Read G.I. BABY Online

Authors: Eve Montelibano

G.I. BABY (5 page)

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Heat coiled tighter in her lower belly. “I’m not small. I’m five-three.”

Like who cares? Get out of there now!
her conscience screamed.

“And I’m six-four. You’re a midget compared to me.”

She was a helpless captive under his big body, but did she really want to escape?

You should!

How can she when she was so wet and pulsing with need to receive him again? This was madness! Her body would not obey her mind.

And when she felt him pushing at her entrance, her rational thoughts were pushed to the side, her physical need taking center stage. Still she froze, not knowing what to expect. She squirmed but his hands steadied her hips, not slowing down his penetration. She opened up with reluctance. It hurt and yet it felt good.

He groaned like an animal behind her. “Fuck…so fucking tight…”

Her pussy clenched around his thickness, her sore inner muscles reacting. “It hurts…!” She winced.

“I’m sorry but you gotta get used to me, baby and then it will be all good.”

He continued to push deeper but she really protested now. “Stop, stop, stop!” Why was the pain worse now than last night?

“Tell me anything but don’t tell me to stop,” he growled.

“I can’t take you! You’re too big!”

He gave out a cross between a laugh and a groan. “Always a problem with small women.” He slowly pulled out of her and hauled her bodily to sit astride him on the sofa. “Okay now, control the pace. You ride me.”

In this position, she had a great vantage view of him in broad daylight, and as much as her sore pussy was complaining, her mouth watered at how scrumptious he looked under her.

Deep pools of blue stared back at her, awash with passion. For her. She knew right this very moment, his lust was solely directed at her, smoldering hot as the newly risen sun.

He looked even more breathtaking in the morning. Broad shoulders that could carry logs. Chest and abs so defined she couldn’t resist running her palms to test their firmness. Who wouldn’t want to have this magnificent stallion riding her? Or who wouldn’t want to ride that cock protruding like the Washington Monument between them?

“Sugar, I appreciate the eye-fucking but I’d rather your pussy do the job now. Gotta beat the traffic. Morning rush hour, you know?” He gripped her hips and lifted her, positioning her above his erection. “Hop in.”

Her aerial view was so erotic she could only obey. She held his length with her fingers— gosh, so warm and hard and pulsing with energy— and aimed the broad tip at her opening.

“Come on, take me, sugar pie.”

She slowly impaled herself on him and he was going inside her again. She winced in discomfort but she was very wet and fully aroused, wanting it badly. Weird, contrasting feelings.

Sensing her discomfort, his big hands spread across her belly, his thumbs meeting at the juncture of her spread thighs, where she was spread open for his eyes. His thumbs started alternately rubbing her clit. That shot up new charges of electricity deep in her core. She clenched tighter around him

“Yeah, that’s right. Deeper sugar, take all of me, please…Fuck, you feel so good…!”

The pleading in his voice was so sexy and his fingers were doing magic on her clit the pain took a backseat to the rising pleasure, easing up his entry. Indeed, there was a thin line between pain and pleasure in sex. She was sore and yet she wanted this to go on, to climb that highest high with him again.

He took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked deeply. Oh, that felt good, the sensations adding to the escalating fire of their joined bodies. He did the same to the other until all she wanted to do was move on top of him.

It was her first time being with a man in this kind of intimacy and yet her body seemed to learn what to do. She wasn’t entirely ignorant of sex. She had seen video clips and this was a common enough sexual position.

Obeying the urgent clamors of her body, she rode him, grinding her hips, taking all of him deep inside her then releasing almost to the tip, then sinking back to the base of him…again…and again…

yeah, baby…that’s it…yeah…”

He gripped her ass, supporting her weight and pumped up into her, meeting her downward glides.

He filled her up so good that his strokes awakened even the tiniest pleasure nerves inside her pussy. The pain miraculously ebbed, replaced by a now familiar, ravenous fire that needed to be fed even more by harder strokes of his cock deep inside her.

She held onto his shoulders, a slave to her urgent need now. His eyes blazed as their eyes met and locked in the throes of passion. “Fuck, baby, you feel so fucking good…! Andi…sweet Andi, you’re so hot…so good…”

When he’d call her name like that, it felt like she’d known him forever, as if he’d been making love to her for ages. So familiar and yet so new. It made her feel so beautiful and more confident of her body. It fueled her fire.

She threw her head back and rode him faster. His fingers didn’t stop rubbing her clit while he sucked on her nipples, licking, rubbing his face all over her chest, his morning stubbles both tickling and caressing her skin. The combined sensations from the inside out brought her to the brink quickly.

“Craig…Oh god…Oh god, oh god…Ohhh!”

She was coming…

He groaned harshly, hugging her tight and took over. He rammed into her fast and deep and hard, jarring her entire frame in that mad rush to the edge, where infinity began.

He was with her as she dived into it, his passion washing over her, shaking and tossing and turning and hurtling her into oblivion.

He was with her with every heartbeat, crying out his rapture close to her heart.


Wrapped in his massive arms,
skin to skin, his cock still buried deep inside her, she was enjoying the afterglow of ebbing pleasure now pulsing weakly in her core.

Wow. Like super wow. She had not enough words for that.

She squeezed him, loving the feel of him inside her.

He groaned. “Sugar, keep doing that and you’re gonna resurrect the monster in ten seconds.”

“Ravenous monster,” she purred in the crook of his neck, her arms and legs and pussy squeezing him affectionately.

“Fuck, that pussy’s gotta be the highest I’ve ever had.”

“Don’t compare me with anybody else.”

“It was a compliment, sugar pie. Have you been fucking little fingers?”

“I wish.”

She felt him tense up. “What did you say?”

She was confused. “What…?”

“You said ‘I wish’.”


“Okay, you can stop the virgin act now. It’s getting old.”

Was that mockery in his tone? “I’m not acting.”

He went still. So still that all she could feel was the erratic beating of his heart against her breasts. Just as she was about to look up at him, he cupped her jaw.

“What do you mean?”

His eyes were intense as he stared at her.

“You’re hurting me.”

His fingers eased up on her jaw. “Answer me.”

“You heard me.”

He stared at her harder, his expression changing from puzzled to growing comprehension. “Are you saying…?”

He sat straight, his body taut with tension as he gripped her shoulders none too gently, his eyes full of incredulity now. “Are you saying you were a fucking virgin?!”

Heat crept on her face, embarrassed to the roots of her hair now.
Oh god, please don’t suddenly turn him into an asshole.

Yes, her virginity had been an issue for her since her freshman year in college. Nobody among her female classmates wanted to remain a virgin after high school. College was an exciting adventure waiting for them, an exploration phase, and virginity was a cumbersome baggage they had to do away. Her friends had recounted tales of their sexual exploits in high school and she’d pretended experience, too, so they won’t call her a prude. The pressure of conformity had always been a struggle and now THIS!

He tugged at her hair. “Answer me!” he growled, his nostrils flaring.

Along with her embarrassment came her mortification. Helluva way to be apologizing for being a virgin when she was still sitting on his cock! She should have been out the door minutes ago and here she was still!

She began to struggle but he was a solid, immovable force holding her in place. She could feel him growing, thickening inside her all over again, too. She was even more confused. He was angry and yet it was obvious he wanted her again.

“Answer me, dammit!”

“Yes! Now, will you let me go?!”

He didn’t need to be told twice, the bastard! Bracketing her hips, he lifted her and pulled out of her, depositing her unceremoniously on the sofa. He practically leaped out of her and put distance between them like she had some communicable disease.

She gathered her legs up to her chest and hugged them while he began pacing the expanse of the bedroom, cussing furiously.


a furious man with an erection.

He leered at her, briefly glancing at his groin. “Yes, you did that all night. You can probably make me hard all day, all week and I’m far from sated. But I asked for a hustler in the sack, not a…a…” he gestured towards her with his hands like she was a freak.

It was definitely time to exit this place.

“You let me believe you were…” he dragged his fingers through his hair. “You let me come inside you without a fucking condom!”

Now, wait a goddamn minute! Was he accusing her of setting the whole thing up? “Is that my fault? I’m not the one with the dick!” she shot back at him angrily, then went weak. “Oh God, you’re not sick, are you?”

“What? No, I’m clean, dammit! I’m in the military, I get tested regularly and I always use a fucking rubber. In fact, this is the first time I didn’t want to use one!” He uttered a slew of self-berating curses this time.

“So, you’re blaming me for that, too? How gallant of you, officer,” she retorted sarcastically.

He turned redder in the face. “Alright, that wasn’t your fault.” He turned away from her, giving her a view of his rigid frame from the back. What tight, glorious ass.

She wanted to slap herself for getting distracted by his splendid physique in the middle of this humiliating conversation.

He faced her again. He was looking more agitated now than angry. “I was very horny, alright? I was out of civilization for more than a year and all I wanted was an all-nighter with three girls and I got you and it was too late to get a replacement! But a fucking virgin, for crying out loud! Shit!”

Her eyes widened in shock. “Three girls?!”

He thrust his hips at her. “It takes more than one pussy to satisfy this.”

She couldn’t stand his crudeness and mocking censure. She leaped from the sofa and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her, locking it.


Craig stared at the little stains on the sheets,
shaking his head in disbelief.

He should have known. She had a totally different feel from everything he had experienced sexually. His instinct was telling him something was off last night but he was too horny to even care. All he wanted to do was to be inside her all night long. And he was, for the most part.

A virgin.

Fuck him if he wasn’t hard like a scud missile again.

He growled, pissed off at himself for wanting her still despite this revelation. He didn’t need this shit right now.

He marched towards the bathroom door intending to kick it open but he heard the shower running. Inhaling deeply, he walked out of the bedroom. He found his pants in the hallway and put it back on. He and Miss Virgin will have a one-on-one in a few minutes.


Fuck me, indeed.

Despite his shock, he was feeling a weird joy. He felt like he’d blown a MiG out of the sky. Now, he hadn’t done that yet, as the Iraqi Air Force that flew them was destroyed during the Persian Gulf War more than two decades ago by the US and NATO Forces. MiG encounters were none-existent during the Iraq War where he was mainly involved in air-to-ground combats. But this must be how he’d feel if he’d blitzed a Mig 25 or 29 in a dogfight. A major, unforgettable score.

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