George's Turn [Brac Pack 8] (10 page)

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Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: George's Turn [Brac Pack 8]
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George’s Turn


“Yes, George, yes, yes,” Tank babbled as his mate tried to suck him through a hose. “Uh!” Tank howled as his release flooded George’s throat.

“Fuck me.” George grabbed the lube from the drawer, tossing it at Tank. Ah fuck, those words had Tank’s cock coming back to life in a world record time.

“Impatient?” Tank readied him and slid home.

“Oh, hell.” George went wild, he bucked back, slamming his ass against Tank as he grabbed his cock and jacked it frantically.

“Baby, I’m so damn close.” Tank slammed his hands down on either side of George’s hips and pistoned into him.

Tank’s hands slid over George’s cowboy butt, squeezing each mound. He had wanted to do that since first laying eyes on his mate.

The tempting orbs had Tank ready to bite them.

His canines dropped, and his eyes shifted. He caressed the planes of George’s back, his fingertip tracing each vertebra down George’s spine.

He blanket George’s back and lapped at his shoulder. Tank wasn’t going to bite him. He fought the urge knowing what his mate had just gone through.

“Do it.” George tilted his head, his voice quivering.

“Are you sure?”

“Now dammit, do it now.” George bucked back, driving Tank to the edge.

He sank his canines in, and his brain exploded with the all-consuming flavor of George.

“Oh, God.” George bowed his back. Tank closed the wound and yelled out his release as George wiggled underneath him.

“Fuck, I’m a girl now.” George grinned as he fell to the bed. “You made me like being a bottom, love it now as a matter of fact.”

“At least you’re a good-looking one,” Tank teased, curling around his cowboy and pulling him close.

“Shut up.” George swatted at him from over his shoulder. “You

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tell anyone I said that, and I’ll lasso ya to the bed.” Tank chuckled. “That sounds more like pleasure than a threat.”

“That’s ’cause you ain’t right in the head.”

* * * *

Johnny and Drew laughed as George threw the controller down.

“How the heck do you fellas play this crap?”

“Is the game beating you?” Blair chuckled from the pool table where he and his brother were playing a game.

Johnny picked the controller up. “You have to try. You’ll get the hang of it.” He liked George and his big cowboy hat. He was funny and kind and didn’t treat the shorter men like he was better than them.

George eyed the controller as if Johnny were handing him a snake. “It won’t bite. Try it, please.” He grinned when George took it.

“How do you play this dang game?”

“You have to shoot me before I shoot you.” Johnny showed him how to use the controller. George grunted and then nodded.

“I think I can handle that.”

Johnny bounced around in his favorite pink boots as he battled the cowboy. George was getting the hang of it, so Johnny had to step his game up.

“Oh, no, you don’t, you little toad.” George laughed as he overtook Johnny’s man and killed him. The cowboy whooped while taking his hat off and hitting it on his thigh. “Gotcha.”

“Beginner’s luck.” Johnny giggled. “You want a smoothie? I learned how to make them. Cody showed me.” Johnny went behind the bar and pulled the blender out. He carefully counted out eight ice cubes and deposited them into the blender.
Remember to put the lid on
before pressing start.
He repeated in his head. Next he added some strawberries and bananas, tossed in a few Cheerios—because it wasn’t a smoothie without them. He kept a small bag of them stored next to the blender. Johnny grabbed the bottle of honey and carefully
George’s Turn


measured out one teaspoon, letting it drizzle into the blender. The last thing he added was yogurt.

Was that everything?

Deciding that it was, he placed the lid on and hit the button, listening to it whirl around.

“Looks good.” George nodded at the spinning drink as he took a seat on the stool. Johnny couldn’t talk. He was watching the clock.

Three, two, one.
He pressed stop and smiled at George.

“It’s ready.” Johnny grabbed to large glasses from the shelf and poured the smoothie into each glass. “Let me know if you like it.” He spotted a whole Cheerio in his glass and panicked, glancing at George to try and see if his drink had any visible ones. He began to hum to himself as George drank.

“This is good.” George saluted his glass to Johnny and got up.

Johnny let out a relieved breath. He didn’t know how to do the Heimlich if the cowboy began to choke on a Cheerio.


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Chapter Eight

“Where are we going?” George let Tank lead him to the kitchen and out of the back door.

“No peeking.” Tank had blindfolded him, saying something about not wanting to ruin the surprise. George held his mate’s hand, feeling as though the world was finally right. It was scary as hell coming out of the closet for all to see, but with Tank at his side, he braved it.

“Is it much further, Papa Smurf?” George chuckled. He loved teasing this big bear of a man.

“Smarty-pants, you can take the blindfold off now.” George pulled the bandana off of his eyes and stumbled back. He had to be seeing things.
No way
. If he ever had any doubts about how Tank felt about him, well, this right here cemented it.

“I love you.” Tank grabbed George around the waist. “You like?”

“Tank,” George whispered as he walked toward the corral. Two beautiful Tabiano Tennessee Walking Horses were standing there peacefully. He reached out and petted one down her nose.

“I even built a stable for them. It’s heated. I bought saddles and all that. Had an expert help me pick out everything we’ll need to ride.”

“I love you,” George blurted out, emotions bombarding him. He could already feel the wind in his hair. “I…wow.” Tank cleared his throat, ignoring George’s declaration. George was glad. He didn’t like all that emotional stuff, but the moment was so overwhelming to him that it just came out.

“Ready to teach me how to ride?”

“Hell, yeah.” George couldn’t contain his excitement. He set the water container down that he had to carry with him now for his never
George’s Turn


ending thirst, but he didn’t care. As long as the good lord gave him more time with Tank, he’d carry around a damn cooler for the rest of his life.

They rode the back forest, racing through the clearing, George had never been happier in his life. Tank made him feel whole, complete.

He didn’t care anymore who knew he was gay, as long as he had Tank. He finally understood Drew’s words. Let the world suck a weenie.

Tank looked lost atop his horse but managed. George held his head back and enjoyed the sun shining down on it.
Was there
anything more peaceful in life?

“I think we should head back,” Tank said after riding through the multitudes of clearings for a few hours.

George nodded and turned his horse around, guiding the beauties back to the barn.

They pulled the saddles and blankets off, taking the bits from the horse’s mouths, and brushed them down. George showed Tank how to care for the gentle creatures. He fed them and made sure they had water. He made certain the temperature was perfect before he closed the doors.

“Thank you, Tank.” George pulled the big oaf into his arms as he hugged him tight. “I’ll never forget this.” Tank led him back into the house, George heading to the den.

“I believe
owes me a showdown.” George pulled Cecil up into his arms as he spun him around.

“G, stop it.” Cecil giggled.

“Sundown, buddy.” George set him on his feet, going over to the bar for a beer.

“Come on, G, play with me.” Drew held out one of the controllers.

“I think my time with Johnny was plenty enough. I want to keep my record of one win.” George swaggered over, setting his bottle down as he grabbed the controller from Oliver. “But then again, bring

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it on.”

George struggled to race his car across the city and beat Drew to the finish line. He came in second, which shocked him. He beat the computer cars. Drew beat him, but George had fun. He played until Tank came and stole the controller from his hands.

“Hey, I was playing.” George slapped Tank’s hand.

“You do have to cook tomorrow,” Tank reminded him.

“Yeah, yeah.” George tapped knuckles with Drew. “Peace.” Tank stared at him with his mouth hanging open.

George swished his hips as he walked past Tank, pushing his mate’s mouth closed. “You wish.” He stopped swaying his hips and went back to his swagger.

“Not really.” Tank followed behind him like a puppy.

* * * *

“Look, Kitty.” George pinched the bridge of his nose, really tired of her coming on to him. “I’m gay. Always been gay, always will be.”

“If you don’t want to go out, just say so. You don’t have to lie.” Kitty spat at him.

“I ain’t lying. I also know about all those rug rats running around.

I ain’t playing daddy to no one.” George pushed past her, heading to the kitchen. This was ridiculous. Why should he have to explain himself? Weren’t there laws against sexual harassment on the job?

Some people just didn’t know how to take no for an answer. Took it as a personal insult to themselves.

“Bastard.” Kitty picked up a napkin dispenser and threw it at George’s head.

“Get in my office now,” Cody barked out, glaring at Kitty as he pointed to the back of the kitchen.

“I didn’t do anything,” she argued, crossing her arms over her bosom.

“Now.” Cody looked over at George and nodded for him to get
George’s Turn


back to work.

Ten minutes later Kitty came out, ranting and raving. “I’ll sue you for this.” She grabbed her coat from under the counter and stormed out of the diner.

“Looks like we’re gonna need a new waitress. I fired her.” Cody went over to the milkshake machine and made his mate a strawberry smoothie.

“I know someone, but it’s a guy,” Loco volunteered.

“I don’t care, as long as he doesn’t hit on any mates or mated warriors and knows what he’s doing.”

“He’s a fast learner.” Loco vouched for him.

“Bring him in. I’ll see how he does, no guarantee.” Cody leaned against the counter, watching his mate slurp down his smoothie.

“Thanks.” Loco left the diner.

“His mate?” George asked.

“Don’t know, maybe. I guess we will find out.” Cody went back to his office as George headed into the kitchen. He watched the clock, excited about riding tonight with Tank. He thought about Jesse for the first time since mating Tank. His heart didn’t hurt, and his stomach didn’t cramp. Tank made him happy, made him a better man. George was proud of who he was now and the friends he made in the process.

It was liberating not to have to hide. No one looked down on him, threatened, or kicked him out.

“Uh-oh. Tank gonna eat all food.” Keata chuckled as Tank came through the door. George really liked Keata. A little girly looking, but his innocence was refreshing. Of course, trying to understand him was a challenge.

“That’s okay, Keata. He gets anything he wants.” George smiled as Tank wrapped him in his arms. “Love you, you big lug.”

“Love you, too, George.” Tank reached into the box he had brought in with him.

“Whatcha got?” George tried to peek past Tank’s shoulder.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Tank laughed as he held his hand

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behind his back. “Close your eyes.”


“George, please?” Tank begged.

“Why?” George chuckled but closed them. He felt something being wrapped around his shoulders. Tank lifted his arms and pulled something around him tightly. “What are you doing? Better not be a bra.” He could hear Keata giggling. Great, it probably was.

“Okay, open them.” Tank stood back, admiring his work.

George looked down but really couldn’t see what it was. He walked over to the chrome doors, staring at his reflection. “How does it work?”

Tank adjusted the leather straps. The contraption reminded George of a gun holster, but instead of a gun in the sheath, it was a water bottle. Thank god it wasn’t a bra, or he would have had to have a showdown with Tank instead. “I rigged it so all you have to do is pull the hard plastic straw up, lean your head down a little and voilà, your thirst is quenched. Your hands are free now, no more carrying your bottle around.”

George threw his arms around Tank, wiping his eyes into his mate’s shirt to hide the tears. He wasn’t no dang girl after all, and he wasn’t going to be caught crying like one. “Thank you,” he mumbled into Tank’s chest.

Tank walked backwards until they were through the kitchen doors. “You’re welcome. Now stop hiding those tears. Nobody in here but us.”

“What tears?” George wiped at his eyes.

“You must be drinking too much water because it’s starting to leak out from your eyes,” Tank teased him.

“You’re seeing things.” George swatted a hand at him.

“I want to show you something after your showdown with Cecil.” Tank pulled George into his arms.

“You showed me. I like it.” George smiled into his chest. “No need convincing me.”

George’s Turn


“Perv, that’s not what I was talking about.” Tank smiled as he tucked his knuckle under George’s chin, lifting his head for a kiss.

“Fine. Since you’re not showing me your side of beef, what is it?”

“You wish. Just be ready.” Tank swatted his ass before leaving his mate to work.

“Tease,” George shouted from the kitchen.

Cody chuckled. “Harassing my employees?”

“Nope. That’s why he’s complaining.” Tank grinned as he pushed the door open and left the diner. George stood in the doorway and grinned, watching his big bear walk out.

* * * *

“Ten paces then turn and shoot.” George narrowed his eyes at Cecil.

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