Girl Wonder's Winter Adventures (6 page)

BOOK: Girl Wonder's Winter Adventures
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It was my space explorer outfit with a special science kit belt for finding new animal and plant life on other planets.

“Thanks, Mum.” We all grinned. “Thanks very much.”

“But what happened to the books?” Anthony asked.

“What books?” Mum frowned.

“The books that were under the Christmas tree last night,” Edward said before I could stop him.

I could have kicked him!

“I think you two must have been dreaming,” Mum said sternly. “I know my children wouldn’t be so sneaky as to try to open their presents before Christmas Day, unless they were dreaming about opening them. Isn’t that right, Maxine?”

“Yes!” I agreed, very quickly. “Merry Christmas, Mum.”

“Yeah, Happy Christmas,” said Edward.

“It’s a lovely Christmas, Mum,” said Anthony.

“Merry Christmas to us all,” said Mum. And we all hugged each other, tight, tight, tight.

Then Mum walked back into the kitchen – and she was smiling.

Girl Wonder’s Winter Wordsearch

There are seven words hidden in this wonderfully wintry wordsearch. Can you find them all?

1. Blackberry

2. Carols

3. Christmas

4. Hallowe’en

5. Presents

6. Snow

7. Toboggan

Spot the Difference

There are five differences between these two pictures. Can you spot them all?

The Terrific Twins’ Tricky Quiz

How well do you know Girl Wonder and the Terrific Twins? Take this super tricky quiz to find out!

1. What does Mum make for dinner with the blackberry gravy?

2. What costume does Edward wear for Hallowe’en?

3. Where does Maxine suggest finding a real live frog to scare Mum with?

4. In which country did Dad’s grandma use marl to make fake snow?

5. What type of tree do Maxine, Anthony and Edward have in their garden?

6. Where are the carol singers when they get hit with snow from the biggest snowball in the universe?

7. What are the names of Maxine, Anthony and Edward’s aunt and uncle?

8. What does Jayne find to use as the eyes for the snowman?

9. What does Anthony think he’s getting for Christmas?

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