Gift Wrapped (8 page)

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Authors: Karla Doyle

Tags: #self published, #Karla Doyle, #contemporary romance, #erotic romance, #Romance, #Gift Wrapped, #humorous romance, #9780992152772, #Holiday Romance

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“You didn’t mind?”

“Hell no. What guy in his right mind would mind being your personal sex toy?”

“I could be yours too…” She snuck her hand inside his boxers and stroked his standing-at-attention dick. “How would you like to play with me?”

Oh man. “So many ways, Brinn. So many filthy fucking ways.”

She moved quickly, abandoning him on the bed to stand just out of his reach. “Tell me one.” She hooked her fingers over the sides of her red panties and wiggled them down a couple inches. “I want to hear the dirtiest thing you want to do to me.”

“Let me think.”

“No thinking. You already have something in mind—I can see it in your eyes.” A little shimmy and those tiny panties eclipsed the curves of her hips. The scrap of red fabric slid down her legs, onto the floor, where she kicked it aside. “If you’re too shy to tell me,” she dipped one finger between her legs, “then show me instead.”

* * *

“Dangerous request.” Davis rose from the bed. He stalked toward her, eyes shining, lips twitching, hard muscles dancing beneath a soft, warm exterior. Like a big, beautiful predatory cat. One who intended to devour her. “You might regret making it.”

“Are you trying to scare me?” she asked, when he moved into position behind her.

“No, never. But there’s a good chance I will anyway, if I tell you what’s going through my head.”

“Do you—” God, she hated to think it, let alone say it out loud. As curious and eager as she was, she did have limits. “Does it involve…hurting me?”

“Not if I do it right.” His arms banded her waist and one hand slid between her legs to strum her clit. “And I promise to do it right.”

“What is

He kissed the sweet spot where her neck met her shoulder, chuckling when she leaned backward and pressed her ass against his erection. “Your body already knows.”

His words could only mean one thing. This man she’d only known for a few hours wanted to have anal sex. Thank god for the tight hold he had on her, because her knees had turned to jelly.

Davis had already proven he could satisfy her, that her pleasure was paramount. And she wanted to say yes. Her whole body tingled at the thought of Davis fucking her that way. But what if it didn’t live up to her fantasies? There was a hell of a difference between a dildo and a flesh-and-blood male. She controlled a dildo. Men controlled—or didn’t control—their cocks. She knew that from experience.

“Your heart’s racing. I can feel it pounding against my chest.”

“I’m just…nervous. I want to say yes, but I haven’t had much experience or success with, um, doing it that way.”

He turned her within the circle of his arms, bringing them face-to-face. “It’s just dirty talk, Brinn. I have no expectations, and I’m not the kind of guy who’d pressure you to do something you’re not sure about.”

“So you
want to fuck me in the ass?”

He groaned while pulling her tighter to his body. “You’re killing me. Yeah, I want to. I’m hard as goddamn steel just thinking about it.” He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. One on the tip of her nose. Another on her lips. “But whether we watch movies all night, or fuck again—in any position—I’m good with it.”

Her heart was off to the races. Again. He was a decent guy. A man she could trust with her body. With her pleasure. Somehow, she was sure of it. All she needed was a little courage.

She smoothed her palms over his broad back, smiling when he groaned appreciatively. “You have a great body. I could touch you for hours.”

“Please do. Your touch is amazing. Just right.”

“I feel the same way about yours.”

“Physical compatibility,” he said, brushing his lips against the shell of her ear. “We have it.”

“I think so too.” She hooked her fingers over the waistband of his boxers and tugged them down. “Davis…” A little maneuvering and the barrier separating them disappeared, freeing his sizeable erection. “I don’t want to watch movies all night.”

“Tell me what you
want to do.” Between them, his cock pressed insistently against her abdomen.

Every minute of this evening had been incredible. It was about to get even hotter. She slipped from his arms and crawled onto his bed. Goose bumps rose on her arms and her nipples tightened to hard peaks. On hands and knees, she looked over her shoulder and found him staring—a hot, hungry gaze loaded with carnal intentions.

“Turn off the TV and get over here.” She stretched forward, head bowed, ass in the air. “I want you to make good on your dirty talk.”

In a blink, he’d shut off the TV built into a wall unit across from his bed. Then he was behind her, stroking her back, her thighs, the curves she’d offered up by assuming this position. Electricity crackled between them, sparking hot every place he touched. He molded his body over her back, brushing her hair aside to kiss her neck. His cock filled the valley of her ass and he rocked his hips, mimicking intercourse.

Every muscle in her body clenched—particularly the ones she’d need to relax in the immediate future. “You’re going to use lube, right?”

“You think that’s how we’re going to do this—just grease and go?” He caught her chin when she shrugged, turning her face toward his. “Any guy who treated you that way deserves to meet my fist.”

“You don’t have enough hands.”

He exhaled, long and low, then rolled onto his back, with his arm covering most of his face.

“I’m sorry.”

The arm lifted, revealing intense, hazel eyes that bored into her soul. “No way. Those words shouldn’t be leaving your lips. Not with me, and not with any other guy.” He reached for her. Repositioned them, spoon style, before she could slink away and find a rock to hide beneath. “You’re a beautiful, fun, sexy woman, Brinn. Don’t let any man chip away at that with assholish behavior or shitty sexual techniques. When the time and guy are right, the ‘lube’ question won’t even enter your mind.”

She groaned and buried her face against the strong-yet-gentle arm holding her close. “God, I’m the worst one-night stand ever. This has to be a first for you, inviting a woman over for sex, but having to give her a pep talk instead.”

His chuckle tickled the back of her neck. “You’re definitely not the worst one-night stand ever. And everybody needs reassurance from time to time.”

“That’s what family and girlfriends are for, not the hot guy from the mall whose massive hard-on is wedged between your ass cheeks.”

Davis laughed full out this time—with enough force to shake the bed. The sound wrapped around her, a verbal hug to go with the intimacy of his embrace.

Foolishly, she allowed the moment—or more accurately, Davis—to sweep her away. She snuggled closer, warming inside and out when he tightened his hold and kissed her hair. This is exactly what she wanted. A great guy who knew how to make her come. When to cuddle and talk. She didn’t get to keep Davis, but he’d proven that quality men existed. She’d go home with the memory of several fantastic orgasms and renewed hope in the male gender. Not a bad Christmas present at all.

Without relinquishing his hold, Davis managed to turn off the bedside lamp and pull the duvet over them. The darkness mingled with the comfort of his body. Exhaustion from the hectic, pre-holiday week hit her hard. Sleep beckoned and she couldn’t resist, despite the lure of more orgasms he could undoubtedly deliver.

“Sorry I’m so tired,” she said, from the edge of dreamland.

“Stop saying you’re sorry.”

“Sorry,” she said, sleepily giggling against the beefy biceps that’d become her pillow.

A light smack graced the side of her bum. “I ought to put you over my knee for that.”

…I might like it.”

I would.” His hard-on pressed insistently against the spankable area in question. He slid his hand around her hip, settling it between her legs possessively.

Awareness flickered beneath his touch. That’s all it was, though—a brief spark. Try as she might, she couldn’t find the energy to encourage him. “Davis…”

“Sshh, it’s late. I’ll still be here in the morning.”

“It is your house.”

“I meant here,” he said, giving her a gentle squeeze.

Maybe she was crazy, falling asleep in his bed. Making herself completely vulnerable to a man she barely knew. Nothing about it felt crazy, though. This bed, the man spooning her protectively, affectionately—everything felt right. Safe.

“Are your eyes closed?” he asked.


“That’s good.” The lowered volume of his voice made it seem even deeper. “Santa won’t come unless you’re sleeping.”

“Santa’s such a pervert.”

A chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Half-asleep and you still have a dirty mind. I like it.”

She hummed, fatigue finally stripping her of the ability to form words.

“When that right time and guy comes along, I hope he realizes what a lucky bastard he is.”

“What?” she whispered. Had he really said those sweet things, or was she already dreaming?

“Nothing, go to sleep. See you in the morning, good girl.”



Chapter Six


On the bedside table, Brinn’s cell phone started ringing for the third consecutive time. The perky, chirping-birds ringtone had woken Davis on the first go-round. The woman sharing his bed hadn’t even flinched at the sound.

He stroked her hair, tucking it behind her ear, making it easier for the little birdies to reach their intended recipient. All she did was smile in her sleep and snuggle closer to him. Okay, not
. Her hand also slid down his chest and curled around his cock.

Up and down, she stroked. Her leg wrapped over his hip and her heel spurred him in the butt, urging him closer. “Good morning.”

“So you are awake.”

“Not completely, but you can help with that, if you want.”

“I want.” He disentangled, chuckling at her pouty whimper when he rolled away to get a condom. “Here.” He snagged her cell and tossed it onto the bed, then tore into the square packet. “Mute that while I do this.”

“You don’t want to pretend we’re getting back to nature?” she asked, giggling while scooping up the phone on its final chirp.

He didn’t get a chance to answer, because Brinn had shot upright the second she looked at the phone’s screen.

“It was my mom’s cell. She’s called three times.”

“You didn’t hear it ringing the first two?”

Early-morning sunshine streaming through the window bounced off Brinn’s silky hair as she shook her head. “I woke up when you touched me. I figured it was my parents wanting to say Merry Christmas, but they wouldn’t keep calling just to do that, and they wouldn’t call from her cell.” She looked up at him with wide-open eyes, biting her downturned lip. “I’d better call her back…I’m sorry.”

“Hey,” he patted just above his knee and winked, “I warned you what would happen if you keep saying that.” His attempt at keeping things light and playful earned him a weak smile. “I’m going to grab a shower and give you some privacy,” he said, before the apology written all over her face had a chance to slip through her lips. Again. “Join me when you’re off the phone. I’ll help you clean all those hard-to-reach places.”

This time, she smiled for real. “Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.”

He left her to her call and headed down the hall to the bathroom. Twenty-eight years old and her parents still called to say
Merry Christmas
at seven in the morning. Hard to wrap his mind around. He couldn’t remember a time when he and his parents had exchanged any kind of warm holiday sentiment. Any warmth at all.

He turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature and stepped under the spray. A little cooler than usual, to conserve the hot water for when Brinn joined him. Once he had her curvy, naked body all slick and glistening, he planned to be in here awhile.

When they’d used the last drop of hot water, he’d cook her breakfast. Most women picked at their food and it irked the hell out of him. Not Brinn. She ate with gusto. Watching her thoroughly enjoy the meal he’d prepared last night had made his chest puff out as if he’d received a five-star review at the restaurant. After he’d satisfied her hunger this morning, he’d carry her back to bed to take care of their other appetites.

Then he’d watch her walk out the door. Unless he could convince her to delay her Christmas Day plans. Unlikely, given the way her expressive face lit up when she’d talked about her family during dinner. As much as it boggled his mind, Brinn
to spend her only day off with her family. She’d probably be there already if the weather had been better last night.

Maybe he’d get lucky and snow squalls would sweep the region before they finished breakfast. A selfish man could hope.

A light knock preceded Brinn’s entrance.

“You’re kind of overdressed for a shower.” He pushed the curtain halfway to one side and motioned her closer. “Wet jeans are a pain in the ass to remove, but I’m up for the job. I might leave the wet t-shirt on you though. Just because.”

The dirty-minded woman with a great sense of humor barely cracked a smile. Something was up—other than his cock.

“I have to get going.”

“Right now?” At her hasty nod, he shut off the water, wrapped a towel around his waist and stepped out of the stall. “Because of the call?”

“My dad’s in the hospital. My mom thinks he had a heart attack.”

Talk about the shittiest timing ever. “What’s the prognosis?”

“I don’t know…” The tip of her nose turned pink, then red, and tears welled in her eyes. “She hasn’t heard anything since they rushed him away for tests.”

Not a great sign. “Come here,” he said, wrapping her in a tight hug. “Doctors do amazing things. No matter what they find, I’m sure they’ll have him back on his feet in no time.”

“He has to be okay. I’m not ready for him to die.”

“He’s not going to die.” Fuck, what the hell was he doing, telling her that when he knew absolutely zero about the situation or the man’s general health.

She swiped tears from her cheeks and looked up at him. “I’ve got to go. If he needs surgery or—” She shook her head, rather than finish the sentence. “I have to get there as quickly as possible, and it’s two hours away.”

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