Gemini (15 page)

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Authors: Chris Owen

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

BOOK: Gemini
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"No, babe. Not there." Because now I know where I want to mark him, if he's willing.

Paul moves down, kisses a wet path down Jamie's spine. I reach for the lube and slick both hands. Paul's hard, really fucking hard, and Jamie is in just the right position. Rare treat to watch this.

I get behind Paul and slick his cock with one hand and tease at Jamie with the other. They both moan and Paul's fucking twitchy. Not much time, so I slide a couple of fingers into Jamie's ass as Paul licks at his spine. Jamie's thrusting back onto my hand, and I stretch him, reach for that one spot that'll get him hard again, and find it.

He bucks up and Paul sucks at the base of his spine, raising a mark just below his waist. "There, Gent."

"Yeah, baby. There."

Jamie groans again and moves on my hand, so I kiss Paul hard and move back, let him get ready. He settles close to Jamie's ass and I ease my fingers out, and just as easy Paul's in him. I stretch out next to Jamie and kiss him hard, feel him shudder as Paul moves inside him.

"Oh fuck," he whispers. "So fucking good, Gent. He's so good."

I smile at him. "Yeah, love. He is." I kiss him again and move back, get on my knees and kiss Paul, one hand on his ass, the other around Jamie's cock, and I move with them.

Paul comes first, thrusting hard into Jamie and crying out into my mouth. "God, Jamie. Now!"



by Chris Owen

And Jamie comes for him, right then, just shoots over my hand and I can feel them both shaking, Jamie's cock pulsing in my hand and Paul's ass clenching under my hand. So fucking hot and right and perfect.

They collapse onto the bed and breathe hard for a bit until they calm down. Then Paul rolls off him and Jamie makes a face. "Fucking wet spot."

I start laughing and can't stop, even when he pushes me off the bed. He strips the sheets off and throws a pillow at me.

When I get myself together again we all curl up on the bed around the pillows. "So, there, Jamie?" I ask, one hand on the mark that Paul made.

Jamie nods his head slowly. "Yeah. That's good."

"So what do you want?" Paul asks, his eyes bright and curious.

Jamie looks at him and pulls him close. "A 'P'. Want Gent to mark me with a 'P'. And I want him to sign it. Want him to put something on me that says I'm yours. And his."

Paul moans and kisses him hard. Jamie goes with it, kissing him hard and deep, finally breaking the kiss to say,

"Fuck yes, baby. Yours."

Paul kisses him again. "Mine. Gent's."

Jamie looks at me. "Yours."

I can't kiss him hard enough. "Mine. Yours." I reach for Paul and we're saying it again and I can't get enough of them, we're fucking sliding and rolling and rubbing all over the bed and we're touching whatever we can and it just goes on and on.



by Chris Owen

Not sure who comes first, but it doesn't matter. We all go over together, no names cried out, just the endless repetition of "yours" and "mine".

* * * *

I've been lugging photocopies of alphabet scripts back and forth from the tattoo parlor for days, and Jamie brought home some books from the store, but we can't seem to find the "P"

that he wants.

"It's close to this kind of thing," he says, pointing an old English script, "but it's not calligraphy, it looks more ...

carved. Sort of like it's etched, you know?"

I grab a pencil and start sketching. Takes me about a hundred sheets of paper, or at least damn close to it, but I finally get something that he's happy with. Mostly. I'm about to growl in frustration, but I remind myself what this is. It's a statement like nothing else I've ever inked. It's important, and it's special, and it damn well better be exactly what he wants.

He takes the last sheet from me and puts it on the coffee table. "It's good, pretty."

"But not perfect."

"Near it." He looks at me and smiles, then shrugs. "Wish I could draw."

"Me too, love. Me too."

We're still sitting there on the couch when Paul comes home. He wanders over and glances at the sketch before he leans down to kiss me. He tastes like grape pop. I suck on his tongue until he moans and pulls away to kiss Jamie. He 138


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settles in my lap and pulls Jamie over until we're all tangled up. Which is always good.

Paul kisses me for a bit more and starts to wiggle his ass.

Fuck, he's hot. So sweet. I run my hand over his chest, tease at his nipple rings. He twitches and sighs into our kiss and I drop my hand lower, tug his shirt out of his jeans, pushing it out of the way. As sweet as his mouth is I want to hear him when I lick at his rings and tug at them with my teeth. He's moving faster on me and I let my hand drift lower, feel Jamie's fingers around Paul's cock. Just about come in my jeans.

I pull away from Paul's mouth and turn my head to take Jamie's kiss. His kiss isn't so sweet tasting, but it's all him—

hot and fierce and intense. I rock my hips and rub my cock on Paul's ass. Jamie licks at my lips before breaking the kiss and moving away. He shifts on the couch and bends his head low to take Paul's prick in his mouth.

"Yeah, Jamie. Fuck, so hot."

Paul's got his eyes closed, his head tipped back. He looks like he's in fucking heaven, just blissed out. Makes me ache. I get him to lift his arms and get his shirt off, take the closest nipple into my mouth and tease it with my tongue, my lips, my teeth.

Paul's fucking close to losing it, his hips pistoning on top of me as he thrusts into Jamie's mouth, making these unbelievable noises. I can hear Jamie's mouth on him, sucking wet sounds that are going to make me come from just imagining how it feels. I can hear Jamie humming, or moaning—hell, I don't know what he's doing, but mixed in 139


by Chris Owen

with Paul's soundtrack of "Oh shit", "God, yes", and "Please, harder", it's about to send me over.

I'm rocking with Paul now, my cock so hard it hurts when he thrusts down, and Christ, but if he doesn't shoot soon I'm gonna come in my pants.

Jamie's got one hand tangled with Paul's and the other is undoing his own pants. The sound of the zipper going down is the last thing I hear before I cry out and fucking buck against Paul, coming hard. I just ride it out, head on the back of the couch, letting Paul fucking ride my lap like it was my cock up his ass. He's got his hand on the back of Jamie's head and I watch through half closed eyes as he fucks Jamie's mouth, cursing a blue streak.

Jamie doesn't quite get his cock free from his pants before he's shooting. He really fucking gets off on Paul taking charge. I think Paul's the only one who can actually top him without it turning into a big internal struggle for him. Which is cool, I get to watch.

Paul's still hard, still trying to get off. Jamie finally raises a hand to me and I lick his fingers while Paul watches, his eyes hot on my mouth. Then Jamie brings his hand down and teases it between Paul's thighs, still sucking hard on him, and slides two fingers in.

Sends Paul over the fucking moon. I hold my boy while he comes, not even making a sound. It's like he used up all the sounds and words he had, now he's just going on sensation.

Goddamn, I love him.

We are a big mess when we finally come down, clothes half off, come on the clothes we're still wearing ... real pretty.



by Chris Owen

Paul reaches out and snags the sketch. He holds it out to Jamie and says, "Almost like the one on Dad's ring, isn't it?

Not quite, though."

Jamie looks like he's been hit with a truck. He gets pale then flushes before finally just closing his eyes for a long time. Paul looks at me, eyes wide. I don't have a sweet clue what to say, if Jamie's upset 'cause of their dad, or what. I just hold onto my baby boy and wait.

Jamie finally opens his eyes and looks at me. "Sorry. I'm an ass. I knew I'd seen it before, I just didn't remember where, and you've spent all this time and—"

I let go of Paul and pull Jamie to me, shut him up with a kiss. "Don't be sorry. Not a big deal, love. Now you know where you saw the 'P' you want, yeah? So tell me what it looked like and I'll sketch it. Paul can help, too."

Paul's already standing up, going to the china cabinet.

Yeah, we have china. And real silverware. Anyway, Paul gets a folder out of one of the drawers.

"What's that, baby?" I ask.

"List of the stuff in the safety deposit box. When Mom and Dad died Gran made sure we kept out the stuff we could use and put the rest in the safety deposit box. Things like Mom's wedding ring, the rest of her jewelry—you know, things seventeen-year-old guys don't wear." He looks up at me and grins before going back to the list.

Jamie leans into me and holds out his right hand. "I wear Dad's wedding ring. Paul's got his signet ring. The rest of his stuff is either here or in the box."



by Chris Owen

I nod. All I ever got from my dad was a box of rubbers and a really late curfew. Mind you, my dad's still alive. Think the boys would trade everything to have their parents back.

Paul closes the folder and puts it back in the drawer. "Not in the box, so it should be in here somewhere." He starts poking through cupboards in the cabinet. "Hey, did you know we have two teapots?" he asks over his shoulder. Jamie just shakes his head and kisses me.

Finally he comes back over with a small wooden box and sets it on the table in front of Jamie, who just reaches out and opens it. It's a small box really, only has a half dozen things in it. A picture of the twins when they were babies, a pocket watch engraved with the name "Peter", some cuff links and a silver ring.

Jamie picks up the ring and looks at it before handing it to me. "There it is. Do that for me, pretty."

I take the ring from him and sit back. It's heavy, really nice work. It's been hand-tooled, everything carved into it.

The band is like a vine with tiny ivy leaves etched into it, and there is a flat circle on the top. It looks like there was a single ivy leave carved there at one point, but it's been worn nearly smooth. On the right side there's a raised "J" in stark relief to the vine, and on the left is the "P". It's gorgeous.

I don't even look at Jamie or Paul, just grab the paper and start sketching. I'll get this perfect for them or go blind trying.

* * * *

I can't do Jamie's tattoo after hours 'cause of insurance shit, so the boys meet me at work after supper one night and 142


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wait until my shift is done. Fred says sure, use the chair on your own time, and says hi to Paul. I pull the curtain across the room, so the three of us are alone and get Jamie settled, lying on his stomach, jeans down around his ass. I bend down and lick his spine, making him shiver. I can taste soap and clean skin and need. I shiver too.

Paul's smiling at us as he hands over the sheet for me to photocopy. We've got the "P" the size we want, and I signed my name at the bottom, nice and neat. If my name is going to be on my boy I want it readable. I'm halfway to the photocopier when I see the change. Jamie wrote "love,"

above my name. All three of us into one tattoo. My throat feels tight and scratchy, but I don't say anything.

I get the image transferred to Jamie's back and move in front of him. "You ready, love?" I whisper. Fred is on the other side of the curtain.

"Ready for ages now. Love you," he whispers back. Then he kisses me and I step back, kiss Paul. I get my gloves on while the twins kiss each other and I think I need to stop thinking about this and just do it. Can't do the work if my hands are shaking.

The outlining is black, every curve perfect, every line smooth and easy. I ink over my name and then stop, catch Paul's eyes just before I do the word "love".

"Love you," he mouths.

I smile at him and get back to work.

Jamie's dealing well. It's never painless to get a tattoo, and I'm working real close to bone, his skin tight over his 143


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spine. Got to hurt, but he's not saying anything about it, just talking to Paul.

I get the outlining done and kiss them both again. I can hear Fred finishing up with his client right next to us and I hope he's done for a bit. We're open for another few hours, but it's a slow time of the day. All the after work crowd has been in and gone and it's too early for the ones who come in before going to the clubs.

"Gonna do the color now, Jamie," I say. He nods and I load the needles. This is the actual work part; the shading is what will make it look carved, give it life. And the color is just fucking gorgeous. Green, like ivy leaves, as close to the color of their eyes as I can get.

Takes me almost an hour. It's not real big but there're lots of angles, lots of planes to get just right. I'm completely into it, lost to everything but the ink and Jamie's skin. I know that Paul and Jamie are talking, but I'm not paying attention, just adding their voices to the background.

When I'm done I wipe him down carefully, make sure I get all the blood off, and swab him with antiseptic. Everything is real careful and slow, I'm still working myself out of the headspace I get into when inking. I glance up and see Paul watching, biting his lower lip.

"Come see."

He steps around and takes a look, his eyes wide. "God, Gent. It's beautiful." Then his mouth is on mine and we're kissing nice and deep. I let him go when Jamie clears his throat.



by Chris Owen

Paul laughs and I grab the Polaroid camera and take a picture, hand the card to Jamie to watch as it develops. I'm about to kiss him too when I see Fred, standing against the wall. I've got no fucking clue how long he's been there. But he's seen the tattoo, that's enough. He's watching me, his face blank, just leaning there.

"Be right back, baby," I say to Paul and walk out. I know Fred's following me, so I just go into his office, trying to figure out how much to tell him.

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