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298 ‘
The sight greeting Lieutenant General James
’: details of the review,

— ‘
a very pretty effect when saluting
’: ibid.

299 ‘
always behaved like a father to me
’: this phrase occurs in Lamb’s letter to the War Office of 26 September 1808, and is reproduced in Hagist,
for the Society of Army Historical Research

— ‘
kindly and humanely reasoned with me
’: Lamb described the scene in his memoirs, see Hagist.

— ‘
Lamb… felt that his affections had not been returned
’: Lamb did not mention that award of the serjeant majorship to another man in his published memoirs, presumably because of his wounded pride over the matter. His hurt feelings over the affair emerge in his unpublished scrapbook.

300 ‘
I left London on the 15th March
’: ibid.

— ‘
In all 142 men of the
were discharged
’: Muster Rolls,

— ‘
seventy-three of those still in the 23rd… were more than thirty years old
27/51; the Inspection Return is source of much useful information, including the subsequent facts about the location of various officers.

301 ‘
on the morning of 19 August 1785
’: Colonel Dundas’s report on his trip to Prussia sits in the
as ‘Remarks on the Prussian Troops and their Movements’, king’s
241. This report contains the following quote about twenty-nine battalions in line.

302 ‘
the facility with which these troops manoeuvre
’: ibid.

303 ‘
his military ideas are those of a wild boy of the Guards
’: Cornwallis to Ross, 5 October 1785 in Ross. The same letter contains the damning assessment of the Prussian manoeuvres quoted subsequently.

— ‘
never was attempted before… it succeeded surprisingly well
’: York to George III, 7 October 1785, quoted in Alfred H. Burne
The Noble Duke of
, London 1947.

— ‘
much slower in their movements
’: letter to Ross, cited above.

304 ‘
Instead of being considered as an accessory to the battalion
’: Colonel David Dundas,
Principles of Military Movements, Chiefly Applied to Infantry
, 1788.

— ‘
all young men, great martinets, but so completely Germanised
’: Hughes.

305 ‘
actions not to be paralleled in antiquity
’: Dundas, also the following quote.

306 ‘
gave their fire and retired
’: this fascinating description of the fighting in St Lucia came in a letter from Serjeant Major Thorne of the 5th to Earl Percy, 31 July 1779,

An Army Re-born

307 ‘
These were frenetic, suspicious days in British headquarters
’: the primary source for the early part of this chapter is
Journals and Correspondence of
General Sir Harry Calvert, Adjutant General of the forces of
the Duke
of York, Comprising the Campaigns in Flanders and Holland in 1793–4,
edited by his son Sir Harry Verney, London 1853.

308 ‘
attachment to my person, to your country
’: George to Cornwallis, 28 March 1782, in vol. V of Fortescue.

— ‘
born to be the honour and salvation
’: in Verney papers.

309 ‘
I found myself in a situation
’: ibid.

310 ‘
He found me out
’: Lamb’s remarks about his religious conversion, Burgess and some other matters are in ‘Memoir of Mr Roger Lamb’, by J. O. Bonsall,
Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine
, November 1831.

312 ‘
neither the Prussian army nor the Austrians found satisfactory tactical
’: for a good discussion of the shock of the Flanders campaign, see David Gates,
The British Light Infantry Arm, c. 1790–1815
, London 1987.

314 ‘The system of David Dundas’: Cornwallis in Ross.

— ‘
means of rendering the movements of the regiments more simple
’: Cornwallis to Ross 21 January 1800, in Ross.

‘I am indeed to flatter myself that some steps will speedily be taken’
: Calvert’s letter of 23rd March 1798 in
1/619. It is not entirely clear who it is addressed to, but most probably it was the Secretary at War.

— ‘
General Howe… stepped forward
’: his letter to the Duke of York, offering his services, has the same date and is in the same file as Calvert’s above.

315 ‘
another Bunker Hill’: Money, Gen. J., To the Right Honourable William
on a Partial Reorganisation of the British Army
, London 1799.

316 ‘
Calvert had Mackenzie appointed as secretary to the Royal Military
’: Calvert’s role emerges in a letter of 13 March 1807 from Mackenzie to General Sir Richard Grenville (then colonel of the 23rd), Dropmore Papers,

317 ‘
, Lamb wrote once more to his old comrade
’: Lamb’s letter is in
121/93. Lamb’s scrapbook supplies earlier parts of this narrative.

318 ‘
Attachments of persons in the army to each other
’: this passage appears in Lamb’s published memoir.


Adye, Stephen Payne
A Treatise on Courts Martial
, London 1778. An officer of the Royal Artillery, Adye was Judge Advocate in America at a crucial period.

Anderson, Lieutenant Thomas Journal of Lieutenant Thomas Anderson of the Delaware Regiment 1780–1782,
Historical Magazine
, April 1867.

Andre, Major,
Andre, Major Andre’s journal. An authentic record of the
movements and engagements of the British Army in America from June
to November 1778 as recorded from day to day by Major John Andre
, ed. by Henry Cabot Lodge, Boston 1933. This journal was kept meticulously and features some excellent maps of the 1777 campaign.

The Detail and Conduct of the American War Under Generals Gage
How and Burgoyne and Vice Admiral Lord Howe
…, London 1780.

Anon. ‘Letter of a Hessian Officer to the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel’ reproduced in
, 18, Berlin 1833.

Anon. ‘A Contemporary British Account of General Sir William Howe’s Military Operations in 1777’,
Proceedings of the American Antiquarian
, vol. 40, 1930. Factual account by a staff officer attached to Knyphausen’s division, posibly Onslow Beckwith of the 23rd.

Askham, Francis
Those Gay
, London 1955.

Atkinson, C. T.
The Organisation of the British Army in the American
, New Haven 1926.

Balderston, Marion and David Syrett (eds)
The Lost War, Letters from British
Officers during the American Revolution
, Horizon Press, New York 1975. The letters come mainly fom Lt Feilding of the Marines, and deal with the early war period.

Bamford, Captain William ‘Bamford’s Diary’, in
Maryland Historical Magazine
, vols 27 and 28, 1932 and 1933.

Barker, John
The British in Boston, Being the Diary of Lieutenant John Barker
of the King’s Own Regiment
, ed. Elizabeth Ellery Dana, Cambridge ma 1924. Serving in the 4th and then 10th Foot, Barker gives a valuable account of events in 1775–76.

Baurmeister, Adjutant General
Revolution in America, Confidential Letters and
Journals 1776–1784 of Adjutant General Major
of the Hessian
, trs and ed. by Bernhard Uhlendorf, New Brunswick 1957.

Bell, J.
Military Almanack
, London 1782.

Bickley, Francis (ed.)
HMC, Report on the Manuscripts of the late Reginald
Rawdon Hastings
, HMSO 1934.

Bland, Lieutenant General Humphrey
A Treatise of Military Discipline: In
which is Laid down and Explained The Duty of the Officer and Soldier
Through the several Branches of the Service
, London 1762. A standard text for officers, it sold through several editions.

Boatner, Mark M. III
of the American Revolution
, Mechanicsburg

Bonsall, J. O. ‘Memoir of Mr Roger Lamb’,
Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine
, November 1831.

Boswell, James
London Journal
, ed. by Fredrick A. Pottle, London 1950. The great diarist was a cousin of James Webster of the 33rd.

Bowman, Allen
The Morale of the American Revolutionary Army
, Washington 1943.

Brown, Captain and Ensign de Berniere
Transactions of the British Troops
previous to, and at the Battle of Lexington
, Massachusetts Historical Society Collections, series 2, vol. 4, 1816. An account of the reconaissance to Concord carried out by Brown, 52nd, and de Berniere of the 10th, as well as de Berniere’s hair-raising account of the action of 19 April 1775.

Buchanan, John
The Road to Guilford Courthouse
, New York 1997.

Burgoyne, Bruce E. (trs)
The Diary of Lieutenant
and other von
Regiment Documents
, Bowie

Burne, Alfred H.
The Noble Duke of York
, London 1947.

Calvert, Harry
Journals and Correspondence of General Sir Harry Calvert
Adjutant General of the forces of
the Duke of York, Comprising the
Campaigns in Flanders and Holland in 1793–4
, ed. by his son Sir Harry Verney, London 1853.

Cannon, Richard (ed.)
Historical Record of the Twenty Third Regiment, or
Royal Welch Fusiliers
, London 1850.

Carruthers, Eli W.
The Old North State
, first published 1854 and 1856; republished by the Guilford Genealogical Society in 1985.

Cary A. D. L. and Stouppe McCance (eds)
Regimental Records of the Royal
Welch Fusiliers
, vol. I, 1689–1815, London 1921.

Cecere, Michael
An Officer of Very Extraordinary Merit: Charles Porterfield
and the American War for Independence
, Westminster
, 2004.

Clinton, Sir Henry ‘Sir Henry Clinton’s Journal of the Siege of Charleston 1780’, ed. William Bulger,
South Carolina Historical Magazine
, vol. 66, no. 3, July 1965.

Clinton, Sir Henry
The American Rebellion
, ed. William B. Willcox, Hamden

Coffin, Charles (ed.)
History of the Battle of
Hill, by Major Generals
illiam Heath, Henry Lee, James Wilkinson and Henry Dearborn
, Portland 1835.

Cooper, Captain T. H.
The Military Cabinet
, 3 vols, London 1809.

Cornwallis, General Lord
The Correspondence of Charles, First Marquess of
, ed. Charles Derek Ross, London 1859.

Cresswell, Nicholas
The Journal of Nicholas Cresswell 1774–1777
, New York 1924.

Cunningham, Peter (ed.)
The Letters of Horace Walpole
, London 1891.

Curtis, Edward E.
The Organisation of the British Army in North America
, Yale 1926.

Cuthbertson, Bennet
System for the Compleat Interior Management and
Oeconomy of a Battalion of Infantry
, Dublin 1768. As one-time adjutant of the 5th Foot, Cuthbertson’s book was widely read in the army.

Dalrymple, Lieutenant Colonel
, Dublin 1782.

Dann, John C. (ed.)
The Revolution Remembered, Eyewitness Accounts of the
War for Independence
, London 1980.

De Fonblanque, Edward Barrington
Political and Military Episodes in the Latter
Half of the Eighteenth Century Derived from the Life and Correspondence of
The Right Hon. John Burgoyne, General, Statesman, Dramatist
, London 1876.

Digby, Lieutenant William
The British Invasion from the North, The
Campaigns of Generals Carleton and Burgoyne with the Journal of Lieut
William Digby
, with notes by James Phinney Baxter, Albany 1887. Digby fought in the 53rd Grenadier Company, giving a lively account of the Saratoga campaign.

Dohla, Johann Conrad
A Hessian Diary of the American Revolution
, trs and ed. Bruce. E. Burgoyne, Norman

Donkin, Robert
Military Collections and Remarks
, New York 1777. A curious volume that deals only in passing with Donkin’s personal experience but contains an interesting esssay on
petite guerre
as it should be applied in America.

Downman, Francis
The Services of Lieutenant Colonel Francis Downman
, RA, ed. Colonel F. A. Whinyates, London 1898.

Drake, Samuel Adams
Historic Mansions and Highways Around Boston
, Cambridge ma 1899.

Duer, William Alexander
The Life of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling
, New York 1847.

Dundas, Sir David
Principles of Military Movements, Chiefly Applied to
, London 1788 (reprinted London 2004).

Ehwald, Col. [Johann von]
Treatise upon the Duties of Light Troops
, English edn 1803 (reprinted Huntingdon 2006).

Enys, Lieutenant John
The American Journals of Lt John
Enys, ed. Elizabeth Cometti, Syracuse
1976. Journals of an officer of the 29th in Canada who participated in raids on American frontier settlements.

Evelyn, W. Glanville
Memoirs and Letters of Captain W. Glanville Evelyn,
ed. G. D. Scull, Oxford 1879. A Tory enthusiast for the war, Evelyn served in the 4th Light Company until killed in action just after the fall of New York.

Ewald, Johann von
Diary of the American War: a Hessian Journal
, trs and ed. Joseph P. Tustin, New Haven and London 1979.

Field, Thomas W.
The Battle of Long Island
, Brooklyn 1869.

Fischer, David Hackett,
Washington’s Crossing
, Oxford 2004.

Fitzpatrick, John C. (ed.)
The Writings of George Washington
, 39 vols, Washington, 1931–34.

Force, Peter
American Archives, Containing a Documentary History of The
English Colonies in North America
, 4th series, 9 vols, Washington 1837–[1853].

Foreman, Amanda
, Duchess of Devonshire
, London 1998.

Fortescue, Hon. Sir John (ed.)
The Correspondence of King George the Third
From 1760 to 1783
, 6 vols, London 1928.

Fortescue, Sir John
A History of the British Army
, 13 vols, London 1899–1930.

Fox, Corporal ‘Corporal Fox’s “Memoir of Service”, 1766–1783’, ed. J. A. Houlding and G. Kenneth Yates in
Journal for the Society of Army Historical
, vol. 68, 1990. Fox served as a corporal in the 47th during the Saratoga campaign and then endured long captivity; his narrative is in note form, not easily followed but important nevertheless.

French, Allen
The Day of Lexington and Concord
, Boston 1925.

French, Allen
The First Years of the American Revolution
, New York 1934.

Gates, David
The British Light Infantry Arm, c. 1790–1815
, London 1987.

Alexander Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America
, Charleston 1822.

Gardiner, Robert (ed.)
Navies and the American Revolution 1775–1783
, London 1996.

Glover, Richard
Peninsular Preparation, The Reform of the British Army
1795–1809, Cambridge 1963.

Graham, Col. James J. (ed.)
Memoir of General Graham, With Notices of the
Campaigns in Which he was Engaged from 1779 to 1801
, Edinburgh 1862.

Gordon, William ‘Letter Written by an American Clergyman’, article in
of American History
, vol. 4 (January–March 1910).

Grant, Alistair Macpherson
General James Grant of Ballindalloch
, London [1930].

Greene, Nathaniel
Sketches in the Life and Correspondence of General
Nathaniel Greene
, 2 vols, ed. William Johnson, Charleston sc 1822.

Hadden, Lieutenant James M.
A Journal Kept in Canada and Upon Burgoyne’s
, Freeport ny 1884. A lieutenant in the Royal Artillery, Hadden’s journal is excellent, as is the additional material included in this edition.

Hagist, Don
A British Soldier’s Story: Roger Lamb’s narrative of the American
, Baraboo

Hamilton, Alexander
The Papers of Alexander Hamilton
, vols 1–27, ed. Harold C. Syrett, New York 1961–87.

Hanger, George
The Life, Adventures and Opinions of Col George Hanger, written
by Himself
, 2 vols, London 1801. A picaresque memoir dealing more with Hanger’s family and financial woes than his service in the British Legion.

Hargreaves, Reginald
; the British Serviceman in North
America and the Caribbean 1655–1783
, London 1968.

Harvey, Edward
A New Manual and the Platoon Exercise: With an
, London 1764.

Haslewood, Captain William ‘Journal of a British Officer During the Revolution’,
Mississippi Valley Historical Review
, vol. 7, June 1920. The journal of this officer of the 63rd covers 1776–7.

Henley, David
Proceedings of a Court Martial Held at Cambridge by Order of
Major General Heath, Commanding the American Troops for the Northern
District, for the Trial of Colonel David Henley, Accused by General Burgoyne
of Ill Treatment of the British Soldiers &c
’, taken in shorthand by an officer who was present, London 1778.

Hughes, Thomas
A Journal by Thos Hughes, For his Amusement, and Designed
only for his Perusal by the time he attains the Age of 50 if he lives so long
, intro. E. A. Benians, Cambridge 1947. The author was serving in the 53rd when captured near Ticonderoga in September 1777; the memoir deals mainly with his years in captivity.

Hunter, A.
The Journal of Gen. Sir Martin Hunter
, Edinburgh 1894. This provides an excellent insight into the 52nd Light Company (2nd LI battalion), notably during the 1777 campaign.

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