Full Scoop (3 page)

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Authors: Janet Evanovich and Charlotte Hughes

BOOK: Full Scoop
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“I need to run an ad,” Maggie said. “I have to unload a goat.”

“Goat?” Jamie repeated.

Maggie explained how she’d ended up with Butterbean. “The best part is she’s free.”

“Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place,” Jamie said, trying to maintain a casual attitude. “Our specialty is finding homes for goats.”

Vera nodded. “Like I always say, you can never have too many goats.” The phone rang. “Why don’t you take Maggie into your office and discuss the ad,” Vera suggested. “That way you won’t be disturbed.”

Jamie nodded. “Good idea.”

Maggie followed Jamie inside her office. She chuckled at the sight of Fleas, Jamie’s lanky bloodhound, lying on his back in front of a window where light pooled from a partially raised Roman shade. Skin sagged from every body part, as though someone had zipped him up in an oversized doggy suit.

“He wouldn’t sleep like that if he knew how bad he looked,” Jamie said.

Maggie checked her wristwatch. “I can only stay a minute. I have to get my goat home in time to pick up Mel at school.” She rolled her eyes. “ ‘Get my goat home’? That sounds too weird.”

“I have a weird life too,” Jamie said, “so I can relate.” She motioned for Maggie to take a seat in her small sitting area. “Okay, here’s the deal. I didn’t call you in here to discuss the ad. Vera came across an article from the Associated Press,” she said, indicating the printout she held. “I can’t think of a way to make this easier on you, so I’ll just blurt it out. Carl Lee Stanton has escaped.”

Maggie’s smile vanished, wiped away by a look of astonishment and disbelief. “How?” she asked.

“He got away as he was being rushed to the emergency room near Texas Federal Prison complaining of chest pains. He had all the symptoms of a heart attack. I suppose the prison isn’t equipped to handle that kind of emergency?” she asked.

“Not if they needed to do a catheterization or a CAT scan, or in some cases a cardiac MRI,” Maggie mumbled.

“Guards were leading him, handcuffed and shackled, toward the back entrance when two men drove up in a red Jeep Cherokee and started firing. One of the men, dressed as a clown, pulled Carl Lee into the Jeep, and they took off.”

Maggie swallowed. “Was anyone killed?”

“Two guards are in critical condition. A witness thinks the clown got hit, but he couldn’t be certain. People were diving behind cars and bushes.” Jamie paused. “Authorities suspect Carl Lee is on his way back to Beaumont for the money,” she said finally.

Maggie tried to take it in. Of course he would want his money. The police had never found the two hundred and fifty thousand dollars that Carl Lee had stolen from the ATM van when the driver and only occupant had broken company policy and stepped outside the vehicle for a cigarette. Carl Lee had been waiting.

“You and Mel need protection,” Jamie said.

Maggie was suddenly hit with the enormousness of it. Her face went numb; the air felt thin, as though she were in a tight space and couldn’t get enough oxygen. “Like the police are going to care what happens to Carl Lee Stanton’s old girlfriend,” she said.

“Hey, wait a minute. You were a victim, too.”

A sudden thought chilled Maggie. “Mel,” she whispered. “I need to make sure she’s okay.”

“Carl Lee has only been out for a few hours,” Jamie said. “It’s going to take him and his buddies a while to get from Texas to South Carolina.”

“What if he somehow managed to catch a plane? What if he was provided with a disguise and fake identification? What if—”

“Anything is possible,” Jamie cut in, “but it’s highly unlikely that Carl Lee Stanton would take such a risk. That’s the first place police are going to look. He’s a cop killer, for Pete’s sake! It was sheer luck that the ATM driver lived because you can bet Carl Lee meant to kill him.” Jamie paused to catch her breath. “Every news station in this country is probably flashing his picture as we speak. Plus, his buddies aren’t going to let him out of their sight. They expect to be paid for their trouble, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out how Carl Lee plans to come up with the money.”

It made sense, Maggie thought. She met Jamie’s gaze. “It’s all going to come out.”

“Not all of it. We covered our bases.”

Maggie was thankful her parents were away and would be spared the news, if only temporarily. They had flown out two days ago for the trip Maggie’s mother, a retired geography teacher, had always dreamed of taking. She wanted to see an actual Egyptian pyramid and visit the royal tombs that she’d read about and watched on the Discovery Channel. Maggie’s father had surprised her with a two-week vacation package for their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary.

“Everybody in town knows I went out with him. I’m amazed it never got back to Mel.” Maggie sighed. “I should have told her the truth a long time ago.”

“We all talked about it, remember? We thought it would be better to wait until she was older, more mature. I can be there with you if you feel it’s time.”

Maggie blinked back sudden tears. “How do you tell your daughter something like that?” she asked, the dread and remorse hitting her like a huge wave. “Oh, by the way, Mel, that handsome man in the framed photo on your night table is not your father. Your
father is a cold-blooded killer who escaped prison today, and when he gets here there is going to be hell to pay.”

Chapter Two

“What do you mean you don’t have a rental car?” Zack demanded, setting his olive-green duffel bag down, as well as a narrow, oblong suitcase and an oversized shoulder bag containing the latest technology in laptops and what he referred to as his FBI toys. “Someone named Helms arranged it hours ago.”

The man sitting across the desk at Dan and Don’s Clean Car Rentals took off his baseball cap and fanned himself with it. Sweat beaded his upper lip, and his forehead glistened. “Well, sir, he must’ve talked to my brother, Don,” he said, getting up to check the air conditioner. “Reason I say that is because I
he didn’t talk to me. And the reason I know that is because it’s Friday. And on Friday I bowl in a morning league so I didn’t take the call.” He held one hand in front of the droning unit. “Blasted thing isn’t worth junking,” he muttered.

“Okay,” Zack said. “So it was Don who screwed up the reservation. I still need a car. How about you get on the phone and check with one of the other rental agencies and see if they have something.”

“They don’t. The reason I know that is because they’ve called me asking the same thing. We’ve got an Elvis convention going on. The reason I know that is because we’ve had one Elvis after another come through that door the last couple of days.”

Zack gave an enormous sigh of frustration. He paced for a minute. “Hell, I guess I’ll have to buy a used car.”

“You don’t want to buy a used car in this town. The guy who owns Beaumont Used Cars is a shyster. Name’s Larry Johnson. Not only will he rip you off on the car, he’ll want to sleep with your sister.”

Zack glanced at his watch. One-thirty. He gave an impatient sigh. “Look, Don—”

“Dan. My brother is Don.”

“Okay. Dan. I have important business.”

The other man looked thoughtful. “Well, I don’t know if you’d be interested, but my old van is out back. Mind you, it’s not a spring chicken, but it runs like a charm. I’ve had two engines put in over the years. Got a full tank of gas in it to boot,” he added. “I’ll rent it to you for half what I charge for my other cars.”

“That’ll work,” Zack said. It beat walking.

“Just fill out this card. Oh, and I’ll need to make a copy of your driver’s license.”

Zack handed him the license, grabbed a pen from a chipped coffee cup on the desk, and went to work.

Dan copied the license and returned it.

The door opened, and a tall, stocky man with black hair and chin-length sideburns stepped in. Zack did a double take at the sight of his shiny, royal-blue jumpsuit and matching cape. The cape had been lined with silver lamé and rhinestone-studded stars adorned the outfit. He carried an old Samsonite suitcase that had seen better days.

“Your name must be Elvis!” Dan said with a hearty laugh. “My wife has a velvet painting of you in our dining room.” Dan winked at Zack.

The man suddenly whipped a silver cell phone from inside the cape and, using it as an imaginary microphone, began singing “Jailhouse Rock,” complete with swiveling hips.

Zack watched in silence. He’d landed in hell.

“I need a rental car,” the Elvis twin said, once he finished his song. “The Holiday Inn is having a big whoop-de-do for us in half an hour. Don’t want to miss out on free food and cocktails.” He stepped up to the desk next to Zack.

Dan repeated the same spiel he’d given Zack. “You can use my phone here to call a cab if you like. The number is taped to the side.”

“Appreciate it, pard-ner.” He dialed the number and ordered a cab. “That long, huh? Well, I’ll bet you can do better than that if I throw a big tip your way. I got a crisp ten-dollar bill; it’s all yours if you can get me a ride sooner.
I’ll do one of my Elvis impersonations right here over the phone as an added bonus.” He paused. “Oh. Well, okay then. My name? Lonnie Renfro.” When he hung up he looked disappointed. “It’s going to take an hour for the cab to get here,” he said. “Guy said his drivers have been picking up Elvis impersonators all day, and everybody is sick of hearing Elvis impressions.”

“Make yourself comfortable,” Dan told him. He searched through a rack of keys and pulled a set from one of the hooks. “I’ll be right back.”

Zack followed Dan outside and to the back of the building. He arched one brow at the sight of a sixties-model van with fluorescent peace signs and big flowers on the side. “That’s
?” he asked.

Dan smiled. “It’s a classic, m’friend. It’s got a lot of miles on it, but the new engine is only five years old. I know the exact date it was put in, and the reason I know is because that’s when my ex-wife ran off with my brother-in-law.”

Zack gave the man a sympathetic nod and opened the door on the driver’s side.

“You can see it has the original green shag carpeting,” Dan said. “And these beads hanging from the roof behind the seats can be pushed to one side so you can see out the back. They’re just for privacy.” He winked as he handed Zack the keys. “That’s why I keep putting engines in it. Memories, you know?”

Zack stowed his luggage in the back. The two shook hands, and Zack climbed in and started the engine. He put the gear into drive and started forward, just as the man in the Elvis suit hurried toward him lugging his suitcase.

“Hey, could you give me a lift to my hotel so I don’t have to sit around all afternoon waiting on a cab?” he asked.

Zack had already studied a map of the town and knew the Holiday Inn was on his way to Maggie Davenport’s house. “Put your stuff in the back,” he said.

Carl Lee Stanton opened his eyes and blinked several times from behind the thick lenses of a pair of fake glasses that made up his disguise. He resembled Jerry Lewis in the
Absentminded Professor,
hair greased and slicked back, white shirt and bright red bow tie, and black slacks that were a good three inches too short. In his shirt pocket, he’d tucked a mouth appliance that fit over his top teeth for a bucktoothed look. He yawned. “Where are we?”

“Just outside Tyler,” the man at the wheel said.

Carl Lee looked at the clock on the dashboard. “This is bullshit! We’ve been on the road four hours. We should be halfway to Shreveport, Louisiana, by now.”

The man gave Carl Lee a quick glance. He’d been nicknamed Cook during his long stay at Texas Federal for “cooking the books” and skimming money at a federal savings and loan company he’d worked for. That his mistakes had been glaring proved he was not as smart an accountant as he thought. “It takes longer driving the back roads,” he said. He adjusted the oversized cowboy hat he wore that had a habit of slipping forward. His country-western shirt, faded jeans, and boots made him look like a cattle rustler.

“I don’t see why we can’t drive the interstate,” Carl Lee said. “Who the hell is going to recognize us in these getups?”

“You can go right back to sleep if you’re going to start complaining again about that outfit. I think I did a damn good job putting it together.” He paused. “It wouldn’t hurt for you to show a little gratitude, you know?”

Carl Lee gave a grunt of annoyance. “I don’t have to be grateful. I’m paying you a lot of money for your services once we get to Beaumont. If we ever arrive,” he added.

“Hey, I’ll drive the interstate,” Cook said, his voice filled with sarcasm. “Hell, yeah! And if we get pulled over you can explain the clown in the backseat with a bullet in his gut.”

“If he knew how stupid he looked in that clown outfit he would welcome death.”

“People like clowns. Nobody would suspect a clown of doing anything wrong, which is why people were caught off guard when we showed up. And Loopy makes a perfect clown on account of he’s got such a goofy-looking face.”

“That’s because he’s crazy,” Carl Lee said. “Everybody at Tex Fed knew he was crazy. Why would you hire a crazy person to do this kind of a job?”

“I can’t do anything to please you,” Cook said. “All you do is criticize and nag. You don’t appreciate my sacrifices and hard work.”

“You’re not going to pout again, are you?”

Cook started to answer, but the man in the back moaned. “It wouldn’t hurt you to check on Loopy, you know. I should probably change his bandage. I’m afraid he’s lost too much blood.”

Carl Lee turned in the seat. Cook had unzipped the front of the clown suit when he’d tried to stop the bleeding with an old T-shirt that was now saturated with blood. “I can’t tell if he has stopped bleeding or not,” Carl Lee said, turning around once more. “There’s nothing we can do. If he dies, he dies.”

Cook shook his head. “You’re a cold man, Carl Lee. I don’t know how you sleep at night.”

Maggie closed her eyes and counted to ten as Butterbean paused to chew on a paper cup. “Hey, goat,” Maggie said, giving a gentle tug on the chain, “how many times do I have to tell you I’m in a hurry?” The animal raised her head and looked at Maggie through skewed brown eyes, even as she continued eating. Horns blew and people called out to Maggie, but she ignored them. By car, her house was a mere five-minute drive, but the goat was plodding along at turtle speed even as Maggie’s mind raced a gazillion miles a minute.

How to tell Mel. How to tell Mel. How to tell Mel.

I need to tell you about your father, Mel.

Um, Mel, about your father . . .

By the way, Mel, did I mention that your real father is a convicted killer? No?

Damn. How many times had she rehearsed the speech in her mind, only to have it die before it reached her lips?

Suddenly, the goat came to another dead halt. Maggie turned. “What
?” she said.

Butterbean just stood there. Maggie wished she knew something about goats. She had been raised on a cattle farm but there had been no goats. She’d never even
around goats.

Maggie decided to try a different approach. She smiled and stroked Butterbean just above her nose. “I know you’re scared and confused and probably miss your goat friends,” she said softly, “but my life has gone to hell ’cause there’s this really bad guy I used to know, and he might be coming after me. I’m trying to deal with that right now,” she added. “So, if you could just work with me, okay?”

In response, the goat began expelling marblesized goat poop. Maggie stared. “Wait! You can’t do that

Butterbean proved her wrong. “Oh, great,” Maggie mumbled. “Now what am I going to do?” There was nothing she
do at the moment but hope nobody was looking. The thought had barely left her mind before she spied Herman Bates, owner of Bates’ Furniture and a city council member, cruising by slowly in his new Town Car. His eyes fixed on the goat; Maggie gave a weak smile.

Finally, Butterbean finished her business, and they trudged on. Maggie’s feet hurt by the time she reached her house. Of all days to try to break in a pair of new shoes, she thought. She spied her neighbors across the street, Ben and Lydia Green, working in their flower beds.

They looked up. “Nice little pygmy goat you got there,” Ben called out, as if it were an everyday occurrence to find Maggie leading a goat up their street. Of course, he probably wasn’t surprised since he’d helped her build a chicken coop. Lydia just stared.

“Thanks.” Maggie felt their eyes on her as she coaxed the animal up her driveway and to her backyard. The lightweight, twenty-foot chain was a tangled ball that Maggie had to undo before she hooked it around a shade tree. “I’m sorry to have to leave you like this, but it’s only for a little while,” she said, checking to make sure Butterbean had enough room to walk around. She filled a bucket with fresh water and grabbed a bag of carrots from her refrigerator. “This should tide you over until dinnertime,” she said, shaking the carrots from the bag. Butterbean wasted no time chomping down.

Maggie entered the simple farmhouse that had belonged to her grandparents. She filled a glass with water and sipped slowly, trying to cool off. She was in dire need of a shower; her white skirt and melon-colored jacket were damp with perspiration, and her dark hair felt like a woolen shawl against the back of her neck and shoulders. The temperatures had soared all summer, and even though September had brought some relief, humidity still weighted the air.

Her mind went back to Carl Lee Stanton. Her gut told her he was headed her way. What would she do? She needed to grab her daughter and leave town. Yes, that was the answer.

Maggie sighed. If only she didn’t have a ton of patients scheduled for next week: checkups, new mothers coming in for the first time with their babies, and a young boy in the hospital undergoing a myriad of tests for his weakened immune system. That didn’t include her walk-in patients; it seemed half the kids in town had colds.

And now she had a goat to worry about.


She would send Mel away, she decided. Maggie opened a drawer that her daughter referred to as the junk drawer. It was the catchall, the keeper of all things they never used but couldn’t throw away because one never knew. At the very back, beneath a tangled wad of lime-green yarn and a package of pipe cleaners, was her stash of miniature candy bars. She needed her endorphin, serotonin, dopamine lift. How could she be expected to deal with this kind of stress without a chocolate fix now and then? She finished off the bar in two bites, only to reach for another. She put it back.

She was absolutely
going to use chocolate as a crutch to get through this.

She was strong.

She was brave.

“Yeah, right,” she muttered, and snatched the candy from the drawer once more before she could change her mind. She was scared to smithereens; that’s what she was.

The wall clock snapped her to attention. Twenty minutes, and the bell would ring at Mel’s school.

Maggie hurried into her bedroom, stripped off her office clothes, and dressed in jeans and a T-shirt that read YES, I AM THE CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE, a gift from Mel on Maggie’s last birthday. She pulled on her Nikes and put her hair into a ponytail. In the kitchen, she grabbed several plastic grocery sacks and a small hand-held gardening shovel so she could take care of the goat poop. Finally, she took off in the direction of her office at a fast jog, only to slow down after one block when she became winded.

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