to the ground. Somehow that seemed unacceptable to her. On the tenth stroke, Jay threw his head back. He was beyond screaming at this point. His eyes looked so glazed she wasn’t sure he was even feeling much. Mac stepped away from him and nodded to her. She scooted over to Jay as fast as she could and engulfed his cock. Running her tongue from base to tip, she made sure to gather every drop.

Jay moaned in satisfaction as he pumped into her face without losing his balance. She wanted to grip his ass and hold him to her, but she was afraid to hurt him. Instead, she braced herself by holding onto the front of his thighs and sucked him down as far as she could. In less than a minute, he was shooting down her throat. She closed her eyes on her tears. She was a part of his release. She had finally helped him in some way.

Mac threw his things in his bag and grabbed a blanket. He had her wrap Jay up while he freed him of his restraints. They helped him into an aftercare room and placed him facedown on the table. Mac washed him down and rubbed aloe into his skin. He had some welts, but she was pleased to see Mac hadn’t broken any skin. Mac left Jay to recover on the table and collapsed into the rocking chair. He looked beyond exhausted. Kat had an overwhelming urge to give Mac the same tenderness he had just given Jay. He worked so hard to make Jay’s session a success. It was time for someone to ease Mac as well. She lifted her dress off her body and went to him. Without saying a word she opened his leathers and dropped to her knees. He laid his head back on the chair and breathed a sigh of relief. She kissed the head of his cock tenderly and then began to suckle him until he was hard.

Lifting her head, she crawled up onto his lap and straddled him. Mac gripped her waist as she took him in hand and sheathed his length with soft, wet heat. She made love to him with slow strokes and languid swivels until his face tightened. He gripped her hips tighter and lunged into her. When she gasped in pleasure, he swallowed her cry with his kiss. She clenched down hard on his cock and went over with his first jet of cum. She could feel him bathing her heated womb and melted into his arms. Mac held her close and whispered his love in her ear while Jay lay sleeping on the table.

BOOK: Full Measure [Mastering Holly Oaks] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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