Read Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series) Online

Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #Book Three of the Road to Hell Series

Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series) (31 page)

BOOK: Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)
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“Hold me,” she whispered against his ear.

Since his self-control was damn near shredded, he tried to warn her against his touching her. “Madison—”

“Do it, Micah.”

She bit his lobe hard enough to sting, and then dragged her tongue back down his neck. The deep groan ripped from him before he could mute the sound, not that he cared if the others heard his pleasure. Her mouth clamped on his self-inflicted wound. Suckling and licking, she ingested him as she took control of the seraph entering her body.

If only it were his cock she worked over like that. In response, his hips flexed upward against her. Weak-willed when it concerned her, he gave in to her request and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding on for whatever manner her succubus planned to use him. That she controlled the situation testified to the health of her Lynx.

Struggling to remain focused on the conversation, Micah continued his exchange with the others. “Phoenix, Zennyo Ryuo…I don’t represent harm to her.”

Kur edged closer to watch. “Micah, what’s she doing to you?”

His voice must’ve given away his arousal. He glanced at Phoenix, who shoved off the bed, swayed on his feet, and weaved as he approached them.

“Move away, dragon.” Phoenix pushed the man toward Zennyo Ryuo. “Over there.” The Ark of Heaven pointed at the immortal, confirming he understood where Madison took him.

By his hair, Madison wrenched his head back and to the side, exposing his neck for maximum advantage. Phoenix fingered her hair aside, his knuckles brushing her cheek.

“I envy you, Micah.”

The Ark’s statement shocked him.

“You’ve not lost her.” If he had his way, there’d be a ‘yet’ at the end of the sentence. That or they’d cherish her together.

Phoenix’s expression indicated he believed it was only a matter of time before he’d lose her.

Madison sat straight and tilted her head back. Eyes blazing pink, she peered at Phoenix. Her hold on Micah didn’t relent; neither did he protest her domination. “Join us, Nix.”

The Ark cupped the back of her head and kissed her. “No,” he said against her lips. “Enjoy him. I’ll enjoy you later.”

Madison pouted and Micah had never wanted to bury his dick inside her as strongly as he did then. Phoenix held her motionless as his fingers slid through Micah’s blood and painted her lips with the substance.

“Enjoy him,” the Ark repeated. “And heal.”

Phoenix released his hold on her and she faced Micah slowly, licking her lips when she met his gaze. “I like your angel.”

She flexed her hips against his hard-on. His eyelids slammed shut, blocking out everything but sensation as he choked on a groan. Madison’s mouth clamped on his neck and she swigged. He jerked from her unrestrained fierceness, as she dragged him fast through the levels of lust, from aroused to fuck-me-I-will-blow-any-second.

“Goddamn, Madison.” He trembled as her legs clamped around his thighs, holding him in place. Burying his fingers in her hips, he tried to hold her motionless. She didn’t cooperate.

Eyes flashing open, he met Phoenix’s regard and climaxed with non-stop shuddering as she wrung him dry.

“Yes,” she whispered against his throat. A moment later, she wilted against him, her fingers going slack in his hair, as she twitched with her own orgasm. Whimpers against his neck were the only vocal evidence of her release.

Madison licked his flesh like the kitten he called her. It was more than he could take.

“If you do not get her off me, Phoenix, I will bury my dick inside her.” The Ark knew how long he could go. One orgasm was a long way from abating his need. “I require her trust, her very vocal agreement before I take her that way.” Phoenix made a face. “It’s an all-or-nothing situation.”

“Cocky words, Micah, to assume you’ll have her in your bed.”

“I want one of her.” Kur remarked from the window beside Zennyo Ryuo.

Micah frowned and Phoenix opened his mouth to lash into the dragon, if his expression was any indication.

The immortal beat both of them. “Another comment like that about her, and you’ll be eating your teeth, dragon.”

“No offense meant.”

“Offense taken.” Phoenix glared at Kur.

.” He thought Kur rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t be certain because Madison sat up, drawing his focus to her. She cupped his face between her hands.

“Thank you.” Her thumb ran along his bottom lip.

She kissed him, shocking the hell out of him. Her tongue breached his lips. He couldn’t recall her ever instigating a sexual kiss in all of their relationship. The chaste ones were more her style. He wasted no time taking control of the embrace, wrapping his tongue around hers.

Nipping her bottom lip, he halted their kiss. “Don’t ever die on Phoenix and me again.” He shifted to his mortal persona, his wings releasing their hold on her and sliding back into his body. His hands glided up her back.

She scrambled upright and would’ve clambered off him had he not held tight. “Amos?” She glanced about wildly.

“He’s fine.”

Phoenix nodded. “He’s asleep on the bed, suffering none of it, baby.”

Madison sagged in relief.

Micah buried his hand in her hair and turned her head so she would face him. “Helping Domiel trap me was foolish. A word of caution where angels are concerned—his promises not to kill Amos were veiled in misconceptions on his part. He would’ve killed him eventually. Maybe not today, but his demise was never halted, only stalled.”

A slight crinkling marred the corners of her eyes. “Zen gave the message he was coming. I tried to tell you.”

“Not a good enough reason to walk to your death.” Even if she’d done so with backbone. “What if Zennyo Ryuo had arrived too late?”

“At least our son would’ve lived long enough for Zen to save him.”

Not the response he wanted. Micah’s fingers tightened in her hair. “Madison—”

“What else did you expect from me? Amos is always priority number one.”

“I anticipated you’d fight differently to save him. Not go willingly to your death.” Her jaw hardened, but he didn’t sugarcoat his opinion. “Martyrdom helped our son not even a little. All your death gained him was a demise served up alone without the comfort of his mother.”


“Fuck your Zen!” The room silenced with the hostility in Micah’s voice. “He could’ve arrived too late. And Domiel could’ve vanished to Heaven with Amos. Your fucking Zen would’ve been useless at that point. What then, Madison?”

“What would you have had me do differently, Micah?”

“Not go to your death so easily.”

She laughed, a sound filled with irony. “Don’t for one second think dying was easy. Whatever that was he had me eat—there are no words to describe how bad that hurt.”

“I wasn’t suggesting it was a painless passing.” Witnessing her misery had been difficult. He would’ve taken every second of her anguish into his body if he could erase the experience from her mind. “But you embraced it willingly.”

“That angel had a claw to
son’s throat. I know how sharp they are.
used yours on
, remember?” Tears shimmered in her eyes. A sharp sniffle held them back. “I tried to think of a way to get him out of it without injury, but no plausible outcome presented itself.”

“You should’ve relied on me. Permitted me to continue the negotiations.”

“Faith is a scarce commodity between us.” Her grim tone irritated him. “Zen said he was coming, and I trust him to do what he promises!”

“He’s my goddamn son! You should trust me where Amos is concerned.” In his anger, his talons reemerged, but he kept his hand in her hair. Let her know she’d pushed him to his limit. She gasped as the sharp tips scraped across her scalp. “If Amos were dead, they held no leverage over us.”

“He’s right.” Zennyo Ryuo taking his side ranked up there with an apology from his father. Apocalyptic in nature. “I couldn’t read Domiel’s or Zariel’s minds, but I know strategy. Killing Amos would’ve been a foolish move.”

Phoenix massaged his nape. “I wouldn’t consider coming after a King of Hell’s wife and son a clever strategy.”

Micah agreed with that, but that approach would’ve succeeded if not for Phoenix’s messianic magic and the immortal relinquishing his duty. “If they had killed him, I would’ve torn into them seconds after Zennyo Ryuo released us.”

“I would’ve revived Amos.” Phoenix ran his palm over her hair.

Comfort didn’t flicker across her features. She knocked Phoenix’s hand aside. “Don’t any of you ask me to watch my baby suffer, much less die.”

“Even when I knew you were dead, I didn’t give up hope.”

“Good for you, Micah.”

Damn, but he adored her sarcasm. “Sometimes we have to face our worst fear in order to succeed.”

“Not that.” Madison jabbed him in the chest with her pointer finger. “As selfish as you are”—he flinched at her cold description of him—“I know you care about Amos or you wouldn’t be here. Could you have really watched them kill him? And then hoped Nix wasn’t dead and could revive him later?”

He had no idea. The only benefit from Madison’s death was that he never had to face that hard choice. “In all probability, no,” he admitted, instead of offering the vague one he’d planned. “My selfishness aside, kitten, please understand your importance to all of us.” He indicated the room with a nod of his head. “Phoenix gave his lineage to save you once. He’d do the same for Amos.” Of that he held no doubt. “Zennyo Ryuo sacrificed his connection with Father for you today.” A shocker that would take a few days to process, and decide if he could use it to his advantage.

Madison glanced at the immortal. Before she could say anything to him, he said, “Do not insult me by thanking me. I’d make the same choice again if faced with the same circumstances.”

“Watching you die today”—Micah cleared his throat, holding his emotions back—“was worse than thinking the immortal killed you the first time.”

“The covenant worked immediately, weakening him.” Zennyo Ryuo added that tidbit. “A feeble Micah cannot protect Amos.”

Micah protested the verbiage. Dizzy, with his strength waning fast and trouble keeping his footing, yes, but a long, bloody way from feeble.

Madison flinched at the other man’s harsh words. At least she understood the severity of the situation after she’d died.

Kur ruffled his fingers through his hair. “No question Micah is selfish, Madison—”

“Tread carefully, dragon,” Beliel warned.

The dragon flashed a grin. “Micah cried when you died today.” The King shot the man an irritated glower, wondering where the hell dragon was going. “I’ve never seen him cry.”

He steered the conversation to something other than his moment of sorrow. “I’m grateful Phoenix and Zennyo Ryuo avoided the tribulation of watching you expire. I would not wish that suffering on anyone who loves you.”

A slight sizzle in the air announced Elias’s return from Hell. “It is not a moment I would wish to stomach again, either.”

“Once was more than enough,” Phoenix said. “I’m glad I wasn’t awake to witness it.”

“Understand your value to us before you take foolish steps again, Madison.”

She swallowed, either a nervous or uncomfortable action, he suspected, but she held his glower. “As you mentioned, Zen and Nix have sacrificed much for me. I know Nix loves me. Zen is the big brother I always wanted and never had. You demand my trust, claim to love me, but what have
ever sacrificed to prove you’re dependable or that you love me, Micah?”

Nice tactic changing the subject this way, but what wouldn’t he sacrifice was a better question.

“What would you ask of me, Madison?”

“You would give me a boon to prove you—you…love me?”

Why’d that surprise her? “Yes. What do you want?”

She tensed as if she hadn’t expected his acquiescence. After a long moment of consideration, she answered. “Pick me over Hell.”

Every muscle in his body went rigid and his heart rate would’ve been deadly to a human.

“Don’t be foolish, princess, Micah cannot walk away from his kingdom. Not even for you.” The derision in Eliel’s voice was evident. He wanted to punch his twin.

“I’m not asking for
to give up Hell, but asking him to let
walk away.”

Their eyes remained locked. Micah held his breath and attempted to wrangle his heartbeat under control. “Are you asking me to exit your life?”

“When this is over, if that’s what I ask, yes. My choice. It should’ve always been my choice.”

“Holy fuck,” his sibling ranted, the sound of his rapid footsteps a testament to his pacing behind them. “This is ridiculous. More bullshit from the princess who cannot appreciate all she’s been handed.”

“Silence,” he instructed his twin. “She’s my responsibility. Not Hell’s.”

Elias stepped beside them. White lines bracketed his mouth. He looked angry enough to tear the house down with his wings, and they weren’t that supple. “She’s either an asset or a weakness to Hell. That makes her
our responsibility.”

“Tread carefully, brother. She’s always been
.” No denying he’d made mistakes with Madison, regretted many actions, but if he had to lose her in order to win her in the end, then he could be the bigger man. “Your request is granted, Madison. I vow it. I release my claim on you

Tears shimmered in her eyes and a small gasp of surprise fell from her parted lips. Obviously, she’d expected him to reject her request.

Score some points for me

“Idiocy.” Elias swiped his hand down his face.

“Regardless of the decision you make—me or Phoenix, Hell’s Queen or not—I will respect your choice. Either way, you can
count on my support.” So long as she wasn’t killing demons. “With your death, the covenant binding us was voided, as well. You are truly free of me, if that is your wish.”

He’d been angry with her in the beginning for not being what he needed. Believed his love for his family weakened him. He’d been impatient with her, wanting too much too fast and demanding it rather than asking.

BOOK: Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)
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