GGS: Good Gaelic Souls A Biker Saga (G.G.S) (24 page)

BOOK: GGS: Good Gaelic Souls A Biker Saga (G.G.S)
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"I look out at the faces of my brothers, my family," He said, the distress on his face distorting his handsome features. "And I am painfully aware that what I am saying to you is nearly impossible to wrap your head around. But here's the cold hard truth of it. 
I am absolutely convinced that they will kill everyone of us in order to gain control of this fortress.
We can no longer hold on to the hope that they will overlook us because we're different. And because we are different,  we can't expect to find allies or assistance from any of the other clubs. Even though we have been able to enjoy a neighborly relationship with most of them, they do not consider us to be part of their world. The most we can hope for, is that they will continue to share information as it becomes available. Either way, we will continue to share what we learn with them. They may not see things quite the same as we do, but the fact is that
everybody that rides as a group is a target
. Hell, think about it,
our bikes alone would be worth killing us for

The room was silent, angst showed on every face and all hearts were heavy. There was nothing more to be said this night, he didn't offer choices, as they were free to make their own. He didn't think that anyone would jump ship, but the possibility was there. Nobody had signed up for this. They needed time to think, to decide, and to choose. Ending the cruinniú, he dismissed them to go gather whatever they had brought. He would wait until the morning came and whatever happened, would simply happen. He wasn't about to ask anyone to put their life on the line, if they felt the need to run, then so be it.

After instructing his officer's to join the guards on watch until everyone was back inside, he motioned to Stax and asked her to meet him in the office in ten minutes. She went to Serenity first, "You and Lee take my bedroom upstairs and make yourselves at home," she said with a wink, "I'll be staying downstairs, in the Presidential suite.

When she entered the office, she found Strangler sitting at the table, arms folded, head down. She closed the door and locked it, as he looked up with a weary half-grin. "A little sump'in for the soul, Angel?" He asked, pushing the notepad in her direction. She took the rolled bill and leaned over the pad as he stood up and came behind her. "My sweet, Angel," he said, stroking her ass while she was bent over, "I've missed you real hard." Pressing himself against her ass, he took her by the shoulders and turned her around. "We have to fix that right fucking now." He leaned down and kissed her. It was a long, searching, soulful kiss, the kind that first dates were made for. Taking her by the hand, he led her into the bedroom and shut the door.

"Hey, mister, Doyawanna?" She teased as she unzipped her boots. Strangler bent down to kiss her and whispered, "All  night long, my priceless little Bitch, all fucking night long." Pulling off her boots, he kissed her again, slowly lowering her backward onto the bed. He stopped and pulled off his own boots, removed her socks, then his own. Thinking of nothing but what lay there before him, he unbuckled her belt and unzipped her jeans. Sliding them over her curves and under her ass, he tugged them slowly down her shapely legs until they hit the floor. He removed her t-shirt and quickly stripped off his own clothing. Bending down he parted her legs with his hands and softly kissed the inside of her thighs all the way up to the crotch of her black lace panties. Slowly he removed them, revealing the prize that was hidden underneath. "I've dreamt of this for weeks." He told her in between soft kisses that traveled up to her breast. Unclasping the front hook of her sports bra, he exposed her breast with their hard, bright pink nipples. Both of which stared straight at him, each one silently begging for his undivided attention.

He ran his tongue around her left nipple and then her right, while his hand slid down her belly until she felt his fingers slowling stroking her soft mound. "There she is." He said softly. Stax moaned as he took her right nipple into his mouth, taking his time, nursing on one, and then the other. Her senses were reeling as he continued his exploration, his talented fingers sliding further down until he felt her wetness surrounding his fingers. "That's all mine," he whispered hoarsely, "All fucking mine." He touched her clit, toying with it, teasing it for several minutes as he listened to her moans of pleasure. He could feel her body responding to his touch, and he knew what she was ready for, "Doyawanna?" He whispered playfully as her ass squirmed under his attention, "Please," she begged almost in tears, "Now!" she breathed, "
" Strangler flashed a wicked smile and kissed her pussy with his mouth. Tasting her pleasure on his tongue, he slowly played her like a well tuned fiddle. Stax lost control of her body, it was his now, only his. She arched her back and moaned as he tenderly played her favorite song, lingering on the last notes, delaying the enevitable crescendo that was longing to be heard. He drank from her as she came, and he couldn't think of any place on earth that he would rather be than right here, right now, with her.

Stax tried to catch her breath, she couldnt' move. For several minutes she lay there as Strangler continued to lick her, taking pleasure in her scent. He continued to express to the depth of his desire with the flicking of his tongue, until her inner being understood and she came for him again, and then again.

Reaching down for him, she pulled his face up to hers and kissed him softly. As she tasted herself, her kiss became more ardent, and she reached down searching for him. Finding what she sought, Stax wrapped her hand around him. Thrilling at the feel of his hardness in her hand, she pulled his body closer so that she could feel the sensation of his hairy chest on her bare and sensitive tits. As the heat of his body burned her flesh, she cradled his cock in her palm, squeezing and releasing him while they kissed. Eventually she allowed her fingers to proceed further south, until she could feel his twins resting in her hand. Slowly and softly, she stroked and handled him until he moaned her name.

Sliding her head down to his groin, her tongue licked the length of his cock, up and down as she slowly slid her hot mouth around his shaft. Swirling her tongue around the head several times before she took him into her mouth quickly, he gasped,  and just as quickly she retreated to lick his length again. Repeating the move, she would briefly take him in and again retreat until she felt his pelvic begin to rock. Shifting her attention back and forth. Lightly at first, she worked the twins with her tongue until she was lapping at them rythmically. Sensing his pleasure she took one into her mouth, rolling her tongue around as she lightly sucked on the left only to replace it a moment later with the right. She lavished them with hot french kisses, before taking both of them into her mouth, using her tongue to tickle them back and forth. Then in one quick motion, she took his cock into her mouth, flicking under the head with her tongue as she hungrily worked her mouth up and down his hardness and he began his own rythmic grinding against the unrelenting suction that was had wrapped itself around his cock.

"Fuck me now!" He demanded, pulling her from him and flipping her on her back, he raised her legs to rest on his shoulder's and filled her, fucking her without mercy until they both cried out in release.

For a while, they just held onto each other, satisfied to be together again, as one. Naked, satiated and together. This was the essence of who they were, everything else was simply a 'before' or 'after'. Words were only foreplay, it was the aftermath that made it all make sense. But on this night, they weren't done, not by far. "It's gonna be a long night Angel" he said as he smacked her ass and kissed her forehead. "My favorite kind" she whispered.

They eventually got up and took a quick shower together. Walking into the office, they made a drink and grabbed a cigarette. Strangler checked his phone, relieved to see that there were no messages. He took this as a good sign, and relaxed. "You want to start the sauna?" He asked her with a grin. "Be right back." She replied, and headed off to get it going. Upon her return to the office, she found Strangler still naked, bent over the tablet, rolling a joint. "Here baby, just in case someone knocks." She grinned, handing him a towel, tightening the one she had wrapped around herself. Taking his seat he told her, "We'll have the desk and chairs in here tomorrow, but right now, I'm sitting here looking at you in that fucking towel and I can't think of anything but bending you over this table." Stax looked over at him and smiled, "Bet you can't." She playfully retored, taking a chair across from him, daring him with her eyes to give it a try. Without breaking eye contact, He answered the challenge, "I'll take that bet." Lighting the joint, while maintaining the stare, he took a hit and held it, passing it over to his woman. They game was on. They sat there for several moments in a staring competetion, toking and quietly enjoying their drinks as they allowed the sexual tension to slowly fill the room.

The moment was interupted by Samson's knock on the door, "It's me brother." He stated as the spell was broken and Stax got up and unlocked the door. Seeing their state of undress, the new V.P. didn't bother to step into the room. "Everyone's back inside and heading to bed, the watch schedule is set, enjoy your night." He advised, closing the door.

Stax locked the door and turning around, allowed her towel to fall to the floor. "Damn, I lose." She professed with a coy smile. Walking over to his side of the table, she grabbed the edge with both hands and bent over beside his chair, wantonly offering her bare ass to Stranglers face. Yet again, he marvelled at what a very lucky man he was, "I win, yet again." He boasted, standing up and allowing his own towel to drop, showing her exactly what to expect as loser of their staring competition. He positioned himself behind her, briefly allowing her to feel how much he still wanted her, as his strong hands moved in a circular motion on her always soft and always willing backside. Stax smiled to herself when he began humming the tune, 'Hail to the Chief' just before he accepted his winnings. Not so much with grace, but certainly with the vigorous enthusiasm of a true champion.


Chapter 17

"Everything in it's Place"


Regardless of the fact, that they played harder than they slept, both Strangler and Stax woke up feeling refreshed and ready for whatever this day was going to bring. After a 'Good Morning quickie' they showered and put on yesterdays clothes. Later, she would go through the stuff from the warehouse and find enough for them to get through a few days before needing to do laundry.

Stranglers phone still held no messages, so the day was off to a good start. "No news is good news." He expressed to Stax as they left the office and headed to the kitchen for some coffee. As they entered the Bar Room they saw that a good many were already dressed and eating breakfast. The commericial size coffee pots were set out on the bar, along with pans of biscuits and sausage gravy. They made themselves a plate, grabbed a cup of coffee and set down at the officers table.

Looking around the room at the faces sitting before them, they wondered what each one was thinking. What had they decided? As Strangler picked up his cup of coffee, the double doors to the entryway opened and a guard walked through to fix his breakfast plate. Strangler observed the large number of suitcases and travel bags stacked along the walls of the long hallway. "Looks like were gonna lose alot of people." he said quietly, "I never would've imagined." He pushed his plate away, no longer hungry, wondering who and how many. As he sat there pondering the question, he didn't notice Samson until he sat down beside him, his breakfast plate nearly overflowing. "Don't sweat the mess in the hallway Prez," Samson said as he picked up a jam covered biscuit, "We'll have all that cleared out right after breakfast."

For a brief moment, Strangler was confused, but Stax got it. "That's the stuff they brought in from their cars last night," she informed Strangler, "Apparently, they just brought it inside and went up to bed. Eat your breakfast baby, either way, you need something on your stomach. We only picked at the deli platter last night, and it's a long time before lunch."  Feeling better now, he agreed and ate his breakfast, watching closely as each person  finished their meal, walked into the hall and grabbed what was theirs to head upstairs. The entire hour that they sat there having coffee he watched, but nobody left and nobody came over to explain themselves and say goodbye. Eventually, the hallway was cleared and everyone had made their way back down to the Bar Room and taken a seat. Quietly they talked amongst themselves and waited for Strangler to give them their daily instruction.

Finally, he stood up and lifted his coffee cup into the air, "
May the road rise up to meet you
!" He said in a proud clear voice, "
Know that you are Loved
." They all responded in like fashion and waited for him to continue. "Am I correct that we are all in this together?" he questioned loudly, "Am I correct in thinking that as a family we will take heed of our ancester's example and risk our lives to defend ourselves and our way of living?  Will we choose to remain here and protect our freedom and all that is rightfully ours, and ours alone?" He paused, waiting for their respone. As expected they all responded in unison, "Aye Prez, you are correct."

The new President of the G.G.S. searched the many familiar faces in the room before speaking again. Acutely aware that there was always the possibility that someone may want out, but would publicly say different to save face. He wasn't about to give anyone the cowards way out, no way in hell would he do something like that. After all these years when times were good, today was the day to prove yourself worthy of being called a 'Good Gaelic Soul.'

BOOK: GGS: Good Gaelic Souls A Biker Saga (G.G.S)
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