Games of Desire (8 page)

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Authors: Patti O'Shea

BOOK: Games of Desire
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“How can you forget something like that?” Chloe asked with more restraint than he could have managed.

“I made the potion a few months ago. Do you remember every spell you ever used?”

“Of course not,” Chloe said, “but some spells are more important than others. A potion you decide to use on demons falls into the vital-to-recall category, especially when you use it on a demon the size of an NFL defensive lineman.”

“I didn’t use it on him,” Olivia disagreed.

“Don’t lie to me,” Chloe warned. “I won’t accept that from you.”

“I’m not lying! That kid demon made me mad, and I wanted to pay him back, no one else, but he’d bought three drinks. I spiked all of them to be sure I got him, but as he returned to his table, tall and mean grabbed one of the glasses from him. I couldn’t have known that would happen.”

Something strummed at his senses and Marax went rigid. Would the galghoan risk an attack out in the open? Demons did their best to stay hidden and make sure most humans didn’t believe they existed, but their enemy had turned his back on his branch and their beliefs, how hard would it be for him to disregard the entire demon species?

Marax couldn’t discount it. To protect his people, he should guide Olivia and Chloe off the sidewalk and into the parking lot where it was somewhat secluded and a battle could be better concealed. But the idea of potentially putting his mate at greater risk was unthinkable.

“He’s out there,” Marax warned. “Since I can’t pick him up, I don’t know where, but I know he’s watching us.”

“I’m out of here,” Olivia announced. She made it five feet before stopping cold. The air in front of her shimmered and the galghoan appeared.

“Leaving so soon? But the party’s just getting started.” The demon smiled.

Chapter Ten

Chloe bit back a gasp.
Where did he come from?

I don’t know,
Marax sent back.
If he’s strong enough to make himself invisible, we’re in big trouble here.

She didn’t need Marax to tell her that. The large demon brought Olivia back to where they stood. Her sister didn’t complain, but the way he held the back of her neck must have hurt. One sharp move and he’d snap it and Chloe was too aware of how easy it would be.

“You and your countess may leave, your grace. I have the guilty one.”

Countess? She wasn’t—

Yes, you are. I’m an earl, you’re my mate, that equals countess.

“I’m afraid you don’t understand how family works,” Marax said aloud. “No matter how tempting it might be at times, abandoning even the most obnoxious of them isn’t an option.”

It was probably the worst moment in the history of the world, but it didn’t seem to matter. Chloe’s heart took a tumble inside her chest. Marax might be a demon, but he was a good man, the hottest lover ever, and she was mated to him.

Sometimes a woman got lucky.

“Your grace,” the big demon said calmly, “I would have defeated you last night had reinforcements not arrived, giving you a chance to escape.” He held Olivia half a foot off the ground by his grip around her neck. Her sister emitted a weak squeak and Chloe had to fight the urge to rush forward. “Do you really wish to die for one such as this?”

“Not particularly, no,” Marax replied smoothly, “but my mate loves her sister, so I’m afraid I’ve no choice.”

Chloe clung to Marax’s hand with both of hers. She didn’t want him to die, but if he—they—didn’t fight the demon, Olivia would die. It was a hell of a mess. Chloe couldn’t leave Olivia, and Marax wouldn’t leave her. There had to be a way out of this. She looked around, searching for an answer, but instead she noticed they’d drawn attention. “Put her down,” Chloe said in a harsh whisper. “Humans are staring. Do you really want to involve them in this vendetta?”

The galghoan verified what she’d said and slowly put Olivia back on her feet. Before Chloe could draw a breath, the giant hoisted her sister over his shoulder and took off running, going from zero to preternatural speed in no time.

“Let’s go,” Chloe ordered and started running, tugging Marax with her. “Can you track him?” she asked as they reached blur-the-scenery speeds themselves.

“I can track your sister.”

And that might be better. Olivia was who was important. “Why did he run?”

Marax ignored the question. “Hang on to me.”

She wrapped her arms around him and Marax leaped, taking them across a busy intersection without getting hit. When they were on the other side, he grabbed her hand again and said, “My guess on why he ran off is your reminder that humans were present. Our king’s strongest edict is about remaining hidden and the galghoan isn’t far enough gone to defy our sovereign.”

He brought them to a skidding halt in front of a locked wrought-iron gate. The sign posted said it was a park. Chloe tried to peer inside, but the trees kept her from seeing anything. “Olivia is inside?”

“Yes and she’s stationary. We’re going to have to jump to clear the wall. Hold on to me again.”

Eyeing the iron spikes jutting out from the top, Chloe said, “Don’t misjudge the height. I don’t want to land on one of those things.”

“I’ll keep you safe,” he promised solemnly. Too solemnly.

Chloe went up on her toes and brushed her lips over his. “I know you will. Keep yourself safe, too, because I’ve kind of gotten used to mind-blowing orgasms.” She ruined her attempt at humor when she kissed him again. Oh, the hell with it. “You matter, Marax. Remember that.”

That earned her a flash of those killer dimples. “Hang on,” he said.

She did, and as she felt his muscles tense, Chloe closed her eyes. She didn’t open them again until she felt ground beneath her feet. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to that.”

“When we have time, I’ll show you how to do it yourself.” Marax stepped back. “I don’t suppose you’d—”

“No, I’m not waiting here. What if you need me? Besides, I can’t boost your magic from more than maybe ten yards, so I have to be with you.”

“I figured you wouldn’t stay out of the action.” He shook his head. “If you’d like to start amplifying my powers now, I’d appreciate it.” When he nodded, Chloe knew he felt the flow she was sending. “Stay behind me as much as you can. Don’t let him lure you out, because if he can use you against me, he will. You got that?”

She bit back the smart-aleck comment and said, “I have it.”

“Good.” He took a step, then stopped. “Chloe, just so you know, you matter, too. Now let’s get this over with.”

Marax moved and Chloe wanted to reach out and hang on to him again. She wanted to forget this whole thing, take him home and climb into bed with him. But she couldn’t. If she touched him now, she might distract him, and Olivia was here, somewhere, and in danger. He slowed down as they went around a bend in the park’s walkway.

There, leaning against a tree, stood the Hulk. Chloe looked around, searching for Olivia. She found her lying on a bench behind the other demon. She looked—with a soft cry, she started toward her sister, but Marax blocked her path.

Olivia needs me.

She’s fine. That’s the truth. She’s unconscious, but unhurt. Now pull it back together.

Chloe bristled at the order, but she trusted Marax and if he said Olivia was fine, she was. Taking a deep breath, she realized he was right about her state of mind, too. She’d become so upset, her intellect had turned off and her emotions had been in control. It was a major problem for demons, but this was the first time she’d experienced it.

“You’ve decided we fight here?” Marax asked.

“Why not?” The giant straightened and stepped forward. “It’s away from humans and the trees should conceal our engagement from the apartment buildings that surround it. All in all, the king should have no quibble with this site.”

“You’re being awfully accommodating.”

“I can’t outrun you, but I can overcome you in battle, your grace.” The giant put his hands on his hips. “Why don’t we stand back to back, take ten paces and turn and fire.”

Marax shook his head. “I think we can fire from where we are now without all the duel rituals.”

“As you wish.”

What about the antidote? Can we negotiate with that?
Chloe asked Marax.

Maybe if we had it ready to go or at least had something in writing to prove we could undo the spell, but without it? I don’t think he’ll believe us.

Can you try?

She heard Marax’s sigh over their link.

“Instead of exchanging fireballs and lightning bolts,” he said, “why don’t we talk about a potion to undo the green tint of your skin? You let us go, including my mate’s sister, and we’ll deliver the antidote to you. It’s a win-win situation. We get to live and you return to your normal shade.”

“She—” the galghoan gestured over his shoulder to Olivia “—can undo the spell. If I kill the two of you, I still have her. I get my potion and then I can take my time avenging this disgrace she caused. I call that a win-win scenario. As you’re at the disadvantage, I’ll give you first shot, your grace.” He held his arms out wide, as if welcoming the fight.

“So be it,” Marax said and Chloe felt him gather power, drawing it from that deep, wide pool. He was going to make the first blow as strong as he could manage, and she tried to help, tried to give him a bigger boost with her magic than she already was.

His fireball slammed into the field around the giant with the force of an atom bomb, but as the glow faded, the galghoan was unharmed. The enemy raised his arm and aimed his own shot at them.

Her protection amulet heated where it rested against her skin and then the blow landed against the shield Marax had around them. For an instant, it wobbled and the cabochon gave its all to keep her safe.

Marax steadied their field, but it was too late for her amulet. It sputtered, then died. They couldn’t take many hits like that one.

Chloe moved, working to stay behind Marax as he’d ordered, but it wasn’t easy. He wasn’t standing still and neither was the other demon. The giant seemed to be trying to get an angle to shoot directly at her. Great, that would really kick Marax’s instincts into gear.

Her eyes widened as she realized that was exactly what the demon was trying to do. If he could get Marax to fall into emotion, he could make short work of them.

Another blast rocked the energy field around them. It held, but barely.

Not that they’d last much longer, anyway.

What’s your demon power,
Marax had asked and he’d insisted she had one. That meant she should be able to shoot fire like the two males were doing, right?

Except she discovered that she had to hold the energy in order to use it like a weapon and she couldn’t hang on to it. Instead, she scooped it and started directing it toward the shielding around them. It wasn’t much, but it was something.

Marax brought down a bolt of lightning. Chloe froze and held her breath, but the giant used his arm to take control of it and direct it into the ground. Her feet tingled.

She could feel her mate’s exhaustion, but the other demon seemed unaffected by the fight. His next shot made Marax grunt. Why would— He’d kept her shield at full strength, but he’d surrounded himself with minimal protection. Conserving resources.

Damn it, she had to do something more than stay behind him and patch the force field. She had to because if she didn’t, they were all going to die tonight and she wasn’t losing either Marax or Olivia.

What if she drew from the demon pool and used it to help amplify his magic? She focused on doing that, on fueling her wizard talent as she streamed the strength toward Marax. It took a moment, but at last she managed to direct a raging flow to him.

Whatever you’re doing, Chloe, stop it now.

Her head came up.
What happened?

You’re draining my magic.

Immediately, she dropped the energy. The only thing she’d done differently was add the demon element to her wizard talent—it shouldn’t have done the opposite of what she’d wanted.

Chloe smothered a gasp. “What’s your demon power?” she whispered. What if her demon power was the complement to her wizard power? What if one gave and the other took it away? What if she aimed this at the green demon?

And what if she was wrong? What if she tried this and strengthened the enemy? Marax was shaking with exhaustion; he couldn’t withstand a more potent barrage than he faced already.

The green demon loosed a blow that dropped Marax to his knees. Chloe ran to him, knelt beside him. “What can I do?”

“Help me up.”

She did and kept her arm around his waist until she was sure he could stand. Enough was enough. If she didn’t do something, it would be over in minutes.

Chloe called on the demon energy, mixed it with her wizard talent, and sent it to the giant.

He fired, the orb larger than a melon, but as it traveled, it shrank until it was the size of a pea when it hit the shield around Marax. Everyone froze in surprise, but she got over it first and worked on draining more and more of the other demon’s strength.

Take your best shot,
she sent to her mate.

He began to gather the power again, the way he’d done before the first time he’d fired. Chloe held her breath as he raised his arm. The glowing fireball raced across the distance and hit the galghoan.

He fell and stayed down.

Chapter Eleven

Chloe wore one of Marax’s dress shirts, and although she’d put her hair up, the ends had gotten damp in the shower. Her mate’s hair was damp, too, from his own shower, and although they’d used separate bathrooms, she had high hopes for later.

“How do you feel?” she asked as she took the wine glass he handed her.

“I’m tired, but better. By morning I’ll be fine.” He retrieved his own glass and steered her to the couch in the center of his penthouse condo. It faced the blush-marble fireplace, but if she turned her head, she could see the city of LA and all its lights spread out in front of her. The entire outside wall was made of glass and the drapes were open.

He hadn’t been up to her teasing earlier, but since he was improving, she said, “No wonder you were so comfortable at the hotel we stayed at last night.” She raised her glass and made an arc, indicating the room in front of them. “Apparently, you have a head for business.”

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