Glad Tidings (32 page)

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Authors: Debbie Macomber

BOOK: Glad Tidings
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“Did you really?” she asked skeptically. The excuse was all too convenient.

Nolan lowered his gaze. “No, I guess I didn’t believe he really had anything to do with the sale of my book. But having my columns picked up nationally came as a surprise. For a while I tried to convince myself your family had to be behind that, but I knew it wasn’t true. What
happened is exactly what you said would happen. You haunted me, Annie. Every time I turned around I could’ve sworn you were there. I’ve never missed anyone in my life the way I’ve missed you.”

She smiled shakily. “That’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever said to me.”

Nolan’s look was sheepish. “I tried to tell myself your father was out to buy you a husband. Namely me. Think about it, Annie. He got you that job with
and for all I knew he could’ve made it his primary purpose in life to give you everything you want.”

“I thought I’d proved otherwise,” she said. “My parents went out of their way to make sure none of us was spoiled. I was hoping I’d convinced you of that.”

“You did.” He slid his hands into the wide pockets of his raincoat. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that if your father’s willing to have me in the family, I’d be more than happy to take you off his hands.”

“Take me off his hands. How very kind of you,” Maryanne snapped, crossing her arms in annoyance. She was looking for romance, declarations of love and words that came straight from his heart. Instead he was handing out insults.

“Don’t get all bent out of shape,” he said and the smile that stole across his lips was so devastating Maryanne’s breath caught. “The way I figure it,” he continued, “you need someone…”

Maryanne turned to walk away from him. Not any great distance, of course, just far enough for him to know he wasn’t getting anywhere with this argument.

“All right,” he amended, catching her by the hand and urging her around to face him again. “
need someone.”


“You!” he concluded with a wide grin.

“You’re improving. Go on.”

“Nothing seemed right after you left. There was this giant hole inside me I couldn’t seem to fill. Work didn’t satisfy me any more. Nothing did. Gloria and Eddie asked about you and I didn’t know what to say. I was grateful Mom’s Place was closed, because I couldn’t have eaten there.”

A part of her longed for all the romantic words a woman wanted to hear from the man she loved. But it wasn’t too likely she’d get them from Nolan. He wasn’t telling her he’d heard her name whispered in the wind or seen it written in his heart. Nolan would never say things like that.

“You want me to move back to Seattle so I’ll quit haunting you,” she finally said.

“No. I want you to come back because I love you.”

“And need me?”

He nodded. “I still think you could do a hell of a lot better than marrying an ornery guy like me. I promise to be a good husband—that is, if you’re willing to put up with me…” He let the rest fade. His eyes grew humble as he slowly, uncertainly, pulled her into his arms. “Would you…be willing?”

She smiled, and hot tears gathered in the corners of her eyes. She nodded jerkily. “Yes. Oh, you idiot. I could slap you for putting us through all of this.”

“Wouldn’t a kiss do just as well?”

“I suppose, only…”

But the thought was left unspoken. His kiss was
long and thorough and said all the tender words, the fanciful phrases she’d never hear.

It was enough.

More than enough to last her a lifetime.


t was Christmas morning in the Adams household.

The wrapping paper had accumulated in a small mountain on the living-room carpet. The Christmas tree lights twinkled and “Silent Night” played in the background.

Maryanne sat on the sofa next to Nolan with her feet up, her head on her husband’s shoulder. The girls were busy sorting through their stash of new toys and playing their favorite game—“being grown-ups.” Bailey was pretending to be a young college graduate determined to make a name for herself in the newspaper business. Courtney played a jaded reporter from a rival newspaper, determined to thwart her. It was Maryanne and Nolan’s romance all over again. The girls had loved hearing every detail of their courtship.

“They don’t seem
disappointed about not getting a puppy,” he said.

“I’m so proud of them,” Maryanne smiled. Both Courtney and Bailey were thrilled about the new baby, and although it had been hard, they’d accepted that there wouldn’t be a puppy in the family, after all. Not for a few years, anyway.

“They’re adorable,” Nolan agreed and kissed the top of her head. “Just like their mother.”

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“When did you say your parents would—” Nolan didn’t get a chance to finish the question before the doorbell rang. “Is that them?” Samuel and Muriel Simpson had come from New York to spend Christmas week with the family.

Maryanne nodded. Sitting up, she called to her oldest daughter, “Courtney, could you please answer the door?”

Both girls raced to the front door, throwing it open. They were silent for just a second, then squealed with delight. “Grandma! Grandpa Simpson!”

“Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.”

Maryanne’s parents stepped into the house, carrying a large wicker basket. Inside slept a small black-and-white puppy.

“A puppy?” Courtney said in a hushed voice. She stared at her grandparents, who grinned and nodded.

“We think every family needs a dog,” Maryanne’s father said.

“Oh, he’s
cute,” Bailey whispered, covering her mouth with both hands.

“He’s perfect,” Courtney said, lifting the squirming puppy from his bed. “Is he ours? Can we keep him?”

“Oh, yes, this is a special-delivery Christmas gift for my two beautiful granddaughters.”

Maryanne came over to take the puppy from Courtney. She cuddled the small, warm body and looked into sleepy brown eyes.” I guess you’ve come a long way, haven’t you?” she murmured. The puppy gazed up at her, unblinking, and Maryanne fell in love. Just like that, all her concerns disappeared. At least this baby would be house-trained well before their son was born. And the girls could help look after him. She looked up to meet Nolan’s eyes, and he nodded. So, despite everything, there’s be
new additions to the family this next year.

Nolan ushered her parents inside and took their coats. “Sit down and make yourselves comfortable. Maryanne and I have a Christmas surprise, too.”

“As good as a new puppy?” her father asked.

“Oh, yes,” Courtney told him after a whispered consultation with her sister. She stroked the puppy, still cradled in her mother’s arms. “I don’t know what we’re naming
surprise, but we’re calling this one Jack.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-3352-6


Copyright © 2006 by MIRA Books.

The publisher acknowledges the copyright holder of the individual works as follows:


Copyright © 2005 by Debbie Macomber


Copyright © 1991 by Debbie Macomber.

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher, MIRA Books, 225 Duncan Mill Road, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M3B 3K9.

All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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