Fur Coat No Knickers (24 page)

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Authors: C. B. Martin

BOOK: Fur Coat No Knickers
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With that, he pushed himself hard into the back of me, tugging my hair back roughly. ‘Do you feel that
, baby? My cock is gonna take you from behind. You’re gonna watch me fuck you… in this mirror.’

I gasped in a loud moan
, trembling all over.

‘I have a panoramic view,’ he gloated, throwing his head back in pleasure.
He began peeling my shirt back off my shoulders. I shuddered in delight as we watched it float, then pool onto the floor.

‘You’re gonna get this hard cock inside you,’ he stated, shoving me out of the way to view himself fully in the mirror. Instantly I seized an opportun
ity to turn around and face him, but without ceremony he turned me back around to face the mirror ahead of us.

I placed my hands tenderly on top of his; desperately trying to follow his erratic lead as his hands travelled fast and furious all over me.

I was finding it hard to keep up with him in any sense. I swung between being paralysed and c
onfused by his playboy mood and then being completely turned on by it. He urgently ripped down both straps of my bra, whipping my arms free.

‘Look at me squeezing your tits, Tara,’ Travis gloated towering behind me.

I watched his hand swaying and swooning at a crazy pace. Then, with his othe
r hand he began pulling my hair backwards and forwards, rocking me wildly.

Desperate to get this new turn of events right, I kneaded his
tightly toned butt, my fingernail’s digging deep and passionately into his soft supple skin. I did my best to follow his crazy rhythm as his hands descended with lightning speed, aggressively hitching up my skirt to waist level.

I felt so dizzy, alarmed
turned-on I nearly fainted with desire on the spot.

‘Those fucking stockings and suspenders are driving me wild,’ he teased, completely immersed in the moment. He weaved his nimble fingers in and around the lace knowledge
ably, pinging one of my stockings free from its clip.

I smiled faintly and nervously and ran my hands down his hot
, naked flesh, still reeling in confused pleasure. Just as I felt I was getting to grips with the moment, he had me by the back of my neck and was forcing me to bend over.

I gripped the
Salon chair to hold myself steady as he yanked and stretched my knickers aggressively to one side, mounting me like a bull from behind. Not quite ready to accommodate him, I yelped out loud in pleasurable pain.

‘Feel that
, baby,’ he moaned, as he writhed harder into me, kicking the chair away and out of my reach. My heart pounded hard in my chest as I fell forward, my hands catching the floor just in time. I was totally encased by Travis and his muscle-bounding strength. The sounds of his body slapping hard behind mine, enjoying me, made me feel suddenly powerful and almost brazen.

‘You’re a great fuck, Tara,’ he grunted.

With just a view of the Salon floor and his trainers (due to me being folded over), I cocked my head round to the side. I could see the rear of him
in another mirror. His perfectly formed butt muscles were working at a phenomenal pace, fucking me hard.

His strong
, muscular back was flexing and dripping in sweat, while his huge arms held my waist in place as he continued thrashing in and out of me.

, look in all the mirrors around us. It’s like I’m fucking ten women. Fuck. I’m in heaven.’ 

I was just about to grab a pair of thinning scissors and stab him in the ankle when he quickly added
; ‘I meant ten of

His hard pounding and last comment left me feeling stung. In my struggle between feeling confused and turned on, the
anxiety about his erratic behaviour definitely had the upper hand after that. I tried to raise myself back up to move into a more loving position, but Travis was having none of it.

Looking into the mirror to the side of me, I caught a glimpse of his stormy expression
, as he pulled me around like a rag doll.

‘I can see every angle of us both, we look so hot, so horny
,’ he panted, apparently oblivious to my change of mood. He just continued banging harder and harder against my female form, which looked so small in comparison. His breathing became ever more frantic as he pushed and stretched me to my limits.

‘I’m fucking your pussy
, Tara; your sweet, tight little Catholic pussy,’ his voice now wicked with enthusiasm. 

I was just about to take a bite-sized chunk out of his calf in protest when I felt awash with
most erotic leg trembling sensation. Zillions of powerful volts flooded through me and a kaleidoscope of colour misted over my vision.

‘T-R-A-V-I-S! OH-MY-GOD!’ I pitched at a soprano level. ‘Whate
ver you’re doing… oh my God! I… can’t… I… can’t-catch-my-breath… don’t stop. I beg you, don’t stop.’ I wailed whilst simultaneously turning to jelly.

‘I knew you'd love a fingering up the bum
… I just knew it!’ he said with undisguised relish.

’ I gasped, horrified, punching his hands away from behind me. ‘Get out of my allotment!’

I would do anything for him, but not that! Nobody goes up my back garden!
‘That is sacred, Holy ground!’ I began wailing and balling like a brat. Suddenly distracted, I heard sounds in the distance again.

‘Did you hear that
, Travis… did you hear that noise? I’m sure I can hear voices.’ I slapped the back of his leg to still him. He grunted loudly, still pounding away at me and ignored me completely. I cocked my neck around to get his attention, puffing my sweat-soaked hair from my face.

‘Travis… Travis! P
lease stop, or just cum, I can’t take anymore,’ I began to plead, trying to raise myself up.

But he didn’t show any sign that he’d heard me. He just held me tightly in place, plunging harder and faster,
gathering in momentum and pace. He kept one of his hands strategically placed around my waist to still me and the other over my forehead to keep me steady. His fingers grossly dropping over my eyelids, then into my mouth. I heaved at the thought that one of those
had been fiddling where it was forbidden to be. I held my breath as my eyes crossed together in total disgust.

Finally, giving a
n almighty yell that sounded like Tarzan, Travis powerfully shot himself into me. He buried his sweat-soaked face into my back, the jerky movements indicating his load had nearly emptied, as his body juddered behind me.

Not a moment to
o soon he folded over me. We stood, bent over, both panting breathlessly in the otherwise silent Salon.

In less than two
seconds, he retracted himself out of me and staggered over to the chaise longue to retrieve his phone, collecting his strewn clothes along the way.

‘Damn it. I’ve got to go, there’s a crisis with one of the players,’ he said, shrugging his shoulders and rattling through his texts.

‘Oh no,’ I said, feeling utterly wretched. ‘What’s happened? Do you want me to come with you?’ Realising I was standing in just my stockings, suspenders and shoes, I grabbed a cutting apron to cover my modesty.

‘No, I really don't have time to wait,’ he said dismissively. With that
, he paced eagerly over to one of the washbasins and splashed soapy water over his manly-hood before grabbing a clean Salon towel to wipe him-self dry. As soon as he was done, he tossed it carelessly onto the floor.

‘Will you come
back to my place… tonight?’

‘I doubt it,’ he said, without even looking up from his phone.

The blood drained from my face at his snap decision. I stood, paralysed, leaning my hip against the washbasin and folding my arms tightly around myself. My gaze narrowed as I watched him pulling his clothes on and striding towards the Salon door to leave.

‘I can be ready to come with you in seconds,’ I
pleaded, suddenly running over to him.

‘Gotta go. Sorry,’ he said, barely turning around and unlocking the
Salon door to leave.

‘Please don’t go,’ I begge
d, as my eyes filled with tears - my hands involuntary pulling at his hoodie.

‘Please try to
be more understanding Tara, its part of my job,’ shrugged Travis, completely devoid of emotion.
make me feel any worse than I already do.’

‘Sorry,’ I whimpered, hanging my head in shame for even asking. I raised my hands gently to his face to brush away one of my lash strips that had attached
itself to the side of his neck. Before I could get it, he grabbed both my wrists together and pushed them away.

‘I’ll call you soon,’ he said abruptly. With that
, I watched him scamper off into the darkness.

I stood, shivering in shock and pressed my head despon
dently against the door. My quivering hands clasped around the keys for support as I locked it. The blood drained from my face and my legs gave way. I slid into a trembling, crumpled heap on the floor.

, trying to pull myself together, I attempted to piece together what had just happened. Time seemed to have stood still. I glanced at the clock.
Could it really be only 7:30pm? Had th
love of my lif
actually just come and gone in less than half an hour?
I had been in the shower, getting ready for him longer than that!

I double-checked the time on my phone to see if either the clock on the wal
l or my watch had stopped. Nope - he’d been here for a matter of minutes. The reality of what just happened began to dawn on me, like a drawn-out punch in the face.

Shivering, I shoved my arms through the cutting apron and helplessly crawled over to the reception area on my hands and knees, dragging my body through the chaotic paraphernalia of clothes, towels, gowns and desk debris strewn around me.

Something glimmering in the low light caught my eye. It was my cherished pen mum passed down to me after dad died. It was shattered into bits and scattered across the tiled floor. Dad had written his last love song with it. I picked up the broken pieces and held them tightly against my heart as a flurry of emotions overcame me; guilt, anger, shame, longing and loneliness. Without knowing which emotion was most dominant, a torrent of tears swiftly and uncontrollably followed.

A muffled noise sounding close by suddenly interrupted my misery
. Was that voices I could hear again? I’d been hearing them on and off all evening. Were my dad’s schizophrenic tendencies now also affecting me? I mean, I always thought Laura had it - definitely Katie - but

voices were getting louder and moving closer too. With my vision totally blurred by tears, I quickly shot up from the cold hard floor, praying Travis had come back.

‘Travis?’ I cried.

I rubbed my burning eyes and makeup-smeared face to find James and Siobhan striding towards me from the
of the Salon.

My jaw dropped; ‘What the fu…

‘No need to say anything, we saw the whole thing,’ James said gently, taking me in his arms and holding me tight. ‘The total-toss-potting-feckin

‘Oh, James,’ I howled, blubbering and trembling into his tight grip. ‘He’s gone, he’s left already
… It’s only been half an hour and he’s left.’

‘Right!’ spat Siobhan furiously down the phone. ‘He’s wearing a grey hoodie and black shor
ts. Shoot the fecker on sight! - But don’t kill him… Cos me fag mate wants to ram a rusty nail file up his jacksy, that's why…’

And then
, I’m gonna cut off his oversized dong and feed it to Jayde,’ interrupted James, finishing Siobhan’s order.

‘Siobhan, James, stop it
- please don’t make it worse by getting him done over,’ I pleaded breathlessly. 

this point, Siobhan’s face was bright purple as she frantically paced around the Salon, shouting profanities down the phone. ‘In fact,’ she finally turned to me, covering the phone as to not be heard, ‘we should start by ruining his reputation with a vicious rumour or two. I’ll get on the blower to the paparazzi now.’

‘Say his dong is bent,’ James added, looking straight at me for approval, his eyebrows raised in hope. 

‘Siobhan, please give me the phone… just leave it alone,’ I begged. ‘I’ve been through enough this evening. If you do that, there’s no going back. Not that I ever would, but still, please.’

Especially if I’m
I thought. I didn't want our baby being bullied in the playground having to deal with a family name tarnished by a rumour.
Oh my god, what am I thinking?
I surely didn’t still expect to walk off into the sunset with that brute.

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