Fun With a Fireman (3 page)

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Authors: Daniella Divine

Tags: #erotica, #short story, #erotic romance, #erotic short story, #erotic short stories, #fireman, #fireman erotica, #firemen romance, #fireman romance, #short story with sex

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I woke up the next morning and found myself in what
I guessed to be Duke’s spare room. Like the rest of the flat, it
was decorated in delicate pastel shades, and the bed was covered
with a bright, pink bedspread. At least Duke and Charles weren’t
shy about coming out. The whole flat shouted GAY in capital
letters. Good for them, I thought. They were obviously very
comfortable with who they were.

The sun was already well up in the sky. Duke had
apparently carried me into the room when I fell asleep, and covered
me with a blanket. I forced myself off the bed and was rewarded
with a thumping in my head.

Wine gives me crap hangovers.

I was still dressed, so I staggered into the kitchen
and ransacked Duke’s cupboards until I found some painkillers. They
were called Anadin, but they sure looked like Anacin to me. I took
a couple with a glass of water, and began to feel a little better.
There was no sign of Duke, but there was a Post-It note stuck to
the kettle. It said:


Gone to the park. Back




Gone to the park?
Well, I didn’t fancy hanging around the flat on my own, and I
thought I could use some fresh air to clear my head, too. So I
found my shoes and staggered down the road to the park entrance. I
did up a couple of buttons on my blouse as I went. No point in
trying to impress Duke with

Battersea Park is a beautiful spot – like a big
chunk of the English countryside landed in the middle of London. I
took a path that led towards the lake, figuring that there was a
reasonable chance I would bump into Duke somewhere along the way.
There were a few people around the park - walking their dogs,
jogging, skateboarding and so on. But I was the only idiot
tottering around on stilettos. And these were no ordinary heels.
Like I said, they were the tallest pair I had ever seen. I felt
like I was walking around on stilts, and I had to focus to stop
myself falling head first into the rhododendrons. I was so busy
concentrating that I didn’t see Duke. The first I knew he was there
was when I heard his voice behind me.

‘Hey, Angel - you’ve woken up at last!’

I turned to see Duke walking towards me, looking
sexy and handsome in his blue jeans and a gray shirt. Charles was a
lucky guy. I could imagine why he would want to cuddle up to Duke.
But what surprised me was the big grin plastered all over Duke’s
face. This wasn’t the depressed and tearful Duke of yesterday. This
was the happy-go-lucky fireman who had rescued the damsel in

‘Duke…you look so happy! What’s happened?’

‘Wonderful news!’ Duke grinned back at me. ‘Charles
is fine, and he’s out of hospital. It turned out to be something of

‘Oh, I’m so glad to hear it.’ And I was pleased,
too. Duke was positively beaming. I beamed back at him. ‘I’m very
happy for you. So will I get to meet Charles?’

Duke laughed. ‘Of course! In fact, you can meet him
right now. Look out…he’s coming up behind you…’

I turned, but not quickly enough. I was vaguely
aware of a large grey shape accelerating towards me at a rapid
rate, and the next second something crashed into me. I tried to
keep my balance, but I didn’t have a hope in my skyscraper heels. I
just keeled over and landed flat on my back on the grass. The fall
knocked all of the wind out of me. I gasped and opened my eyes to
see an enormous dog’s face staring at me and panting. Then the head
descended and I felt a huge tongue licking all over my face.

I screamed.

Duke was shouting, too. ‘Charles!...Sit…naughty boy.
Leave her alone, she doesn’t need a wash. Sit Charles…SIT!’

Eventually, the monster dog relented and did as he
was told. I sat up and looked at Charles – a big, healthy hearty
Great Dane who sat and panted with his tail wagging like crazy. His
head was about twice the size of mine, and even sat on his haunches
he towered over me as I sat up.

Duke looked at me with concern written all over his
face. ‘Are you OK? I’m afraid Charles gets a bit boisterous when he
meets a new friend. He’s big, but he’s harmless, honest.’

I turned to Duke and blinked.

‘Are you telling me this is Charles?’

‘Yes, that’s right. He’s my best buddy.’

‘But…but you said he was rushed to hospital?’

Duke nodded as if I was the most stupid person he
had ever met. ‘Yes, the veterinary hospital in Balham. Yesterday he
started getting convulsions, so I rushed him to the vet. She
couldn’t find anything wrong, but she decided to keep him in
overnight for observation. Then first thing this morning, Charles
sneezed out a giant grass seed that had been stuck up his

‘You mean that was the cause of the problem…just a
grass seed?’

‘Yes. The convulsions were basically him trying to
sneeze it out. Now that it’s gone, he’s fine. Isn’t it

‘Yes, it is.’ Now I had a hundred different thoughts
spinning round in my head. I was only just beginning to catch up.
‘So wait a moment…are you telling me you’re not gay?’

That wiped the smile off Duke’s face in a second. He
sat down on the grass beside me. ‘Gay? Why on earth would you think
I’m gay?’

‘Dude…you put out all the signals!’ Duke just looked
at me in total confusion, so I had to explain. ‘I showed up last
night dressed to kill, and you didn’t so much glance at my boobs.
I’m not vain or anything, but when I dress to impress, heterosexual
guys usually can’t keep their eyes off my chest.’

Duke’s eyes opened wide. ‘Angel, believe me, I am
very interested in your chest, and the rest of your body. But
yesterday I was so worried about Charles I couldn’t think of
anything else except him. You could have shown up stark naked with
pom-poms on your nipples and I still wouldn’t have noticed.’

Pom-poms on my nipples? I had never tried that. I
made a mental note to give it a go some time. But now I had more
pressing things to worry about.

‘OK. But then you said you had been living with
someone called Charles who meant the world to you…and that you and
he always cuddled up in bed at night.’

Duke was blushing a little now. ‘Oh, I get it. That
did sound a bit weird, I suppose. Charles always sleeps on my bed.
He has ever since he was a puppy. Bloody hell, I can see now what
you must have thought.’

‘Then there’s your apartment. It looks

Duke was almost laughing now. ‘It’s not really my
flat. It belongs to my sister, but she’s letting me use it while
she works overseas. It’s a good arrangement. She gets a tenant she
can trust to look after the place, and I get a flat in London at a
cheap rent. We both win. But heck, this is crazy. Angel, I really
can’t believe you thought I was gay. I’m a regular heterosexual
guy, honest.’

Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather.
Especially if I was wearing those stupid shoes. But I wasn’t about
to let Duke off the hook just yet. I wanted to play him a

I pretended to pout. ‘Hmmm. I’m not sure I believe

Duke looked puzzled. ‘Really…I’m into girls,

‘So…if I did this…you would find that interesting?’
I slowly undid the top button of my blouse and was delighted to see
that I got a typical guy reaction from Duke. That is to say, his
eyes started popping out on stalks.

I undid another button. ‘And what about this? Do you
find this interesting?

‘Bloody hell, yes!’

I pretended to be a little coy. ‘Hmmm. I’m still not
entirely convinced, Duke.
me you’re not gay just
won’t cut it. I think you might have to
it, before I
believe you. You know…actions speak louder than words, and all

Duke gave me another one of his winning smiles.

‘You know what, I think you’re right. I wouldn’t
want there to be any misunderstanding on this important subject, so
let’s clear the whole thing up for once and for all.’

With that comment, Duke leaned over and kissed me.
It was a long, slow kiss that made me shudder involuntarily. I
responded immediately, my body twitching with delight at his

Duke’s arms were around me now, and his tongue was
pushing gently into my mouth. In return, I started exploring him
with my tongue, and I liked what I found. Tasty. I’ve heard of
people having English muffins for breakfast, but not English
firemen. I highly recommend it, though. They’re hot and delicious.
And I wanted second helpings. When we came up for air a little
later, Duke looked me in the eyes, his expression serious.

‘Do you believe me now?’

I shrugged my shoulders. ‘I get the impression you
may have kissed a girl once or twice before. But I’m still not
entirely convinced. I don’t think you have proven your case yet.
Some further evidence is required.’

‘OK, your honor, how about this for proof?’

Duke pushed me gently back on the grass and rolled
on top of me. I could feel the dampness of the ground on my back,
and smell the scent of freshly-cut grass in the air. All that was
combined with the earthy feel of a young, fit man pressing down on
me. It was all so natural, so intense. Such a turn on. I managed to
grab a mouthful of the sweet, fresh air before Duke’s lips clamped
over mine once more. His hand slid along my leg, pushing my skirt
up to my waist and exploring the naked flesh of my thighs.

Oh boy, I was so glad that Duke wasn’t gay after
all. You know that feeling when you look in the pocket of an old
pair of jeans and find a lost twenty-dollar bill? Yeah, well this
felt just like that. I thought had lost Duke, and then he had
unexpectedly come back to me. This was excellent, truly excellent,
and I was loving every moment.

My breasts were heaving now and pushing into Duke’s
chest. His mouth was greedily exploring mine, and I responded with
all my female hormones pumping on overdrive. I let out a little
moan. And then I heard a voice a few feet away.

‘Go get him girl!’

I tore my lips away from Duke and turned to see
where the voice had come from. I saw a little old lady walking
along the path, using a walking stick to support herself. She gave
me a toothless grin.

‘You’re only young once, young lady. Get it while
you can, I say. You’ll be an old married woman before you know it,
and then it’s all over. Enjoy being single before it’s too

I sat up, feeling rather embarrassed, and smiled at
the woman. ‘I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to offend you…’

The old lady paused and cackled back at us. ‘Offend
me? You must be joking. I was nineteen in 1967, darling. That was
the Summer of Love. I had more sex in that year than you’ve had in
your whole lifetime!’

I seriously doubted if that was true, yet it was an
impressive claim, nevertheless.

Go Grandma, go!

But it was obvious that making out in the park
wasn’t a very good idea. Too many people around. And it was hardly
necessary, seeing as Duke’s place was just around the corner.

I punched Duke playfully on the shoulder. ‘Come on,
Mr. Metrosexual. Take me back to your place and prove to me once
and for all that you’re not gay. I still have my doubts.’

‘All right, then. I’ll take that as a personal
challenge. Come with me and I’ll give you all the proof you ever
need,’ he said.

He helped me to my feet, and we walked out of the
park hand in hand, with Charles bounding around us like an
over-sized puppy. I know you’re only interested in the naughty
bits, so let’s skip the crap and cut to Duke’s bedroom a short time




…when we were both
naked and lying on Duke’s bed ready to fuck.

I must admit, I do have a thing about English guys.
Before this trip, I hadn’t realized there were so many different
accents in the UK. And they all sound so cute. I had no idea which
part of Britain Duke originated from, but the sound of his voice
made me melt. But all that was just the icing on the cake.

Or perhaps I should say the icing on the beefcake.
Because Duke was built to impress. Remind me to give you his number
so that you can put it in your phone. Then if you ever find
yourself in London and in urgent need of rescuing, you can give him
a call. You won’t regret it. I certainly wasn’t regretting lying on
the bed alongside him. The view was more impressive than anything
you can see from the Millennium Wheel. I guess he spent some time
pumping iron in the gym, as well as having a job that kept him in
good shape.

Bulging muscles? Check.

Six-pack abs? Check.

I definitely liked what I saw. Duke seemed to like
my shape, too. Especially my breasts. If I say so myself, they are
impressive assets. Duke allowed his hands to slip down onto my
chest, and he fondled my boobs like a teenager exploring a woman
for the first time. His bulging erection confirmed that I had been
completely off course with the gay theme – this guy was hot to trot
for some pussy. And I was ready to deliver as much of that as he
could handle.

‘You are a beautiful woman,’ Duke said softly. ‘You
looked good even when you were stranded on that fire escape. Now
you look simply fantastic.’

I giggled and fluttered my eyelashes at him. ‘Do you
think I’m sexy?’ I’m not above fishing for compliments…I’ll take
them any way I can get them.

‘Sexy? You are irresistible. I can’t believe that
you are here in my bed.’

‘And you don’t have an angry wife who is likely to
come charging through the door with a carving knife?’


‘And no gay lover with a rolling pin?

‘Definitely not. It’s just me and Charles.’

At the mention of his name, Charles barked. Yup,
that’s right. The dog was right there in the bedroom with us, lying
on the floor and panting. When Duke said they were best buddies, he
wasn’t kidding. But I had a feeling that in a few minutes, I would
be panting even louder than the Great Dane. Duke ignored Charles
and started to kiss me, starting with my breasts and working down
to my tummy. They were soft and gentle caresses – whatever the
English equivalent of Hershey’s Kisses would be. Sweet and
delicious, and nice enough to make you want more.

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