Read Ghost Writer (Raven Maxim Book 1) Online

Authors: Tiana Laveen

Tags: #Fiction

Ghost Writer (Raven Maxim Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: Ghost Writer (Raven Maxim Book 1)
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Taking her left breast in both hands, he tasted the soft flesh, overdosing on her pleasure, her moans and sighs, as he sucked her harder and harder. Abruptly snatching away from him, she lifted her shirt over her head, tossed it on the floor, then settled back into position. Without wasting a second, he gave the same attention to her right breast while massaging her shoulder and administering light caresses up and down her arm.

“Harder…” she groaned, urging him on.

He followed her commands, sucking her nipple harder and gently nibbling the flesh. Pulling her to him, he let her feel his erection. His boxer briefs were almost painfully constricting as they fought with his dick, with barely any room to spare as he grew more and more aroused.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, baby!” He slid his hand between her hot thighs, up and down her closed pussy, going crazy off the sexy sounds she made every time he tenderly touched her flesh. Sitting up on his elbow, he inserted his finger slowly inside of her. She winced as he slowly worked it farther up until it was fully within her. Gliding his thumb delicately over her clit, he finger fucked her with a slow rhythm. Anticipation hung in the air.

“I just want to make you feel good, baby…” he slurred, speeding up his rhythm, opening up her soft and tight confines.

“You are, baby…believe me… you are…” she gasped, her voice listless, as if she didn’t quite have the strength to finish her thought.

Emerald fluttered then rolled her eyes, then closed them. Her hips met his movements, and he paused to kiss her navel, then resumed a fast pace. He could tell by her tight walls she’d not had sex in a while, so he wanted to take his time… watch his stride, give her insurmountable gratification. Soon, he was able to graduate to two fingers. He worked them within her as he would his cock, loving the intense faces she made as he drove her to orgasm.

“Mmmmm!” Moments later, she tensed and dug her nails into his forearm. He kept on, driving his digits in and out of her until he felt her gush of warmth coat them, raining out onto the bed, below her shaking, gyrating ass. “Oh shit!” the woman hissed between clenched teeth, her back arched and her muscles locked. She poured down, soaking him with appreciation. He kept right on, ensuring she’d given all that she could. Opening her eyes, she smiled up at him, then burst out laughing, causing him follow suit.

“What? What’s so funny?” he asked with a big smile.

“It’s been so long since I came that hard, even with my vibrator.” They both laughed a bit more, feeling silly, feeling comfortable, incredibly horny and helplessly in love…

“Well, then I did my job. You have to tell me what you like, so I can do it for you.” He straddled her, looping strands of her hair around his index finger before laying a kiss on the bridge of her nose.

“I like cake and ice cream, the beach and—”

“I’m serious.” He laughed lightly, amused at her joke nevertheless. “I want you to tell me how you like to be touched…rubbed… sucked…fucked. I want to hit all six of your cylinders each and
goddamn time.”

Her smile slowly dissipated. “Hmmm, wow… do you know I’ve never been asked that before, actually?”

“Well,” he said, giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. “There’s a first time for everything, right?”

“Looks that way…”

He started to slowly drift down her body, kissing as he journeyed her soft, feminine form. Wrapping a hand around her thighs, he pushed her legs farther open, eliciting a throaty sigh. He peered at her pussy, taking in the way the pretty lips glistened from her sweet secretions. He pushed his finger inside of her once again, removed it, then sucked it clean.

“Oh my God…” she panted when he pressed his mouth urgently against her pussy, running his tongue up and down the wet slit in fast, pressure-filled zigzags. “Shit…I like that!” Her fingers combed harshly through his hair. “I can tell you… that much! Oh God…yes!”

He tasted her, savored her, devoured her whole. Slippery sweetness coated his lips as he swallowed her essence and he was certain his mustache and beard was drizzled with her delight.

“Sloan… damn!” She bucked beneath him, making a mess of his bed.

“I love eating your pussy, Emerald. I love giving pleasure to you, baby … and you taste so damn good. You’re in trouble… I’m going to want to eat you all the time now… Mmmm!” His voice sounded muffled as he spoke between sucks and licks, and overdosing on her nectar. Soon, he felt the woman trembling beneath him and screaming out nasty words wrapped around his name. He kept the course, pinning her in place and ravishing the hell out of her.

“Oh shit!” Her liquid love dripped in his beard and down the crack of her ass. He kept on going, long after she’d subsided, resting beneath him, a lovely aftershock here and there making her muscles stiffen, then relax. When he’d had his fill, he laid a tender butterfly kiss on each of her inner thighs, climbed slowly back up her body, and nestled his chin between the crook of her neck and the soft side of her face. He heard a light giggle that warmed his heart as she gently stroked the back of his neck.

“You’re addictive… You can work that tongue, can’t you?”

Not saying a word, he laid tiny pecks along the edge of her ear and admired her beauty from various angles. “You smell good… what perfume do you wear, baby?” he questioned between kisses.

“Um, today I believe I put on my ‘Lovely’ by Sarah Jessica Parker.”

“It’s a fitting name. The scent suits you, too… works well with your chemistry.”

“Thank you. You smell good, too, but you always do.” She pressed her lips against his cheek, and he beamed with a proud smile. After a long sigh, he propped himself up on his elbow. Running his hand along her shoulder, slowly back and forth, he glanced lazily down at her. Without another word, he wedged himself between her legs and spread her thighs far apart, eliciting a feminine pant to the tune of Ambrosia’s ‘You’re the Only Woman’, which now played in the room. Wrapping the sheets snugly around his waist, he pulled his boxers down and off him and kicked them towards the foot of the bed.

He rose up on his knees, exposing himself to her. Gripping his cock, he stroked it, letting her see as she sat up a bit to get a better view. He stifled the urge to laugh when she wasted no time checking out his goods. Emerald first stared, then she squinted, and after that, her eyes widened like saucers. Gasping, she pointed at the damn thing and bounced up and down in the bed.

“Oh, hell no!”

“That is so rude!” he teased, trying his damndest to not burst out laughing from her reaction.

“I don’t give a shit
it is! You aren’t sticking that damn thing in me! Is that yours? I mean, is it real?” She cocked her head to the side, studying him from that angle.

“Of course it’s real! Who’s else would it be?!”

She reached out to touch it, but then seemed to second-guess herself so she drew her hand back from the thing as if it were some poisonous snake. “Boy, bye! I
my walls, okay? You aren’t gonna have me all stretched out and hobbling around on disability!” She chuckled as she tried to wiggle free from beneath him.

“But you told me black don’t crack. That means you’ll be okay!” he goaded.

He knew damn well what he had hanging between his legs; he’d been told since he was first sexually active that his dick was huge. For the most part, it worked in his favor, but every now and again he’d come across a woman like Emerald who would flat out refuse any further advances upon seeing it, at least initially.

“You’re trying to rest my ass in peace, rip me to shreds…not going to happen. No way, baby!” She frantically waved her hand around in his face. “Then
be a ghost up in here, too. Dearly departed… we are gathered here…no, sir!”

“Stop it, come on now… you’re exaggerating. It’s probably just a bit bigger than average… that’s it.” He threw up his hands as if things were easy breezy.

“It’s not going to happen.” Emerald crossed her arms defiantly over her chest, but he knew she was full of shit for a glimmer of a grin creased her face.

“You’ll be fine, baby. I warmed you up… I’ll go slow. I promise.” He leaned forward and laid a sweet kiss on her lips. She looked up at him, arms still crossed and sporting a rebellious look. “All right, let me ask you something I hadn’t asked you before. It didn’t matter at the time, but it does now. When was the last time you had sex?”

“With a man or my vibrator?”

He shrugged. “Both.”

“With a man, about a year ago; with my vibrator, last week—neither of which came
close to what you have going on there!” She stared at his cock once again like it was someone that had crashed their nice little party. “Sloan, I’m serious. You may as well pack your friend away, and his two pals, too, because he isn’t visiting Emerald Town. This place is for a population of one.” She held up one finger and paired it with a stern expression. “And that right there is at
a party of five. Sorry, you didn’t make reservations and there are no tables available.”

He couldn’t take it anymore. He burst out laughing at her antics. “Emerald, this is ridiculous. Come on, now.”

He ran his hand up and down her arm, but she maintained her uncompromising stance.

“Sloan!” She shook her head. “You have to warn someone about shit like this! You said

“Oh really? If I had told you, ‘Hey baby, I have a big cock,’ you would’ve either not believed me or accused me of bragging or maybe even being inappropriate. I’ve never gone around telling people about the size of my manhood; it’s just not something I think about all the time. Look, I promise, promise, promise that I will go slow. I will be extra cautious, super gentle.” She huffed and turned away, but he could see she was having fun. “Come on, now. I’m not the biggest you’ve seen… you can handle this.” She shot him a glance as he ran his hand over it as if it were a puppy in need of petting. Grimacing, she turned away once again.

“You’re right. You’re not the biggest I’ve seen, Sloan. The one that tops yours belongs to a retired porn star by the name of Long Dong Silver from the 1970s but this is not a movie. That’s not a tricky camera angle or prosthetic and my vagina is not a damn trampoline.” Now he was cracking up so hard, his eyes welled with tears. “I have hot flashes, things don’t warm up as fast as they used to, and if you think I am going to end my stint of celibacy with something that looks eerily similar to a log, you have another thing coming. I’m not a lumberjack and my name is not Timber, so take that fallen tree somewhere else!”

Sloan was certain he was turning red in the face as he fell languidly onto his back and looked up at the ceiling, his stomach caving and crunching from the hilarity of it all. He was practically choking on his own spit as Emerald went on and on, giving reason after reason why he wasn’t allowed to touch her with his ten foot pole. He ran a loose hand over his ribcage, trying to steady himself from laughing, but it proved near impossible. She was so damn dramatic. Though his ego was beautifully stroked from her humor, he much preferred to stroke the insides of her sweet pussy if just given a chance. The warmth of her hand touched his thigh, bringing him out of his thoughts. He soon realized she was also laughing, but no sound coming out of her mouth as she tried to catch her breath. It started him going again; both laughed so hard, there seemed to be no end in sight.

But, alas, he’d had enough of her stalling.

On a sigh, he got up on all fours, pushed her down with the palm of his hand and kicked her legs open with a toss of his knee before settling between her thighs. Her smile slowly dissipated and things got serious. He ran his fingers gingerly through her thick tresses as he pressed his need into her plush pussy lips. The head of his cock glided against her zone, praying to reach the deepest depths inside of her.

They simply stared into each other’s eyes, enjoying each other to the fullest. Sloan worked his finger back inside her and after a short spell, he kissed her until he couldn’t control himself any longer. He pushed the head of his cock inside her and moved it in and out, swaying his pelvis from side to side. The woman moaned and cooed, her thighs squeezing his waist, her grip taut with tinges of nervousness in her jerky movements. He brought her hips flush to his body as he delivered short, gentle thrusts, watching her the entire time, making sure she was okay, pacing himself just right. Much to his delight, she matched his tempo, moved like a dream, elegantly receiving him. He kissed her forehead, then the tip of her nose. She looked up at him with such an expression. Damn, he loved her eyes.

The woman’s pussy was amazingly tight, but with the proper lovemaking technique and a bit of patience, he’d have her wide open and dripping wet soon enough. He pushed a bit more of himself inside her, and about lost his mind at the sensation when her walls closed in on him. Taking the corner of her pillow in his grip, he balled up the material, summoning control and trying to convince his dick not to blast off inside her so soon.

Her wet fortifications were like saturated clouds massaging his cock—enough to propel him forward, entice him toward the tempting notion of bottoming her out with little to no mercy as he went for gold. But he resisted, keeping her needs first… but damn, she felt fucking amazing. With each steady stroke, the woman became wetter, making his task to not lose his mind all the more difficult.

“Feels good to you, baby?” he whispered in her ear before delivering a kiss to her succulent lips.

She nodded and smiled up at him. “I can’t even tell you how good you feel inside of me, so let me show you.” She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and brought him closer, layering his face with sweet kisses.

This encouraged him to work himself a little farther in. He was now half way inside.

“Pussy like fine wine…” he murmured, rendered almost speechless. “I’m getting drunk.” He plunged deeper, made her scream and claw at his back as she bumped her pelvis against his. He watched in amazement as she twisted and turned beneath him, grinding in a nasty and seductive way that would be the catalyst to his ruination.

BOOK: Ghost Writer (Raven Maxim Book 1)
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