Gateway (Gateway Series Book 1) (22 page)

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“Aye, Sir,” replied the navigator.


“Oscar,” said the pilot to the navigator after Stone left the cockpit. “What the hell is he doing?”

“Beats me,” replied the navigator, “but I stopped trying to understand flag officers and First Families in general a long time ago. If he wants to go to Oscar system then that’s where we’re going.”

“First Family bullshit again,” mumbled the pilot as he commenced his preflight checks.


As the falcon made its way to Port Royal, Stone sat across from a semiconscious Mori, trying to plan his next move.

On his left sat Victor. Beads of sweat rolled down his bald head as his shirt sleeves strained against the pressure of his bulging arms. The other guard, a scraggly looking man called Nicholi, sat next to Mori. Nicholi sat with his arm resting on the back of the chair behind Mori’s head; he stared at her as if she were a meal he was about to devour.

“Can we adjust the environmentals in this sauna,” asked Victor, rubbing the sweat from his head and wiping his hands dry on his pants. 

Stone did not reply. Looking across at Mori, he was heartbroken. He could see burn marks on her arms and what looked like ligature marks around her neck. Her left eye was blackened and the entire right side of her head was a dull shade of purple. Although she was starting to regain her senses, her body had been broken. Stone knew her physical wounds would heal, but was not so sure about her emotional scars. 

“Looks like the little bitch is coming out of it,” said Nicholi as he ran his hand over her bald head.

“Not quite the same as when she came in, is she?” laughed Victor. Wiping a new accumulation of sweat from his head, he reached over to Mori’s cheek. His sweat-drenched hand palmed her jaw as he gave a slight squeeze. “We just had to teach it some manners. Didn’t we, you little whore?”

Mori’s eyes turned to Stone. A tear fell down her cheek as a glimpse of the old determination returned to her eyes. As Victor squeezed her jaw, she mouthed something to Stone.

“What’s that, honey?” asked Victor as he leaned in closer to her. When he was close enough, she sprung forward, catching Victor’s nose in her mouth and biting hard. As Mori made her move Stone pounced on Nicholi, plunging his knife into the guard’s chest.

Victor let out a scream as he brought both hands around Mori’s neck. He stood up and lifted Mori, still locked onto his nose, off the ground. When he stood, he opened his abdomen up to Stone’s knife.

As Stone’s blade sunk into his stomach, Victor let out another yell and tossed Mori free of his face. She bounced against the wall and fell to the deck dazed. Rising to her hands and knees, she spit a mouthful of Victor’s blood and the tip of his nose onto the floor. Victor fell backward on the seat, Stone’s knife embedded in his abdomen and blood pouring from his mutilated nose.

“You traitorous bastard,” grunted Victor through the pain. “I’m going to take you apart and then finish off that bitch.”

He rose from the seat, drawing his pistol.

Mori, recovering from her jolt, snatched the baton from Nicholi’s body. Victor’s weapon fell to the ground as the baton slammed against his wrist. Another blow to his chin took Victor down to his knees and Mori’s foot against his jaw laid him flat.

Suddenly, Stone felt a presence behind him. Drawing his pistol, he spun around to the find the navigator standing before him.

“What the hell is going on, General?” he asked.

A deafening roar jolted Stone as the navigator fell to the ground, struck by gunfire. Stone again spun around to see Mori move past him, pistol in hand. She moved mechanically past Stone to the navigator, who was writhing in pain on the deck.

She fired two more shots into the man as Stone watched, frozen, as she turned back toward her former captors.

Victor had removed Stone’s knife from his belly and was pushing himself off the deck. “You bitch!” he yelled as he pulled himself erect.

He fell to the ground again as a shot from Mori disintegrated his left knee. This time he did not have a chance to recover.

“Tell me how this feels, sweetheart,” said Mori coldly as she pressed the barrel of the pistol against Victor’s forehead and fired.

Standing over Victor’s body, she raised the pistol again, taking aim at his lifeless body. Another shot rang out, then another, and another. Finally, the clicking of the empty pistol stopped her. Throwing the pistol on the ground, she turned toward Stone.

For an awkward moment they both froze. He could only look into her eyes and hope there was still something left. Stone extended his arms.

Time stopped.

Finally she moved to him, collapsing in his arms, exhausted from her efforts.

“I am sorry, so sorry. I did not know they had captured you. I…”

“You came for me,” she mumbled.

“Of course,” he replied as he gently placed his hand over her bruised cheek.

He felt her legs start to give out again. Supporting her as she collapsed, he helped her into the seat.

Sepria, come in. What is going on back there
?’ came across the ship’s intercom.

Now Stone had to deal with the pilot.

Moving toward the front of the spacecraft, Stone opened the door to the cockpit.

“General, what’s going on back there? I heard gunfire. Where’s Lieutenant Sepria?”

“I’m sorry you had to get involved in this,” said Stone as he placed his pistol to the pilot’s temple.

“Sir?” asked the confused pilot.

“Just complete the jump to Port Royal and once I disembark you will be free to go.”

“What about Sepria?”

“He’s dead, Lieutenant.”

“What! I don’t understand. Why did—”

“Lieutenant,” interrupted Stone pressing the barrel into the pilot’s temple, “just make the damn jump.”

The pilot looked coldly at Stone, straining against the pressure of the pistol pressed into his head. “You will be crucified for this.”

“Maybe. But if you want to live, get this ship to Port Royal.”


Chapter 14

The flashing blue light brought the falcon out of the jump. Outside of the cockpit, the massive planet Oscar 1 lay dead ahead. As the ship moved closer a tiny moon came into view. Closer still, and Stone could begin to make out dozens of craft moving all directions. Two of the craft moved quickly toward the falcon, taking up positions on both flanks.

Unidentified Xen warship, this is Port Royal Space Control. State your intentions and cargo, and standby for charge assessment

The pilot stared at Stone blankly.

“Port Royal, this Falcon 456,” answered Stone, picking up the communicator. “Visiting for leisure, three onboard, two will be off loading. Stay indefinite.”

Standby Falcon 456

Falcon 456, this is Port Royal. State name of polis entry.

“All public polis.”


Another minute passed.

Falcon 456, this is Port Royal. Cost for access is 2000 Humani or acceptable equivalent. What are names of off loaders?


Undeclared, over. Cost for undeclared arrival is additional 2000. Do you accept charges, over

“Port Royal, this is Falcon 456, charges accepted. Request vector for docking.”

Escorted by the two fighters until its final approach, the falcon drifted into its mooring amidst the flurry of activity around the port. As the mooring lines locked the ship into place the pilot spoke.

“You will be hunted for the remainder of your days. You will not be able to escape the reach of the Xen military.”

“Maybe so, Lieutenant, but they won’t find it out from you,” said Stone.

A shot from Stone’s pistol echoed through the cockpit.

“At least until you reach Humani forces,” he added.

The startled pilot relaxed his body. Stone saw him draw in a massive sigh of relief as he realized Stone’s target was the ship’s communications system.

“Which should take a little while without jump capability,” added Stone as another shot disabled the jump navigation system.

“You are only slowing the inevitable, traitor.”

“This should slow it a little more then,” replied Stone as he brought the grip of his pistol against the pilot’s temple.

Having incapacitated the pilot long enough to make his escape, Stone returned to Mori. She lay motionless where Stone had placed her after the fight. Stepping over Victor’s body, he leaned down and picked her up, cradling her in his arms. As he exited the ship, he was stopped by two security guards and a well-dressed man carrying an electronic ledger.

“Welcome to market polis, Mister…oh, I see you are undeclared. That will be 4000 Humani.”

Stone reached into his pocket to present a Xen military exchange card. He had several 5000 Humani cards. They were often used to fund expenses on expeditions into the Dark Zone or for high-ranking officials’ more discreet activities. Although Port Royal accepted almost all forms of currency, including archaic paper and coin, the Xen military exchange cards could only be purchased by First Family patriarchs, current or former Senators, and through Humani High Command; they were untraceable by design.

“Thank you, Sir. Here are your passes and a data chip providing you with our rules and regulations and a map of the authorized polis. You will be guests A2701 and A2702. Basically, you can do as you please as long as you do not attempt to enter the Administrative polis and follow all orders of security personnel. Enjoy your stay.”


Carrying Mori through the streets, Stone struggled to operate the electronic pad containing the map of the various polis. Fumbling with the screen pads, he meandered through the crowded streets. Making his way past Recreation Girls, animal traders, and every other sort of panderer and vender one could imagine, he searched for someplace to hide for a few days. Finally, he saw a building marked ‘Lodging and Recreation Rooms’. “I think this will do,” Stone whispered to a semi-conscious Mori.

Stone entered the lobby and walked to a beautiful woman behind a large glass desk.

“Welcome to the Relaxation Building M-12,” said the well-endowed and glamorous looking lady. She took a slight pause as she looked at Mori, half-conscious with her arms draped around Stone’s shoulders. “If you would like a little more ‘lively’ entertainment, I can contact one of our associate recreation houses and have—”

“That will not be necessary. Thank you,” interrupted Stone.

“Very well, Sir. The room will be 300 per day,” replied the woman as she began selecting touch screens on the desk. “May I have your passes please?”

Stone handed over the passes and an exchange card.

“I see you are undeclared, Sir. Are you expecting any visitors?”

“No. No visitors.”

“Very well, Sir. Enjoy your stay,” she replied as she returned the passes and handed him a room card.

Stone quickly made his way to the elevator. The elevator dipped slightly as it started its ascent, and Mori looked up toward Stone. “It’s going to be okay,” he said in a reassuring voice.

Mori tucked her head back into his shoulder.

After a short elevator ride Stone found the room and, with Mori still in his arms, opened the door.

The room was as well-kept as was everything else in the city. Stone walked over to the bed and gently laid Mori down. As he did, Mori, still weakened, spoke.

Ty, where are we?”

“Port Royal. We should be able to lay low here until you are better and give us time to decide what to do next.”

“Friends…friends here.”

Stone leaned in closer to hear her mumbled words. “What?”

“There are contacts here. They can…help.”

“Later. Rest for now,” replied Stone as he pulled a blanket over Mori. “I will find us some food.”

He leaned in further to place a light kiss on her forehead. She had already drifted back into a deep sleep.


When Mori awoke a strange man was looking down at her. Startled, she recoiled away from him.

“It’s okay, he’s a medical tech,” said Stone in a reassuring voice. “He’s making sure you are okay.”

Finishing up his examination, the medic walked over to Stone and spoke. “She has several bruises and two broken ribs. She’s taken quite a beating. How did this happen?”

“I paid you enough not to ask questions, doc. Just tell me what we need to do to get her better.”

“Well, physically speaking she just needs some rest, but that’s not going to be the hard part.”

“What do you mean?”

“Her hemo-sample analysis shows high level of opia and neuro meds in her system. The next few days are going to be hell for her; if it’s your intention to clean her up. If not, I can direct you to a meds market…”

“No. She needs to be free of the drugs.”

“As you wish. Just be prepared. She will have a violent and painful withdrawal. It will not be pretty. I will give her a detoxification serum that will reduce the recovery period to a few days, but it will be a long couple of days.”

Stone looked at Mori. She had overheard the discussion.

“I can hack it, Ty, as long as you’re with me,” she pledged.

“I’ll be here, Mori. I will always be here for you.”

“All right then,” said the medic as he injected the serum into Mori and gathered his equipment. “You know my price if you need anything else. Enjoy your stay.”

As the medic left, Stone poured a cup of coffee and settled in for what was going to be a long few days.


“Ty!” shouted Mori, startled to consciousness by an obvious nightmare.

“What is it, Mori? I’m right here.” He placed his hands around her pale, clammy skin.

Sweat beaded on her skin as she shivered in his hands. She looked up at him, her green eyes dark and sunken.

“I’m cold. And I hurt. I need my medication. Just a little. It hurts so bad.”

“I can’t,” replied Stone. “It will only be a few more days. You can make it.”

“Damn you, Hanmani,” she snapped as she slapped him across the face. Mori was weakened, but still extremely strong. Although Stone’s face instantly reddened where she struck him, he felt no pain; his whole body already hurt to see her like this.

“I should have killed you on J3 like the rest of you animals.” She attempted to spit at him, but her mouth was too dry.

“You don’t mean that.”

“I mean it. I wish you were dead—you and your slaver hirelings.”

“Mori, I am not giving you meds.”

Mori’s demeanor suddenly changed. Instead of anger she looked up at him gently.

“I’m sorry, Ty. I didn’t mean any of it.” Her words and tone were different but she still shivered and looked around the room, her eyes moving wildly. “I love you. I just need something. Please.” She raised her hand again but this time slowly caressed his cheek.

“Mori, it’ll be better soon.”

“Please…” Mori’s hand moved from his face slowly down to his buckle.

“No,” said Stone backing away from her slightly. “Not like this.”

Stone, distracted by Mori’s condition, did not realize that while one hand was on his buckle, the other had taken his pistol.

He jumped backward as she pointed the weapon at him.

“I’m sorry, Ty, but I need to stop the pain.”

Mori could hardly hold the pistol steady but at this range she did not have to aim. Tears filled her eyes as she struggled to hold the gun. “Ty, don’t make me do this. Where are the drugs?”

“There are none here.”

“Bullshit! There has to be,” she said as she rose from the bed, stumbling and almost falling.

Stone took a step toward her, but she regained her footing and pointed the pistol at his face.

“Stop!” she warned. “You don’t understand. I need it. I will die without it.”

“No. You just think you will. You need to be strong.”

“Be strong—like when my family was killed or sold into slavery. Like when I saw entire villages destroyed…young women violated.” Her jaw tightened. “Like Capro.” The tears that had collected in her eyes now began to flow. “I am tired of being strong. I am tired of fighting. I just want the pain to stop. All of it.”


“Shut up, Ty. If you don’t have what I need in here, I will find it elsewhere.”

“No, you won’t,” said Stone as he stepped between her and the door.

“Don’t Ty. Don’t make me do it.”

“If you want to shoot me, then do it. I would rather die than see you give up. I love you.”

Mori held the pistol at his chest. “Just let me go. Please,” she begged, her hands trembling.

The pistol began to shake even more as her exhaustion began to take its toll.

“Please,” she asked again.

“No, I can’t let you go.”

“I can’t hurt you,” she confessed, “but I can’t do this anymore.”

Stone made a quick move, lunging for the pistol as Mori turned it to her temple. Luckily her reflexes were slowed enough to allow him to direct the barrel away from her as she pulled the trigger. Stone snatched the pistol from Mori’s weak hand as the shot echoed through the room.

“I’m so tired,” she said as she faded back into unconsciousness.

Stone supported her body as she slumped to the floor. Securing his pistol, he lifted Mori into his arms and carried her to the bed. He had just placed Mori back on the bed when two security guards burst into the room, weapons drawn.

“There was a report of gunfire from this room. What happened?” demanded one of the guards.

“It was accidental,” answered Stone. “Everything is okay.”

The lead security guard took a quick look around the room. “Everything seems to be in order.

You will be charged 200 Humani for unauthorized discharge and given a warning. Be advised that once you have three warnings, your weapons will be confiscated.”

“I understand. It really was an accident. It won’t happen again.”

“Very well, Sir. Enjoy your stay,” stated the guard. “And try to not have any more accidents.”


The next two days were worse than the first. Locking up the weapons and going sleepless, Stone kept vigil on Mori through the nightmares, the breakdowns, and the violent attacks. On the third day, no longer able to fight, he fell asleep on the chair beside her bed.

Slowly opening his eyes, Stone realized he had fell asleep and quickly jumped to his feet and glanced toward the bed.

She was gone.

He began to panic as he frantically scanned the room. “Damn it!” he said to himself. “Mori!” he shouted. “Where are you?”

“Good morning, Ty.”

He spun around to see Mori walking into the room from the shower. The first thing he noticed was the light that had begun to return to her eyes. Covered only in a towel, he saw little trickles of water still flowing down her chest. He also saw beads of water that had collected on the small bristles of hair that had begun to grow on her head. She was still pale and bruised and had a long way to recovery, but she seemed to look like Mori again.

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