Gina's Private Police Force [Men of Montana 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) (29 page)

BOOK: Gina's Private Police Force [Men of Montana 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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Picking up the bags, he wandered out to the double glass doors, vowing silently to return one day to teach the little brunette some manners and respect. Making his way out to the taxi, he climbed in the backseat and dug through the bags. Extracting what he needed, he waited for the driver to return to his seat, start the engine, and then resume their journey.

Nearing the motel the driver turned on his signal, slowed, and then pulled in the driveway. He directed the driver to the far end of the building where there were few cars. Once the car was put into park, the mystery man pulled the driver’s soda from the bag and handed it to him.

While the man was distracted taking a drink, a scarred hand grasped the hunting knife he purchased and slid it around to the front of the driver’s throat. “I’m sorry to do this, man, but I need your car. Drink up. I don’t want you dehydrated.”

In the rearview mirror the man’s eyes had become large with fear. Doing as he was told, he finished the bottle of soda, all the while watching the disfigured man pull something else from the bags.

“Now, you are going to get back here with me so I can tie you up. I see you have children and I’m sure you don’t want to have them grow up without a father, would you?”

The dark-haired man shook his head, afraid of the consequences. Getting out he climbed into the backseat with the seemingly psychotic man. With several instructions spoken, the scarred man had the driver trussed up and laying down on the seat when he took to the driver’s seat.

Returning to the hospital, he parked in the actual parking lot instead of the taxi stand, so he could keep an eye on the front door. He would wait until the sheriff exited with Gina and then follow them. He knew where the sheriff lived, but perhaps he would be able to surprise the man somewhere along the way. He was bound and determined to take Gina back. She belonged to him and no one was going to keep her away from him.

Once he saw the sheriff and his deputy escort Gina out of the hospital entrance and then help her into the SUV, he became perturbed that both men seemed overly protective of her. Was it possible that both men cared for her? Was it possible she was sleeping with both of them? The thought bristled within him, causing his anger to bubble harder within his veins.

He never imagined the night would turn out the way it had. When he saw the roadblock ahead of him, he panicked. There was no way he would be caught. He had to get his woman back so sitting in a jail cell wasn’t going to help him to achieve his goal.

After he crashed and climbed from the car, pitch darkness surrounded him as there was very little moonlight. When he came to the zenith of the hill, he began to run downhill. Stumbling several times along the way over items he wasn’t able to see, he was banged up with bruises and scattered cuts. Hearing people at a distance behind him, he feared they would catch him soon.

After being on the run for about twenty minutes, the man’s foot seemed to step into thin air. Falling down about six or seven feet, his body jarred at the impact. Feeling his way around the area, he found he had fallen into the den of an animal. He had to hope there wasn’t a wild animal hibernating in it and then hope he would be able to stay there until morning without being discovered by the men who were searching for him.

Sitting as still as possible, the scarred man listened for any signs of discovery. Eventually, he heard the men pass by and he had to sigh in relief. Letting himself come down from his adrenaline high, he let sleep overtake him for a few hours before he woke, confused at first on where he was.

The smell of fresh dirt and snow mixed together to remind him of his escape from the welcome wagon he was going to receive last night. He knew he needed to get out of the area so he headed out in the opposite direction of where he came from. Making his way down the hill, he glanced back up the hill and couldn’t even see where the den was. It had provided a great hiding place for him.

Staying out of sight as much as he could among the brush and trees parallel to the road, he made his way to the house he was staying at. He hated that he had damaged the man’s pickup and that he was trespassing, but in his current state, desperation had consumed him and he had one thing on his mind. Getting Gina back.

Now, he let sleep overtake him as the heat from the heater along with the blankets warmed his freezing body and his body began to relax. Sleep would be his solace for the rest of the day and night and then in the morning he would have to come up with a new plan.


* * * *


As Connor and Jared turned onto the main road from the ranch, they found Storm and Austin waiting for them. They both were standing in front of Austin’s black pickup, peering over a map that was spread out on the hood of the truck. Being tall enough, they had an excellent vantage to look it over.

Pulling over next to them, Jared rolled his window down. “Hey, guys. Any luck?”

Both men moved around to the open window. After looking at his cousin, Storm decided to be the one to speak. “We headed out at first light over the hill in the direction we thought he had gone in and found the den of a fox. It looks like it had collapsed and there were footprints in and around it. Looks like the man had holed up there for the night. We lost his tracks near the road to our house. Sorry we weren’t able to nab the guy.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Connor said before glancing at Jared. “Doesn’t Wilson live off that road?”

Realization dawning on him, Jared shifted to look at Connor. “Yes. He does. You think he might be holed up there while Wilson’s gone?”

“It’s a shot in the dark, but it wouldn’t hurt to look.” Looking at the two cousins standing on the side of the road, he said, “I appreciate the help. Just keep a look out for this guy. He seems pretty slick, but I’m sure he’ll slip up somewhere.”

“Of course, Con,” Austin responded, using the nickname they had used for Connor all the way back to elementary school. “No matter what, we protect our women and each other.”

Austin and Storm stepped back from the truck and Austin slapped the door twice to let Connor know to proceed. Both men continually told him how grateful they had been that Connor had stepped in when Lyndee was in trouble months back, so they most likely knew how the man was feeling at the moment. They were both probably glad they could help in any way.

Connor and Jared drove off in the direction of Wilson Jameson’s house, leaving behind Gina who didn’t ask where they were going. Perhaps, they both thought, she was beginning to trust them with protecting her.

Thirty minutes later the white Tahoe with “Lake County Sheriff” emblazoned on its side and tail pulled up the dirt road to Wilson’s house. It had been rough going since it was more mud than dirt but with four-wheel drive, Connor could get most anywhere.

Getting out of the SUV, both men shut their doors, looking up at the large house. The house had belonged to Wilson’s uncle from what Jared had gathered. The man had made a living in the technological world of software and had built the vacation home here even though it didn’t look like it.

It looked as if it belonged in a rich fancy neighborhood even with its rustic log-cabin look with hewn timber logs and stone columns. Large floor-to-ceiling windows stood facing the west to catch the magnificent sunsets that this area produced, which Jared believed added to the opulence of the place.

Large slabs of slate stepped up the hillside to the house from the driveway leading to a large patio area that ran the length of the house in front. There was enough room to have a large party out here in the summertime, letting people wander in and out of the house and not bump into other party-goers. Behind the house was an open area about an acre wide and longer than the house itself. A large pool took up one end with a large stone waterfall that cascaded into the pool, while a lush lawn-and-slate patio took up the rest of the area, and beyond that stood the woods. It was a beautiful sight to anyone coming onto the property, but it also looked like it belonged in the setting surrounding it.

Wilson hadn’t known his uncle when he grew up, so it was a surprise to him after he and his wife moved here after his stint in the Marines. They had been living in town in an apartment when his father called to say that his uncle spent time in the same town. His father and uncle had only reunited recently after a long-standing feud between them had isolated them from each other, which started over a woman in college.

The uncle was leaving after summer was over to return to California and offered to let his nephew and wife move in. They would be the caretakers there throughout the year even when he came to visit. To say it was a boon, especially after serving in the military and not making a lot of money, was to say the least. They were set for a while at least, until the uncle decided to do something else with the house, or even get a new caretaker, but for now, they were enjoying the good life.

Or, at least, hopefully they would.

There was no telling what the shape of the house would be in if someone had broken in. They hadn’t seen the shape of Wilson’s truck, although Trey had told them it was in pretty good condition since Connor’s truck had taken the brunt of the impact.

Both men pulled their weapons, ready for whatever might greet them on the other side of the large oak double doors. Jared stood off to the side per his boss’s silent instructions while Connor stood before the massive door and knocked. Listening, they heard nothing. No footsteps, no TV or radio, just silence.

Connor glanced at Jared. Was it possible the man just stole the truck and nothing else? It was perfect timing that Wilson was gone, so why not stay here until the scarred man got what he wanted from Gina or until Wilson returned. Knocking again, they were met with the same response.

Trying the doorknob, Connor found it locked, of course. He sighed deeply while Jared began to rummage his hand through the potted evergreen tree to the right of the doors. Finding what he was looking for, he slipped the key into the lock and opened the door.

Cold air welcomed them as the heater obviously hadn’t been left on. It would seem that if anyone broke in and was staying there in the midst of winter, they would utilize the heater. Moving from the foyer to the living room off to the left, they found a most impressive room with two sitting areas on both sides of the massive stone fireplace that rose up two stories, as did the room itself. Leather furniture spoke of the opulence of wealth as did the rich woods and the knickknacks themselves.

Through the doorway the two men made their way through the large dining room with a table that seemed to sit about twenty people. Two sideboards made of oak lined the wall on one side of the room while the other side held cabinets, which probably were stuffed with dishes. This would have been the perfect spot to have a buffet breakfast set out before a day of hunting or horseback riding. A dinner could be served here also and then retirement to the living room to enjoy the fire at the end of the evening. Perhaps Jared would suggest that to Wilson as a source of income since people paid good money for situations such as that around here.

But now, they needed to find the mystery man that was hunting their woman.

Making their way into the kitchen they found it was a chef’s dream. Stainless steel, black granite countertops, and every fancy appliance, big and small, that could be purchased adorned the room. Apparently the decorator of this home had been given a blank check and they spent it well.

But the few utensils sitting in the sink and the loaf of bread that sat next to it along with a bottle of mustard looked out of place. The two men glanced at each other with curiosity as they began to look around for more out-of-place scenarios.

“Perhaps they weren’t able to clean up everything before they left,” Jared said, playing devil’s advocate as he stepped toward the refrigerator.

“Or,” Connor began as he stepped over to the counter that held the coffee maker, “the person was here recently. The coffeepot is still warm.”

Jared opened the fridge and looked in at the contents. Nearly empty save for some bottles of soda, lunchmeat, and cheese. Nothing looked out of place, except for the fact that the lunchmeat would go bad before Wilson returned. It looked as if the man and his wife had cleaned out everything that would be perishable before they left, so why were there a few items that would expire before their return?

“Looks like someone has been here,” he said aloud.

Connor came over and popped his head in the refrigerator door to check. “Yes. But the million dollar question is…Where is he now?”

Closing the stainless steel door, Jared leaned against it. “Do you think he’ll be back?”

Sighing, Connor leaned against the island. “There doesn’t seem to be any reason why he wouldn’t. I think we should have someone stake out the house.”

“Who?” Jared asked, not wanting to be parted from Gina any more than he had to.

Connor felt his friend’s hesitation and knew they both needed to protect their woman. Guilt consumed him that he would take any of his men away from their families to do a stakeout, but the job needed to be done. “I’ll call Adam. I want Trey to take us out to Wilson’s pickup at the impound yard.”

The two headed out the backdoor of the kitchen. Connor wanted to check as much as possible on the property though they weren’t sure where the property lines were. There was a pool house on the far side of the pool, which had a canvas cover on it for the winter. The pool house was locked and a glance through the windows indicated nothing was out of place there. The inside was just as pristine and nicely decorated as the main house.

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