Girl After Dark (10 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Eve

BOOK: Girl After Dark
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“Hey, join us for cocktails!” Jonathan says. “It’s happy hour!”

“Awesome!” Rita says. “We’ve got a dinner reservation, but we can stay for one drink!”

And as she takes the seat next to me, I feel her quickly looking me up and down, a curious smile curling at the corners of her thin lips.

I wonder if she’s into girls, I think.

And then another strange thought flashes into my head: I wonder if
into girls, too?

But before I can even consider this any further, the other girl, Cami says something from across the table that I just can’t quite believe.

“Hey Jonathan! Have you read that blog I forwarded you yet?
Girl After Dark

I almost choke on my cocktail.


“Not yet,” he replies. “What’s it about?”

“It’s this single girl,” Cami explains, as I try to fight back the blush that I can feel creeping across my face, “who’s just moved to the city. She’s out on this voyage of discovery, but it’s really well-written. You feel like she’s your best friend already …”

“It’s so hot, too!” Rita joins in. “It’s all about her exploring her fantasies. There’s this one post with this guy in a hotel room? He’s like a dream come true. Just what you always wanted Jonathan! You’ll love it.”

“Well, I could always do with a little more hotness in my life,” Jonathan laughs. “I’ll check it out!”

As I slowly get over the shock that they’re talking about
my blog
, I begin to realise that this is actually a pretty good thing, right?

Because it means that my blog is getting popular. Like,
popular. And not just that but that my readers are people like these guys: people I’d actually like to hang out with, people I’d like to be friends with.

As the conversation moves on to gossip about one of their old college friends, I sit back and smile, listening to these new friends of mine talking and laughing.

And inside, I feel happy and warm and proud.

I can’t wait for them to find out what Girl After Dark is going to do next ...



The club Jonathan takes me to is called The Vortex. A candlelit cabaret club, it’s styled like the old Victorian music halls in London that I loved so much. There’s a hint of faded glamour, but the martini glasses are gleaming and the red velvet curtains and upholstery are plush, and the excited murmur of voices that fills my ears from the moment we set foot in the place suggests we’re in for something special tonight …

Jonathan told me that The Vortex was
place to go for alternative, queer-friendly, but very sexy burlesque and cabaret.

And here we are, slipping into our seats just as the already-dim lights go down another notch or two and the music swells.

A tall, striking woman elegantly sashays onto the stage, dressed in what looks like a vintage Yves Saint Laurent
Le Smoking
suit. Wow! She looks absolutely incredible. Her lips are blood red, her skin is milk-pale her hair is jet black and pulled tightly into a top knot, all the better to accentuate her razor-sharp cheek bones.

“Ladies and gentlemen,
damen und herren
mesdames et messieurs
,” she purrs, slowly and deliberately, “welcome to The Vortex. I’m Mistress Helena, your hostess for the evening. Some of you know me a little … Some of you know me
well … and as for the rest of you?”

At this her gleaming emerald eyes swoop the audience for a delicious second, sending a shiver up my spine when they latch onto mine.

“We’re about to get

The band suddenly strike up again — a slow sexy number — and Mistress Helena begins to sing, her deep sonorous voice rising up from within her in the most magnificent way, purring past her full lips like cigar smoke.

She controls the band with the slightest of gestures, the crook of a finger, a knowing glance. She’s fully in command of the room as she slowly and playfully begins to prowl the stage, and she knows it.

With one fluid gesture, she slowly removes her jacket and the audience gasps.

Jonathan leans into me. “She’s such a
,” he whispers. “You’ll never see anything more than that.”

She’s so cool, so collected, so composed, that I feel like I’d give anything right now to see a little more of her body.

The band die down again and Mistress Helena stops at the front of the stage, lifting the microphone once more to her full, glossy lips. “And now, dear children,” she says, “our first act. So please give the warmest
of warm welcomes to … Miss Scarlet … O’ …

The room erupts into applause, and I hold my breath, weirdly nervous as I wait for this girl, whoever she is, to step out onto the stage. I can feel my heart drumming in my chest as the lights dim once more, the curtains at the back of the stage part, the drums roll, and at first, because of the dazzling stage lights shining down on her, all I can see is her silhouette.

And then the band strikes up, and I recognize the song immediately, those familiar opening notes of ‘Fever’. And as the song begins — “Never know how much I love you …” — and the lights go up, I see the girl on stage properly for the first time.

The stage is bare, except for the single chair she’s sitting on. Her bright red hair is pulled into a bun, a little white blouse, a grey blazer and pencil skirt, and she’s wearing seamed stockings and amazing 1940’s heels.

Her legs are crossed and she taps one dangling foot in time to the beat.

All of a sudden, she shifts on her chair, uncrossing the recrossing her legs the other way.

She’s so in control. It’s incredible. Every movement she makes is fluid and sexy and confident.

Still in time with the beat, her eyes staring out at the crowd, she begins to slowly unbutton her blazer, slipping it elegantly off her shoulders, holding it out in front of her for a moment before dropping it to the floor.

Next to go is the blouse, unbuttoned one tantalizing button at a time before it slips off her shoulders, revealing her milky white skin beneath. Then her skirt, unzipped with expert precision.

And then she’s standing there in just her underwear.

As her eyes scan the audience, it’s obvious just how much she’s loving this. She’s really feeding off our gaze.

I too feel my heart quicken — I wasn’t even sure I’d be
this, but it turns out I am. I really, really am. I take a shaky little sip of my drink then cross then recross my own legs beneath the table, trying to play it casual, like I go to things like this all the time, but secretly embarrassed to feel that I’m getting pretty wet.

I feel myself blush.

Is it
just how turned on I’m getting? I wonder, shooting a nervous glance at Jonathan. But luckily he - along with everyone else in this club - only has eyes for Scarlet.

  She reaches behind her back, unclasps her bra, then teases us for a moment, holding the cups to her sumptuous breasts before eventually letting them slip free — to reveal sparkling silver nipple tassels.

The applause is rapturous, and Scarlet leaves the stage with a final wave, leaving us — leaving
— wanting a whole lot more.

I can feel the blood pounding around my veins — I feel so totally

Just then Miss Helena steps back onto the stage, tapping the mic with a glossy black fingernail.

The room falls silent.

“The dazzling Scarlet O’Harlot,” she purrs. “Who else is a little hot under the collar? Ladies and gentlemen, this is my favourite part of the evening. In the audience tonight, we could have a future burlesque superstar. Yes, prepare to experience some
new talent. Because it’s our Open Stage section of the evening. And I want you to give a very, very warm Vortex welcome to tonight’s newcomer … Amy? … Amy, come on up to the stage.”

I hear a chair scrape behind me, and I turn around to see a girl stand up and nervously head towards the stage.

She’s about my own age, maybe a little older. She’s not glamorous-looking like Scarlet. She’s petite and curvy with long blonde hair.

She takes the stage, the band strikes up, she begins to dance, and suddenly she’s not nervous anymore.

And as I watch this unconventional beauty lap up the whoops and cheers from the crowd, I think:
I could do that.




“So, did you enjoy it?” Jonathan says with a smile when the lights finally come up, once the very last act has left the stage.

“I loved it,” I smile back honestly, both of us standing up to put on our coats, the room suddenly dazzlingly bright after all that darkness.

“You know, you’d be great on that stage,” he says with a cheeky grin. “Little Miss Innocent getting her kicks? People would
love it

“No way!” I say, a little too enthusiastically, hoping he can’t somehow read exactly what I’ve been thinking for the last half hour. “I could never do something like that!”

“Well, if I had
your figure
Honey,” he says with a sigh, “I’d be all over that stage! Anyway, would you excuse me for a moment? I’ve got to visit the little boy’s room …”

As Jonathan heads off in the direction of the bathrooms, out of the corner of my eye I catch the unmistakable slim figure of Mistress Helena, walking towards a door marked ‘Dressing Rooms’.

“Excuse me?” I call after her, my voice escaping my lips before I’ve even really thought about what I’m doing.

“Yes?” she says, turning back to face me, one sleek black eyebrow raising.

“Next week,” I say timidly, “I want to try out … The Open Stage, I mean.”

She looks me up and down then smiles, her bright green eyes piercing me for a moment.

“Well of course, my darling,” she says softly. “What name should I put you down as?”

“Honey,” I reply.

“Well, Honey,” she says, her voice just a low sexy purr, “I’ll see
next week.”





A few days later, Katy and I finally manage to coordinate our diaries for a Skype chat. As the distinctive dial tone plays out and I wait for Katy to answer, I feel like I’ve got so much to tell her, but also so much I’m not sure quite how to explain.

When she connects to the call, my heart leaps when my laptops screen fills with that familiar face — her thick unruly brown hair, her dimpled cheeks, and her kind hazel eyes — but suddenly the friendly smile turns into open-mouthed shock.

“Oh my God,” she exclaims, her eyes widening as she looks at me.

“What? What?” I say, worried, totally clueless as to what could make her react that way.

!” she gasps.

“Oh, sorry!” I laugh. “I should have warned you. There might have been a few changes around here … Do you like it?” I add, meekly.

Her face breaks out once more into a smile.

“Of course I do. I
it. God, I wish I had hair like yours. I can’t do
with mine. So, what else is new?”

“Well …” I say, as I grab the hem of my t-shirt, about to lift it up to show Katy my tattoo …

But then something stops me, I don’t know why.

It’s not like Katy’s judgmental, and I’ve always been able to tell her
in the past — even really really embarrassing things … I guess the difference with this is, it’s so much about my new quest, my search for a new identity, and that this search is somehow private. I guess perhaps because I’ve no idea where I’m going to end up yet?

“Oh, nothing much,” I say instead. 

“So?” Katy persists. “Have you met any cute guys?”

At this question, Carson’s intense green-grey eyes flash through my mind for the millionth time this week.

But again, I feel I need to keep this info to myself for some reason.

I know Katy would have some really great advice right now about not getting into another relationship so soon, but I feel like a girly heart-to-heart just wouldn’t be the same over Skype.

Instead I reply, “Well, for one thing we’re related and for another he’s not into girls, but it turns out my cousin Jonathan is really cool. We’ve been hanging out loads. He was
a geek when we were younger, but now he’s super stylish!”

“That’s awesome,” Katy smiles. “I’m glad you’re making friends. And how about your dad? What’s it like living at home again? I think that would drive me crazy!”

“Turns out he broke up with Gretchen,” I explain with a sigh, “like
a year
ago. I think he’s been denying it to himself. He didn’t even tell me at first. But it was obvious that something had happened. The apartment was an absolute pigsty when I first got here. I’m kind of worried about him, to tell you the truth. He doesn’t seen depressed or anything, just distracted all the time. I wish I could think of something to cheer him up.”

“Well, looking at you now,” Katy smiles, “it’s obvious, don’t you think?”

“What do you mean?” I ask, confused.

“Your makeover! You look great! Different, but still you. And you look happy. Why don’t you take your dad shopping, too? I’ll bet he hasn’t bought any new clothes since Gretchen left.”

“Oh my God,” I say, “you’re so right! What would I do without you!”

“Anytime,” Katy laughs. “Listen, I’ve gotta head off. Just as I was leaving the office, my boss handed me a manuscript, and he wants my thoughts on it by
tomorrow morning
. So if I don’t get reading pronto, I’m not going to get any sleep tonight.”

We hang up the call, and I sit back on my bed, the room suddenly feeling so lonely.

Skyping Katy has made me miss her even more, and I feel bad that I didn’t tell her the whole truth — about my tattoo, about Carson.

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