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First printing September 1998.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Zimmerman, Robert. Genesis: The Story of Apollo 8: The First Manned Flight to Another World/ by Robert Zimmerman. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-56858-118-1 1. Project Apollo (U.S.) 2. Space flight to the moon. I. Title. TL789.8.U6A5285 1998 629.45'4'0973dc21
98-29963 CIP
Text design by Acme Art, Inc. Printed in Canada
Front Cover: This is Bill Anders's famous photograph of the first earthrise ever witnessed by humans, December 24, 1968, possibly one of the most reprinted lunar photos ever taken. If you turn the book sideways so that the moon's horizon is on the bottom, the picture will probably then look familiar, as this is how every publisher since 1968 has presented it. At Bill Anders's home, however, it is framed with the moon's horizon on the right. "That's how I took it," he says. To Anders, floating in zero gravity, the earth wasn't rising from behind an horizon line (which is how a human living on a planet's surface would perceive it). Instead, floating in a space capsule seventy miles above the moon, Anders saw himself circling the moon's equator. The lunar horizon therefore appeared vertical to him, and the earth moved right to left as it came out from behind the moon.
Title Page: The second earthrise ever witnessed by humans, framed by the command module window frame.