ovum, 95, 114
oxytocin, 148, 226
afterpains and release of, 184 definition of, 84, 163, 234 epidural and release of, 155
hand pump expressing and secretion of, 227
intravenous, 154
involution of uterus and, 168 lactogenesis II and release of, 214 milk release and, 216
nipple stimulation and release of, 359 postpartum levels of, 169
pressure and stretch of cervix and production of, 148, 149
skin-to-skin contact and, 217
paediatricians, 204, 205
paediatrics, off-label medicine and, 328 pain
normal social response to, 54–55 purpose of, 54
pain management
in labour, 154–155
methods, 313
pain relief, decision-making regarding positions for, 151
pakistani mothers, teenage pregnancies and, 105
pandemic, definition of, 261 panic attacks, 292
panic disorder, 282, 288t, 292
PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein A), 126, 138
paracetamol, 335
parent education, birth preparation and, 134–135
parental orders, 100
parenthood, 90–114
biological, social, ethical and legal dimensions of, 91
care, compassion, and healthy psychological adaptation to, 176–177
centrality of, to midwifery practice, 90 conception across the lifespan, 102–109 defining parents, 94–95
disability and parenting, 109–110 genetic, biological and social parents,
major changes in transition to, 71, 71b motherhood and fatherhood, 94 overview of, 91–94
parenting styles and expert advice, 110–112
perinatal loss and impact on identity tied to, 375
postnatal care and smooth transition to, 167
redefinition of, 95 parenting
disability and, 109–110
fathers as birth partners and, 153 parenting roles, midwives and diversity of,
parenting styles and expert advice, 110–112 attachment parenting, 111–112
pragmatic parenting, 112 routine/schedule based style, 111
adolescent, 103–106
biological, 95–96
commissioning, 100
definition of, 91, 94–95
genetic, 95
new, choices faced by, 110–111, 110f newborn care and advice for, 203–204,
single, 93
social, 96
parity, definition of, 114
Parkes, C. M., grief stages identified by, 375 parous, definition of, 84
Parsons, Talcott, 43 partial surrogacy, 96, 97f
partner support, mobilising in labour, 150f partogram, 148, 163, 347
passive immunity, 253
patau syndrome, increased maternal age and, 173
paternalism, medical intervention and, 156 paternalistic attitude, definition of, 114 paternity leave, 178
pathogen, definition of, 261, 319
Patient Health Questionnaire 9, 284, 298 patient records, rights of medication and,
patients, at heart of care, 22 Patients’ Association, 309
patient’s notes, errors recorded in, 327 patriarchy, definition of, 58
‘Pavlov’s dog’, 63
Primary Care Trust PD.
Panic disorder
Pulmonary embolism peers, parenting and, 110
pelvis, birth process, anatomical knowledge of fetal skull and, 149
penicillin, 333
‘people skills’, 10 percentages
converting into fractions, 338 converting to decimals, 338
perimenopausal stage, 103
perinatal, definition of, 84, 298 perinatal deaths, 242t
perinatal mental health problems, 295 perinatal mental illness, 282, 298
anxiety disorders, 291–292 care provision for, 294–295 categories of, 288, 288t
depression, 289–291
identifying and assessing, 284b, 285 maternal deaths and, 281, 282–284 maternal mortality and morbidity and,
282, 295
obsessive compulsive disorder, 292 policy context of, 284–285
post-traumatic stress disorder, 292–293, 293b
prevalence and incidence of, 287– 288 risk factors identified as, 285, 286b serious mental illness, 293–294
perinatal mortality, perinatal mental health as preventable cause of, 283
perinatal period, causes of death in, due to, or associated with a psychiatric disorder, 283t
perineal care, 158–159
perineal massage, 158
perineal tears, suturing compared with not suturing, 158
perineal trauma
antenatal discussion about, 158 minimizing morbidity caused by, 169
perineum, postpartum state of, 169 person-centred nursing, 31–32
person-centred psychology, 63
Personal Identification Number, 16, 19 personal supervision, in pre-registration
midwifery education programmes, 14
personal supervisors, role of, 14 personality disorders, 282, 288
pethidine, 334
bioavailability of, 332
intramuscular route of administration, 330t
phagocytosis, 168, 185
pharmacodynamics, 328, 340
agonist, 331
antagonist, 331–332
bioavailability, 332
definition of, 344
first pass metabolism, 332 half life, 332
pharmacokinetics, 328
absorption, 328, 329
definition of, 344
distribution, 329, 330
excretion, 329, 331
metabolism, 329, 330–331
pharmacology, 340
defined, 328
keeping up to date with, 327 summary monographs in, 333–337
pharmacology/pharmacological, definition of, 319
PHE-free formula, given prior to breastfeeds, 230
breastfeeding plan for babies with, 230 definition of, 208
neonatal screening for, 202 philanthropic, definition of, 163
philanthropic attitude, midwife care and, 153
philosophy, definition of, 319 phlebotomists, 123
phobias, 282
photographs, loss of baby and, 379–380, 381b
Patient Health Questionnaire 9 physical abuse
domestic abuse and, 47 examining babies for signs of, 178
physical assessment, 125–126 physical health, racism and, 51 physical illness, families and, 45
physiological delayed lactogenesis, factors related to, 222–223
physiological jaundice, 199–200, 208 physiological maternal morbidity, 174–175 physiotherapists, 182
phytomenadione (vitamin K
), 337 PIF.
Prolactin Inhibitory Factor ‘Pillars of Accountability’, 32
Personal Identification Number Pinard stethoscope, auscultating fetal heart
with, 152, 152f
PINK, WARM AND SWEET, newborn care and aiming for, 195, 197f
Phenylketonuria place of birth, 145 placenta, 169, 192, 200
delivering, postpartum haemorrhage and, 359
implantation of, 128–129 lactogenesis II and expulsion of, 213 lotus birth and, 158
medicine administration and, 330 separation and expulsion of, 157
placenta praevia, 354
definition of, 370 grades of, 355f
older age conception and, 108f ruling out, 356
types of, 355
placental, definition of, 138 placental abruption
definition of, 370
description of, 354 maternal anxiety and, 291 signs and symptoms of, 355 smoking and, 254
placental bleed, rhesus factor and, 127 placental function, cigarette smoking and,
platelet count, 128
Practice Learning Facilitator
Perinatal Mental health problems PMI.
Perinatal mental illness
Postnatal depression PNI.
Psychoneuroimmunology pollution, 253
poor health, in medical concept of health, 238
Progesterone only pill positioning in labour, 149
positive reinforcement, 63
posterior pituitary gland, 214, 234 post-ictal state, in eclamptic fit, 362 postmenopausal stage, 103
post mortem examination, religions, culture and, 380
postnatal clinics, 176
postnatal considerations, 71–73
baby blues and postnatal depression, 72–73, 72t
physical, emotional and social changes in immediate postnatal period, 71b
postnatal depression, 74, 75, 282, 298 baby blues compared with, 72–73, 72t common false beliefs related to, 287b definition of, 234
maternal and paternal, 72–73 predictors of, 286b prevalence of, 288
strongest predictors in, 69 postnatal midwifery care, 166–185
aim of, 167
care and compassion in, 176–177 changes to, 173–174
engaging fathers, 177–178 exercise for new mothers, 182 history of, 167
immediate postnatal period, 171–172 other responsibilities of midwife, 182 physiological maternal morbidity,
pivotal function of, for women and families, 183
quality standards influencing provision of, 175
reducing risk of sudden infant death syndrome, 181
safeguarding vulnerable adults and babies, 178, 180
time-honoured tradition or dying art?, 175–176
venous thromboembolism, 172–173 where to get help, 181
postnatal period, nursing and midwifery council’s definition of, 166
post-neonatal deaths, 242t
postpartum haemorrhage, 168, 356–359 categorisation of, 356t
causes of, 357t
cognitive approach in management of, 63 complications following, 360
definition of, 84, 370 management of, 358f predisposing factors for, 357b
postpartum health problems, common, 174 postpartum parenting stress, 69 postpartum psychological morbidity, 289 postpartum psychosis, 282, 284
Post-Registration ongoing education and practice, 16, 19
post-traumatic stress disorder, 72, 75, 282,
292–293, 298
denial of Caesarean section and, 71 emergency caesarean section and, 288
partners and symptoms of, 178 signs of, 293
absolute, 48
employment, ill health and, 248f families and, 45, 47–48
health and, 49f
ill health and, 246, 247f maternal depression and, 289 relative, 48
severe, 48
social exclusion and, 49f power dynamics
‘principles for action’ and, 32 unequal power and hierarchy, 31, 31f
Puerperal psychosis
Postpartum haemorrhage Practice Learning Facilitator, 12, 19
practice nurses, timing of parenthood trends and, 109
pragmatic parenting, 112
precautions, knowing before administration of medicine, 325
pre-clinical (disease), definition of, 261 prediction questions, identifying and
assessing perinatal mental illness and, 284b
pre-eclampsia, 125, 129, 359, 360–362, 360b antenatal depression and, 70
definition of, 370
incidence of, 361
investigations for screening, 361b
severe or fulminating, signs and symptoms of, 361
pregnancy, 94.
see also
surrogacy advanced maternal age and, 106 alcohol consumption during, 255 anxiety and, 131, 291
bleeding in, assessing, 356 body changes during, 130f bonding during course of, 79 booking for care and, 125, 125b
cigarette and tobacco smoking during, 254
complex, midwives within coordination of care and, 123
development of psychiatric disorders during, 283
domestic violence and onset of, 69 ectopic, 108f, 383
emotional challenges during, 68 factors influencing maternal choices in,
fear of, 69
first trimester of, 130f hypertensive disorders in, 360b illicit substance use and, 255–256 indirect causes and, 283 individualised feelings about, 125
Internet information about use of CAM for, 312
language use and, 54
maternal obesity in, complications associated with, 250, 251f